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15:00 - 17:0017:00 - 21:00

(we all know that is not true, but a little humour was need there)
I've got to go. Take care all :)
It was a pleasure speaking with you.
cya @JonathanSampson and tyvm
@JonathanSampson that's what I'm trying to explain: anything else would be preposterous. And you need evidence for it before you can even say it
> Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
@StefanoPalazzo I will star that one too :)
evolution lacks this evidence from the get go.
It has evidence
no it doesn't. It has supporters who claim evidence.
Such as the observed evolution of bacteria in hospitals leading to MRSA etc.
I will take the time to lay out all of the evidence for evolution if needs must, but it'd be much easier if you read the book I recommended ;)
and quicker I'm sure
Like poking gene changes at fruit flies and claiming it proves evolution to be true.
@StefanoPalazzo since this all hinges on the Bible (which your Bible were given) why don't you read it?
That is not the only piece of evidence but it is an example
Why does this hinge on the Bible?
Apart from spiritual significance, it is your heritage by history.
@RolandTaylor I have read a bunch of it like I say, but I don't think I need to read the whole thing to get a good picture
@dv3500ea you were not a part of the start of the convo :P
@StefanoPalazzo how recently have you read it?
You are not saying I need to read it all before I can engage in an intellectual debate, are you?
I'm sure you beat your philosophy books over and over to get a good grip on them.
@RolandTaylor very recently. I was not interested in religion at all as a boy
Why not do the same for the Bible?
You could read the whole thing, but you don't need to.
@RolandTaylor because it is depressing
Read a substantial bit of it, and see if you can find all the errors, then you have ammunition to use.
And check up the history of it.
@RolandTaylor I have read substantial portions of it
Not from wikipedia, but from real sources.
I have four of them as well, just to be safe :)
Wikipedia is a better source than the bible
@StefanoPalazzo yes, but you can't quote it and use it back on me, now can you?
I'm just telling you, get to know it a bit better, then come and use it against me :).
And a few Qur'ans
@RolandTaylor you know wikipedia requires original sources ?
I'd be more than happy for you to try it :).
Bleh Qur'an...
okay stop for a minute
@Roland can we continue talking before I read the whole thing?
@MNightShyamalan with all due respect, stop that.
@StefanoPalazzo sure, any time :)
it's a big book, and I don't have the time to read it - not if I tried
I was about to go back to my writing btw...
@StefanoPalazzo Well then use the method the Bible suggests...
that's too bad
read here a little, there a little...
like I said, that's what I did
@StefanoPalazzo I'm honestly not running, it's just that I've spent very long on AU today :P
yeah I should really get back to work too
we will continue again - it's rather fun and interesting :D
It's just, you've made some pretty flimsy points and I'm all geared up ;)
@StefanoPalazzo so did you ;)
Well it's tea time for me. Happy solstice everyone! :)
@dv3500ea by the way, you're the first one making the scientists case here, besides myself
@StefanoPalazzo pretty unusual isn't it?
I'm a scientist too, btw.
Just I'm a Christian :)
@RolandTaylor in what field ?
@RolandTaylor well, it's a self-selected group, so no extrapolation allowed ;)
@MNightShyamalan common sense ;)
@RolandTaylor yeah in what field? I didn't know that
well then, see you all later. very nice talking to you as always
@StefanoPalazzo I was heading for microbiology when I was at university - but then I stopped on that path, so right now my interest is computers :P- but for most of my life I've been beating the books on everything I could get my hands on (physics, biology, chemistry, palaeontology <--- <3).
I was joking about the common sense part (when I said joking).
@StefanoPalazzo same! cya ^^!
yesterday, by George Edison
That violates the second law of thermodynamics.
@MNightShyamalan you remind me a bit of my self at 14, except I was a Christian by then, and a lot less argumentative ;)...
anyways... I'm out :)
Q: Does the second law of thermodynamics contradict the theory of evolution?

Ham and BaconI was reading about the Law of Thermodynamics, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics really interested me because the Law apparently stated that in any isolated system, the entropy of that system will increase. Entropy, is the amount of energy not available for useful work. It can also be measur...

@RolandTaylor ad hominem
@MNightShyamalan I'd hope Roland know about the many efforts to debunk this idea. It's rather well known
instead of trying to reply to my posts you just try to highlight my age
but we didn't get to discuss it (I.e. he didn't have a chance to clarify)
without any context, I'd say it's obviously nonsense
3 hours later…
@MNightShyamalan I'm not just highlighting your age. I'm telling you to act more mature for it. No offence... but you can be a bit hard to have a conversation with.
15:00 - 17:0017:00 - 21:00

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