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Q: Ive been looking for a book's name?

VapoeOkay so theres this book I read probably back in 4th or 5th grade. Definitely dystopian sci-fi. It was about this family of aliens with like special blue hair, and they went to this dystopian dimension. In the dimension I remember the sick or the old were killed and they all wore the same clothes...

2 hours later…
Q: 1960s comic book/graphic novel-type format maybe: Boxer takes too many weight-gain pills and sinks underground?

releseabeOff hand, the stupidest story I ever read and why I wondered even then why my mom bought me comic books or I guess slightly thicker sort of graphic novels (but I don't think this was exactly a graphic novel). The boxer wants to go up a weight class or something and figures if he takes the whole b...

3 hours later…
Q: Does Thomas the Tank Engine have free will?

BatpersonIn the story Thomas Comes to Breakfast, from Branch Line Engines by the Rev. W Awdry, Thomas's driver tells him: "You know just where to stop, Thomas! You could almost manage without me!" Thomas, conceited, thinks this is literally true and that he does not need his driver anymore. So he decide...

Q: Book where a boy finds out that a building in his neighbourhood is the inspiration for a game that he is obsessed with

AyushBhattI am looking for this particular book which has the following details :- The main character who is a boy has a elder sister. He has a game that he is obsessed with and later on the book's plot, he realizes that a building in his neighbourhood shares it's name with the game and is in fact the in...

5 hours later…
Greetings, Earthlings.
Fairly presumptuous.
You object now, after how many years?
@Donald.McLean Ahoy!
posted on January 07, 2021 by tech

Click here to go see the bonus panel!Hovertext: This comic is going to be really embarrassing when my young adult fiction period comes along. Today's News:

@Donald.McLean bleep bloop
how goes it gang?
Q: How was the Razorback able to restart its reactor?

YellaksIn S5:E5 the Razorback: and in S5:E6 the Razorback: My impression from the books was that once you have 'dumped the core' you had effectively left yourself drifting in space and had to await rescue.

@AncientSwordRage Going meh, such is the lockdown life
How about yourself?
@TheLethalCarrot eh, I'm barely affected, I can't complain
Well I've just moved to 4 days at home, 1 in the office. And we haven't really been going out at all since the start of it all. So starting to take its toll now
@AncientSwordRage About the same as always, I guess.
@TheLethalCarrot Is that more time at the office or less? I made 1 brief visit to the office in September, first and only time I've been since March.
Less, we went full at home first lockdown, then 3 office, 2 home and then cos of holidays were pretty much at fulltime again
I still think Python is a stupid language, but now I really understand how stupid it is as I have to work in it.
Q: Book where bodies stolen by witches. Band of gold to prevent the switch becoming permanent — used yellow knitting wool

BeginTheBeguineI'm looking for a YA book (I'd guess aimed at 12+, but I'm not very sure. No romance, and the characters were children/young teens, but it was quite scary). I probably read it in 2004-2008(ish). It was a short-medium paperback, taken out from a village library in England. It was fairly modern, wi...

Q: Book where a boy's dad doesn't want his son to go to the magic school he did

Rehanna AlleyneI don't remember much but there was this boy who found it hard to fit in; not many people liked him because of one of his legs. His dad didn't let him learn magic because of what is mother said before she died. The boy was sitting in front on the office of his school for is dad, his dad came and ...

@Donald.McLean 'Tis a silly language
seriously though, it's my second favourite after JavaScript
Thereby proving "it all depends what you're used to." ;)
everything is better than Perl
Have you ever tried to use APL?
@DavidW better than perl
No, but the couple of times in my younger career I was exposed to Perl, I quickly learned, this isn't a language, it is a mad house.
@JackBNimble I've heard it described as a write-only language
there's multiple ways to do something, plus insane backwards compatibility, where new functions end up called things like real_function2
My impression of Perl is someone decided they didn't like that different languages had different syntaxes, so Perl would embrace none / all syntaxes, and people can intermix them however they want.
My favourite commentary on perl is Wall's own backronym "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister"
That said, in my limited experience I was able to get a better understanding of an existing chunk of code in Perl than in APL.
Just no one try Malbolge
What is the purpose of that "language"?
I see it is essentially a fake language designed to be hopelessly difficult.
@JackBNimble Yes, that's exactly right.
It's of a class of languages designed to prove how smart their creators are.
@JackBNimble It was designed to be impossible to write a program in it
Like how Befunge was designed to be impossible to compile
They were both puzzles essentially
@AncientSwordRage Well, but these esotheric ones are made with the intention to be moronic.
probably not my kind of puzzle.
@NapoleonWilson I don't think so
something like brainf*ck maybe
> ...designed to be as difficult to program in as possible...
@NapoleonWilson that's not the same as being moronic
15 mins ago, by AncientSwordRage
@JackBNimble It was designed to be impossible to write a program in it
It pretty much is. There isn't clear a very clear defintion of "moronic" when used in informal chat. ;-)
If I design a language to be hard to use, it being...hard to use isn't quite a surprise.
That's like going to the IOCCC and complaing that the code isn't quite up-to-par on design standards. ;-)
@DavidW I have. A programming language designed for mathematicians.
Once I determine that a language does not meet minimum standards of usability and elegance, it pretty much doesn't matter how much better or worse it is than other languages that also don't meet the minimum standards.
Perl definitely goes in the rubbish bin for me. Along with pretty much all "scripting" languages. Though, despite the name, JavaScript isn't really a scripting language. It may be a bastardized monstrosity struggling to redeem itself, but it wasn't designed with the same mindset most scripting languages are.
I may have to steal "a bastardized monstrosity struggling to redeem itself" :) But I agree, the name is misleading.
Q: Oryx and Crake: Which of Atwood's Predictions Were Incorrect

oraaaangeeeMargaret Atwood makes a lot of predictions in Oryx and Crake. Which of her predictions turned out to be true, and which of them were wrong and will probably never come true?

Well, it does have the singular feature that it does actually work for the purpose for which it was created. Since that is an important purpose, it gets bonus points. But as with all things that evolve organically, there are parts that just make no sense. Like how the emperor penguins incubate their eggs. Surely nature could have come up with something a bit better?
Q: Old Sci-Fi book with skin crystalizing disease and characters with psi powers

kakunkaI remember reading a Sci-Fi book as a kid. The protagonist caught a supposedly fatal alien skin disease that caused the body to "crystalize". A secret organization treated him with devices that were drilled into the body and vibrated, the result was a person practically bulletproof, and stronge...

Q: How do we know what year in-universe events happen?

Topher BrennanThe ASOIAF wiki gives the year of events whenever possible. But I can't tell how these are determined in the source material. I recently re-read A Game of Thrones and am starting in on a re-read of A Clash of Kings, and not once did I see any reference to how many years it has been since Aegon's ...

Q: What was Takhisis' plan for Berem, why did his death closed the portal instead of opening it?

Nelson BaiettiWhy was the portal ultimately closed when Berem died on the foundation stone instead of opening it for Takhisis? Early on the lore when Jasla dies, there is "a chain forged of love" effect that bars Takhisis from using the gate, but when Berem dies in Spring Dawning and he and Jasla are freed, wh...

Q: What was the inspiration for Dr. Manhattan's "time travel" abilities?

Donatello SwansinoIn Watchmen and most of its adaptations, Doctor Manhattan has the power to experience all of his life simultaneously. He can be at the formation of the Crimebusters and at his breakup with Silk Spectre II at the same time. I am aware that DC's Captain Atom was the inspiration for Doctor Manhattan...

I'm getting rather disenchanted with SO. I just failed a review test - I said an answer was okay that had been flagged NaA. The thing is, not only was it an answer, AFAICT it was correct.
Just because it was short doesn't make it wrong, or low quality. The question had done a simple, stupid thing and the answer said specifically what to do to fix it.

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