I'm studying to learn about things I want to learn about. I'm not doing it for the purpose of finding out how little I know. That is already apparent to me just from living
People split into two teams, red and blue. Each team has a "spymaster".
The spymasters are the only ones who know the secret assignments - some of the cards are "red spies", some are "blue spies", some are "civilians", and one is the "assassin".
Anyway, back to rules explanation: The spymasters try to get their teammates to guess the words on their side. Your team wins if you guess your color before the opponents guess their color.
So how do they get their teammates to guess the right words? Well, they take turns giving clues. However, these clues must take the form WORD (NUMBER). "Word" is a single word that can relate to any number of the words on the board. (It can't directly be any of them.) "Number" is the number of clues it relates to.
The teammates get NUMBER+1 guesses. Once they use all of those up, guess one that's not on their team, or pass instead of guessing, then it's the other team's turn to get a clue from their spymaster.
I played over Discord - we played it by getting the spymasters to agree on a seed (which goes in the box), not telling the other players, then screenshotting the grid.
We'd update every once in a while with a screenshot of the new grid state.
After you guess, the spymaster marks off the word with the correct color - red, blue, white, or black. (White is "neutral", ie not either of the teams' words. Black is the assassin.)
Oh, right. There's one card called the assassin. If either team ever guesses it, they instantly lose.
It's maddening when you're the spymaster and you confidently give the clue "Water, 4" for ATLANTIS, RIVER, VAPOR, and TOWER, and then you check the grid and see that FISH is the assassin
@dcfyj yup - they'd have to use something like DICE or MARBLES to get GAME/BOX or GAME/ROUND
I'd go for the former, so you could do PLANET, 3 to get ROUND/SATELLITE/STAR (hopefully)
there's a lot of trust in your teammates, hoping that they'll understand what you mean with very little information - in that sense it's similar to Contact, I think
@dcfyj Scientist might be an acceptable hit to take towards the beginning of the game. If I'd thought of drill though, it might make me more hesitant to give that as a clue
(remember, if you guess one of the opponents' words, it ends your turn AND gets them closer to having all of their words revealed first)
CLUB too - there was also Mario Golf - but ideally your teammates would assume that you were looking for more immediate connections, or pass when they felt too unsure about one of them
in practice... it sometimes happens
and sometimes after the game is over you point out what you obviously meant and they slap themselves
Alright. One time I said CLUE 7 although I only hinted at 1 word. But doing so I could allow my mate to use all the previous clues and target 5 words at once
Instead of giving the number, you have two more options: say "zero" or "unlimited". Both give your teammates as many guesses as they want until they pass or guess wrong, but they don't get the number of cards your clue relates to