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Doppel, as soon as you threw your hat in the ring you got my vote, even though I decided I wanted to run too. I'd much rather see you get it if there's only one position.
1 hour later…
@A_S00 yes
@ObliviousSage If their username shows up as an autocomplete-suggestion after typing @, then they'll get the inbox-notification of your message.
@nitsua60 -- I'm very glad Stack elections don't suffer from things like hanging chads, because I can already see a very close race brewing for the mod election here -- we have 3 very strong candidacies here already with you, Korvin, and Greener, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple more crawl out of the woodwork
@Shalvenay Thanks. I know that I, for one, will have no trouble voting for some of the other candidates. There's some serious thoughtfulness and ability there.
yeah, btw -- did you see my comment on Korvin's answer to the election Q&A post?
if not:
"None of what we do here is critical to flight safety." +100 and bounty worthy -- far too often, RPG folk in the online wilderness regress to a sternly argumentative tone that, while sensible when lives are at stake, is inappropriate for the subject matter at hand here, and especially inappropriate in the context of this Stack. That tonal issue is probably the greatest source of impedance mismatch new users coming from other fora face that is specific to this community (atop the perceived latent new-user hostility common to all Stacks)... — Shalvenay 12 mins ago
@Shalvenay Not yet--I spent an inordinate amount of time on my questionnaire response, and got lapped by Korvin during that. (I.e. he self-nominated and posted an answer all while I was working on mine.)
But you're spot-on, there.
I've got to admit--I'm a little flummoxed by what to make of votes on answers to the questionnaire.
@nitsua60 Last time around, there was an (unchallenged) suggestion that we not vote on them.
@nitsua60 What makes you flummoxed about them? I ask because they line up pretty well with my expected model of "total upvotes is a composite measure of answer quality and time-since-posting"
Well, I suppose the people who voted anyway could be considered to have challenged that suggestion.
Ah, if you meant what they're supposed to mean procedurally, that makes sense
@A_S00 Well, on meta votes indicate agreement, right? So it's people saying "Yep, you're right about all this stuff you've said about yourself." If you get enough votes, you can consider yourself an expert on yourself.
@Miniman Those questions clearly aren't just factual questions about the nominees, though; they're designed specifically so that answers to them will reveal stuff about the nominees' attitudes and tendencies re: mod stuff. I assume an upvote on such an answer is "I like the way you've answered these questions; this answer has improved my impression of how good a mod you would be" and a downvote is the opposite
@A_S00 Yep, that was supposed to be a joke. Tone-on-the-interwebs strikes again, I guess.
@Miniman it got me at the beginning of this room :(
text is hard
@Miniman yeah...I think the wider online-RPG world suffers from an assumed-tone-on-the-interwebs problem
@A_S00 I can see all that, I just am not sure I think that's a great result to end up with. We've got the election where people can vote on how good a mod they thing someone will be. This strikes me as strangely pre-influencing which candidates would even get a full read.
uh...would a question about our surroundings like that be better raised on the mainsite or meta btw?
@nitsua60 yeah that makes sense; I would probably be in favor of a procedural "don't vote on these" rule, but it's maybe too late now?
@A_S00 yeah, that horse is quite out of the barn
3 hours later…
If anybody has any questions that aren't on the list we already answered, I'm sure the others would agree when I say that you're more than welcome to post them here for us to address.
@LinoFrankCiaralli I'd be OK with that.
@Shalvenay I think the interwebs suffers from an assumed-tone-on-the-interwebs problem.
@nitsua60 I've been equally uncertain what to make of votes on our questionnaire answers, but maybe that's sort of a feature, if a strange one.
@LinoFrankCiaralli Thanks for the support. :) There's a few members I'd be happy to see moderating if I don't make it past the cut myself.
3 hours later…
Alright, done throwing the hat. Looks like there's some tough competition, but that's a good thing, right? :)
@LinoFrankCiaralli True, true--good call, and I certainly agree, too.
@Erik That's certainly my belief--lets give the voters a great panel to deliberate among, and that way no matter the result the site/community wins.
@Erik Is this in anticipation of the other kind of hat?
I honestly had no idea there were hats... I'm one of those rare people here who wears an actual hat though
So being bribed with a hat might've actually helped :P
@Erik There is a metaphysical hat that is attached to your head by your choice of glue or super-strong hair gel, which has psychic powers of making people respond to you a bit differently on the site. Rigorous Scientific Research* has found it magnetises trolls. But also yes you get hats in punchspace as well, glue-free.
(* Rigorous Scientific Research is a non-profit and in fact completely non-profitable organisation incorporated in the offshore mainland USA. It has no relation to science nor research nor is it rigorous. To reach us, please find our main office. We've been searching for it since it sunk and any help is appreciated.)
@doppelgreener I appreciate the effort, but I don't think punchspace will ever be a thing.
@BESW But I can still use it where it's relatively clear in context, and I like it and it's funny. :D
I'm only interested in metaphysical hats if I can wear them in Team Fortress.
Also first time I've heard meatspace described as punchspace.
@Erik Or have you just been hearing people describing punchspace as meatspace???????
That sounds like a philosophical debate about the meaning of words, which is offtopic here. VTC :P
@Erik If elected I promise to properly enforce "punchspace" as the term of choice for referring to punchspace.
in RPG General Chat, Jan 22 '14 at 14:36, by BESW
IRL, The Place Where You Can Be Punched, Outside the Tubes, The Big Bright.
AKA The Land of Eye Contact.
@BESW A frightening and dangerous place indeed.
@doppelgreener We're in this together; help with an answer is generally appreciated. — KorvinStarmast 12 mins ago
I'm really happy us candidates are maintaining a good rapport with each other.
META has gone all crappy, I am unable to edit or post an edit to an answer. I have deleted my questionnaire response until META stops being all crappy.
@KorvinStarmast Whaaat!?
Are you on the new rpg.meta.stack domain?
[tests edit]
I was able to edit my own questionnaire response OK, but there's no harm in leaving it for the time being.
I just happened to be reading the answer when it got deleted. I thought you'd dropped out suddenly @KorvinStarmast
@markovchain No, I just got sorta mad at the damned meta not accepting my edits. After the fifth page reload and try again I threw up my hands. I am going to reboot and try again.
@markovchain Clerical error. Nothing to see here.
Best of luck to that, computers tend to barf for no reason sometimes. Glad it was just some minor thing.
has suddenly forgotten memories of the last 30 minutes
@markovchain Thank you for participating in this stack beta test, citizen. Report to Friend Computer for debriefing and decontamination.
Yes Friend Computer. I will stay vigilant and be sure to report commies, mutants, and traitors as soon as I see them
/me inconspicuously hides behind a pillar
rolled a 16, totally does not notice Erik
It's back up, reboot blesses us once again with its awesomeness.
@KorvinStarmast The magic of turning it off and on again!
@doppelgreener It also works with most avionics/electronic sub systems on aircraft. It's when that doesn't work that one begins to have a few problems. A stray electron here and there can ruin your day ...
@KorvinStarmast Those damn electrons! Things would be so much simpler without them.
@KorvinStarmast That's interesting. Didn't know the on-off trick was used in high-tech aircrafts too.
That's technically true.
What happens when there's an error with the control panel in the middle of flight...?
@Korvin Is it a good time for me to delete my comments on your questionnaire response?
Well, I just dropped by to check in. Gotta go. Best of luck to you candidates here at the moment. :)
@markovchain Thanks! See you later. :D
@markovchain Sometimes, you reset, sometimes you are stuck with a malfunction, and sometimes you die. (See AF 447). Most aircraft have detailed procedures for operating in degraded modes, and even for full electrical failure and power restoration.
@doppelgreener That's fine, if I have addressed your concerns.
@doppelgreener I am so glad you have tossed your hat into the ring. As soon as I saw the Meta announcing the election, the first two names that came to my head were yours and nitsua6, followed by BESW.
@KorvinStarmast Concerns addressed, comments deleted. I don't totally agree with everything you've written, but that's fine -- it'd be weird if all the nominees agreed on everything.
It'd also make the whole voting process a little pointless
@KorvinStarmast I had that happen (mainsite, though) a few days back. Equally frustrating, but @diego was nice enough to post some edits for me that I dropped into chat. Cleared up after an hour.
@Erik It would indeed!
@KorvinStarmast \o/ Thank you. I'm really happy I'm able to nominate this time as well, and those very same names popped into my own head.
Last election I had personal circumstances that just meant moderating here was not going to work for me or the site, but that's no longer the case. A few weeks ago, I was anticipating there'd be an election sometime soon, so I took some time to think it through and make sure I'd be OK nominating this time. (I'm surprised it arrived so soon though. I wasn't on any kind of insider information, I just knew we hadn't heard from Wax Eagle in a while so it'd have to happen sooner or later.)
@doppelgreener I posted a meta question about two months ago about 'I hear WaxEagle has left moderating' and asked about an election. Mxy pointed out that this was probably not a good use of a meta, spreading rumors, so I deleted the question. I had heard from friends elsewhere that our dear Wax had left ...
@KorvinStarmast Oh, yeah, I saw that.
@doppelgreener My motive for trying to find Wax came from me digging into C.SE's history and realizing how instrumental he was in helping that community get started. I was trying to find a way to thank him.
@KorvinStarmast That would be excellent. I hope we see him again sometime in the not too distant future so that we can do that. RPG.SE owes a lot to C.SE for its foundations.
@doppelgreener I just threw some votes on the questionnaire to try to get the answers to parity. Rather than upvoting yours, I'd want to downvote it if I knew mine would also get some downvotes. (I'm thinking we'll get to parity quicker by dropping ours than trying to raise all others to our score.) In the strangest anti-collusion ever, can I downvote yours and trust you (and a few others) to downvote mine?
@doppelgreener I read your entire nomination post as if it were read by George Lowe's Space Ghost.
(OTOH, this is sounding as convoluted as that recent question about siring a bastard via gender-changing magic + seduction. Let the voters sort it all out, I suppose.)
@nitsua60 Yes.
@MadMAxJr fabulous. i couldn't have asked for better.
@doppelgreener Cool. It does look like there was the same effort--though not successful--last election. (Only 3 candidates there, though, so it's arguably more-important to even things out this time.)
Hi guys
Just nominated myself
Hope someone will help do what I'm supposed to if by some slim chance I get votes!
Where's the guy who's just like, meh, chill?
I don't think Bryant is here.
If you mean him. Welcome to the nomination though :)
@Michael Great--good to have you in the running. Time to get cracking on your answers to the questionnaire =)
Thanks @Erik
Oh cr@p, there's PREP?!
@Michael Best advice I can give: don't look at everyone else's answers before writing your own. Just compose your answer as best reflects you.
I looked at @doppelgreener's answer after posting mine; if I'd looked before I might have just withdrawn =)
There's quite a lot of prep, although it's optional. It'll give people more information to make a good choice, though.
I'm allowed to copy paste my nomination speech right?
At relevant junctures of course
@Michael Of course.
@nitsua60 - no way will i read those text walls ;-)
The first post has some instructions to get the template, that might help. You'll have all the questions ready to answer.
@Erik - thank you Sir
@LinoFrankCiaralli are you sure you want to ask a physics/non-physics question while you're a nominee? It could rustle up the populace =D
...and isn't asking "what if?" in an RPG setting basically playing that RPG?!
@Michael congrats!
That is a big step
@nitsua60 haha! I am glad you nominated anyway. I avoided reading Lino's first because i wanted to have a mental clean slate for just writing my own thing, independent of whatever anyone else was doing.
good morning
@JoshuaAslanSmith good morning!
dusts off hat, tosses it into ring
it still annoys me at how hard it is to get the last 2 review badges simply because of how short a time period stuff lingers there, even checking a few times a day when I login I rarely see anything
which is of course a sign of the sites health
but gotta catch em all
If exactly one person upvotes Michael's answer on the questionnaire, all the answers will be even: rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/a/6993/30299
I need to write out my answers later tonight
@A_S00 I'm waiting for him to actually answer, since right now he just copied the questions
@diego Hah good point, I didn't actually read it just scrolled through and looked at the scores
@doppelgreener I assume thats from a web comic, which one?
3 hours later…
@JoshuaAslanSmith excellent--glad to see it. These voters are going to suffer from an embarrassment of riches.

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