Really good reference post, tells almost everything you ever want to know about rep limits, except certain things in chat, but few mortals understand how chat works.
@Jenayah I looked up "correspndence". I'm always in trouble with -ance vs -ence spellings in English. They seem random to me, although some people say "it's easy, they're spelled the same as in French" (where it also casuses no difference in pronunciation) or "comes from the latin roots"
And there's a very long list of such words
advance, science, conference, experience, finance, insurance, licence, performance, reference, assistance, balance, defence, difference, distance, evidence, acceptance, appliance, audience, compliance, importance, influence, instance, intelligence, maintenance, preference, presence, sentence, sequence, substance, violence,
absence, accordance, alliance, appearance, assurance, attendance, circumstance, clearance, confidence, consequence, entrance, excellence, existence, fragrance, governance, guidance, independence, offence, refinance, residence, resistance, romance,