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bed time for me!
14 hours later…
Hi, everyone!
Sorry for disappearing, real life has been tearing me apart! hahahaha
What did I miss? How's everyone doing?
hope you're OK and not too torn apart!
doing good here
the site has been pretty quiet
we went public!
which means the privilege thresholds went up
I saw, I lost my privileges hahahaha
But I don't really mind
but now we get a new magic link! try [vegetarian.se]
it becomes Vegetarianism
in chat only though
Does it work in other chats, as well?
all of them
all public beta and graduated sites have one
and iirc Stack Overflow and couple others work
yeah, that's just [so]
oooh [meta.vegetarian.se] works also
So, now that we show up on Google, more people should come in, I think
I'm reading the meta to get up to speed
@RamonMelo I don't understand your comment on my meta question - please could you ELI5?
@Zanna I think SE, as a network, practices structural prejudice against non-English speakers
yeah, it does :/
First, because English is required, but I guess this is inevitable
@RamonMelo I agree yes. When I first came I thought we should avoid that and allow everything to be in all kinds of languages, but I have changed my mind
@RamonMelo also somewhat on non-native english speakers
But, second, because there's an implied message that poor English skills are frowned upon
@RamonMelo where are you hearing that message?
I personally haven't
I mean, where is it implied, to you?
I'm not asking you to show me the documents... I'm saying, where does your feeling come from?
But I can't speak for all non-native English speakers, I like to fool myself into thinking I have decent English skills
you mentioned edits...
hmmm your English seems perfect to me
it's pretty good, a bit formal, but completely grammatically correct
the only thing you don't have is the colloquial phrasing many native speakers have, but that's not really good grammar anyway
I actually object to the phrase "native speaker" even
@Zanna I see it all across the SE network: constant edits to fix grammar mistakes, one or other comment about English, but it is a common topic whenever a site is considered "under attack"
I hate those comments
but I like the edits
good grammar --> easy reading
and clear meaning
generally it's better if it's an edit from somebody w/ the edit priv
I really hate those comments
I flag them or reply to them
because otherwise they get notified and can get somewhat offended/confused
but I edit everything in sight
you get a notification whoever edits your post if it's code or more than a few characters I think
I know :(
But I also happen to have a rather formal vocabulary in Portuguese/Spanish, I think it is part of my personality/upbringing/education. I also don't have much practice with native speakers. My spoken English is less formal, I believe.
it's not a bad thing
it's just a different thing
nothign wrong with that
hmmm... my dialect and Riker's dialect are not the same
yeah, you're UK right?
@Zanna I agree, but I think it is a hard message to convey to new users. Most of them feel they are being "corrected".
this English is just one dialect
@Zanna only if it's a suggested edit iirc
all dialects are equal
you don't get one if it's an auto-approved edit
@Zanna except texan english
I stand firm in my belief texans do not speak english
@Riker nah... I get notifications when muru edits my answers :)
@RamonMelo I am very lazy about writing edit reasons, but when I review suggested edits, sometimes I see horrible things written there, and that upsets me, I know people will see that and feel bad
maybe I should try to write friendly edit reasons?
@Zanna prolly
I can't not edit!
@Riker It is a matter of opinion, of course, but I think it is. I work with marginalized teenagers and being formal makes them think I'm somehow better than or distant from them. A good speaker must be able to speak several language variations and adapt to the situation.
I noticed you speaking more formal english because I used to teach english to little kids
or at least help them
@RamonMelo I never thought your language was formal, I didn't notice anything like that
At the Portuguese SE, there's a running joke that I'm a "comma-nazi"
commas are the bane of my existence
In Portuguese, there are what we call "optional commas". I call them "YOU BETTER PRESS THAT BUTTON commas".
@RamonMelo are they the ones in a list of things?
Are we ready to rename the room?
like apples, tomatos, and pineapples vs apples, tomatos and pineapples
@Zanna ye
but last time I checked the greenhouse and garden were tied
@Zanna Honestly, I don't think it would make a difference. It is the edit itself that implies that message. A new user needs time to understand it's not personal.
oh cool
@RamonMelo yeah, tha'ts pretty much it
@RamonMelo then there's nothing we can do ? :(
yeah, there isn't really
I mean you can explain to them, generally by leaving a comment
room topic changed to The Greenhouse: General discussion for vegetarianism.stackexchange.com (no tags)
@Zanna Thanks, but I know it is. I spent a whole year studying English grammar rules and thesauri to be selected to an engineering program, it has somehow meshed into my writing skills, at this point.
@Zanna woot!
@RamonMelo hmmm I guess I have "too much" academic background too
@Riker :D
@Riker No, they are usually stylistic. I just prefer them because I have ADHD, and it's easier for me to read with lots of commas (I know, it's selfish).
@RamonMelo I know what you mean though, I have mild aspergers and I can't stand walls of text
on gaming.se, half my rep is from edits and 3/4 of my edits are just breaking up paragraphs
@Zanna I don't know. I mean, we have to keep editing. Maybe it would be a good idea if we just left a comment welcoming them and telling we left a "suggestion" as an edit. I do this at the Portuguese SE and it is well received, but most of them are self-conscious about their own language skills (after all, they have come to us for this reason).
@Riker You are the hero we need
@RamonMelo I think best case would be to keep editing, and be as nice as possible
because other people may not be nice about it
@RamonMelo Sure I will try to do that for new users
please could you post that as an answer to my meta question?
I don't like the generic answer posted so far much
A: Accepting Nominations — Who should moderate this site?

neophyte Notes: This nominee would be a good choice because … He is very active in the site. Has good editing skills. He asked some interesting question about vegan diet and I believe diet is a very important part of this site. His answers seems to be scientific. So, as awhole he would be good c...

Go Alexa
@StackExchange Should have been nominated earlier.. He lost a headstart :(
Please find more people and nominate them now if possible
@Attilio btw, you should really edit your nomination on meta to accept or decline it
otherwise you can't be made a mod (if you get chosen)
maybe Attilio hasn't seen it?
Hey! o/
@jokerdino I've pinged him twice before
@Niitaku o/
how's life?
Unfair? :D (joke :P)
nice literature question btw @Zanna
just noticed it was yours after it popped up in the close queue >_>
it's a fine question IMO tho
@Riker lol what reason?
I'm good and you?
Well, I should say a bit better.
@Zanna too broad
@Niitaku doing fine
@Riker fair enough :)
@Zanna Hey! How are you?
also @Zanna did you just get notified for me editing your post on literature
darth gerbil edited the tags for ya, and I just removed the notice in your question
yes I got notified, thanks for the edit!
@Niitaku pretty good thanks! How about you? better day?
@Zanna Yes a bit better, thanks for asking. :) I'm taking your suggestion.
Q: How can I convince my workplace to offer a better vegan menu?

NiitakuI actually don't have many choices for my lunches since there isn't lot of restaurants nearby, and none that has a vegan option. My workplace, though, has a restaurant for takeaway. One drawback is that it serve a single vegan "meal": a raw vegetable sandwich. Therefore, I wonder how can I conv...

@Niitaku awesome!
Thanks to you.
I hope I'll get tricks to use. ^^
One drawback is that this is a huge company. It's hard to make changes. :|
But I'll try anyway. :P
good luck!
Thx ^^
The "non-takeaway" restaurant has a vegetarian meal (that can be sometimes vegan) but not an entire vegan one.
They also have a "no meat" pizza... but with cheese :(
that really sucks :(
I feel your pain
I hate to be stuck in a place with poor food options
I used to work on a cruise ship, and finally I had to quit, mainly because the food was so awful
I don't think I can imagine how this could be :/
Oh, and I forgot about the salad bar: they made one with carrot and soy bean sprout... with a creamy seasoning...
The same seasoning on mushrooms and other stuff
aww no
that gives me an idea to add to my answer
At least the fruit salad at the desert bar has no seasoning :D
They're capable of doing it I think
Where that your (true) addition is funny, it's that they already have seasoning spots in that restaurant :D
so why do they put the dressing on it already :/ ?
With several oils (olive, sunflower, rape, nut, etc.), vinegar (balsamic, cider, shallot, etc.), ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, salad sauce, etc.
@Zanna I don't even know :|
I'll try to ask them, though
yum lots of nice stuff
Diner time for me, see you later! :)
And bon appétit :P
bon appetit to you!

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