Okay, maybe I'm being a bit of an ******, but closing the best question as duplicate of the worst? That annoys me. Especially since the selected dupe target gets so many aspects of the work wrong, it basically gets an answer despite itself. I've reversed the duplicates, I hope I haven't overstepped.
So i was watching the most disturbing book by this video
and they mentioned the bible and i decided to read the bible because why not? And i was planning to buy one but i was overwhelm of the many versions such as the American English version, Oxford version,etc a...
During Season 3 of Z Nation Murphy established a community of Blends, kind of human-zombie hybrids that he has mental influence over created either by his bite or a special inoculation made from his blood, in Spokane. Much of the season focused on the development of this community and Warren's at...
I don’t know when I read this book, but it was a book about a boy who moved to a town with a sinkhole problem.
He ends up meeting a girl who introduces him to a tunnel society where they use items to hold up the tunnel walls and ceilings. When one of these items falls it causes sinkholes. She tak...
The female lead is a fiancée of a prince, but the prince loves her sister. The female lead has knowledge of ancient magic or something.
She then casts aside her family, breaks the engagement and lives in a house she requested with the king.
I read from an online thread that Timmy is 50 years old in reality which doesn't make any sense , as last time I watched the show (Fairly oddparents if I'm not wrong), he was like 10 years old and he was studying in some school or something. What is his actual age?
There is a horror book where the narrating character tells a story about their father - or father figure - boxing up broken glass so that the garbage men don't get their hands cut up by the glass. The anecdote in particular was supposed to demonstrate that the father figure was a kind and thought...
Looking for a Juvenile/ YA Science Fiction Book about Kids that are taken to space (spaceship) to fight an enemy, but soon discover the enemy doesn't exist. Door with scratches on it. Read around 2018-2020. Spoilers ahead.
Details: These kids get taken to space to fight an enemy they are told exi...
The Stack Exchange Twitter bots are being shut down tomorrow, which includes SFF's. The integrations will be removed from the site and the account will go defunct.
@Mithical I don't twit, so I'm not necessarily the target audience anyway, but I've never had the impression that tweeting questions has been worth much.
In The Chronicles of Narnia, Tash is the principal god of Calormen. The capital city, Tashbaan, is named after him, and his temple stands at the summit of the city's main hill. Calormenes swear oaths in his name, and Calormene soldiers call on him for success in battle.
The worship of Tash is so ...
Can you give a list tiny ufo or spaceships that appeared in the cartoon animation short film animation series or or other
I need a cartoon list in which it appeared tiny ufo or spaceships
I have some of them
Pink Panther (1969) episode Pink U.F.O.
Dinosaucers (1987) episode That Shrinking Feelin...
Way back in September of last year we posted a meta asking if the community wanted the accepted answer to be unpinned from the top of posts. The vote was very close but an answer suggesting unpinning won and we've been running an experiment to see how people feel on the matter. Admittedly this ex...
Remember that the main point of closing-as-duplicates is to help people find a single source of answers when searching.
As such, the preference should be:
If one question covers a subset of the other, the more specific version should be closed as a duplicate of the broader one.
If they are ess...
There is a story I recall reading where a person is being tortured for information and just before he would die, they transfer his consciousness to a new body retaining all the memory of the torture and continuing the interrogation. When they are done (If I recall) they transfer him back to his o...