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Q: Does ANYthing related to activity/participation (badges/privileges/points) earned on one SE site extend across all SE sites?

WeaselADAPTI think the title covers the question pretty well, but ... are there ANY instances that if I earn a point, a badge, or a privilege on one StackExchange site that I'll find that I've earned it across the entire SE universe? How about this: are there ANY instances that if I earn a point, a badge, ...

2 hours later…
@GypsySpellweaver I think your answer as it relates to SO is actually backwards. The high-reputation privileges are all the same, it's the low-rep ones that are additional/different.
@NVZ I don't personally, no. It's normally the ladies in marketing
@Catija Well, it's only one priv. Create Tags, SO=1500, normal=300. everything else is the same.
Of course SO has the extra privs for the Documentation feature. but those don't compare to others since they don't exist
Right, but I thought your answer said that all the differences were in the higher rep area or did I miss read?
You didn't misread, I misunderstood from passing chats. Never compared them since I don't aim for privs, or rep.
I had thought it was mod-type privs that were higher, because of site size.
Ah. Ok.
The documentation rep stuff will go away soon anyway.
Are they dropping it?
Already announced the phase out.
There's a blog post around somewhere.
Dang it. I wonder if the "technical writting" A51 proposal can get it's "documentation" name back? Had to give it up when they added documentation to SO cause they (CMs) thought it would be confusing.
Doubt it.
I guess it didn't fly, but I thought it was a good idea anyway.
I still walk a lonely road. Everybody is asleep when I'm online. Dang it.
Q: "I have been had sweeping." Is it correct

vipul kumawatI am not able to understand had in here please do help me. There is one more query can i change this phrase "face the music" to "getting face the music"

@Passerby hello there. Did I step on your toes?
I was merely improving your link, regardless of what your answer is or what state it's in.
Sorry if that wasn't to your liking.
My apologies.
@NVZ ?
@AJ I edited to improve a link. He/She rolled it back. Nothing more.
@NVZ which one?
@AJ Does it matter?
not really
Let's not dwell on that.
@ExtrovertedMainMan somebody upvoted this. LOL
I hope it's not you, @ExtrovertedMainMain
We use to have such cases on M&TV.
closed and heavily downvoted questions usually have an upvote.
I gave up trying to fathom the minds of random voters very early into my SE membership.
Q: What?? Meta User vs. Main User? OK, where is the most comprehensive User's Guide to all of these StackExchange intricacies?

WeaselADAPTI finally figured out that the reason I sometimes have 4 badges and sometimes have 7 (while on Interpersonal in both cases) is not an issue of refreshing, and the reason my profile page sometimes seems to have more details than at other times is not a matter of me imagining things. Indeed, there...

@IntrovertedMetaMan. Well, now we see if I stepped on toes.
@AJ You've been around long enough. Care to fact check me on my answer to that one?
@GypsySpellweaver which answer?
I like facts. They're nice things to have in life.
@GypsySpellweaver Yeah, but where's your answer?
Well... It's sorta there :/
Ignore the misnamed user >_>
There's no answer from you.
There's one from Witan ap Danu
Are you two related?
One soul, two bodies?
Oh my! What am I seeing? Instant change of face? Like Mission Impossible.
That'd be one way to envision it.
Well, you already got my upvote on that.
I just don't want to be putting disinformation out there. I am still new to SE. Ain't got my first Yearling badge yet.
Take me to your main account.
I'll read you.
I'll tell you how experienced you are.
Okay. Found it.
Not counting caching, my chat user should be homed to my original account
Looks like you know what you're doing.
Also, your meta answer is fine.
I now remember you asking me something on ELU meta
IPS is the only orphaned account
IPS is the only other site I really care for, after ELU.
Ah, yes. And there's the proof that my ELU is questionable. :)
I should stop answering these meta stuff for a while. It's actually getting monotonous. — NVZ 3 hours ago
I got bored answering questions on ELU, then turned to ELU meta, got bored, and now I'm on IPS. Let's see how long it takes for me to turn to some other site for fun.
True to my moniker I'm a wanderer. I visit lots of sites and drop bread crumbs here and there.
A few times I've even given another user the answer, then removed my comments so he gets all the credit.
I do that all the time as well. I give the other users all the credit. Give me credit if you quote this line, though. :P
ATM I'm mostly trying to help Computer Science Educators get going strong. I like computers (better than humans) and I think that site's got the potential to make a difference in the future.
That's why I usually have my chat user homed to that account.
4 hours later…
Q: How can I make sure my friends keep secrets?

Abhigyan ChattopadhyayI told my friends some secrets today... I'm not sure I meant what I even said, as the secret was about a person I did not like very much, and it was rather unpleasant. My friends had asked me why I didn't like that specific person, and I answered them honestly (a little too honestly, I think...)...

@NVZ culturally, I'm sure you could give some good insight for this question
@NVZ hey, if you're going to direct someone to another site who has asked an extremely low quality question, please tell them that they need to improve their question before asking it there.
@Catija Sure.
@BradleyWilson Never had a friend spill my secrets. So I don't know what anecdote to supply.
I'm also an open book. So there's not much to keep a secret.
@NVZ Not the worst policy to live by, that's for sure
If I like or dislike something, I'm usually DIRECT and I don't mince words. People either love me for that, or they hate me for that. No secrets.
And I just wish everyone around me did the same.
Yeah, I'm quite the same. I feel better within myself to ensure that I'm honest and forefront. It's the approach in which that happens, that changes.
I have in fact escaped punishment in school and colleges for just being honest. LOL
Not the worst outcome for honesty
If I'm caught doing something teachers don't like, I just go with "I'm sorry I did that." instead of "It wasn't me, you've got the wrong guy".
Life isn't easy like it was in college.
I now have to keep secrets.
Of others.
I know what you mean, now in the professional world. It's a whole different kettle of fish.
I see that some users are hell-bent on downvoting everything in their path, not that it affects me.
@Catija So you deleted my comment guiding a new user to another site?
That's odd. You could have instead added additional comments asking them to write better questions.
I'm just assuming it's you, since you told me about this matter. Not that I have proof it's you.
@NVZ Dat's a sekret. :P
Ah, somebody is starring me. Please don't star my words. They're not worth keeping longer.
@AJ That's a typo. :P
@Catija How about now?
Please note that English Language Learners would be the best place to ask questions if you're learning English. But before asking, it's important that you see "How can I ask about checking my text?" in the help pages. — NVZ 2 mins ago
I'm aware that in my comment, the help center links to ELU, while my suggestion is to visit ELL.
3 hours later…
Hey folks!
@Mithrandir How did you mix up the two of us?
Hello zizouz
Hey :)
@BradleyWilson You can always feel free to ask why a flag was declined. I don't want you to think that you can't. I deleted all three of those comments. We're all learning here, so be patient with us but do let us know if we need to address something! The comments here are crazy. Over the site's life we've deleted about 700 comments on the main site alone.
... and it's only been about two months!
@Catija I thought as much, I just want to ensure that i'm sending the correct flags for moderation, I don't want to waste anyone's time but more help you through the process! Appreciate the feedback, and I apologise if the meta post came across as abit ranty, I didn't want it to be that way. It's just more for my own learning that's all.
@BradleyWilson We do appreciate it! Comment flags are quick to handle and I usually delete more comments than are flagged.
I'm happy to reconsider any flag decisions if they need it. :)
@Catija I can imagine, I'm sure time will help you through that as the site grows and a unofficial consensus on comments is followed
@Catija It would be great if you could have a double check of the ones I mentioned in the question, if it isn't too much trouble. But otherwise 72/80 isn't too bad, my understanding is pretty solid and I'm not too much of an outlier in regards to flagging in comparison to you guys.
@BradleyWilson they're deleted already.
my bad, misread that. Been a long day at work! I'll keep you posted if I need to
Q: Is this site, essentially, a centre for primarily opinion-based questions?

luchonachoPlease, do not take me wrong. I am truly curious about this, and by no mean I am implying that this site should not exist or that it is less valid or useful or etc. I am a user in many other sites, and it amazes me the type of questions this site has (I normally see them in the Hot Network Quest...

@IntrovertedMetaMan. Oh, there you are! You're late for dinner.
@BradleyWilson Keep up! Flag away! Be careful what you flag though. :)
I certainly will, I've got a good understand thus far I think
joined the deputy club alongside you today.
We need more flaggers, reviewers, and editors as well, not just askers and answerers.
Baby steps.. Towards greatness.
I kind of prefer the flagging, reviewing and editing side of SE (mind you, you're quicker than most on the editing and people speak rather good English in comparison to Politics)
I have a dream.. that one day our site will be on people's minds when they think of asking a question online. They wouldn't need to google into random forums.
it will, it's smashing the Hot Network Questions at the minute.
I'm not amazing at grammar etc.., I'm just pedantic aha
What smashed HNQ?
I'm afraid we're talking past each other, probably?
Interpersonal Skills has so far IMO
I mean it has been doing well in the HNQ
Sorry, informal UK slang.
Ah, you mean in general? I see.
Because most posts here do not require a level of expertise you need on, say Physics, or English, or Electrical..
People can share their experience and make an answer out of it.
very true
Q: How to react when a complete stranger bursts out crying in front of you?

Bradley WilsonI was in victoria coach station in London a few months back and a woman out of nowhere started crying in front of me, I wasn't fast enough to help, a woman went up to her and consoled her (I'm not quite sure what the dialogue was) before me. With friends I can handle a situation such as this. ...

@ExtrovertedMainMan There, there. Sheldon Cooper knows how to answer that.
Would crying with them be socially acceptable?
@BradleyWilson I don't know. Why do you think crying would help?
sorry, it was a bad joke.
Oops. It went right through me.
Q: How to deal with someone who always takes, but never gives back

bluescreen_of_deathAbout a year ago, I became acquaintances with a guy who I thought just needed a little help getting things started. He has asked me to lend him money a few times, and I have always refused since I don't think he'd ever pay me back (even if he could). However, I have helped him with transportation...

Q: Should we encourage using placeholder names more often?

NVZOur questions deal with interpersonal interactions. It would naturally be a bad idea to bring up the real names of the persons involved when writing a question. Some OPs overcome this using friend, friend's friend, person A, person B etc. which is difficult for us answerers to use. It's also ta...

@IntrovertedMetaMan. Alice, Bob, Charlie and Eve. Simple! :P
@Catija @Zizouz212
Please continue here, if anything.
@Zizouz212 If you have alternate text you want, I'll edit your first comment but I'm not putting it back as is.
@NVZ I'm not replacing your comment because it's not related to the question and if you really have a concern about being serially downvoted, you need to let the Mods know so that we can look into it. I'm really not a fan of people leaving that sort of thing around on the site.
@Catija Sure, I can live with that. Let's meet halfway. It would perhaps have avoided this sort of mess if you had not written your comment starting with "Can we please stop.." and removing our comments almost the minute they were posted. Your comment was, honestly, stingy.
@NVZ I didn't remove any of my comments, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Anyways. That's settled.
Let's move on.
I'm removing the comment chain now.
Remove it all.
Except the other users'
The other user's comment answer?
It didn't feel like an answer.
It's a comment.
They said "we should do this ______"... that's an answer
Even if that were the case, META is something where rules are relaxed a bit. It's an unspoken and unwritten rule.
You must know this already.
Otherwise more such unnecessary conflicts might arise between you and other users.
@Catija As an aside. I'd just like to let you know, in case you didn't already, I am not new to SE. I have been here for 4 years, and I have been answering other users' queries on meta for quite some time now. So there is no need for you to "correct" me on everything I do. Just putting this out there to avoid us stepping on each other's toes. :)
@NVZ I'm only "correcting" the things that you do because you're doing things incorrectly. Asking the mods to change the help page in chat without asking on meta is wrong. The fact that you've been here for four years is exactly why I'm correcting you.
@Catija Sure, the best approach is a meta feature request or something. I intentionally didn't want a meta for that, since it wasn't all that important.
It was a mistake to tag you there, I realized immediately. I saw you online is all. I thought an informal "Hey, Catija, can you look into this?" was okay for you considering that we've been talking to each other for some days. Maybe you didn't feel the same closeness. It's fine.
If you expect only formal, neatly written meta posts, sure. I'll try that as well.
I'm not sure that closeness applies. I do my best to respond to people the same way regardless of how I feel about them. It's not easy. But if I feel that someone was out of line I will say that. Right now I'm in "take it to meta" mode because that's what we absolutely need here. People need to be actually discussing things on meta, not making decisions in chat that have no consensus.
I understand.
So we're good here.
I'll keep these in mind. :)
Q: How do I deal with screaming children in restaurants?

BeofettI want to start off by saying that I'm not referring to "family friendly" restaurants or other venues where a loud, informal atmosphere might be expected. I'm specifically asking about dining establishments where, under normal circumstances, conversation is typically quiet, and there's not gener...

@ExtrovertedMainMan You maniac. What did you do to em?
Q: How to deal with a nosy student?

FlxtrI'm giving a class for a new co-workers group. There are 9 students (or new co-workers), and one of them has a lot of questions, which many of this questions are really good (70%) and the remaining are out of context. I have responded almost all of those questions (95%), but, this guy seems to b...

Q: Can the threshold for protecting questions be lowered?

apaul34208Can the threshold for protecting questions be lowered, while we're in beta? Just thinking that protecting questions a little earlier may help with some of the issues we're seeing when questions hit the Hot Network Questions list. Looks like we're getting a lot of redundant and low quality answe...

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