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Q: Sci-Fi Technocrats (cyborgs) vs People with mental powers

princemiraEarth at the brink of an ecological catastrophe - polluted - ravaged by wars - was abandoned by the majority of its population who left in space ships. For generations their society relied on technologies and they developed a military style technocracy merging with the machines becoming almost cy...

Q: Was there ever any actual Spaceballs merchandise?

Robert ColumbiaOne of the running gags throughout the film Spaceballs (1987) is a meta-commentary that the primary purpose of the film is to promote the sale of film-related merchandise. In fact, several of the characters are visibly seen using the film's own putative merch, prominently labeled "Spaceballs: The...

3 hours later…
Q: Windows PC Game with pseudo-3D action in a maze with two mechs trying to kill each other

FuzzyBootsI played this somewhere in the early 90s, I think, downloaded off of a Bulletin Board System and played via a direct connection over the phone lines the twice I actually got to play. It might have been run on Windows 3.11, although that would have been the right timeframe for us to have moved on ...

@Randal'Thor, this question can be better answered on Arqade.
3 hours later…
Q: I have two questions after watching Game of Thrones S3E9

BunchArya looks upon the Twins from afar before she and the Hound arrive there. The village near the bridge seems destroyed as if some battle has occurred there. Why? It's before the Freys begin to massacre Starks. Hound and Arya disguised as hog farmers arrives at the castle, only to be told the fea...

3 hours later…
@AyushBhatt No it can't.
That question is on-topic here and would be off-topic on Arqade.
Q: SF Short Story - Nature Rebels

Lee EckhardtAs with many of my questions, this American short story appeared in an anthology during the 1960s, a decade in which I devoured science fiction. All I can remember is that a group of Earthers (miners, I believe) have established a base on an extra-solar planet. A primitive local tribe demonstrate...

3 hours later…
Q: First atomic-powered transportation in science fiction and the details?

releseabeIf some writer mentions atom-powered rocket and leaves it at that, this is far less interesting than explaining how it works. If someone suggested a nuke-powered Earth-based submarine, was anyone prescient enough to understand that they were basically steam ships?

Q: Do Kryptonians breathe?

JohnIn the old Superman movies with Christopher Reeve and in Superman Returns, Krypton is portrayed as an airless planet on whose surface the Kryptonians obviously live in the vacuum of space, and Superman often flies from Earth into space himself so there is no question the Kryptonians of the old mo...

1 hour later…
Q: Why would Neville dying in the battle of Hogwarts affect Harry's survival?

J. MiniMild spoilers for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. As I don't have a copy to hand, nor intend to touch one again, I can't provide exact quotes. As I recall, one of the premises in Act 3 is as follows: How does this last point make sense? From what I understood of Deathly Hallows, Voldemort's r...

1 hour later…
My bounty on this Asimov story-ID question is expiring soon. There's two new answers from @DavidW, but I'm not sure if either of them are convincing enough to say "that's probably the answer".
@b_jonas Since it let's me NOT do some work, let's consider me "Not active" please :P And yes, I just checked, user 23 seems like the longest active one.
@Randal'Thor - I'm not sure a sum-up of 10 years of SFF in my execution would be suitable for public consumption :) Or for a celebratory anniversary vibe :)
@DVK-on-Ahch-To Heh, I suspected you probably wouldn't want to do it, but I wanted to at least acknowledge you as one of the longest-active users :-)
Dunno how to get hold of Mike Scott anyway - he was never active in chat AFAIK.
@Donald.McLean - welcome to the club of people who now have to work with Python. I now totally understand all the negativity about Parseltongue in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets :P :(
@Randal'Thor - Mod-message? (I don't know if that is an allowed use of moderator powers?) Or just do what I did, comment under one of the user's answers. Now that the useless moderator left the site, it's not like you'll be suspended for "nefarious" use of comments just to get attention of a user.
A 10th-anniversary blog post would still be a great idea, but what should be the content? It's a bit late now to post a meta asking for people's favourite posts (a la the quarterly best-of things), and just listing the highest voted posts on the site in these 10 years seems a bit boring.
My user ID is around 1000 - wonder how many more of the first 1000 users are active. Don't wonder enough to bother with data dump, but if anyone feels like it it should be queriable easily
Maybe whatever measure for "most controversial post" @JackBNimble uses in the quarterly blog posts can also be applied to find the most controversial posts in the history of the site? :-)
@DVK-on-Ahch-To I think someone made a Data.SE query for that, during the 2016 election when someone (you? Richard?) was raising the issue of many high-rep users leaving the site.
It'd depend on how "active" is defined, of course.
@Randal'Thor It would also show just how trite the site content is (I mean, some of those highly voted posts are definitely worthy... but there's also my "Why didn't death eaters use gunz" which while of interest to me, does not seem to be THAT upvote worthy, outside of bikeshedding effect.
active means more than some threshold of posts after some threshold date. Maybe >5 posts in last year or something? Beats me. But every single one of users 1-22 are either gone or haven't posted since 2011-2013 so this may not be too ambiguous
in 2016 Science Fiction & Fantasy Moderator Election, Jan 27 '16 at 15:48, by Mike Edenfield
^ that's the one I was thinking of ... just needs modifying to search for old users instead of high-rep ones
(old in terms of account age, not RL age, obviously :-P )
10 years. 10 long long years...
@Randal'Thor I agree that neither are exactly what's being asked for; they're just the closest I've been able to find. I searched for a lot of variations of "Asimov must die/be eliminated" and "kill/remove {prefix}* Asimov" and didn't get a single match.
Q: Is this mall section, in Brown Girl In The Ring, a 1999 book, more likely avoiding trademarks, or talking about knockoffs?

MaladyIs this mall section, in Brown Girl In The Ring, a 1999 book, more likely avoiding trademarks, or talking about knockoffs of "Kentucky Fried Chicken" and "Burger King"? I've never seen anyone avoiding trademarks in written works in our modern era, except in Japanese works, see TV Tropes: Bland Na...

It is today right?
@JackBNimble Only if you're in Australasia.
11 January.
“Oh Austrian. Well G’day mate! Why don’t we put another shrimp on the barbee?”
posted on January 10, 2021 by tech

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: Also, when making a word possessive, I only add an apostrophe, never an s. Today's News:

Q: Story in which a textile robot developed artificial intelligence

larsksMany, many years ago I remember reading sci fi story in which one of the characters was a sentient robot who, if I recall the story correctly, was originally some sort of textile robot in factory. It was designed with excellent pattern recognition skills due to the nature of the job, and eventual...

1 hour later…
Q: Trying to identify a sci-fi story in an anthology from the mid-70s

RizlaFirst I'll describe the story, then the book I think it was in. The story had a very simple structure. It was a description given by a man who was observing a vision of the history of humanity probably from the beginning, and certainly to its end. The history he observed took the form of a long p...

Q: How to pronounce the barbershop name for Harry Potter

Deathlyhollows7There’s a barbershop i just don’t know how to pronounce it, if anyone can help me out.? Thanks. It’s spelled weeoanwhiskers.

Q: Why does Neil do this?

JackmanAfter Neil catches up to the masked person in the airport, he stops the protagonist from killing the inverted masked person. Then why did Neil see a need to stop him from killing the masked person?

All of the topic challenge suggestions so far have at least two downvotes.
Q: Spy story involving a strong magnet, a ludricously precise X-Ray machine, and a code book

Sean DugganI read this somewhere in the early 90s, from a paperback book, in English. I would have sworn that this was one of the stories in Alfred Hitchcock's Sinister Spies collection, as I remember it being in a Hitchcock collection and that's the only anthology I've found of spies, but none of the summa...

Q: Can the zones of thought be detected?

Completely LeftoverIn Vernor Vinge's "Zones of Thought" series, is it possible to detect anomalies related to the zones' boundaries from the Earth using contemporary astrophysics instruments?

Q: How could Osyraa know this?

O. R. MapperIn ST:DIS 3x13, Osyraa She knows that "the primary shield emitter is disguised as a secondary deflector array." How can she know that?

Q: Forgot a name of a manga I read

09VI read a manga a while back. From what I remember the main character always wears the same clothes (picture below, excuse the bad quality since I drew it myself). There was a joke that lasted a page or so that when the protag opened his wardrobe/closet there was a lot of pairs of the same clothes...

@DVK-on-Ahch-To I have a user ID less than 1000 on Lit, Mythology, Astronomy, Arts & crafts, Chess, Martial arts, DevOps (wtf), Medical sciences. I only have posts on the first two. It's easy to grab low userids without caring about a site.
Q: Your Opinion: What would Satine and Obi-Wan have been like as parents?

user103390Let's say, in a completely hypothetical scenario, that Obi-Wan and Satine have a kid who they raise instead of some theories which include Satine and Obi-Wan's child being raised by someone else. What do you think they would be like as parents? For some reason I really can't see them as a mom and...

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