Didn't really seem like we needed that though - just letting the defender guess until they give up seemed to be a reasonable alternative to the countdown business.
CONTACT RULES: The defender thinks of a word and gives the first letter. Attackers give 'clues' to words starting with that letter. If the defender gets the clue, they say "no, it's not ___". If another attacker gets the clue, they say "contact". If the defender doesn't get the clue and gives up, the "contacting" attacker says the answer. A correct contact means the defender must give the next letter.
You can provide a guess for my word in the form of a challenge clue that means the word you are guessing, and I have to guess what word your clue means. If I can't guess it, but someone else "contact"s and successfully does guess YOUR word, I have to reveal another letter of MY word