@QuietThud - I don't recall my exact train of thought but I think I might have noticed the Google Free Internet thingy on Reddit then I was thinking about that. Why would governments want to control the internet? In truth though governments in and of themselves don't care, i.e. the politicians, etc. It's companies who stand to make money from controlling the internet who care, and those companies lobby governments to make legislation that will favor them.
But then that got me thinking into the role of the government, what an ideal government would look like, its size and scope of power, etc.
Which naturally leads to privacy; an increase in safety is gained through the relaxing of privacy; how far is a government allowed to read ones emails and listen to phone calls in the name of National Security?
After that I just sat thinking about privacy, what is privacy, what does it mean to have a "right to privacy"? How can I justify that "right". Is it something we just say, a baseless claim, something we just want, or is there some sort of real justification for having privacy. I have my whole life very strongly valued privacy; I don't think anyone has the right to certain information about me or the stuff I do at any time without my consent. At the same time, I am a wholly open person.
If you ask me something, even a total stranger, I would tell you everything. As a determinist I don't "blame" people for their actions so there's no shame in anything we have done, ever. So I am an open book. In principle, I think this is how everyone should be; I mean, why hide things? Do people want privacy because they are embarrassed about things? The solution isn't keeping things secret, it's to not be embarrassed about things that one shouldn't be embarrassed about.
So, while I would never dictate that people should never have any privacy, say, if I were the ruler of a country; I would posit however that in my opinion a more ideal society would be beyond the need of privacy. Privacy, to them, would be an antiquated notion for those of "lesser minds". :P
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