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@Edlothiad What point are you making there? The text you quoted makes it quite clear that the island was pulled by Ulmo, a Valar. What are you disagreeing with the OP over?
bad ad placement much?
from bbcs news app on my ipad this morning
@Gallifreyan approved
ees cute
@Riker bows
the other two floofs are cool too
the cat ones
@Riker I've discovered Tumblr and there were floofs.
@terdon I'm saying it wasn't Tol Eressëa until it was rooted. I can provide a text that says it was his creatures. But the initial point that "Moving Islands" =/= immune to the ring
@Riker That's get you unlimited carma on reddit
@Gallifreyan Don't stray too far into Tumblr, it's a dangerous place
@Edlothiad Well, the island was moved by Ossë according to your quote and the OP seems to only be using this as an example of extreme power to then build the argument that the power of the Valar was such that the ring wouldn't be tempting.
Dunno, doesn't seem unreasonable.
@Riker Id've put it on /r/funny tbf
@terdon Know the Island was moved by Ulmo according to my quote
@Riker ?
@Edlothiad D'oh! Sorry, I mean Ulmo.
@terdon I'm aware of what my quote says. I'm saying I cold provide another, that's not the point.
So that is a Valar moving an island. I just don't see where you and the OP disagree.
@Mithrandir "bilbo wasn't a man"
@terdon I'm saying Ossë, a Maiar, has committed feats of arguably equal stature.
Ooh GCS is burning
@Riker this is why there's a reply button...
OK, didn't understand that from your comment at all.
@Mithrandir was on ipad
it's hard af
I'm wondering if "Dark Fantasy" is a good name for the film night.
what's Valorum doing?
@Edlothiad He said sorry for flooding the front page ;)
@Gallifreyan That's fine then :P
@Edlothiad Sorry for you :(
@Gallifreyan It is acceptable to me
@Gallifreyan Shouldn't have chat to terdon, ah well
@Edlothiad Looks like an ilustration for the flipside of XKCD #386
@Gallifreyan Looool
Ok I should work
@Gallifreyan Ha ha ha
@Edlothiad Huh?
Ah! Did I make you burn your toast? Sorry!
it's ok haha, wasn't your fault perse
Q: Why does a yellow object turn white under a yellow light? Shouldn't it turn yellow instead?

David A.Recently I was eating a yellow rice for lunch in a restaurant with only yellow lights. But the rice looked white! I was intrigued by this because I always thought it should look yellow since the yellow pigment reflects only yellow light, but the rice looked really, really white. Why is that? I th...

Good question:
More precisely, good answer.
+1 for that gif alone.
I love giving +!'s, they truly make my day
Q: Looking for a Japanese short film on a robot travel to the past

James LeiI see this like 10 years ago on TV and wasn't able to recall the title of the film. The robot has an unusual memory card that store all AI data. It went back to the past was to save the boy (the actual robot creator in the future) from being killed by enemies. The ending part that the creator g...

Ok, time to go. Adios!
@Edlothiad Later
@Babelfish loose match with Big Hero 6.
Q: Looking for TV Series or Movie about AI taking over the earth, probably aired in the 90's

Joe-You-KnowI'm looking for a TV series or most likely a movie about a robot AI taking over the earth. I watched it when I was a kid on TV, in the US, so it probably aired during the 90s. I'm fairly certain it was a movie. I remember the AI robots being big spherical objects, with blue horizontal lights for ...

Q: How many movies of Harry Potter are there?

Sergio Cruz Campos JiménezHow many movies of Harry Potter are there? Are all the books already brought to the big screen?

Q: Why was this comment flag rejected?

ValorumI marked this comment as 'obsolete' since it relates to the future release of a film that is now released. I don't think this can be confirmed until the film is released on streaming or home video, but some online sources are claiming that the photos of Franklin crew members Jessica Wolff...

@M&TVFeeds Wow. Just wow.
Hey, at least we're off the hook as the site that posts the stupidest Harru Potter questions!
HevHeh, ghe deleted it.
I've done 9 post edits in about 4 days. I'm the worst recipient of the Copy Editor badge, sorry Gallifreyan
@Edlothiad Shame on you!
Yes me on shame!
Too many HNQ viewers just uplikey the first answer. That guys answer is just worse than mine
@Edlothiad That's HNQ for you.
How do you think those questions get so many upvotes?
Like this crap:
Q: When did Voldemort find out that Harry was hunting Horcruxes?

user82081Simple question that I can't seem to find a definitive answer for online (and I can't remember from the books): At what point did Voldemort realise that Harry was hunting Horcruxes?

@Gallifreyan yep, I downvoted that one.
...that's like the epitome of a 'too chatty' comment.
Q: Why would the beast eat that way?

I Love YouIn Beauty and the Beast (2017) movie, the beast was seen eating (possibly) soup directly with mouth. Seeing this, Belle even dropped her own spoon and started drinking directly from plate. In the movie, when Belle was surprised to see that the Beast knew Shakespeare, he replied that he had an ex...

And then the comment after that can be nuked too...
Ehehe :P
Q: Could Robocop drown?

WikisI was originally going to ask, "Could Robocop swim?" but given that he is "titanium laminated with Kevlar" I don't think there is much chance of that1. So if he was pushed into water, presumably he would drown pretty quickly just like anyone fully human, since his organic parts require oxygen. I...

@Riker - reviewstalker is showing the magnifying glass on a defunct queue
This is the feakiest picture of Bilbo I have ever seen:
Q: Why was the Beast's change of heart (him falling in love) not enough for the enchantress?

I Love YouIn *Beauty and the Beast (2017) * movie, the enchantress cursed the prince to teach him a lesson (that's why there was a way to break the curse) or possibly to destroy his ego. Initially, the prince was a cold-hearted man who used to enjoy the company of beautiful girls, but never valued love. S...

^ LOL :D
@Mithrandir reviewstalker?
@Mithrandir It's not Riker's plugin, so should go to Stack Apps
@Gallifreyan whatever, it's not that important and it's really, really, really an edge case.
Q: Review Stalker user script

KeelanThis is a very basic user script which does the following: Checks the Review homepage if there's anything you can review If so, it changes the title to (n) old_title where n is the number of review tasks you can perform If not, it refreshes the page in 15 seconds Install the script This i...

Or is it the other one?
Q: Review Stalker Reloaded: A cross-site dashboard for reviews

Nathan Tuggy About Based very loosely on the Review Stalker user script, this script has been rewritten several times since then. Its purpose is to be a one-stop pinned tab, always checking for review opportunities on main and meta as aggressively as is useful between multiple sites you configure. Usage...

@Mithrandir which one?
and holy shit that img
@Riker I linked it
sorry, didn't see that from my inbox
@Mithrandir holy siamese cats long reply
@Riker ****
That version of Bilbo's awful. It's a classic example of PJ ring PH
Remember the bartender who didn't drink, over on The Workplace?
There seems to be more to that story...
in The Water Cooler, 1 min ago, by SQB
Wait, so this user is a developer but also wants to be a bartender facing a problem that they can't drink alcohol, except that two questions over on Beer, Wine & Spirits seem to indicate that they'd like to taste whiskey and drink cocktails with wasabi. What kind of soap opera is this?
My favorite version of Bilbo Baggins.
I think @Gallifreyan pointed me to the bartender's question.
@SQB Wow :D
@SQB The Workplace has had other problems like that too
Well, maybe he tried to drink whiskey and he needed the wasabi recipes for work ;)
And who isn't a bartender by night and a developer by day (or vice versa) these days? :P
Q: What's the story with this user

Mark HendersonI refer you to one user's exceptionally exciting life: Jan 17: Gets fired by an intoxicated boss, but just went back to work anyway to find out he has a new manager Jan 26: Wasted a lot of time at work making an inappropriate video about themselves as a "joke" for their new manager ...

@Adamant Whoever downvoted that has no soul.
@Mithrandir Yeah, I've seen that one too. Even suspected it being the same user, but this seems to be a different soap actor.
@Riker any way you could just put out an update?
for the same gist?
can't find the edit button >_>
what else would I do?
No idea\
I don't code, so...
i'm an idiot
found it
ok come on why did that get stars
and fwiw the edit button was the big button labelled "EDIT" at the top
in The Sphinx's Lair, Jan 15 at 12:43, by Mithrandir
1 hour ago, by Emrakul
Me: "I'm an idiot." Everyone else: "Let's star this and save it for all eternity."
@Riker all self-deprecation gets stars.
but seriously: it's updated, no worries
@Riker @Edlothiad had made the mistake of posting something like this. We never forgot.
ooh, 1 other thing to fix later: it still uses meta.x.stackexchange
I left a comment.
So, being medically unable to drink the tiniest drop, how did that wasabi cocktail over on Beer, Wine & Spirits go down? And what did the whiskey taste like? — SQB 1 min ago
not x.meta
so I think it doesn't work on metas anymore
shrug will fix later
@Riker Tempted to pin. must... not...
I can unpin that :p
For whoever's interested, Clue 30 is up...
@Riker But I'd be satisfied with the screenshot I'd take ;P
@Mithrandir I can never solve those :(
@Gallifreyan this one is pretty easy, actually
Q: What was restored in the American Gods "tenth anniversary" edition?

KutuluMikeThe tenth anniversary edition of American Gods is Gaiman's "preferred text" version of the book. In the forward, he claims to have restored about 12,000 words that were edited out of the original for various reasons. I assume that many of those edits are scattered across the book in small parts,...

@Babelfish I want to be able to hand out bounties for questions.
@SQB Same here.
There have been many requests for such a feature.
Q: Bounty-like facility for rewarding excellent questions

eggyalAmongst the reasons for starting a bounty, one can select: Reward existing answer One or more of the answers is exemplary and worthy of an additional bounty. Why not enable one to reward excellent questions in a similar manner?

The important answer is at the bottom.
I find this answer insightful as well:
A: Bounty-like facility for rewarding excellent questions

animusonThe problem with offering bounties on questions is it doesn't encourage any behavior from other users. When users see a bounty available on a question, it encourages them to provide a detailed answer in an effort to be rewarded the bounty. Even if you are "rewarding an existing answer" it is stil...

@Babelfish I asked Neil Gaiman on Tumblr.
Q: Col. Henry Bone

Robert GarnerWhat story features Col. Henry Bone at the end of the universe, with all remaining creatures fighting in deadly earnest over all scraps? There seems to be something of a western theme, as well as a character who/which does not recognize Col. Bone in time before making a fatal mistake.

Q: Why did David let another Alien out on the board of the Covenant?

Sebastian KramerWhy did David\Walter let the Alien out on the board of the ship? The crew already thought that he's David so all he had to do was to wait for them to go into hipersleep and then he could conduct as many experiments as he wanted. Letting the Alien out was very risky: he lost three perfectly good b...

@Babelfish Is this a spoiler?
^ That's a great Yennefer art, and faithful to her description in the books.
I finally got my dad to check out Game of Thrones. He's seen through episode 5. He's a bit on edge about the violence. Oh Dad, you ain't seen nothin yet.
@Jolenealaska I was just about to say that last sentence.
So his next episode is "golden crown".
That one is relatively ok, iirc.
It's violence we like!
Did you get to the part with the two girls in Littlefinger's public house?
That one usually serves as the last drop.
No no no... ease into it?
He has said that he doesn't mind the gratuitous nudity, so that should be OK. With him I'm more concerned about the red wedding and the mountain and the viper.
Also Baelor. That one is the first big shock; I'll be interested to see how he takes that one.
Hi @zabeus!
Answer or not?
A: When does TNG take place in relation to DS9?

Adamthat's interesting , meaning that in 2376 during Voyagers 6th season Janeway and her crew are off dealing with a rouge federation crew. While Picard at the sametime is dealing with a pending Borg invasion and with warning from Captain Deming of the U.S.S Premonition. So all through out the sto...

(Needs Star Trek people)
"A rouge Federation crew?"
as in NAA flag answer-ness or actual "does this answer the question" answer-ness?
I assume that's a reference to the Maquis???
that's not even an answer
I own Game of Thrones so far on Amazon, so I've just given him my log-in.
I'm pretty sure Star Trek Armada is a video game
so not a good source for this, considering the TV shows themselves provide a complete answer
@Ixrec Dunno, I only watched the reboot films. hides
in terms of answering the question, that post does not
it has meandering thoughts that appear to be leading in the direction of answering the question, but it's not forming a complete argument
So flag it?
well, that's why I asked
for "NAA flag answer-ness" the answer is probably "yes it's an 'answer'"
That's why I asked as well :)
whether you watched the films is unrelated to what question you were asking me =P
I don't like comments like Richard's to that post. That's what editing is for, not snarkiness.
how would you edit the post to fix that problem?
Question: what would we award bonus points for in the "Dark Fantasy"-themed film night nominations?
not also being sci-fi? lol
I was thinking of "+1 if the film is foreign (as in non-Hollywood)"
I don't think bonus points are super important anyway
Sure, but they can help us steer the nominations and make the scope narrow enough.
But given there aren't that many dark fantasy films to begin with...
with "post-apocalyptic" there's tons of tropes to apply bonus points on
I think I could award a point for a female protagonist. I can't think of a fantasy film with a female protagonist.
I feel like The Princess Bridge and Stardust sort of count? the female lead was at least as much of a protagonist (as opposed to plot device) as the male was in those, I think
@Ixrec I just did, it's awaiting approval.
huh, that edit does nothing to address Richard's...OH THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT
@Ixrec The Princess Bride was the first thing I thought of.
I was wondering why the heck he was linking Red Squad
yeah now I agree with that thing you said earlier
and for my next off-topic movie I'll go watch Kingsman
Good. Now I have flagged the comment as obsolete.
Tristan gets more screen time though, and it's more about him. Though I agree with you that it's worthy of mention.
Should we encourage a non-live-action film? On one hand we just had one, on the other - most of what was watched was live action.
How has my properly sourced canonical answer dropped below this garbage?
A: Are the Valar vulnerable to the One Ring?

chxThe Valar have such vast power that the Ring, containing a portion of the power of a Maia would be nothing to them and so they would have no reason to wear it. The visions of power the Ring can project into the mind of someone to corrupt them is a joke to the power they already hold. They partici...

@Edlothiad That's HNQ for you.
And your answer displays higher for me.
well of course my internet goes down for a minute right when I start the movie
@Gallifreyan Adds link to Mos, oh wait...
@Edlothiad shhhh
Q: Is it called Desolation Station on purpose?

Donatello SwansinoIn the canon Star Wars novel Tarkin, the rebellious former Republic officer Berch Teller was assigned to the Empire's Desolation Station before going off the grid. It was an Imperial installation that oversaw the research behind the Death Star. They both have the initials DS. Was this on purpose?

I could have sworn we had a tag...
Ah, it was Lit...
@Slytherincess Hey there!
Hi :) Glad to hear that bonking noise again!
(You know ... that noise chat makes when someone addresses you directly: BONK!)
Sounds more like a THUD! to me.
Perhaps that is the British pronunciation ;)
When you put it that way, I'll go with "THUD"!
@Gallifreyan While women are notably under-represented in fantasy films, I submit that you can count superhero movies as fantasy.
@Adamant But we need dark fantasy.
@Adamant lol, how does that help? we haven't had a single solo female led superhero live action movie ever so far
@Jolenealaska -- I can't take the violence in Game of Thrones and I'm no wuss. I have to admit that it seems often very gratuitous to me, which may be why I shy away from it so vicerally (sp?). It took me six seasons to tolerate The Walking Dead ^_^
(yes we're going to get one next month, FINALLY, but still)
yeah GoT is over the top
@Ixrec It doesn't, really. It could in the future, though.
I was covering my eyes quite a few times
@Ixrec Catwoman?
Was that solo?
@Slytherincess You're not alone, and I completely get it. I close my eyes for a lot of it the 2nd and 3rd time around.
it's in the title so probably, you got me there
@Adamant Is it the hideous film with Halle Berry and atrocious CGI?
that sounds right
Elektra, etc.
Fantasy. Dark fantasy.
The truth is that many female-led superhero movies have been made, but relegated to obscurity. Whether because of prejudice on the part of audiences, reluctance of producers to give them support or a workable budget, or likely some combination of those and other factors....
@Gallifreyan I know, I know.
I wonder if anyone will nominate Mononoke. I wonder if it counts as dark.
@Gallifreyan What about Twilight? I always found that kind of dark.
The guy sparkles, for Batman's sake!
I think the kind of dark we're going for is not the kind that Twilight is
Alice in Wonderland (Burton version) is dark.
Q: Does the Q Continuum exist in the Mirror Universe?

ThunderforgeThe Mirror Universe has counterparts to most every race. In the Expanded Universe, it even includes the Borg. Does the Q Continuum exist in the Mirror Universe too? Does Q have a goatee? I am open to Expanded Universe materials.

@Adamant yeah, I stand corrected
@Adamant That'll do. Keep it in mind until I write up that post :D
I submit that Star Wars Episode VII is dark fantasy with a female protagonist.
we should really come up with a more precise definition of "dark"
@Jolenealaska I am a bit squeamish about gore myself.
1. Some elements of horror
2. No mages or such
No mages?
@Gallifreyan Why no mages?
* 2. No good mages
Is Rey a mage?
3. Set, or connected to, the real world
I.e. Middle-earth and Narnia go out of the window.
@Gallifreyan Not sure I agree with that as a criterion.
Particularly since ME and Narnia are in fact connected to the real world
I would agree that we want to exclude LotR and Narnia but not sure that's the criterion for doing so
But I submit: Pan's Labyrinth
my first guess would've been something like "the characters are not cleanly divided into "good" and "evil" sides with zero ambiguity"
Pan's Labyrinth was one of my first thoughts too
@Adamant I heard about it, sounds like exactly the sort of thing I have in mind.
Does Maleficent count? Dark enough?
Didn't watch it.
Dark fantasy on TVTropes.
Wikipedia is surprisingly unhelpful.
Maleficent is there.
And Hellboy isn't?!
And neither is Sandman! Though this one is debatable, I admit.
Hah - The Witcher is included. Could be, could be...
Q: How does lowering your density make you intangible

Zoheb SattaI was talking to my friend about this the other day and always knew that I understood that zero density = intangibility, but when I tried to explain to her why, I realized that I couldn't. Does anyone have a good scientific explanation as to why having zero density would make you intangible?

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