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@pnuts Yes you admitted to it. It's too late to take that back! :D
And by the way I don't mind the corrections. This ain't my native language hence I'm always learning.
Gayot's First Law is less disputable than E=mc^2 - but it is not claimed by its proponent (?) whereas I'd be happy with "pnuts the corrector".
@GayotFow Great one with that no-reason-refusal meme!
@JoErNanO It's funny too
And for sure you all have seen it happening
The best would be I have a friend who had is visa refused for not reason.
My uncle told me to lie
I didn't fill in prior deportations because it wasn't relevant
I didn't know I was going to the UK until I got there
All of these have appeared in Tribunal cases!
I didn't know they were my employers, I just worked for them that's all
I thought my visa renewed automatically because it's a new year on 1 January
That was an American girl I tried to help
Also an American girl........
I came in from Dublin because they always deport me when I try Heathrow
She was caught in Liverpool...
She told them: "I was only a prostitute because my bf threw me out."
Aren't you going to arrest him instead?
I starred a few. Just for kicks.
The Tribunal was very severe with the guy who said his prior history was irrelevant :)
I will look it up for you ...
“When a direct question is asked, and answered untruthfully, there
is both a false representation and a non-disclosure; and it is not
open to an Appellant who gives an untruthful answer to a direct
question in an application form to say that the matter was not
That was the judge LOL
Even now it gives me a jolly giggle :)
I think these guys deserve a Darwin award rather then a deportation. :)
It's funny, no?
And totally deserving of a Darwin award.
No the judge the other ones
Once I had a very respectable British chap
who went to Kenya on a safari tour
and he fell in love with the cook
who always went around topless
and he took her to the airport because he wanted to bring her back
where's the Irishman and the Jew?
Jews are usually more inventive.
And they refused to board her because no passport
So he took her to the British mission
and told them she was under his protection and needed a passport
And they told him to leave
And he clocked the ECO ... LOL
And the Royal Marines had to restrain him and throw him out
And they called the Kenyan police who detained and removed him to the UK
for assault
Things we do for sex
And that's when he contacted me
She did have great breasts, I will give him that much
And I had to apologize to the Foreign Office
Reminds me of a gread joke
Now the Irishman and the Jew?
And when I went in to discuss it, nobody in the room could stop laughing...
I know I can't.
So what about the Irishman and a Jew?
And they were government officials FFS, and we just laughed about it
Sorry, yes, the Irishman and the Jew.......
And we finally got him a spouse visa........
Is willing to risk prison/deportation evidence that the marriage would not be a sham?
@pnuts lots of times it is still judged as a scam
So was it the government officials who were Irish/Jewish?
@pnuts It might be
@pnuts I have to ask cautiously why?
So "If all else fails, clock the ECO" is not reliable guidance for those seeking totty.
he is trying to lie his way out of lying........
@Gayot Fow i don't know which visa he intend visa for his country or shengen visa or any visa and i answered with no , can he get me refused for that reason only ? , and if so can i answer for him appeal to explain that i thought that he mean asked for his country only !! and that what really happened ! — mego megz 22 mins ago
@pnuts Excellent!
Once I had a Kikuyu girl who got in touch with me......
And she was drop dead gorgeous
tall, volupuous
beautiful face
and she was an asylum claimant
Which was outside my practice area, but I said WTF and took her on anyway...
Got paid in sex? :)
And her problem was that she had multiple arrests for indecency
And the magistrate had served her with a prohibitive steps order
And she was worried they would deport her
So it turned out..........
LOL, I can't stop laughing..... just a sec
She was uncomfortable using the shower and bathtub LOL
And so she bathed in the upper Tyburn creek
Which is near Primrose Hill
And in full view of a flat block and a road and a sidewalk LOL
So I told her I would help her get used to it...
Without any hanky panky though
It was so funny
Add user31571/user31577 to user31563/user31564/suren/user31523/Surya Ragh/farhad.
@pnuts This is a day of hilarity
Pure coincidence one was the one with "banned" on it and the other had the associated entry/exit stamp - no doubt.
Question 1 - I lied on an application
Question 2 - My son cut some pages from my passport
1 hour later…
A: Memes of travel.se

JoErNanOAccording to Gayot's Law rep begats rep.

perhaps pnuts the pedant
@pnuts maybe change your screen name?
it's an idea.
Something like PedantPatrol
Misses the hint at crazy.
The FranticPendanticRomantic?
Getting warmer!
ok, there are three holes in my yard.. my wife said she thinks it is a snake because she saw a head coming out from there and quickly goes inside again..
now I am worried.. anyone knows if snakes make holes and live under ground?
not sure where to get help.. last thing I want is my kids to get bitten when they play.. damn it
Even if not made by a snake, perhaps occupied by a snake (say one going after whatever made the hole)?
But surely more likely whatever made the hole?
i do not know..
it is just annoying and makes me worried
if my little kid noticed that hole he will surely tries to stick his little hand inside.. currently it is covered by grass...
i also found a dead frog.. so i was worried it is because snake bite it.. snakes do bite things and let them die before eating them..
i will try to find a place to ask.. maybe yahoo answers..
Add L L to user31571/user31577/user31563/user31564/suren/user31523/Surya Ragh/farhad.
@NeAnDerthal Do you have a cat?
if not, pour boiling water down the hole very slowly
@pnuts How about Netpad?
TOO subtle.
@GayotFow I don't like cats.. and I will try the boiling water idea in the morning...
With all these non-answers I'm now out of flags. :/ Here's one more: travel.stackexchange.com/a/50877
This one is not even trying to pretend he's answering.
Good to see that @pnuts is collecting these.
@NeAnDerthal no, then wait until midday when the serpent retreats for siesta
@NeAnDerthal How big is the hole? How big are the snakes in your country?
And where is @hippietrail when my amazing double innuendo posts need to be starred?
Point being: it could be a mole.
With Mole you'd have a small mound not just a hole.
@1999 But I'm not planning to add jahangiralam to the list, at least for the time being.
To which list? The purveyors of the finest spam?
@JoErNanO 2 inches maybe.. and I am in Indonesia currently (second home)... I do not know about snakes in here and where I am from there are no much snakes in urban areas..
but here in Indonesia things are different.. animals everywhere.. especially lizards and bugs... I just started to be ok with lizards and now snakes!!!!!!
too much grass and trees.. this is what you get..
there is nothing better than sand and deserts... no animals and no weird stuff...
@NeAnDerthal Where in Indonesia?
@Karlson Not as general as "purveyors of the finest spam" but just what appears may be accounts being used to prepare for something like the canadavisexpert thing again. jahangiralam seems to me more a troll than a prospective spammer.
there is a small dirty lake nearby.. and one time I was standing there and I saw something I have never seen like it before.. a snake came out from the water (big one) and was holding a big fish in its mouth... took like 10 minutes to start swallowing it then it went down to water again...
this place is full with animals.. locals do not seem to bother.. but I do..
anyway, time to sleep...
gd nigt
what is with all the **** answers the last couple of days? Surely it's not worth their while to make 'semi-fake accounts' just to spam in like 3 weeks or so...
As Gayot pointed out, just they can live off just three 'bites' each year.
(first just NWOV)
It is either a sock puppet attack or my twitter feed or something else...
At favoured theory at the moment is a sock puppet flood
@pnuts How about NitpickingNed?
I think indication of imbecility is more relevant than of fastidiousness. FranticPendanticRomantic is probably the most suitable so far - but maybe "20%" short of worth the aggro of changing. 6 characters max is a stipulation (now!)
@NeAnDerthal Dissolve baking soda in the water if you can.
@pnuts Potato tomato same thing. :)
@pnuts EllipticalPickle?
@pnuts But there's no thematic content
EllipticalPickle probably meets the "crazy" requirement (but not max 6).
What is the 6 max referring to?
@GayotFow I added a requirement the moniker be a maximum of six characters.
Oh my!
@MarkMayo A current conjecture:
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 16 hours ago, by Andrew T.
self-act, or professor told students to answer travel.se for extra credit?
The "answers" appear well-intentioned but yeah...
Here's one more of these, farook ahmed: travel.stackexchange.com/a/50886
@1999 I think that's a stretch
@1999 Yeah, my take is that they are sincere. It does not mean high quality though. I try not to hurt their feelings
May make some sense for IT students but wild for here. Add farook ahmed to L L/user31571/user31577/user31563/user31564/suren/user31523/Surya Ragh/farhad. "sincere"? I think not.
Note that at least three answers from the users associated with the canadianvisaexpert question were plagiarism, including one that started “This is a quick itinerary and notes of my recent trip” where that trip took place earlier than 3 years ago.
@pnuts, did you put a bounty in?
I did.
I did too
@pnuts I have a good 6 character candidate
I'll think about the username but after mentioning that the bounty was exactly as it says (hey, stock wording that suits - makes a change!) and the +50 was meant as a sign of appreciation for your other answers also, where the reward is out of line with the work involved relative to many other As with lots of upvotes. (Your subject matter is too specialised!)
@pnuts Indeed very kind of you
Not really - say compared to travel.stackexchange.com/a/41932/4995 - but it is only a token.
That was 500 points, somebody could get nearly every unlock!
At least all the good ones!
That's about the equivalent of 2 weeks of TSE every day
@Flimzy I was just watching Zombeavers
and noted your name in the crew list.
Coincidence, or do we have a B-grade horror film man in our midst? ;)
@GayotFow But Hubble07 is good (eg see his other answer).
@pnuts wow! I am all out of votes for a while or would have upped both of those answers
I think he would have deserved them and am glad you agree. (Will your rations be replenished in 1/2 hr?)
Yes, how did you know? 27 minutes I can give 1 vote
EyeGuy is retrograde - meets max 6 but not loopy/punctilious and if I am missing something then too subtle.
Usage against such limits is reset at UTC 00:00
It's very subtle
it's short for the guy with the eye
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