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6:00 PM
3: Ferdinand?
4: Magnetic core
contact 4 @Rubio magnetic core
4: Ferrous?
@KritixiLithos not really a cryptic, no.
Then what counts as one?
6:01 PM
and hm. I'm going to say no on 4
(I endorse Rubio's decision on 4)
oh, crap, being pulled away, think it'll be a while
I'm sorry
@Sconibulus yes, it is (didn't notice it)
if S. is going to be away for a while, should we start another game or pause this one until his return?
6:02 PM
I could continue where he left off
yup, that would work too
with a different word?
@ffao unless by coincidence he picks the same one
a word not yet ruled out, starting FE, of my choosing
what do people want to do?
I'm fine with that
6:04 PM
I think Rubio's proposal is the best option, unless Sconibulus is still here and wants to raise an objection
6: Something that breaks apart around when Boromir gets killed
contact 6 @KritixiLithos
6: It's not FELLOWSHIP
1: It's not FELIX (heh)
it is
2: It's not FEMUR (heh)
6:05 PM
just out of curiosity what was 1 about?
3: as a guess, it's not FESTER or FENRIS
1 was about an old show, The Odd Couple. the characters were named Felix and Oscar.
3 is neither FESTER nor FENRIS (I think the former is Latin if anything, and the latter Norse)
is the old 6 still alive btw @n_palum ?
actually maybe FESTER as name exists only in the Addams Family, in which case it's presumably from the English word "fester" whose origins I realise I don't know -- and for obvious reasons I'm not going to go and look FE... things up in a dictionary right now :-).
oh. heh, 5: it's not FELDSPAR - thats one of the words I thought to use, so it almost was.
6:07 PM
FELDSPAR was indeed what I had in mind for 5
1: to kill
(is it feldspar that's #4 on the Mohs scale? I forget; it's definitely something beginning with F)
Never bothered learning more than talc and diamond
... no, 4 is fluorite. One particular type of feldspar (orthoclase) is 6.
2: catly
6:10 PM
contact 2 @LeakyNun catly
4. "I do not love thee, Dr. ____"
5: _ navidad
contact 2
contact 5 @LeakyNun navidad
5: It's not FELIZ
2: It's not FELINE
I'm impressed.
But then, it's Rubio.
> Rubio is most common among Hispanic/Latino (92.04%) individuals.
6:13 PM
I was going to say: it was a bit of an optimistic clue facing someone called Rubio.
@Rubio do you speak Spanish?
1. Lover of Miranda
2: iron man
Un poco, pero ¿«feliz navidad» es bien conocido no?
contact 2 @LeakyNun maaaybe
6:14 PM
@Rubio si, es bien conocido
hay muchos hispanohablantes aqui :o
I wouldn't go that far, I'm very out of practice :)
5: bird
also, here in Puzzling
> Rubio is most common among scarily well-informed (100%) individuals.
fun trivia fact. Rubio no es rubio.
most people aren't
and I bet most Rubios aren't
anyway, anyone want to star any of {1,2,5}?
6:18 PM
6: e.g. la palabra español "mano"
@GarethMcCaughan there's already a 1
I'm going to pass on 2, I have no clue on what that's going after
there is?
it's not starred
oh yeah, so there is
@GarethMcCaughan he passed 2
too late to edit mine
6:18 PM
I am out of hydrogen
I guess 2 is FEMALE (Fe + MALE)
and FEMALE it is
oh. that's too obvious ;)
(I thought it's quite well-known)
6: is also FEMALE
6:19 PM
@Rubio nah, not the right term
yeah I guess not
incidentally there's another 6 on the starboard (but I guess we have no idea whether it's still valid)
Rubio defending: F E N
3 is dead (was FERENC)
6:19 PM
4 is dead (was FELL)
1 was dead: (to) fell
who is Dr Fell?
1: barrier
1: It's not FENCE
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell is a nursery rhyme, said to have been written by satirical English poet Tom Brown in 1680. == Origin and basis == The anecdote associated with the origin of the rhyme is that when Brown was a student at the Christ Church, Oxford, he was caught doing mischief. The dean of Christ Church, John Fell (1625–1686), who later went on to become the Bishop of Oxford, expelled Brown; but offered to take him back if he passed a test. If Brown could extemporaneously translate the thirty-second epigram of Martial (a well known Roman epigramist), his expulsion would be cancelled...
6:21 PM
heh. I have never heard of this.
good story, though
my apologies for misremembering "like" as "love" (which is arguably closer to the Latin original)
1: A type of seed
2. The mouse that roared
I think
6:22 PM
1: It's not FENNEL
it is
2: It's not FENWICK
(Grand Fenwick, of course)
that gave me pause a moment
1. London railway station
6:24 PM
oh hell. c'mon brain
I know that feeling so well
Wow this is still going? that 6 is dead sorry I had to meet with someone suddenly
2: rhotic-disabled pronunciation of "friend"
I have FENWICK on the brain now
It was flippant
6:24 PM
contact 2?
yup. Fenchurch Street, strictly. Not unfair since Douglas Adams used it as the name of one of his characters and explained its origins :-).
2: It's not FEND
Yeah that's why I know it :)
(It's the only reason I know it)
I did actually consider the Adams use before deciding it was a fair clue. Glad to see I got it right.
3. Such as might be filleted in Macbeth
ugh. I've blotted Macbeth from memory.
6:27 PM
oh gosh, I should know this, I just had macbeth in my english class a few months ago
4. Herb or spice which is not fennel
Cooooontact 3 :)
apologies for that one; my knowledge is too hazy to be more specific so as to rule out fennel by better means :-).
damn. fine, pass on 3
@n_palum your guess for 3?
6:29 PM
Fenny Snake
yup, FENNY it is. I've used this word as a Contact attack before :-).
Yeah you have
(I believe it just means "from the fens")
I was there. hehe
yeah, I thought so.
6:30 PM
Rubio defending: F E N N
4 was FENUGREEK and is dead
good thing. I had no idea that was a thing
there can't be a lot of FENN words
There are not
I know one more, at least. hehe
6:31 PM
1. Resembling a bog
3: Fox
3 pass
Is that your word?!
not that anyone had time to contact before Rubio passed
6:32 PM
FENNEC is the word.
I haven't even heard of it.
glad it wasn't FENNISH for my 1 :-)
Er.. That's a Fox is that allowed?
why wouldn't it be allowed?
6:33 PM
Does that not fall under name of something
it's not a proper name
Guess so
(or for all I know it is, somewhere, but it's at least also a generic noun for a fox)
Eh sometimes it is
But technically it's a type
sorry. i meant a generic noun for a type of fox
like "pug" is a type of dog
or poodle or terrier or ...
none of those are proper nouns and are legal defense words
in particular, if scrabble.hasbro.com/en-us/tools#dictionary says it's legal, it's legal. (That doesn't mean it's fair; that's a different question)
6:43 PM
anyone up?
I'm still here
anyway. @n_palum your round
or not ;)
Leaky Nun defending: M
@n_palum are you alive?
hmm, is it just me and Rubio against LN?
that's only just enough to make a game possible...
I said I'd make it quick
since I don't have much time
so I'll pass quite often.
6:47 PM
I'm sort of here
Sorry was afk momentarily
I don't mind attacking
Rubio can attest to the fact that I am a poor defender ;)
1. Follower of Bacchus
I can't pass if nobody contacts...
Nobody can contact if they can't work out the answer.
bad clue :p
6:49 PM
2. One of Nine
3. Bad news for bunnies
Thinking hold on Gareth :P
Contact 1
pass 1
I wasn't planning to post any more attacks, at least until there was some evidence that anyone else was actually playing
your guess @n_palum?
yup, though I was intending the singular
6:51 PM
Leaky Nun defending: M A
Oh true
I guess nobody is playing
2 was MUSE and is dead (and I realise it was a silly clue because at least one of the Muses had a name beginning with M). 3 was MYXOMATOSIS and is dead, just like all those bunnies.
@LeakyNun well, at least we seem to have you and me and n_palum, and we maybe kinda have Business Cat and/or Rubio.
6:53 PM
@Rubio Fair or not I would debate you :P
1: Joy from self harm
2: Ex __
contact 1 @n_palum though I would quibble a little
self harm?
1 yes
2: not MACHINA
Is pleasure a better word than joy?
2 yes
6:54 PM
@n_palum no, MASOCHISM has nothing to do with self harm
it can be harm from anyone
22: One of Nine
21. Arcade game of the 90s.
pleasure might be better, but actually my quibble was because I thought you were hinting at the old term "self-abuse" and were thinking about another sex-related MA... word. Now I know the answer, I would quibble a little differently, as Leaky Nun did and also because harm isn't needed as such, merely pain.
sorry I had to run earlier
@LeakyNun Self harm doesn't have to mean self inflicted pain - I meant like harm to ones self
6:56 PM
@Sconibulus that's OK. Rubio took over and defended expertly.
@Sconibulus It turns out your word was FENNEC. I hope that was right :-).
@n_palum my focus was on self
Eh, close enough :)
and the definition of "self-harm" is quite uncontroversial
initially it was FENNEL
@Sconibulus ha!
6:57 PM
no new clues... no contacts...
1. But this one is an island
contact 21
pass 21
6:58 PM
5: Lack of nourishment
contact 5.
contact 5 @n_palum
contact 5
6:58 PM
what was 21 intended to be?
Yes the 1st one
6: On the outer edge of a social circle
7: Bear's favorite food?
4. Indistinguishable from sufficiently advanced technology
7:00 PM
contact 4
yes, sorry, 21 was MARIO.
3: Marius' Kingdom
4: not MAGIC
yup, 4 was MAGIC
I would contact 1, but I am going to leave soon
7:01 PM
(see, my clues aren't always very obscure)
@Sid wasn't that 80s?
@KritixiLithos you can always contact it and then revoke contact if you have to leave before LN passes or guesses it
pass 1
ah, there we are. go on @KritixiLithos
I'm having a quick-pass policy ATM
7:02 PM
Well, I played it first in the early 21st century. So, I assumed it was 90s. I will take your word for it, though..
ah, no, not Malta
@Sid @Sconibulus First Mario Bros game in the arcade was 1983
it was MAN because (1) there is an Isle of Man (one of the smaller British Isles) and (2) there's a famous saying (taken from one of John Donne's sermons) that "no man is an island".
7:03 PM
oh well, I will be leaving now
2: Disfigure
contact 2 @n_palum disfigure
pass 2
I think 2 is probably MAIM
7:04 PM
No :(
bother. sorry!
oh wow, that would have been my guess for sure
(I also wondered about MAUL)
Totally fair guess :) but it was MAR
ah, MAR is not bad. never mind.
1. Colleague of Vroomfondel
7:05 PM
Was hoping to draw out maul/maim :P
I am shocked 3 was not contacted
Contact 1 if it's the books I am thinking of
There can't be very many Vroomfondels.
No there shouldn't be xD
pass 1
@n_palum go ahead?
Believe that is the name
7:08 PM
Yup. (From The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.)
Philosophical fellow
Leaky Nun defending: M A K
I had the source, but couldn't remember the name :)
any clues still alive?
7:09 PM
20. Apply this on your face
22 dies, Malpomene(one of those muses 2: mentioned)
contact 20
isn't it Melpomene?
20: not MAKEUP
oops, I'm dumb
7:09 PM
7 dies, it was Marmalade (Paddington)
duh, should have got 7
this is one of the downsides of googlessness :)
1: Roll
7:10 PM
contact 1
5: Shark
pass 1
contact 1 @xnor
Leaky Nun defending: M A K E
7:10 PM
5 dies, was MAKO
just returning, sorry if I duplicate clues -
11: Creator
6: God?
contact 11
contact 6 11
1. Padding
11,6: not MAKER
7: ad hoc
7:12 PM
2. Middle name of 19th-century novelist
contact 7.
pass 7
contact 7 @Sconibulus
7: yes
7:13 PM
... and MAKESHIFT it is.
Leaky Nun was defending: MAKESHIFT
well done @Sconibulus!
bye LN!
What was 2?
seeya LeakyNun
7:13 PM
(doesn't exactly mean padding, but near enough for Contact)
2 was (William) MAKEPEACE (Thackeray)
I take it you read a lot Gareth :P
Yes. Though I'm actually not sure whether I've ever read any Thackeray.
Thackery always just makes me think of the kitty
You'll be reading LoTR, Hitchhiker's Guide, and Macbeth to your kid while everyone else is watching cartoons
7:17 PM
Thackery Binks, from Hocus Pocus
My daughter is a keen reader too. This pleases me.
I regret that I know nothing of this Hocus Pocus of which you speak.
I think that's right at least
Really? It plays every Halloween here and is pretty good
Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary, your knowledge of trivia, your awareness of authors and themes, and your horizons
according to The Internet it's Binx rather than Binks
Jar Jar?
7:19 PM
@Rubio yes. Also the amount of wall-space you need to dedicate to bookshelves, which is not necessarily such a convenient thing to expand.
@n_palum no, that one is Binks
Yes, Reading is great. I probably need to get back to that habit in the summer.
I agree @Rubio It's the only reason I get half of yours or Gareth's clues
I am currently reading GoT :P
I need to get more books, I have a new house and now a bunch of empty bookshelves
Fill er up Scon
Empty bookshelves? I understand both those words, but somehow the meaning escapes me when you combine them like that.
7:20 PM
I have something like 10 bookshelves now, only 6 of which are filled
it makes me feel ashamed : (
Dang that's a lot
I was never allowed to fill more than one bookshelf growing up
@GarethMcCaughan (hehe - though I really don't like it, I have started collecting e-books)
@n_palum no, that's not a lot
Had to go to a library or eventually eBooks
It's a lot for me in comparison to the books I own
7:22 PM
You can't grep dead trees.
On the flip-side, you can't hit a cat with an eBook
I had 4 at my old apartment, but have acquired about six more in the month since I've moved
You're not trying hard enough then ^^
@Rubio false
@n_palum yeah, I'm being unfair -- it is a lot by any reasonable standard.
I remember I used to read a lot in elementary and middle school. Then, high school happened and... no more books..
7:23 PM
I don't mean the reader. :)
Why are you trying to hit (presumably) your cat
Isn't that what cats are for? hehe
Dunno, never owned one, I'm a (dog and a) dog person
To eliminate any misconceptions, there are two lovely cats who graciously allow me to share a house with them. One of them is as exceptionally stupid as he is exceptionally large and exceptionally insatiable in appetite.
I do not, in fact, attempt to hit them with books of any kind, nor anything else. :)
@Rubio I know that feeling.
7:27 PM
But if a book managed to slip out of your hand at a particular velocity...
Though, my cat died a year ago..
Aw. Cats never really die. They have 9 lives. They just spend the last 8 in your heart.
I will agree to that. I had almost fallen in love with that thing..

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