I remember reading a Donald Duck magazine or comic once (at least a decade ago, but the comic was already old by then) where Scrooge McDuck had built resistance against some kind of radiation or ray weapon because swimming in his money all his life added a protective layer of gold dust to his fea...
@Edlothiad that was a reference to an old (joke) discussion that if I recall correctly involved @Mithrandir, @Randal'Thor and someone else in the old room. They ended up with a rule that basically allowed to claim "Winnie Poh is on topic because talking animals".
It's been deemed on-topic by previous questions...
@Edlothiad It makes me wonder if familiar with fantasy tropes or not when you make comments like this. I wonder what your thoughts on Indiana Jones are..... — Skooba8 mins ago
Apparently to some people you'd be correct. Knights make Fantasy Robots make Sci-fi
I don't need the community to be happy with me, I simply need to prove I can do what is required to keep the community on track and serve the community.
I tried to deal with this user, stating what they'd done wrong, linking them to the help centre and discussing how they could improve. I'm not here to spoon feed users.
We have already determined that Duck Tales is on topic.
Is Donald Duck on topic? There was already 1 question on the Duck universe, How wealthy is Uncle Scrooge in the Don Rosa/Carl Barks universe?, but after I created my second question, What was Scrooge McDuck protected against because of his ...
and if that is just the name of the print, shouldn't it make no difference if the story was published in a magazine called "Donald Duck", "Scrooge Chronicles" or "DC Super Hero Ducks"?
I mean, it is the story, not the editor that makes it on topic.
Basically... what is Donald Duck role in this argument??
@Edlothiad so, the point of the question was to determine if the whole "Duck chronicles universe" (including not-Duck Tales comics from Don Rosa) is on topic or just Duck Tales is?
If that is the case, I suggest editing the question/question title. Right now it seems like he is asking just about Donald as a character.
As a non-expert in the universe, merely someone who's read the odd one, read a few research papers on the topic and such I (in my answer) grouped it under the Disney comics label and said that those elements that are SFF-nal can be asked on.
For instance, I'm on book 6 of Wheel of Time series. There's an item in the series called an A'dam which creates a sort of link between two women who can channel. I'd like to ask a question, which is theoretical to me but may be answered in future works(The question is "Can the bracelet be modifi...
The crew of the Land of the Lost (1974-1976) had a large number of writers:
In fact, there were almost as many writers as all the other crew members combined. Is this normal? Why would the series have so many different writers?
Hmmm, maybe I am thinking of the X-box X. I think they are making all games for that backwards compatible. With SW: Republic Commando I think it can be played offline.
Full disclosure, this question relates to the Marvel Comics conception of Thor going mano a mano with the Incredible Hulk, and taking some pretty big hits, including repeated hulkian punches to the face that drive his body into the dirt of the arena.
But there are many elements to the Marvel c...