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@shatterspike1 Hi.
I have the odd feeling I stumbled in on something weird. Is something weird going on?
I dunno, nothing's happened since I got here.
I feel like making a list of GM commandments as reminders for myself to follow when GMing
Such as?
Thou shalt make the game enjoyable for everyone
Thou shalt either say yes or ask for a die roll
that sort of thing
Depending on your GMing style, AW GM principles might be a good place to start.
Thou shalt use a squeaky voice for at least one NPC every adventure.
AW GM principles?
Here're the ones from Dungeon World, as that's what I have at hand. I'm gonna remove a few system-specific ones...
Draw maps, leave blanks
Address the characters, not the players
Embrace the fantastic
Give every monster life
Name every person
Ask questions and use the answers
Be a fan of the characters
Think dangerous
Begin and end with the fiction
Think offscreen, too
@BESW maybe I should give the mass-murdering psychopath one of those...
@Magician I feel like some of those need a bit of additional description, but yeah, I can see a lot of that
book.dwgazetteer.com/gm.html - DW gazetteer has the entire rulebook online, including the GMing chapter that discusses each in detail.
Oh sweet, I didn't know it was free
@JonathanHobbs I think the most common meaning of "GM fiat" is "because I said so."
GM fiat means you don't have to justify or explain, things just happen because you're the GM and you said they happened.
There is no conversation in GM fiat.
@BESW pretty much.
@BESW is that something I need to add?
I'd suggest it. The idea that these choices are the GM's and the GM's alone is crucial to the concept of GM fiat, and is what separates GM fiat from, say, group-derived house rules.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Minor GMPCs can be very helpful. In a D&D 4e game I ran, I had an inhabitant of an island invaded by monsters work with the PCs for a while and guide them through the island, help them fight, and so on.
@BESW Righteo!
Burn GM fiat to the ground!
Burn GM fiat in some kind of elaborate Wicker Man construction, with some bees for good measure.
Just sayin'. It's not like I have a strong opinion about this.
I've had good results from moderate use of GM fiat, when I was regularly talking with my players about other aspects of the game and we trusted each other to be on the same wavelength.
Has anyone seen the new PPG episode? It looks like it's probably for the old fans, not too interested in attracting new ones.
Power Puff Girls.
I was under the impression is was a quasi-reboot.
well, the kind of reboot where it's exactly the same as before
I haven't been actively looking at it, so I'm not sure.
I didn't pay any attention to the Powerpuff Girls until I learned that they were part of the legacy of the people involved in the DCAU and FiM.
A: What is "GM/DM Fiat?"

Jonathan HobbsIn a large number of RPGs, the GM is positioned as the controller of the world, its NPC inhabitants, the items in the world, and their essential natures. They are also often positioned as the final arbiter of rules, and thus hold considerable authority. Hopefully, a GM imbued with such power will...

I edited this a bunch in response to your feedback, @BESW, and your comments, @KRyan and @SevenSidedDie.
Mainly the middle bit!
And now I lunch.
Very nice.
@DeleteMe Hi!
You'll need 20+ rep on any one Stack Exchange site to type in chat, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
@BESW Argh! The sound is out of sync and this is influencing my entire perception of it!
@JonathanHobbs Aw.
the entire thing is punchy and fast-paced; it needs audio to be in sync.
I didn't review it closely, figured Cartoon Network would have that sort of thing under control.
@BESW nope, check right after the first cut. buttercup's mouth begins moving almost a second before you start hearing her talk.
all momentum is obliterated in the wake of the poor sync.
@Problematic [wave]
@BESW haroom
How are we doing this [time of day]?
Not bad.
Thinking about how to Core-ify DFRPG spellcasting, and trying not to think about my meeting tonight.
In the midst of some long days at the office, so pretty much just staring slack-jawed into space.
@Magician I think your reddit post has garnered T2BC two new followers.
@BESW Sweet!
It's second-most popular post I've ever done there, I think. All of my blog posts have fared worse.
Narrowly beating it is the album of a mega 3d dungeon we've used. Which says a lot about reddit.
And yes, that commenter appears to not have clicked the link. Which happens.
Actually, happens quite a lot. Every time, there's someone who just posts something so random, I don't know how to respond. Kinda throws the "respond to everyone who took the time to write to you" maxim out of the window.
@Magician That really was the worst possible time for his powers as salamander king to kick in.
@BESW Joke's on you, I'm gonna star the "things get weird here" quote as my response.
1 hour later…
I think I find it harder to appreciate Dungeon World than the other Apocalypse Engine games. I guess it's because I feel like the choice to go for D&D-isms over fantasy per se is kinda crowding out cooler options.
Then again I really like some of the classes and such. And the basic moves.
While disliking the idea of using those particular classes, a bit.
But, like, DW druid and barbarian are things of beauty.
Can someone familiar with PF alchemy look at this?
Q: Alchemist starting formulas

playerzero An alchemist begins play with two 1st level formulae of his choice, plus a number of additional forumlae equal to his Intelligence modifier. Just want to make sure I'm getting this right. I have bonus extracts/formulas I can prepare each day due to my int, so that means I can prepare a l...

I can't tell if it has enough info in it or not.
I think I understand what they're asking, enough to form an answer.
I find it strange that there's a typo in the Advanced Player's Guide.
I'm not sure why.
Guten morgen.
Good Morning.
@BESW huh, that is a drastic animation change
other than that, 40 seconds isn't much to base a conclusion on
at least for me anyway
@Metool As per your comment on some Pathfinder answer, do you think we should encourage linking to the Paizo PRD rather than to the open D20PFSRD?
I find the S20PFSRD to be more convenient (or at least it was, I think Paizo fixed the layout of the PRD a while back). But I don't know of any actual errors in the SRD.
Heck, I don't know.
Question - I am about to start a new campaign today as the GM - one of my players says he will only be able to arrive mid-way through due to unforeseen delays... First session is character/world building so its not like he will be missing out on actual gametime - but the question is, should I wait for him? (or reschedule the whole thing) or just go ahead with the rest of the players and he can join later? (There are 2 other players)
My concern is that he might miss valuable information.
Information can be filled in later, but I think he'll miss the feeling of starting a new campaign. It can be a bummer feeling like he's joining a campaign where the others have a head start on him.
But its just character creation.
And world building.
And probably some world-building (ie: telling them about the world and stuff)
That's the main bit, I think.
Shared world building?
There is already the main ideas plotted out. But the characters creation influences the world around them.
Doesn't Fate, or at least Fate Core, ask the characters to write small scenes with each other as part of character creation?
Will he miss that too?
Because I am going to have them figure out their characters / who they want their characters to be before he arrives. and then they will write taht all together.
It is a shame he will be coming late - but I don't want to punish the other players or delay the game. And rescheduling is a b****
It's only like an hour or two late... So.. its not crazy.
In any other game, I'd probably say go forward with it, but in a game where the players are so involved in creating the world, I'm afraid he'll feel like he has less say about the world.
I just can't reconcile within myself what to do about it.
If I would have known ahead of time he would not be making it on the time we agreed - I would delay/reschedule... but now its last minute...
And he was the last addition to the game. One of the other players asked me to include him, it was originally going to be just 2 players (and myself) ... For just the reason that It is easier to organize less people...
At the worldbuilding session, carve out a section of the world for him.
Leave it a big blank for him to fill in later.
Not necessarily geographically; maybe it's a group, or a mysterious event, or a prophesy.
I agree, don't delay the game for him, but the worldbuilding should involve him and this is a good way to make sure his membership in the group isn't marginalised.
Perhaps also start an out-of-band conversation with him via SMS/email during the day about some of the ideas he has for his character and the world, so you can gently prevent the others from stepping too much over his ideas.
Nothing detailed, just to get the general idea of stuff he'd like to be a part of.
Those are great ideas.
Okay, I sent him a message (and to the whole group) that they should start thinking a bit now about what they wanted to do, so that when we meet we can do more than just wait.. etc etc... :)
So.. atm I will wait and see what happens. If I don't learn more by the evening then I will have to decide exactly what I am doing... :s
Cool - I rarely find it worth delaying a session for one player, no matter what is going to be covered or what system is being used. There is always a way of dealing with their absence without having to reschedule
I once ran the farewell session for a character after the player had left island.
@Phil That's one of the basic Table Rules that have to be established for any new campaign. I've had games where we set a minimum player limit (or a maximum absentee limit), and games where we wouldn't play without everyone present.
Depends on the group and the feel of the game.
He left very suddenly, so I just chatted with him about ideas for the farewell session and then I ran his PC as an NPC.
Tweets to Campaign By knows how hard it is when your gaming group dissipates.
Wednesday. There's no one following you. There's no one watching you. There's no one listening to you. The loneliness of freedom. Wednesday.
@lisardggY That's a fair point. I do always have that discussion with players at the beginning of a new group, but the types of players I have there are always likely to be absences, and not running when a single player isn't there would mean we'd only run every other session
Absentee players are so annoying/
@Phil That's good policy for many games, but I've played games where the narrative and plot were very tightly coupled to the characters, and not having one player would seriously mess everything up.
(Of course, I wouldn't run that sort of game with more than three players)
I've run games where we know going in that not everyone will be able to come all the time, and I've had a lot of fun inventing in-game justifications for it.
@BESW I had a campaign a few years back which was all a sort of playtest for a new system our GM was half writing/half improvising, and one of the central goals was to allow switching characters in and out easily.
In my 4e game, I did two things: first, I tied the main plot arcs most tightly to the player I knew I could count on (@trogdor) to be there every week; second, I designed a campaign story about a Far Realm incursion that would culminate in a 30th-level battle to preserve the integrity of the fabric of time and space.
The concept was a meta-universe organization that recruited people from various alternate realities and time-streams on their death-beds (so we could play characters from all sorts of genres) and sends them as commando teams into various universes.
@lisardggY Arrow of Time?
So the very loosely defined tech behind it could (for reasons known only ot the Powers That Be) pull a character out in mid-mission.
It's that new System right?
@InbarRose Nope. Haven't actually read that.
Oh, Sounds familiar to that. (I haven't played/read it either.)
It was about 3-4 years ago, and a system (and setting) tentatively named Dozens that never actually made it past our playtest.
This meant that from level 1 onwards, whenever someone couldn't make it, their character no-clipped out of reality, spent a few seconds in one of a half-dozen locations which would be important to the plot later on, and then clipped back in next to the group whenever the player showed up again, having lost whatever time elapsed from the POV of the rest of the party.
It was foreshadowing AND convenience.
@BESW That is very rough.
XP and loot wasn't a problem because I've never been interested in penalising someone mechanically for not showing up; it just encourages them to quit if they can't come every single time.
In my werewolf group some sessions we HAVE to all be together, since our characters are all together at the time and in the middle of something... but sometimes we have more down-time, and if a player can't make it then ST just makes a private session with that player of "what he was up to meanwhile"
So the no-clipping was basically an excuse to not have to pretend the PC had been there but had no agency, or constantly invent new things they'd run off to do.
If a player can't make the game time regularly, they usually can't schedule extra time to do minisessions on the side.
In fact, he always runs private sessions for characters before he enters them into the game world. And every once in a while tries to arrange private sessions regardless of missed time in the game. Which makes for a very interesting world.
In my zombie game, characters whose players are not there simply fade to the background no matter what the situation.
@InbarRose I did that a few times back in college. It was fun.
The torture sessions worked that way.
@BESW Sounds kinky.
@InbarRose Not at all.
BESW Having private torture sessions in college... sounds kinky....
But.. I am still calling Kinky.
Starting to think you're the kinky one, not BESW :op
He had his friends go into spread eagle positions on the carpet of his dorm room and roleplay having snakes strapped to them... that is pretty kinky
'No, no it REALLY is kinky!'
Meh. Whatever.
1 hour later…
... the stuff that happens when I'm asleep...
Let that be a lesson to you.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Sleep is for the weak
@Phil I am incredibly weak.
I am always surprised when one of my comments gets starred in here, as I can never predict which ones will or won't get done :o)
Holy crap, my comment from yesterday got 7 stars?!
@dharmakc Hi!
indeed - it is quite the soundbite :o)
You'll need 20+ rep on any one Stack Exchange site to type in chat, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
[Waves to @dharmakc!]
in other news, I really should ask more questions on this site - I've gathered more rep over the last week for questions then I've had for answers in the last month
Ask an OWoD question and I'll answer it!
Or a Torg question. Nobody asks Torg questions. Because it's been out of print for about 20 years, but still...
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion ...I should ask questions about The Doctor Who Role Playing Game.
@BESW You could, but I haven't picked it up, believe it or not!
I keep wanting to, but I have WAY too many games that I haven't played, already.
I have issues conceptually with how a Dr Who RPG would work
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Not Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space.
Its last supplement was published in 1986.
I have neither!
But I'd read both!
I'll ask questions about Unearthed Arcana from first edition AD&D. "What's up with evil people thinking negative Comliness is more attractive, anyway?"
... actually, it's not a bad thematic question...
So... my roomate had a skiing trip planned for today, but he cancelled it. Due to snow.
I'm trying to wrap my head around this.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion "You impressed our test weirdo."
Q: site design: hijacked into the bounty section

AndrásI was in a normal (no bounty) question, clicked through to a related general question, and clicked on the optimization tag to see other questions with the same tag. Instead of a list of questions, I arrived to the empty Featured part: You are on the Featured tab. This is not the first time ...

Google ads just suggested I should "Buy Badger Shaving Brushes". That is not a product that even exists at the advertised website. I'm so confused, but blame this chat somehow.
I know quite a few badgers that could do with a shave
Good Mornin
@Phil But with a brush? Wouldn't that take a long time?..
@Magician depends how sharp the bristles are
And thus, it's further proved... getting weird in two lines or less.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion What is weird this time?
Shaving a badger; that's the first step.
Then shaving a badger with a brush!
I should get my wife in here sometime. She loves badgers. She thinks our House Crest should be a fox and a badger high-fiving.
I approve
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Make sure it's this fox.
Badger badger badger.
We can't think of a house SAYING, though.
@Metool Haha! XD
I like my families crest.
I'd actually like to use a Canadian Marbled Fox.
Oooh, I like that colour a lot.
I feel left out - I want a family crest too
I don't think I have a crest.
@Aaron Where did you get a family crest?
Look into your ancestry you probably have a crest.
Well, my wife and I certainly don't, due to us both being ethnic mixing pots from around the globe, and neither of us knowing our biological fathers. So we're making our own.
@InbarRose My family is descendants of a clan of warriors in Scotland. We were a buffer clan. Pretty much to get to the rest of Scotland you had to go through my ancestors.
Cool. How did you get it digitized?
The Lamont clan is somewhat famous. Just do a google search.
That is how my mom found it when she was researching our ancestors.
She then traced back our ancestors to make sure we were related.
I just found the actual print presentation of the logo I gave earlier.
That bullet needed that face.
Spelunky is the most hatefully addictive, infuriating, amazing game
@Phil Indeed. What just happened?
I died, again, and again, and again etc
@Aaron Wikipedia has a lot to say.. BTW - I love your tartan
@Phil Yes, yes it is
Are you playing classic or HD?
Ah okay
I still need to pick that one up
its well worth it
Is that anything like the old 8-bit NES game "Spelunker"?
no idea
perfectly balanced, procedurally generated 2d dungeon delving, with masses of content and secrets
where very single death is your fault and your fault alone
oh wow i just rep capped today for the first time in ages
rep capped?
@JonathanHobbs Grats!
@Aaron You can only get 200 rep per day from upvotes.
Man, I actually miss that game.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion What is that game?
@Aaron Another 8-bit game; Pro Wrestling.
That was the title. Those were simpler days.
Starman was overpowered, but somewhat balanced by the fact that he wore a full pink bodysuit with a blue star on his face.
@BESW thank you \o/
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion \o_ hrrngh believe it
There was a fishman who cheated, too. He'd stab you in the head with a fork or something.
Ey up
@Magician Badger hair is used in top-of-the-line shaving brushes.
@BESW so it is not for shaving badgers. I am relieved.
It's usually Chinese badgers, because they're protected in most of America and Europe but in China they're crop nuisances.
Cheaper brushes use boar bristles, or less commonly horse hair or nylon.
This has been your Unsolicited Educational Interlude.
I've... never needed a shaving brush, and I shave my entire head and face. Am I doing something wrong?
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion No.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Do you use an electric razor?
If not, do you use foam-in-a-can?
@BESW Haha.
That is nasty stuff.
Better use the gel.
That'd be why, then.
I knew it!
It's gel that turns into foam. I still think it's some kind of magic.
It's awesome stuff
We were issued that in the army.
If you don't use a shaving scuttle, you don't need a brush.
I wish I had the money, and I'd just... laser off all the hair I don't want forever.
Doesn't work like that
These days the mug-and-brush shaving technique is mostly used by people who find the ritual relaxing.
There are a few kinds of laser hair removal... the temp kind... and the permanent kind.
I picture it looking like a guy with a lightsaber waving it very close to my skin. A Jedi shaving artisan.
The permanent kind takes MANY treatments (like 12 or so) and even then its not 100%. And your body could create new hair follicles....
Our bodies are so wild.
@InbarRose I wish it would have! The entire reason I shave my head is because my body decided at around age 20 or so that it didn't want to grow hair up top, anymore.
You could have random hairs still on your head, it would be so bizare. a single hair on your head.
@InbarRose Girls find Charlie Brown sexy, I hear.
Sometimes they're all "Oh, yeah, new follicles? Sure, I'm on it." And sometimes they're like, "Damn, he shaved his head once. Welp, never growing hair there again."
The human body is still so unknown to us.
But inside my ears? Yeah, I'm glad my wife loves me.
Did you know you can hack your body in so many ways?
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion I have HAIRY shoulders, and I am only 25....
I am pretty sure that I am like 5% neanderthal.
Based on my ancestry I probably won't get significant hair loss, but it's already going grey.
@BESW Indeed. We need to add "Shooting hair follicles down to the root (WITH A LASER) doesn't prove fatal to humans hair even" To that list of crazy crap humans can do.
I'm starting to sprout random strands of hair in odd places. Like there's a clump of three or four hairs each growing from each bicep. One just sprouted alone at the bottom of the right side of my ribcage, where there's no ther hair even near it!!!
@BESW I am only 21 and when I grow my beard a majority of it is grey.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion How old are you?
One of the craziest hacks, and one I use often. is if you hold your left thumb in the palm of your left hand and squeeze - you will actually stop your gag reflex from working. This is how all the great beer drinkers can drink so much beer so fast.
@Aaron 34
@InbarRose That's actually a trick I have to use to brush my teeth!!!
@InbarRose Is that how.... nvm not asking that
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Heh. Its crazy isn't it. I guess that are other applications too.
@Aaron yes...
My gag reflex is super-sensitive. :(
@InbarRose Lol I like how you knew where I was going with that
@Aaron I'm 28, didn't have the ability to grow a full beard when I was your age, and my temples started going salt-and-pepper about two years ago.
Another cool hack - if you feel nausea, just grab your ear lobes between your thumb and forefingers and push really hard.
@Aaron I was so trying to avoid that question...
@BESW I wouldn't call it a full beard but you can tell what color it is.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion hehehe. I tend to... not filter myself much.
@InbarRose push upward or do you mean squeeze?
@Aaron But for an in-depth answer to your question, you could always watch videos and look at hands, I guess?
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion At that moment they are normally not showing the hands. Unless she is using them for certain actions.
the earlobes have tiny little "devices" (no idea what else to call it) that have liquid in them and it is able to judge the direction of "up" or "down" when you get nausea its usually because this liquid isn't settled, so if you squeeze there and rub there it will bring it back to normal.,
@Aaron I'll have to do a lot of research when I get home. I'll explain that to my wife.
Usually most effective for things like roller coasters or airplanes.
Let's see if I can find a link with a bunch of body hacks
I still have a full head of hair, but I can see the bald patch lurking underneath it, waiting to pounce.
Please do! Super-slow day at work, here, since most job sites are closed down due to snow.
I've got a pronounced widow's peak, so I'll probably lose my hair front-to-back instead of middle-outward.
Although ever since I grew my hair out, it parts weirdly around the peak.
Hair is weird. It just is.
Sometimes its straight, sometimes curly, it can be thick or thin, long or short, different colors... different smells.. different strengths.. sometimes it splits and frays... it's ... such a strange part of our body,.
Cat's use it to hear or see, or something.
I don't know who that is. It certainly isn't you, because you look like this:
Haha... sadly, that's how I always pictured him, too.
My avatar is much more accurate to the BESW on the inside.
I should stop going by avatars, though. I'm pretty sure @lisardggY isn't a turtle crossing sign.
I sure ain't. I'm usually just a common garden-variety turtle.
The photo is BESW on the outside from about seven years ago, when my hair was at its longest (roughly ponytailed in that shot, I think).
(Also showing off my sideways incisor.)
The baby tooth stayed firmly rooted while the adult incisor came in, so the adult tooth came in at a 30-degree angle.
@BESW My wisdom teeth are coming in angled. I used to have perfect teeth but now my incisors are in front of my other teeth somewhat
Ick. I had to get all four pulled at once, and one had wrapped its root around a nerve.
@BESW Ouch.
My mom had the worst experiance I have heard of
Hers had all wrapped around her jaw. Every one of them
They can grow teeth in labs now, and implant them into you.
That's when I discovered that ordinary doses of Vicodin give me the equivalent of a mild acid trip.
@Aaron [shudder]
@BESW yea. They only wanted to take out 2 at a time but she said F*ck that and had them do them all at once.
My families pain tolerance leaves me in awe. Even when it is me. I have done stuff and then looked back like. "How the fudge did I ignore that?!?!"
I had perfectly good teeth pulled to make room for other teeth that were growing fast when I was young, so my mouth wasn't big enough for the teeth or something stupid like that. They pulled a tooth from each corner of my mouth once a week for 4 weeks in a row.. it was the worst month ever... (but so much ice cream)
@InbarRose so 16 teeth pulled?
@Metool 4
@Metool 1 per week for 4 weeks if I read it right
4 corners once a week for 4 weeks, is what I'm seeing
"from each corner" sounds like more than one at a time.
but... that would be an awful lot of teeth
4 total
I guess I could have worded that better.
Anyway - interesting that we all have similar tales of tooth pulling and hair growth.
Teeth and Hair being well known as indicators of stress, ie, hair or teeth falling out in dreams are indications of stress, as well that they are symbols of looming danger in many mythos.
Witches use hair and teeth in spells. etc.
Hair, or lack there of, is a large part of a person's identity.
Describe someone you know. Almost every time the first thing you will say is their hair color.
and length
I can recognize people from behind just from their hair.
@Aaron Meatspace, you mean?
Because my best friend, I know not what he looks like.
> We may each of us live in our own private hells, but the Devil gets a bulk deal on wallpaper. [source]
@Metool huh?
IRL, The Place Where You Can Be Punched, Outside the Tubes, The Big Bright.
The Land of Eye Contact.
The Place Where You Can Be Punched is a rather bleak way of looking at it. :)
Not when you remember trolls.
Real World©
@BESW Lair of the dreaded Day Star.
Is someone collecting all those alignment-related questions somewhere? They can be put to good use to illustrate the inherent problems of the D&D alignment system. :)
Q: How can I roleplay my evil character properly?

DiscipolI have started playing as an evil character in a group of neutral and good characters. We are traveling in a caravan through an undead-ridden world. No teleportation or plane traveling possible. We travel from city to city (fortresses, really) to do trade, but we specifically handle protection. ...

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