its more of i read it on a site that lets me make lists of manga i've read and i'll put the ones i've read in a list usually. it may be the list of the ones that are complete garbage, but that list is usually so i don't accidentally start it again after seeing an interesting title
A movie (possible tv series), that ended with an iron clad boat with explosive cannonballs that would be ignited by a orange glowing cannonball, pretty sure it was live action, but not sure. The rest of the movie may or may not have been steampunk. I'm pretty sure the boat was about to fire upon ...
Dr Reyes got a mail with subject: Analysis subject for Moonstar, Danielle:
Computer asks for confirmation code:
Why did computer ask for confirmation after displaying Analysis results instead of before?
The writer of the book was a person of color. The story is about a group who were involved in trade when Europeans first arrived in America. There were frequent killing of bison and natives to clear land for new settlements.
The writer of the book was a person of color. The story is about a group who were involved in trade when Europeans first arrived in America. There were frequent killing of bison and natives to clear land for new settlements.
The book was a Bengali version translated from English. I do not remembe...
Morgoth is the most powerful Valar, the mightest being in the Ea, it is understandable for him to claim to be the king of the world.
But how could Sauron dare to pursue the same goal? Only a Maiar he is, with much humbler power. After the fall of Morgoth, shouldn't the most reasonable thing for h...
Read this in a science magazine, probably early 2010s, about one page.
A man is in his car on the highway filled with self-driving cars travelling at high speeds (much faster than modern-day highway speeds). The car suddenly switches to manual mode due to a government regulation that requires the...
There is the red pill and blue pill in the matrix.
Is it logical to conclude there are three options?
Would it be logical that the blue pill does the same as not taking the pill.
All I can remember about the plot is that some space archaeologists/explorers discovered a cave on maybe one of Jupiter's moons and inside were a bunch of single-man spacecraft with one button inside. When someone entered and pressed the button, it would teleport them and the ship away somewhere ...
There is a manga I read a while ago but want to return to hopefully new chapters but I cannot find it. There was a white haired (I think) who was summoned to manage the town/kingdom and he was exceptionally hard working. He got the skill to manipulate objects but he used it to control three quill...
Marvel has apparently made it clear that their TV shows are not always canon with its cinematic universe. I understand that even Agents of SHIELD, which used to adhere to the MCU quite closely, has now basically become another universe entirely.
Have other shows ever tied into the MCU in any mean...
Goblet of Fire, mostly through Hermione, repeatedly tells us that the Summoning Charm requires concentration. The following lines in chapter 20 further imply that you need to concentrate on the object that you desire to summon:
Just as long as you’re concentrating really, really hard on it [the ...
I only read 2 chapters earlier and completely forgot to bookmark it, but as in the title, they end up in a sci fi world, but they end up in different locations. The boy gets trained by a woman (can't remember what she looked like) or the MC for that matter. Any help would be appreciated.
Spoilers up to and including Half-Blood Prince.
This might seem a bit out there, but I've become convinced that the Full Body-Bind (Petrificus Totalus) is plain and simply better than Stupefy. Let me establish their properties:
The Full Body-Bind is:
Seemingly pretty easy to learn. Hermione famo...
I'm the episode "The Passage" in BSG the Raptors are guiding civilian ships through a nebula. The civilian ships can't navigate so need military escorts to guide them.
Several ships are lost because the Raptors lose visual contact with them. Yet they relay navigation information by radio. If the ...
I read a comic book(s) some time after 2010 where there were these god like entities that would travel from planet to planet in some type of spiritual or energy form. They would download (?) into a person on that planet and takeover the body of that person transforming into whatever Justice Leagu...
The details are hazy, but as far as I can remember there is an artist that was either blind or had poor eyesight and underwent surgery and after receiving artifical eyes could create paintings that had information in the invisible part of the spectrum which caused people to react to the paintings...
I've noticed a specific type of laser weapon appearing in various places. Instead of dealing damage by making contact with the target, most of the damage is inflicted by the laser's effects on the ground. It typically burns a white-hot path across the ground, which then detonates after a moment o...
I think that people in the real world have the tendency to do something like this; their approach to the question "What is 2 + 2?" is "What ever I think tomorrow." When tomorrow comes, what happens? They use the same approach and are like "What ever I think tomorrow." and then they never get the ...