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Q: Skeletons in the field before the tree of life?

Tyler DurdenIn Episode 10, Season 4, of the Game of Thrones, Bran's party reaches the tree of life, but in the field before, skeletons rise up out of the ground and attack them. There does not seem to be any explanation for these skeletons. They just kind of appear out of nowhere for no apparent reason. Is...

Q: Short story about park ranger with drones

Swinadai remember reading a short sci-fi story in the late 90's early 2000's about a park ranger patrolling wilderness that had been closed to any human activity. There also was drones to keep an eye on things. I really don't remember much but would like to find it again. I thought I had the book still ...

Q: story about rendezvous with alien ship travelling through solar system

mgh42I'm looking for a story I read, probably in the mid nineties The story involved an alien vessel/asteroid coming through our solar system and a human ship going out to meet it and then being stuck on it as it continues out into deep space As they explored the alien vessel they encounter other al...

Q: In Dr Who "It Takes You Away" - why didn't anyone notice Hanne was blind?

PikachunThe Dr tells Ryan and Graham to go upstairs to check the rest of the cabin, but then Ryan and Graham find Hanne in the wardrobe hiding - the Dr and Yaz run upstairs to find Hanne upstairs. They all say something and Graham says he has a sandwich... the next shot is downstairs in the kitchen and t...

1 hour later…
Q: Does Batman's escape from The Pit indicate an excess of fear or a complete lack of fear?

GGMGI've watched The Dark Knight Rises numerous times, and I always figured the pit ascension scene was fairly straightforward. Bruce doesn't fear anything, so in order he needs to make the final jump he needs to fear that he'll fail. And the only way to fear that he'll fail is to jump without the ro...

Q: Can Artificial Intelligence exist without an energy grid?

Bryseda HolyoakMy question boils down to how I can avoid the impending take over by AI. Is there a way that these supercomputers and systems can operate without an energy grid. Is it predicted that they will be able to create these systems?

Q: Neverwinter/ question about Barribas the Grey

Heather NashArtemis Entreri is now Barribas the Grey. In which book did he become Barribas the Grey? I read Transitions series already. Am i missing a series?

Q: Can Voyager trace the origin of messages sent from Starfleet?

BasementJoeSort of a followup to this question, in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Hunters, the crew uses an Hirogen network to receive messages sent from star fleet and loved ones. With the appropriate tools I can discover where an email came from, could Voyager trace messages (I'm aware they don't use e-...

Q: What are the contradictions between Chiss in EU and Disney canons?

DVK-on-Ahch-ToChiss are now Disney canon. Obviously, the EU canon has different information from Disney one on the topic. But is any of the information between the two canon actually contradictory to each other (as opposed to merely being mentioned in one canon and not another)? Obviously, things about "con...

Are there any Gargoyles fan here?
Needed some discussions about it
We shouldn't get rid of or if there are enough questions.
Also maybe .
There is exactly 1 non-closed question that has the tag , and it doesn't really apply there.
merge feminism with female-characters , no efefct on front page
Q: How was Domino able to be tortured when she was so lucky?

KyloRenIn Deadpool 2 why was Domino able to be tortured when her mutant power was being 'lucky'? I understand that most mutants don't show there powers right away, eg Mutant Powers The majority of mutants develop these abilities, which vary from person to perso...

Why is it not good to use capitals for the word 'Mutant'?
In which context?
The above question about Domino.
Feed is hidden and I can't see it on the homepage so I guess that's Deadpool 2
So I can't help I guess :/
Q: How was Domino able to be tortured when she was so lucky?

KyloRenIn Deadpool 2 why was Domino able to be tortured when her mutant power was being 'lucky'? I understand that most mutants don't show their powers right away, eg Mutant Powers The majority of mutants develop these abilities, which vary from person to perso...

@KyloRen it's not a name, just a regular noun.
As is powers.
@SQB hiding tag/feed means somebody don't want spoiler?
I think @Jenayah just finds it irritating, don't you @Jenayah?
@SQB aye, and I've always got the homepage open anyway
@SQB: Hmm, that makes sense , but I want to argue with you anyway. LOL
@AnkitSharma I guess no
Mike was the one who always see everything.
Anyways how he is now?
Last time I saw him around Mike was fine... as much as he can be anyway
ohh good
Q: Who planned or ordered to kill Bran?

the-profile-that-was-promisedIn Martin's A Game of Thrones Bran is attacked by a person by a Valyrian blade but fails and gets killed by Bran's direwolf. But in this or any other novel of this series it is never cleared who planned the murder. Who actually ordered to kill Bran? Have I missed anything so that I don't know?

@TheLethalCarrot first gold tag badge dupe-hammer? Or did I miss others?
First in a long while
Not sure if I've had any whilst you've been around though
Don't think so
Not since I began to be somewhat active at least
has been created and consensus appears to be to tag how I proposed for Fantastic Beasts to be used so:
: franchise
And the other two for the films
For the fictional book nothing
when will we release tagging beasts?
I created the tag so we can start drip feeding them whenever but I wouldn't go over board with it
27 Qs, although I don't like character tags it might actually be useful
@TheLethalCarrot for now we can do few at-least?
Yeah drip feed 'em through, couple at a time
And should we remove when it's not about original films?
Yes they should have the HP tag
Really O.o
I am confused now
To do with tag heriarchies, HP is the main tag and FB the spin off franchise tag
::Calmly running away so nobody notice I removed HP tag in one question::
Already noticed ;P
Already fixed ;p
Jolly good, to be honest I don’t particularly like the heirarchy solution but with the tagging system we have it’s the best we’ve got
I like movies.se style more but luckily we don't have so much complication there either due to extended non TV/movie canon
What's the style there?
yeah gets awkward with the mixed media
Also does that mean Legend of Korra should be tagged Avatar too?
no idea not familiar with it, I mean different works tag slightly different as well
Haven't finished Korra yet but even though it follows Avatar it's really different
Dunno then
Q: Is there a consistent morale message in Supernatural`?

HothieWe know that the heroes Sam and Dean are in fact criminals. They have no income, steal money, cars, credit cards, impersonate FBI agents and so on. This all can be ignored (by most people morale standards I think) to serve a greater good. But were it becomes a little more brisant in my opinion i...

@TheLethalCarrot I don't either, but indeed, it's the best we've got.
And actual hierarchical tags would open up a new can of worms.
Not necessarily. Tag it the-crimes-of-grindelwald and it will automatically get fantastic-beasts and harry-potter. Kachow!
Exactly it would be searchable by those tags but they wouldn’t actually show on the question. Would be quite good
You could even search for david-yates and johnny-depp.
Now I don’t like that idea haha
True, it doesn't really make much sense on a science-fiction and fantasy-oriented site. Forget what I said.
Greetings, Earthlings.
Q: Old 80s/90's Robot Cartoon - Need help ASAP

ScottishGuy90Ok, so I am really losing my sh*t trying to remember this show... I pray to god someone knows it as I haven't been able to take my mind off of it for 3 days now and its driving my nuts... So I'm pretty sure the show was out in the 80's or maybe even very early 90's but it could also of been an a...

Q: What were the crimes of Grindelwald?

The Dark LordThe title of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald implies that Grindelwald is going to go on a massive killing spree or embark on some sort of major criminal endeavour. However, if I recall correctly, he appears to spend most of the film plotting, networking and trying to capture Credence...

@Donald.McLean greetings, Hubble guy!
Q: Was the Black Thirteen responsible for 9/11?

TARSDuring the course of That Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah Jake and Pere Callahan, in 1999 Keystone World, need to get rid of the Black Thirteen before going to rescue Susannah from the Dixie Pig. In order to put it somewhere safe they choose no other place than a public safety locker right under ...

Q: Did Spock help create the gene pool for Sarpedion?

EngrStudentI was thinking about the Star Trek the original series episode "All Our Yesterdays", where the enterprise crew are thrust back in time to separate time-periods of the planet Sarpeidon. Spock went back in time to an ice age, and fell in love with a woman named Zarabeth, as part of his biological ...

2 hours later…
What's the figure now @Alex?
Nov 25 at 20:59, by Alex
@Jenayah Heh, I recently started going through old Harry Potter questions to see if I could add any answers. I started from page 114 and I'm now up to page 83.
@Jenayah I'm up to page 64.
I may actually be able to fulfill your prediction/challenge with this.
Which one?
Nov 8 at 1:03, by Jenayah
I'd have thought it'd be pretty much done by the end of the year
You being a gold tag badger before 2019?
Eh, faster than me
How many left?
Yeah, I had said on November 8th that I needed 90 more answers which would take a few months. Less than a month later, I'm down to 30 answers left.
That's fast indeed
@Jenayah Makes me sound like a Hufflepuff.
Oh right the badger is an animal
Sorry ahah
If you're going to call me an animal, at least put me in the right house.
I still need another 96. I mostly only answer questions if I come across them naturally, though. Score of 1552, though ;)
@Mithrandir Yeah, you're average score will be way higher than mine.
@Alex ?
I blame HNQ.
@Jenayah As in, not Hufflepuff.
Though I suppose it's better than Gryffindor.
I'm a Hufflepuff.
I'll likely hit the bronze HP badge thanks to story-id questions...
What house are you in, then?
Ravenclaw, apparently.
@Alex Heyyy, a fellow Ravenclaw!
Any Slytherins here?
There's @Slytherincess... ;)
But she's not here.
Q: Depiction of Al Qaeda and/or ISIS as villains in Marvel Comics, non-movies

K DogAfter the tragedy of 9/11, Marvel had a few very iconic panels such as And When is the last time Marvel depicted, actually drew and not just mentioned in dialog, Al Qaeda or ISIS as a villain in one of their comics? Books only, not interested in the movies.

3 hours later…
Q: What happens to Teresa after the Death cure?

SophieOkay, so, in the ending scene of the Death cure we see Teresa's name is carved into the stone and she is not visible at the ending - so what really happened to her?

Q: Why do fairy tales mention royalty but never nobility?

AnonymousAn oddity I noticed during my perusal of fairy tales is that nobility are never mentioned. Royalty, yes, but never nobility. As a result, kingdoms and principalities seem to be commonplace. Why is this?

1 hour later…
Palindromic rep!
Q: Why did Newt have champagne on his counter?

BellatrixWhen they escape and get into his kitchen, one of Newt’s baby Nifflers climbs onto a champagne bottle Newt had on his counter and ends up pops off the cork, going flying along with it. But, why did Newt have champagne on his counter to begin with? He doesn’t seem to be the type of person who ...

@Jenayah If you get 30 more silver badges you'll have palindromic badges as well.
Or better, if you lose 3 gold badges and get 4,273 reputation your reputation and badges will be identical.
1 hour later…
Q: Why did Slughorn stop teaching?

Evdzhan MustafaIn the beginning of Half-Blood Prince we see Dumbledore recruit a former teacher of Hogwarts — Professor Slughorn. A potions teacher. It is presumed that he was teaching in the past, and left at some point. Do we have canonical answer explaining how, and why he stopped teaching?

Q: Has C-3PO ever sung a song, like he did on Sesame Street?

ThunderforgeIn an almost certainly non-canon appearance on Sesame Street back in 1981, C-3PO and R2-D2 sing a song to help Big Bird learn how to count. In Legends or Disney canon, has C-3PO ever sung a song?

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