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Yeah, but if we're sure that America works, why not guess it?
Because under the same logic, WASHINGTON would also work
Personally, America >> Washington
Do you have any other options for Snow White tho?
She was passed an apple
Hmm, is there a well-known concert that's related to Snow White?
@JohnDvorak shhhhh
Is Snow White "mirror mirror on the wall"?
I don't see any connections to mirrors though
Oh hey, I'm not participating in the game so I can go look that up!
Maybe CAST? Since the evil queen "cast" a spell on the apple to make her fall asleep
I don't see anything better than America rn
I really need to eat, I'm struggling to even think right now
I ate during the first game
mirror mirror on the wall
who's the fairest of them all
not john dvorak because they
keep interupting, hey
@JohnDvorak I'm making fried rice after this, it'll be awesome :)
@JohnDvorak talking about food is forgiven
OK, no more shushing. Especially not shushing while SMing ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thoughts on CAST?
Me, I had risotto
I guess, it's rather tenuous
Do you see anything better?
I'd argue it's a much better fit than Washington, and nothing else really works
Hmm, I guess we can try, although I still have doubts about WASHINGTON
Playing AMERICA?
Blue currently has 1 guesses remaining.
I don't mind going for Cast if you like it
We still have one more "Home run" word left
And one more Snow White clue
Oops, you're not on my team! Delete
Didn't the Washington Nationals just win the baseball competition thing?
@JohnDvorak You know you're on red team, right?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, that's what I'm referring to
And it's the World Series
I'll support whatever word you'd like to guess
Washington sounds okay for "home run"
@PiIsNot3 Despite only being held in the US
For "snow white"
@cairdcoinheringaahing We're nothing if not self-aggrandizing.
That's okay. Miss Universe is also biased towards Earth women.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, I never got why they call the championships in the US "World (whatever)"
@user58 Oh yeah, didn't think of that!
@JohnDvorak Wait 1000 years and Miss Methane Planet will win
Is it better than CAST, though?
Yes, because "pasty white" and "white as paste" are common expressions
or not "white as paste", but it's "pasty white" is common
I'm almost in agreement with you, but just to do a little metagaming, is there precedence for "Snow White" cluing PASTE?
I.... don't remember.
I remember that clue being played at least once in the past, but can't remember if it was intended for PASTE
I'm not a massive fan of Paste
Seems a little too far fetched
@cairdcoinheringaahing Better than CAST imo
Yeah, I'm currently PASTE ~ WASHINGTON > CAST
Washington >> Paste = Cast for me
Depends on whether you all are more confident about the "Home run" word or the "Snow White" word
@user58 Any favourite order/word?
PASTE first works
AFK again
Sure, go ahead
OK, I'll play
Playing PASTE
PASTE is Yellow (neutral)
It is now Red's turn
Ok, no worries, at least it isn't Red or the assassin
@PiIsNot3 We're blue
Red: Elliptical (2)
@PiIsNot3 When you said that, I just assumed I was blue. You almost threw me off and tricked me in to helping you guys :P
Right? Circles are a special case of ellipse?
They are
Pie or revolution
Or maybe even hole?
According to physics, you can assume that Eagles are elliptical :P
Hole was my first idea, though I prefer Pie now
I like pie and revolution more than hole.
(Revolution as in rotation)
Pie is definitely funnier though haha
I don't think Revolution fits
circle -> pie -> hole?
perhaps push circle back?
@JohnDvorak Yeah, I guess that could be clued with something like "rotation"
I think circle is definitely the best of the ones we've mentioned
Your call then
Thoughts @rubiks?
Note: we can't win in one turn even if we play perfectly. It seems our SM is going for 2+2.
I'd go for pie -> hole -> circle
Hole before circle?
Holes don't have to have any particular shape but circles have to be elliptical
I suspect "elliptical" may have been given to exclude things that can only be exactly circular
otherwise the clue would have been "round"
Hmm. Aren't pies circular too?
@DJMcMayhem No, it's not 2, and it's not 3 either
I can't see anything that's obviously not circular
"elliptical" could also refer to ellipsis rather than ellipse
I'm not sure of any words that match ellipsis
I'd go for circle first. That was the most obvious connection and we've already talked about picking circle before.
hole/mine would be things where something was left out, but - again - there's a much better way to clue the pair.
Like "shaft" for example
Could be one ellipse and one ellipsis
Now, circle/hole could have been "drainage"
I've also been eyeing hook for a while now, but it doesn't really fit
I like pie
That's tough. Hole and Pie are the only good ones I see. Hook is a possibility
(don't we all?)
Pie > hole because drainage
and because obviously non-circular pies do exist
I have an idea for elliptical but I'll hold on to it until after the game ends. Hopefully I remember to mention it.
You could just join red, you know ;)
Or you could join our team :P
PIE is Blue
When will you learn?
It is now Blue's turn
Aww dang
Nice! I knew that I was Blue at heart!
Tough game. Both teams guessed a word on the other team.
Hook could technically work though technically not an ellipse.
@PiIsNot3 Does that mean that 3 is Red?
@PiIsNot3 Definitely should.
Blue: Roost (3)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nah, THREE doesn't exist in Pi-land
6 messages moved to ­Trash
EAGLEs roost, yes
Good thing is we can guess it next round easy enough.
EAGLE is Blue
Nice and quick :)
Um but I don't really see anything else for that
To roost is to rest up, but don't see any resting/sleeping words on here
Oh, maybe HOLE?
As in a roost for burrowers?
We still have Washington and Cast as possible options
@PiIsNot3 :/
Why BARK? YARD I can see
tree bark
@cairdcoinheringaahing True, and we can possibly win this if we play our words correctly
Blue currently has 3 guesses remaining.
I get the feeling that only one of Washington and Cast is Blue, as we haven't had an unlimited clue
@user58 True, but aren't nests usually made from sticks and feathers, not bark?
And I definitely prefer Washington
@PiIsNot3 Yes, but a nest isn't roosting, is it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well that probably means there's an overlap between this clue and a previous onee
@user58 It might be, but I'm not a nest or bird expert
Aren't birds commonly associated with Washington? Cardinals e.g.
Washington the state, president, city, college, or...?
That'd be a fair bit removed from the original clue
Idk, just spitballing here
So... why "roost" instead of "bird"?
@user58 Most likely because "Roost" and a previous clue have an overlap that can't be clued by "Bird"
Leaving aside earlier clues for the moment. What could be clued by "roost" here that couldn't be clued by "bird"?
Paper is often used in nests, but that isn't any more satisfying
Well roosting as mentioned is an action that you only do in specific places
I have a hypothesis, but I won't tell just yet
So that can clue verbs and places
I'm more in favor of YARD now.
The only word we've said for more than one clue is YARD
For "Home run" and "Roost"
Which would take WASHINGTON off the table
And leave us with just one more "Snow White" word, which could be CAST
Washington > Yard > Bark = Paper > Cast = Hook
@cairdcoinheringaahing I roughly agree with this, except BARK over PAPER
Should we guess for Washington first?
I'd actually put YARD over WASHINGTON at this point
@PiIsNot3 Hmm, alright.
I'm good with that
Again, I'm working off the theory that "Roost" connects with a different clue
If WASHINGTON were Blue, that would limit the possible connections we can make
Hmm... PAPER could also be "snow white".
Ping me when it's my turn
Guess Yard first?
Is there a possible overlap between "Roost" and "Snow White?
@user58 Maybe PAPER can work for "Roost" too?
Snow White sleeps, doesn't she? But I think that's it
@PiIsNot3 Reaaalllyyy tenuous.
Yeah, def worse than the YARD connection
Can we decide on a first choice?
Maybe there's a connection between "Home run" and "Snow White" that we missed
But I'm OK with playing YARD first
YARD is Blue
Long walk for a short drink of water :P
the seven dwarves worked in concert with each other
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nothing in Codenames is ever short
@PiIsNot3 I once guessed the assassin withing 30 seconds of Shiro announcing the teams :P
So that (most likely) takes care of "Home run", so we're left with one for "Snow White" and one for "Roost"
@cairdcoinheringaahing I thought I was the only one :(
Blue currently has 2 guesses remaining.
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's probably not on you though, most likely the SM gave a bad clue
So, what are our best options now?
@cairdcoinheringaahing In an IRL game, we had someone guess the assassin at the end of the game. Like, one or two words away from winning IIRC.
CAST and PAPER were thrown around for "Snow White"
@PiIsNot3 Very short game though, no matter whose fault it was :P
Why does YARD cover "home run"?
@cairdcoinheringaahing The game is short, but the agony stays with you forever
last two games I've won, the other team guessed the assassin
@user58 I'm not entirely sure either, we threw it around originally. My best guess is that baseball can be played in backyards, thus home runs are super common?
YARD is a measure of distance.
Unless there's a better connection between "Roost" and "Snow White", I believe that YARD was the overlapping word
Does anyone here follow baseball? Are yards commonly used as a measure of distance there?
Home run distance is canonically measured in feet though
@user58 It's American, so I'd guess so
@PiIsNot3 Hmmm. So I'm not taking WASHINGTON off the back burner quite yet.
PAPER or BARK is probably the next guess.
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's not a great reason :P
@user58 Sure, but again, that would require a good overlapping word between "Roost" and "Snow White"
Unless our SM didn't mean for overlaps to occur...
To me as an American, the only context where "yards" are a natural unit is American Football
Unless, say, PIE was the other "snow white" word.
@DJMcMayhem Good point, isn't distance measured in football fields per square cheeseburgers across the pond? :P
@DJMcMayhem You're red
I don't know anything about yards for measurement in baseball
Paper works for Roost and Snow White, I guess
Pro-tip: if you use yards everywhere and call them meters, you'll be better off than insisting on using feet
Snow White -> apple -> apple pie? It's a degree removed though
That did cross my mind.
And my last white suggestion for "snow white" didn't go very well...
...then again, PLAY was red for the clue "home run".
So what are our options and why?
@user58 So you're saying the more non-obvious the connection, the more likely it is to be right?
Flip a coin and pray.
CAST and PAPER were suggested for "Snow White"
I think we've considered Yard, Paper, Washington, Bark, Cast, Hole, and Hook
We have PAPER - for "snow white" and possibly "roost". It's (generally) white, and used in nests.
HOLE, BARK, and PAPER were suggested for "Roost"

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