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2:11 PM
Anyone up for it?
@KritixiLithos @BusinessCat
Gamen. :)
I guess I can squeeze one in
2:12 PM
I'll actually need to sleep soon, so if I do join it won't be for long
I could do a thing
I can toss your pins up but I have to do a little work first
@Sp3000 sure :)
@Sp3000's busy making a C4 clue. ;)
2:13 PM
who'll defend then?
I call not it
I can defend
Leaky Nun defending: T
9: Graveyard is full of it
2:14 PM
contact 9
9: not TOMB
1: What do you want on yours?
contact 1
no clues?
2:16 PM
9: "____ ____ little stars"
2: Big. Eight feet.
contact 9
Contact 9
it is.
2:17 PM
Contact 2
5: Doughnut
contact 5
4: Breakfast bread
3: You probably run out of this a lot
2:18 PM
contact 3?
contact 4
contact 2
contact 3
@Rubio your clues are too hard
Ok, turning the dial down a bit, sorry
2:19 PM
not too hard if we're contacting (correctly)
pass 1 @Sconibulus
1: I initially thought TOMBSTONE, but I'm questioning it now
contact 1
oh, cool
2:20 PM
Leaky Nun defending: T O
I thought it was something else.
2 is dead - any guesses?
4 and 5 are live
Contact 5
2 is Tarantula?
2:20 PM
3 also dead - guesses?
2: ✔
3: time
3: ✔
Tall @Rubio
Ooh :p
I still have contacts on 4 & 5
2:21 PM
Pin the defending letter.
Contact 5
9: I used to play with it/these when I was a kid :p
Contact 4
4: not TOAST
contact 9
2:22 PM
1: Nightshade fruit
5: not TORUS
4: ✔
Contact 9
contact 9
contact 1
2:22 PM
9: not TOY
it is toy
2: Fall over
contact 2
3: I used to play with it/these when I was a baby
2:23 PM
contact 2
Did Gerbil's 20 star thing get unpinned??
Pins fall off eventually
Should we toss it back up?
2: no, we're speaking English here. :)
2:24 PM
contact 2
contact 2
2: not TOPPLE
2: correct
2: Flat taco
contact 2
2:26 PM
Contact 1 and 2
4: In addition
4: not TOTAL
@sco #5 was guessed?
guessed, but not confirmed.
2:27 PM
It was? What was the guess? I don't see it
ahh, there it is, 5: ✔
5 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
5: not TORUS
Contact 3
pass 3
I see right through you Rubio
I think XD
Nope. :(
any other contacts on 3?
2:28 PM
I had a second guess but I thought those might be it :(
don't think so...
3 was TOES
25. He stood first in the class
That's not nearly as fun
9: Web browser known for its safety against tracking
contact 25
2:29 PM
9: not TOR
babies don't play with all that much :)
it is tor
5: Carbohydrate Heater
contact 5
9: Subject
2:31 PM
contact 5,9
why are you guys so competent lol
I have one but it may be in poor taste
6: Vegetarian Thanksgiving Centerpiece? (8)
contact 6
Contact 6 maybe
2:32 PM
how do I know what vegetarian turkey comprises
If you don't know, you can pass...
Just start guessing some - almost everything is contacted
2: not TOMATO
@LeakyNun Hint: The word start with TO
@manshu oh thanks /s
2:33 PM
Oh that's awkward
2: ✔
I don't get it. (#2)
2:34 PM
how is flat taco a tomato?
Are you sure @Rubio? There was a reason I said that was an awkward guess for 2
How is a tomato a "flat taco"?
oh wait
There ya go cupcake ;)
I misread. sorry, 2 is not TOMATO
contact 6
2:35 PM
Ooops! ;)
details, details
I'm very sure my 6 guess is wrong but I think it's a funny answer
I'm sure my 6 guess is right.
1: not TOMATO
2:35 PM
1: ✔ hehe
was answering IMs when that showed up, I assumed it was for 1 hehe
7: Animated mouse
contact 7
@Rubio why is tomato "nightshade"?
Contact 7
7: not TOM
2:36 PM
Contact 6 I think
7: no, Tom was the cat.
@LeakyNun botany, mostly
pass 6
It's ("famously") a member of the Nightshade family
2:37 PM
@Rubio oh heh TIL
6: ✔
TOFU from me as well
uncontact 7
I had TOFURKEY. (because I've had Tofurkey)
New letter!
2:37 PM
Contact 25
@Rubio I'm sorry
@Sconibulus (I didn't say it was willingly. hehe)
@LeakyNun, are you giving us another letter?
Leaky Nun defending: T O T
Tofu is sometimes pretty decent, but when it's trying to be specific meat it usually fails pretty miserably
2:38 PM
2 should die
25 is gone I think
2 busts - guesses anyone?
5 dies TOASTER
9 dead
any contact?
2:39 PM
7 dies. TOOPY (and Binoo)
9 topic?
2: tortilaa?
yes.. topic
4 dies. TOO
2:39 PM
2 not tortilla. TOSTADA ✔
what does that even mean
22. EPL team starts with this
wikipedia it later ;)
it's one of those mexican foods, tortilla with meat cheese and vegetables
This is a historical clue - don't take offense please
2:40 PM
good god.
Get out of here GPR
contact 3
contact 3
contact 22. I don't know what is EPL but i can think of a team.
probably contact 4 :)
2:40 PM
I was about to hit enter on my own clue for that
25 dies.
contact 3, 4
@Sid Topper?
25: topper
2:40 PM
25 top gun?
I've been holding that since last letter
Yes 4
contact 22.
5: Precipitation on a continent
2:41 PM
heh I know next to nothing about geography :p
1: Part of a complete breakfast
contact 1?
2: Sounds like Mortal Kombat death
tentative contact 1
Contact 1 lol nice clue
2:42 PM
contact 2
@n_palum should that be "Mortal Kombat"?
11. Whole inside tomato talisman
contact 11
contact 2
2:42 PM
contact 11
you guys...
9: fully
I'm not sure if I can qualify as an English speaker anymore
contact 9
contact 9
2:43 PM
9: not TOTALLY
contact 9
@LeakyNun right
the dupes man
contact 22
2:44 PM
3: He's not in Kansas anymore?
2: not TOTALLY
contact 3
contact 2
2 wrong
contact 3
2:45 PM
pass 2
7: Western-Canadian indigenous storytelling device
2: Totalled?
contact 7 i think
Contact 3
2: Finish Him! : TOTALITY!
2:45 PM
12. Fully inside potato tarantula
No @manshu yes @Sconibulus
2: I think Totally might be close enough?
Tsk tsk Techi making clues during a pass
Leaky Nun defending: T O T E
2:46 PM
7 stands
Mines all busted
Total for all
They're not the same word though? @Sconibulus
totality and totally are not the same.
contact 7
5 dies: It was TOTO, going for Rains in Africa song thing
err, by 3 I mean 5
2:46 PM
^ also the dog from Kansas
heh. oblique
pass 7
@Techidiot even 22?
2:47 PM
1 busts, any tries?
22 was Tottenham I think
Rubio, 1 was just TOTAL right?
7: correct
Yup @Scon
2:47 PM
Leaky Nun was defending: TOTEM
@Sconibulus Oh I thought it is spelled totenham
Its double t
Totem Poles aren't just Western Canadian :P
2:48 PM
So @Techidiot defends?
No @LeakyNun that was GPR's clue
@n_palum I didn't say exclusively Western Canadian.
Defending: C
oh sorry I was blind
But you didn't deny it either ;)
ceeyalaterguys. o/
2:49 PM
1. Make
1: not CREATE
2: Eggs
3: Istanbul
btw what can the secret word (not) be?
2:49 PM
5: Muse of History
contact 3
can the secret word be a name?
@LeakyNun Apparently not, but the other clues can be.
Secret word must be a single, non-proper-noun, Scrabble-legal (tile restrictions excluded) word.
We always clue constantinople and one of these days someone is going to try and defend it and lose immediately
2:50 PM
@n_palum not a valid defense word :)
Oh true I guess XD
Attackers can clue anything they can clue, as long as the defender would not be hopelessly unable to answer it
can the clues be a non-word?
Hopelessly unable, like "Muse of History"? :P
1: Opposition to Evolution
2:51 PM
Anything means anything. :)
Unless it's totally obscure knowledge or unfair to the defender
@LeakyNun Hey, thanks for inviting me
1 Yes
1: thlis
2:52 PM
"hopelessly" is subjective, but the intent I hope is reasonably clear. For a defender known to (say) know nothing about Pokemon, attackers' clues about them would be unfair.
Are you sure that's correctly spelled? @LeakyNun
If you're trying to copy a common clue , you've misspelled
@Techidiot yes
Hmm..Thought so..
3: A ghost
2:52 PM
I'm gonna contact 1
I've seen "thlis" before in this game, but I don't remember what it was.
pass 1, then
22: Peruvian animal/beetle from which dyes can be made from
My shaky guess is CLUE
Contact 1
:o never mind
2:53 PM
my clue is bad then
well it's busted now - what was it? :)
4. if this then that
is that a word?
2:54 PM
@Sconibulus no it isn't
tentative contact 4
I see what you did there. But remember we're supposed to be able to guess it too :)
2:54 PM
1: naturally accompanying
@Rubio well "thris" variant
7: Protective headgear
tentative contact 4
contact 4
1: no it isnt
2:55 PM
Contact ghost.. I dont see clue number
@LeakyNun The thing is though, thris = contract, which is a word, unlike contlact
Yes it is 4 correct
contact 2
@dcfyj I know
2:55 PM
ghost is #3
2: not CARBINE?
we have two #2s
Mine was first :P
2:56 PM
oh contact 3
Contact 3
2: Scrambled fish
Bandwagon contact 3
Not creepy
hang on @dcfyj :)
2:56 PM
@Rubio Was your contact for 2 or 22?
mine was for 2, not 22
@BusinessCat you cannot contact at this point
Go ahead Rubio
I passed on 3. If you contacted, give us your answer
need to step away for a minute or three
2:57 PM
But 2 other people did after passing too
3: since nobody else is saying anything, my guess is CLYDE
Rubio had contacted prior
clyde is also wrong
Now I know what it is.
2:57 PM
Is it too late to guess?
GPR should know this
yeah, it is :)
go for it, contacts died
2:58 PM
Busts regardless
Yes 3
4: most common mutilation
star the fish?
Already a 2 though
Yeah, I hadn't seen it. I forgot to expand the board
Call it 2d :P
What has contacts? Just #1?
2:59 PM
and i'll add one for 5
Contact 7 I think
okay, pass on 2, then @Rubio
2 my guess is CARTON

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