@RamonMelo I agree yes. When I first came I thought we should avoid that and allow everything to be in all kinds of languages, but I have changed my mind
@Zanna I see it all across the SE network: constant edits to fix grammar mistakes, one or other comment about English, but it is a common topic whenever a site is considered "under attack"
I know :( But I also happen to have a rather formal vocabulary in Portuguese/Spanish, I think it is part of my personality/upbringing/education. I also don't have much practice with native speakers. My spoken English is less formal, I believe.
@RamonMelo I am very lazy about writing edit reasons, but when I review suggested edits, sometimes I see horrible things written there, and that upsets me, I know people will see that and feel bad
maybe I should try to write friendly edit reasons?
@Riker It is a matter of opinion, of course, but I think it is. I work with marginalized teenagers and being formal makes them think I'm somehow better than or distant from them. A good speaker must be able to speak several language variations and adapt to the situation.
@Zanna Honestly, I don't think it would make a difference. It is the edit itself that implies that message. A new user needs time to understand it's not personal.
@Zanna Thanks, but I know it is. I spent a whole year studying English grammar rules and thesauri to be selected to an engineering program, it has somehow meshed into my writing skills, at this point.
@Riker No, they are usually stylistic. I just prefer them because I have ADHD, and it's easier for me to read with lots of commas (I know, it's selfish).
@Zanna I don't know. I mean, we have to keep editing. Maybe it would be a good idea if we just left a comment welcoming them and telling we left a "suggestion" as an edit. I do this at the Portuguese SE and it is well received, but most of them are self-conscious about their own language skills (after all, they have come to us for this reason).
This nominee would be a good choice because …
He is very active in the site.
Has good editing skills.
He asked some interesting question about vegan diet and I believe diet is a very important part of this site.
His answers seems to be scientific.
So, as awhole he would be good c...
I actually don't have many choices for my lunches since there isn't lot of restaurants nearby, and none that has a vegan option.
My workplace, though, has a restaurant for takeaway. One drawback is that it serve a single vegan "meal": a raw vegetable sandwich.
Therefore, I wonder how can I conv...