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(or whatever else there is... now THAT'S centrism!)
The peak could be due to Christmas break, though, too!
@MelanieShebel Actually, there is no huge peak at Winterbash. I misinterpreted the graph.
However, there was a huge peak on December 4th last year. I have no clue why.
In general there is no real trend across the year.
Except for a very, very, very slow but steady increase.
I bet, but the editing has to help with Google search... keeping the site clean and shining the turds helps I'm sure.
Can someone go through the Suggested Edits review queue?
Yes, I can.
@MelanieShebel Yes, it certainly does.
I love the level of questioning here... especially the second paragraph.
Q: What causes that foul taste with combination of toothpaste and orange juice?

Eliseo d'AnnunzioI drank orange juice too soon after brushing my teeth and my mouth feels awful! What causes that foul taste with this combination of toothpaste and orange juice? Is it a reaction between the oil of wintergreen in the toothpaste and the citric acid in the OJ? Is it something else? What's the expl...

I'm surprised that at one point he doesn't say, "SHOW YOURSELF DEMON!"
Eat cheese first?!
you guys may want to vtc this
Q: moles and conversion factors

user43297When calculating the number of moles of calcium hydroxide formed from each mole of sodium hydroxide in the balanced reaction CaCl2 + 2 NaOH ® Ca(OH)2 + 2 NaCl, the best conversion factor to use is

Todd has some really snarky VTC comments.
he does
some of our more established users are pretty snarky
and they usually get away with it
that's really snarky, but it's also rather hilarious
I saw it too!
the trademark
What is being asked? The title doesn't help
Q: "Ate" complexes

Jay ChiI understand that ate complexes can result from the addition of carbanions to neutral aluminum alkyls. I was wondering what the balanced equation for this reaction is/what the structure would be in solid state - like does it dimerize $$\ce{2 LiCH2CH3 + Al2(CH2CH3)6 ->\ \ \ ?}$$

@MelanieShebel I believe he/she is asking about the state of aggregation of the product formed.
I vote to undelete.
That is sheer quality.
I feel bad for some of these people...it's really ok, don't worry about it so much...
Yeah but even if his English is bad, which is fine, tons of people on here don't speak English natively, but it really wasn't what I would call an extensive answer on the topic.
But yeah, some people feel so bad and it's like, don't worry, you're fine.
No, it isn't at all, I wasn't commenting on the quality of the answer, it's pretty useless.
Is there really nothing we can do about comment answers?
I've seen some people write perfect english on reddit and end their posts with "not native speaker sorry for any mistakes".
Examples of comment answers?
Yeah, I see that a lot on Academia.SE
Q: Endothermic reactions with significant activation energy

sebastianspiegelAre there any chemical reactions where in order to induce the reaction, you have to heat up a substance but after the reactions happens, the substance is much colder than even before you started heating it up?

Oh, you mean answers in comment section...
cleanup action chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/26720/… <-- deleted (ortho)
He probably didn't think his thought process was long enough to be an answer.
no, tbh, I don't think there's much we can do about it.
We've had at least one meta post about it.
Good answer, terrible question.
i'm pretty sure you can just put it into answer form if you cite the source (if that helps you at all)
@heather anybody in favour of nuking?
Unrelated, the Q is asking for examples of something. What's the flag for that again?
I'd say too broad
I don't like the wording under "Too Broad" though.
Hmm, I see. It doesn't entirely fit.
it's a bit debated, I suppose
Q: Why is this question not overly broad?

JanThis question (Is there a chemical that when added to water makes the water flash evaporate?) was posted 2 days ago, closed yesterday as being too broad and reopened today (14th Sep 2016 at 17:45Z, timeline). The question has never been edited so its contents are the same throughout. I wonder wh...

I see someone is piggybacking their edits on mine...
Yeah. That needs to be killed with fire.
That's quite the piece of plagiarism.
I think this is the real reason why you like spring cleaning.
why does h bar always have so many flags?
CLEANUP ACTION completed [reaction] co-tags with 2 questions part 2
@orthocresol i dunno
you guys are a little crazy..
there's some...interesting people that head there
@MelanieShebel physics chat
@MelanieShebel Physics.SE chat
$h$ is planck's constant, $\hbar$ is $h/2\pi$ or something like that
well... thankfully we don't get that many flags here...
can't remember off the top of my head
@heather correct
i think penta will disagree with you, he probably thinks hbar is 1
I haven't dropped the f-bomb all day but I really want to right now
hm, I wasn't being snarky
that looks like an upside down polar bear emoticon because of the nose
twas just a comment about atomic units...
Just dont flag it, chat police is around.
hmm...nomenclature tag...possible synonym of notation?
nomenclature is how you name someting
notation is how u rite someting
sorry, terminology
i'm getting tired
terminology is hw u ref to smth
eh okay
Why is flagging as VLQ not an option for this question?
Q: What is the heat of dissolution of sodium acetate trihydate?

ideIs the reaction endothermic since its crystallization is exothermic?

nomenclature refers to the naming of chemicals according to iupac, or other rules
ah, okay.
@pentavalentcarbon huh
no clue on the vlq flag
lol, 3rd time's the charm
I don't really understand why Jan wants to bounty me. I have no use for rep..
I mean, thanks, but others could do with it. I think that most of the rep I accrue from now on will probably be put towards bountying "interesting" questions.
The review queue is full again.
what do you mean by full?
Ahhhh it's a MAR post with crappy Markdown!
downvoted homework and reaction post here
meh, i'll let that one slide
i'm gonna have to leave for the night - it's time for me to get some sleep
i think the NaOAc one can be polished
i'll get back to it tomorrow =)
Nice job. Sorry I couldn't review more of your edits.
not a problem, thank you for reviewing any of them =D
Also good that you actually edited the questions beyond just removing tags.
you guys/girls are really productive
800+ questions does not seem that hard anymore..
well.. i guess the real test is homework... that one has 2.8k...
Oh my dear, the amount of text in this answer
A: Additional Questions Regarding Free Energy Requirements for Reacting Gases

AngusTheManI think what you are fundamentally saying is you are trying to relate classical thermodynamics to the molecular properties. It is best to have some firm familiarity with classical thermodynamics before attempting this. Classical thermodynamics does not require a molecular interpretation at all! (...

cleanup action: chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/43728/… <-- polished (ortho)
That title stinks.
Now, remove the paragraphing from that answer and you have mega-Li Zhi.
In fact, we already have a new Li Zhi:
It's their sock they don't want to delete.
I'm almost done the p-chem ones, then I'll call it quits.
Gosh, you're nearly done with pchem
I must admit, I looked into the possibility it was a sock, but no evidence... also the modus operandi is not entirely the same
However, this alphonse guy has picked up the most irritating thing from Li Zhi, which is the refusal to listen to any comments asking him to paragraph his answers.
jonsca already dropped one a couple weeks ago.
I was going to !!beer earlier but there's no @Chemobot in this room :(
What do we do about broken UC Davis Chemwiki links again?
I think only Hippalectryon can bring chemobot in here.
Hmm... try to find the page containing that info... however it may not be possible
I thought that they would have simply migrated their pages as-is, but it turns out that it got a lot more complicated...
ok, I am going to bed
if you are looking for an image from chemwiki, I think I would personally not bother... I'd just edit the phrase out
Ok. I have maybe 3 out of 41 questions left. I don't think I'll be back tomorrow but maybe Sunday.
CLEANUP ACTION completed [reaction] co-tags with [physical-chemistry]
ok, I have also bumped the three questions that came in within the last 5 hours
@orthocresol Which answer do you mean here? I don't see an answer of yours on the Spring Cleaning meta post
And: Well done, folks: we went from nearly 900 questions tagged down to 758 currently, in what looks like ~2.5 hours of work
That works out to about one question per minute, total pace... so, about three minutes per quest, per person actively editing questions
Was definitely helpful having ortho standing overwatch, looks like, hammering and such as needed
CLEANUP ACTION completed [reaction] co-tags with [heat]
ok, bedtime...
This past Sunday's data says there were actually 910 questions with applied, though that includes 21 questions tagged only with that were cleaned up beforehand.
Assuming the question set held roughly steady until tonight, that's 889 - 758 = 131 questions. With three people actively out editing questions, that's 3.44 minutes per question (or, 3:26 per question)
The pace was hindered by edit and review queue speed limits, but those will apply per-person and thus scale as the team size increases
@ortho, @penta what do you think of this new tag-changes-brainstorming GH project?
Is GH Projects a good place for this?
Would a Google Doc be better?
@hBy2Py Or, well, I guess that mainly was a challenge for @heather, being low-rep still on Chem.SE.
7 hours later…
I'm thinking we should write multiple answers to the Spring Cleaning meta post, so that we can make a TOC for it.
Also, that would simplify multiple authorship, as people can write what they've thought of w/o worrying that it's not covering everything.
@hBy2Py Tell me more
"How do I get started?"
"How does the process work?"
Oh cool
"What are the steps I should follow when I clean up some posts?"
"Where did these lists of questions/co-tags come from?"
"How can I quickly find the questions I need to be looking at, for a given co-tag?"
"What in the world do you people mean by 'co-tag', anyways?"
Co-tag as in [HW] plus [org-chem]?
The current hunt is organized by the tags appears with
So, co-tags
And yep, SEDE
"Wait, SEDE only updates once a week - isn't this list of co-tags outdated?"
BBL doing some studying
I'll get back and write up some meta
"What are we doing about any new questions that are tagged with ?"
"Why bother touching every question tagged with , if it's going to be removed wholesale by the Stack Exchange team at some point anyways?"
@hBy2Py I gave up on writing it, because I spent far too much time on SE already.
<nod>, this spring cleaning has started to get a little problematic
writing & doing a lot more than I usually do, or planned to
well, moderation in all things
no pun intended?
"Do I need to wait for a chat event to work on Spring Cleaning?"
2 hours later…
@hBy2Py Shh, lemme hear myself think
@M.A.R. That.... would be the opposite of the purpose of a chat room.
@hBy2Py no pun intended, but I noticed it too ;)
O.M.G. I just got a edit suggestion! I am guilty! (@heather)
@hBy2Py that's fine for bookmarks but bad for discussion
@hBy2Py =P
question about, well, a question
i'm not sure [reaction] or [atoms] belongs with this question - what should it be tagged as
@pentavalentcarbon Ok for collating possible work targets, though?
cleanup action chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/43154/… <-- nuked (ortho)
what the heck is that
i have no idea
who the heck upvoted it
that was upvoted?
i just downvoted it myself
its +2/-3 after your downvote, and it seems i downvoted it in january
i don't think the guy used enough exclamation points
@orthocresol + 2 ???
Q: Reaction of CpFe(CO)2Cl with phenyllithium

user5181 The reaction of $\ce{(C5H5)Fe(CO)2Cl}$ with an equimolar amount of $\ce{Li+[C6H5]-}$ gives a product. Draw its structure and apply the 18 electron rule. In a question I was given the molecular weight and percentages of each element in the compound. I worked out that there is $\ce{1 Fe}$, $\c...

i'm so tempted to nuke this
not a huge fan of uncle al's answers in general
question is 99% amirite and the real issue is "how is phenyl bonded to iron"
uncle al's answer doesn't seem to answer the question, really
half of his answers don't
i think this one does, but i have no clue what he is trying to say with his first few lines
meh, i'll let it slide unless people tell me they think it should be deleted
there is one thing I am concerned about
and that is flooding the front page
i don't think i know enough to say whether or not that one should be deleted
the reason why we coordinated TRE is so that we don't flood front page all day round.
@orthocresol what?
do you want me to stop?
i'm almost at a good stopping point
well, actually, i've hit an edit backlog anyway =P
just do a few at once, i guess, unless there's a full blown event going on
oh, i just got a chemistry book =D
from a used bookstore. it's a nice looking textbook, and it was only $15
it also covers all the things
CLEANUP ACTION: completed [reaction] co-tags with 2 questions part 3, therefore completing all [reaction] co-tags with 2 questions
@orthocresol Yeah, this guidance will be going into the faq thingy (when I hopefully can solidly get to it) (@heather)
@orthocresol yeah, that answer's annoying. Two links included without clear indication why, two sentences answering the actual structural question, and one final confusing sentence muddling things.
The two good sentences are probably a good answer. The rest is low-quality. Should probably be edited? Not sure why it got four upvotes.
@orthocresol What would be a good recommended non-event pace?
7-10 questions per day?
3-4 per hour?
@M.A.R. o/
\o @Mith
looks this cleaning is rather disorganised...
@Mithoron Only because it hasn't started yet
It seems to have started prematurely ^^^
We're writing up its meta
@hBy2Py 5 p hour is good.
@orthocresol Too fast I think
I think thats the max i would like
Unless you mean just the tags, not good edits to Qs and As
shouldn't it be the other way round?
you'd want more edits if they're substantial
But more substantial takes more time
That's why 5 per hour would become an occupation, like the cleanup
oh, well, i wasn't thinking of that
i was just thinking in terms of flooding front page
all the enthusiasm is nice, but it's too uncontrolled now, the front page consists solely of old questions
and we can have that happen once a day or something, but not all day round
of course, yes, you don't want people to be spending all of their time on SE
that's also a valid concern
And Heather made more then a hundred edits in last 24h
Q: Why aren't extremely dilute acid solutions basic in nature?

YAHBLets say we prepare a solution of HCl whit concentration of HCl to be 10^-8. Even on full dissociation (which it will, because it is a strong acid), the H+ ion concentration due to HCl is 10^-8. So shouldn't the pH be 8? Is there any factor I am missing? Does the properties of acids change at lo...

Side note: Somebody find its dupe
thats a dupe of something surely
@Mithoron get to work
your dupe finding skills are required
@M.A.R. side note, I was looking at the TRE chat logs
I wonder where everybody went
Q: How much can the pH change through dilution?

CrownedEagleConsider an acidic solution with Hydrogen ion concentration, $\ce{[H+]}$ of $10^{-5}\:\mathrm{M}$. Since $\:\mathrm{pH} = -\log \ce{[H+]}$ the $\:\mathrm{pH}$ of solution is $5$. Suppose we dilute solution 10 times with water. Now, $\ce{[H+]}$ is $10^{-6}\:\mathrm{M}$ and $\:\mathrm{pH}$ is $6$. ...

flag it ;)
I haven't seen Wildcat around except for his occasional vtc.
Jan is probably busy with real life, and I think Loong is too
Todd was around last TRE too, I wonder if he will come back.
@Mithoron Yeah, we had an impromptu event last night, actually
Was good, highlighted some glitches and clarified the approach quite a bit
@hBy2Py yes
By the time I went to bed last night over half the front page was from my edits...
How is that too broad?
I guess the very last statement is too broad.
i shall try and make it clearer
Can't just nuke everything, you know.
I read it as asking for specific values of the BDE at 0 and 500 K.
@Mithoron =D
that's encouraging
i will refrain from editing further until the meta post is made though.
@heather Probably for the best, except for maybe 1-2 per day.
If we get ten people doing even that, it would probably start to become noticeable on the front page.
Don't get us wrong -- we very much appreciate the enthusiasm, though!!
no, not a problem - i should've thought of that before i started editing like crazy.
Wouldn't've occurred to me in your shoes.
On other sites, it doesn't matter much, because the front page moves so fast anyways
Physics even might be big enough for that
eh, it's discouraged on physics, though it's certainly been getting bigger
the review queues aren't as empty as they used to be =P
oh, hey, just realized something going around meta @orthocresol
there's multiple meta posts with guidance on using the homework tag
ex: this
@heather Obviously, because it has been deprecated only recently
I see a common pattern in those meta posts. Suspend that idiot.
Chaps, I won't be here tomorrow
@M.A.R. no, i know, I'm just pointing out it'll need to be updated.
@heather Well, writing up hBy2Py's meta posts is more important
Once stuff is done, cleaning up meta of any good mention of [homework] AKA cleaning up the trails is what we're gonna do
2 hours later…
@heather @M.A.R. Yeah, is going to be a MUCH bigger and more involved task than dealing with .
Much more specific stuff to deal with, and likely much lower quality of questions overall -- more decisions on closure, deletion, etc.; harder to edit.
yup, it'll be fun =P
3 hours later…
@Feeds CLEANUP ACTION: proposed edit removing homework tag
@Feeds CLEANUP ACTION: proposed edit removing homework tag @orthocresol, this may be one for chemdraw
CLEANUP ACTION → 1 message moved to Trash -- How does concentrated nitric acid reacts with metallic lead? -- Addressed by @heather
do you want me to delete my thing then @hBy2Py?
CLEANUP ACTION → 1 message moved to Trash -- Finding a stable conjugate base when comparing nitrogen vs. a triple bond -- Addressed by @heather
@heather Nah, just leave it
Chat real estate is cheap. :-)
And it wouldn't vanish anyways
It would just say ...
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