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Q: Book About Survival Test on Another Planet

SegganI remember picking up a book a while ago (4-5 years ago?), managed to read the first few chapters. It seems similar to "Tunnel in the Sky" but the details don't match up. I remember the main character coming to school and seeing on the blackboard that a survival test is coming up. Earth is defini...

2 hours later…
Q: What happened to Section 31 after DS9?

QueenSvetlanaIt would seem by the time of Lower Decks, Section 31 isn't a total secret anymore, so officially, what happened to Section 31? Did they dissolve it into Starfleet intelligence?

6 hours later…
Q: Novel told from the point of view of an Orc warrior in a magic world

NJohnnyI did not read the book, only read the first few pages or maybe a chapter. I think it came out in the last 5-10 years I believe it was about Orcs, but might have been goblins or trolls. A minor Orc was part of a first wave of troops going through a portal to a distant land to fight. (Setting up a...

1 hour later…
Q: Is the unpublished prose version of Beren and Lúthien accessible to the public?

WadeIn vol. 5 of The History of Middle-earth, Chritopher Tolkien writes: [A]t the time when he turned again to the Lay of Leithian (see III. 330), The Lord of the Rings being finished but its publication very doubtful, he embarked also once more on a prose 'saga' of Beren and Luthien. This is a subs...

Q: Why didn't agents take over people before they swallow red pill

尤金寶 漢子If agents can take over anyone in matrix until they swallow red pill, then when other red pills approaches the normies to free them, why dont agents take over ?

Q: Can a Patronus only be used on a dementor? Can a Patronus be used to attack somebody or to drive them away?

The Boy Who LivedPatronesses are commonly used against Dementors but can they attack someone or something else?

Q: What is the earliest reference in fiction to a government-approved thieves guild?

PureferretI remember reading about the Thieves's guild in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, and I remember think they seemed... Novel? Especially as it was government-approved. One of the remarkable innovations introduced by the Patrician was to make the Thieves’ Guild responsible for theft, with annual...

4 hours later…
posted on September 17, 2021 by tech

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: I hate when they do this, and they don't even care! Today's News:

Q: Short story: a man in a police station explains to two detectives how an energy alien got into him remember reading this short story from a collection of short stories from the same author. They were in Spanish language. In the story a man was walking through a park and I think he got robbed. Then an alien of light or energy fuses with his body. The alien protects him from the robber by f...

3 hours later…
Q: After The Fall, do humans have any kind of government?

KidburlaAfter The Fall, it seems governments were split along racial lines - Nietzscheans, Than etc. However I don't recall any government system for Humans. Moreover, it seems Earth has been mostly abandoned, and is ruled by the Nietzscheans after The Fall, so it seems unlikely that Earth was the capita...

Q: Can the Power Stone be stopped from destroying an entire planet if the wielder desires it?

Peter NielsenIn Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Ronan the Accuser's plan to destroy Xandar involves using the Power Stone to destroy the population of the planet. It is described that the Power Stone gains power with every being it consumes - the wave of destructive power gets more destructive and po...

Q: Why does Dorwin say what he says?

ArthurIn part II, chapter 4 of Foundation by Isaac Asimov, we meet the character of Lord Dorwin. Lord Dorwin has a speech impediment (later implied to be voluntary): he says "w" instead of "r" (much like Pontius Pilate in Life of Brian). However, at least in my copy of the book, one of the first lines ...

Q: Why were the authorities to lenient towards Ye Zhetai?

BatpersonDuring her interrogation, Ye Zhetai confesses to at least the following: This is in addition to the fact that she has been caught red-handed It would seem that she would meet easily the threshold for a number of serious crimes. Yet her interrogator seems to see her rather sympathetically, as a ...

Q: Can't find title of Korean Movie, sci fi/fantasy, hero runs up side of building

prograhammerTrying to find a Korean live-action, sci-fi/fantasy/futuristic movie from early 2000s that featured a hero who wears a white super hero suit with a half mask. Several anime style shots like the hero runs up the side of a building. He also fights a villain on the top of a tank. I feel like the mov...

1 hour later…
Q: Can't find title of Korean Movie, sci fi/fantasy, hero runs up side of building

David GrahamTrying to find a Korean live-action, sci-fi/fantasy/futuristic movie from early 2000s that featured a hero who wears a white super hero suit with a half mask. Several anime style shots like the hero runs up the side of a building. He also fights a villain on the top of a tank. I feel like the mov...

Q: Book where a mysterious alien body, resembling an Easter Island statue, is discovered

Ian DempsterI remember reading a story about a mysterious body being found. When it was revived, it resembled an Easter Island statue. However the being was an alien (if I remember rightly) that had been entombed for thousands of years. The protagonist realised that the alien had powers and managed to re-ent...

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