We known that the potential generated by a charge pointwise $q$ is $V(r) = kq/r $ and the equipotential surfaces (in 3D) are spheres centered in the charge with $r\geq 0$ where $r=d(O,P)$, i.e. the distance between the origin and a generic point $P$.
In fact if we are in space, where an orthono...
Suppose the particle has a constant acceleration $a$ for half a second and reaches $x=0.5$ at $t=0.5$. Then it has a constant deceleration $-a$ for another half second, which brings it to rest at $x=1$ at $t=1$.
Suppose the particle has a constant acceleration $a$ for half a second and reaches $x=0.5$ at $t=0.5$. Then it has a constant deceleration $-a$ for another half second, which brings it to rest at $x=1$ at $t=1$.
So if $A_0$ is the total number of moles of $A$ present that means we have $A_0/2$ moles of $A$. So there must have been $A/4$ moles of $A2$ before the $A2$ started to react.
Update 2017-05-01
The MathJax CDN retired and the javascript-URL idea is not so easy any more, because of browser security. (Chrome stips away any leading javascript: when pasting into the URL line. SE modified the javascript: link so that it does not work.)
So here is my take. I modified the ...
A horizontal disc rotates with a constant angular velocity $\omega = \pu{6 rad s^{-1}}$ about a vertical axis passing through its centre. A small body of mass $m= \pu {0.5 kg}$ moves along a diameter of disc with velocity $v' = \pu{50 cm/s}$ which is constant relative to the other disk. Find the force that the disc exerts on the body at the moment when it is located at the distance $r= \pu{30 cm}$ from the rotation axis.
I calculated the frictional force and the normal force.
Then I looked up the solution and there was a new force which I had heard in geography class 2 years ago...coriolis force...Never been taught this...How to calculate it?
Update 2017-05-01
The MathJax CDN retired and the javascript-URL idea is not so easy any more, because of browser security. (Chrome stips away any leading javascript: when pasting into the URL line. SE modified the javascript: link so that it does not work.)
So here is my take. I modified the ...
@JohnRennie What mathrm does ...
it is for units which chemistry people developed I think.
Update 2017-05-01
The MathJax CDN retired and the javascript-URL idea is not so easy any more, because of browser security. (Chrome stips away any leading javascript: when pasting into the URL line. SE modified the javascript: link so that it does not work.)
So here is my take. I modified the ...
Please upgrade :-)
Then you'll be able to read : $\ce{2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O}$
A horizontal disc rotates with a constant angular velocity $\omega = \pu{6 rad s^{-1}}$ about a vertical axis passing through its centre. A small body of mass $m= \pu {0.5 kg}$ moves along a diameter of disc with velocity $v' = \pu{50 cm/s}$ which is constant relative to the other disk. Find the force that the disc exerts on the body at the moment when it is located at the distance $r= \pu{30 cm}$ from the rotation axis.
spring is hanging at 20m height from the ground . A ball of mass 0.2kg is shot towards the spring with velocity 49m/s such that extension of spring is 3m . What will be the rebound velocity of ball on the ground ? The problem I mentioned ...
@KingTut I can't remember how to do differentiation in polar coordinates! :-)
But yes, given we have expressions for the radial and tangential velocity we could differentiate using the correct expressions for polar coordinates and we should get the correct answer.
In fact it's a form of covariant differentiation, which I do all the time in GR so I should be able to remember it. But I suspect that's beyond what JEE would expect.
In physics, the Coriolis force is an inertial force that acts on objects that are in motion relative to a rotating reference frame. In a reference frame with clockwise rotation, the force acts to the left of the motion of the object. In one with anticlockwise (or counterclockwise) rotation, the force acts to the right. Deflection of an object due to the Coriolis force is called the Coriolis effect. Though recognized previously by others, the mathematical expression for the Coriolis force appeared in an 1835 paper by French scientist Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, in connection with the theory of...
Yes. The acceleration towards the centre is just $r\omega^2$. We aren't told what causes this acceleration, whether it's a frictional force or whatever.