At the end of Loki Season 1, Episode 6, when Loki is talking to Hunter B-15 and Mobius, Mobius asks Loki who he is. Shortly after, Hunter B-15 says
"Boots on the ground, archives, now,"
Why does she say this?
In Marvel's The Avengers (2012), when Loki is about to kill the old man who stood up to him, Captain America jumps in front and deflects the beam shot from the spear (at about 41:15). We later learn that the spear contains the Mind Stone, which gives it its power. How is Vibranium able to deflect...
In X-Files S1E14 "Gender Bender" the show starts off in a club of some kind with what I can only describe as a very grunge-sounding type of electronic music or deep house. Amused, I tried to Shazam it but that didn't return any matches.
I was really hoping the search would lead me to some obscure...
At side ways elevator from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010), Yaxley speaks to Reginald:
Yaxley: To interrogate your wife. Now, if my wife's blood status were
in doubt...and the head of the Department of Magical Law
Enforcement... needed a job doing, I think I might just make th...
This story was in an anthology of military SF, mass-market paperback, approx. 1975-85 – after the Vietnam War ended, but before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
A long-running war is being fought between two alliances: a NATO analog and a Warsaw Pact analog (neither one is named as such). A young sol...
Hmmm... We have age which is used (mostly) for questions about the age of characters; is it actually a useful tag? Is someone going to look for all age questions?
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010), Ron got injured by Apparate spell, so Hermoine treat him with
a spell, but he is shown wearing bandage yet, why so?
Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Bunch of people on patreon were insisting that this would just incentivize more undesirable behavior, from which I conclude they are all filthy econs. Today's News:
There was this movie i think mid 80's or 90's about this boy that find this sphere. The sphere is some kind of tele-porter to another world. There is an old man with funky clothing and I think it has some kind of antenna on his head. The old man tells this kids about mutants that look like human ...
@Null Okay, so the actuarial viewpoint. I grant you that, since I'm planning on significantly exceeding the average lifespan, someone's going to have to take one for the team.
Of course it figures that the one time I try to project some optimism it gets firmly smacked down. :)
"The Fifth Head of Cerberus" is a set of three inter-twined novellas by Gene Wolfe. The final novella is called V.R.T. and is told in a mosaic fashion, dealing with the adjudication of John V. Marsch, who has been arrested in St Croix as a murder suspect and as a suspected spy. In the course of t...
Yeah, Emmie. Daddy’s here. I’m here, OK? Those fuckin’ things outside… Look what they did to us. You’re a cop. You’re supposed to know something—how did this happen!? HUH!? She was our sweet little angel…
Emma: Mommy…?
Kendo: Mommy’s sleeping, honey, OK? …Emma.
[He takes his daughter in his arms ...
So it's not just Kendo and Leon, it's Kendo, Emma, Leon and Ada. That makes more sense; the description "Robert Kendo and Leon have the following conversation" makes it sound like those two are talking, when in fact neither addresses the other.
In most scenes from Star Trek: The Animated Series, the insignia on the character's uniforms appears drawn tilted about 25 degrees to the audience's left.
This doesn't appear to be a perspective illusion, since it doesn't seem to matter whether the characters are facing left or right.
Was this so...