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Does anyone remember where you can find the APL color/syntax-highlighting themes? I'm on a Mac!
Here are a few themes from everyone, esp Adám: Nord, New Moon, Darcula...
You have to hit next a couple times to see all of them. They're slightly spread out starting there
@AviFS they never were up as that's just a part of the template
@dzaima What a time to respond, dzaima! I just found this
Thanks for helping me with the same thing last time :P
(and INSTALL.md unhelpfully says to select a non-(yet-)existent theme from preferences)
@dzaima Ah, well it doesn't have to be on the dracula site but it's not anywhere in the gh repo at all
So you can't really use it from there, as fair as I can tell
oh, the repo doesn't even have the JSON (of course, as you're not really supposed to be able to import it)
@dzaima Ikr, haha. But just uploading the file to the repo would do the trick for now
@dzaima Yeah... that's what I meant
Why 'of course', though?
idk rly
@dzaima I haven't figured out the themes bit just yet, though
Are you on Windows, maybe?
no, linux
JSON of my theme fwiw. Better known as the one in dzaima.github.io/paste

> @AviF.S. you can "export" the theme from the help→about→colourSchemes, and import by manually writing in ~/.config/Ride-X/prefs.json
@dzaima Ah, that totally works to start, thanks!!
i imagine mac has a different place than ~/.config/ where configs are stored?
Actually, there is a ~/.config, there's just no folder for apl and I'm not sure what to call it
I'm running Dyalog-18.0, how is yours formatted?
Dyalog18-0, Ride18...?
this is a RIDE-specific folder, not Dyalog
Also, I can't do the help→about→colorSchemes trick
~/.config/Ride-4.3/prefs.json is the path
Okay, thanks!
Do you know how to check the version number?
help→about in RIDE?
haha, again no
but i found it, i think it's the same: 4.3.3463
@dzaima i wish these worked on mac, too!
alright, thanks!! i'll try your path and report back
does the help menu item (or about) just not exit in mac RIDE?
i know i've done it before, so i can prob also keep searching through the chat worst-case
maybe it does, and i'm hitting the wrong thing?
But this is the typical help menu on a mac:
was it one of those?
shift+f1 might work
fn-f1 takes me to the html docs
is that what you mean?
well, shift+f1 is the shortcut for help→about for me
yeah, I mean sort of
how do you even go to preferences with that menu?
oh wait, fn-shift-f1 is different, sorry
@dzaima you don't, that's precisely in the spot you were telling me, haha
so it's my bad
That's where I ended up finding the version number
Just didn't see the shortcut, and adding fn since it's a mac threw me off-- i did it instead of the shift
so it's Dyalog-18.0→About Dyalog, and not help→about on mac for whatever reason
do you have any other ideas for exporting themes?
exporting is simple (just copy the one line from about), but you need importing currently
i guess worst-case, one of you guys could gh gist the default themes for me
it's just weird that "francisco goya" doesn't find anything in the amount of time i have patience for
it just finds 'impressionism.html' that's downloaded for some reason, lol
oh, are you doing a global file search?
searching 'albrecht' pulls up the same file
@dzaima i... think so?
maybe try "colourScheme":
It'll be interesting to see whether it really uses UK spelling on my computer, haha
the about page in RIDE shows you the whole contents of the prefs.json file fwiw
i figured "francisco goya" was way more specific, but I'll try that!
francisco goya is hard-coded in the actual application, not prefs.json
But it must be sommmmeeeewhere
so I'd still find the implementation, no?
but not in the place where you should modify things
True, but I have two missions!
(since you're doing searches, i assume ~/.config/Ride-4.3/prefs.json didn't exist?)
One is to get the json for the defaults, the other is to be able to add new ones
@dzaima true, i forgot to try adding that
well, if it doesn't exist, adding it won't do anything
No, but I can still add new themes there if it works
@AviFS that's here
inside a JS file
Ooohh, thanks a bunch dzaima! Super appreciate it
but you really don't want to modify that, as you'd lose the changes on RIDE updates
Ah, that's true!
What's the syntax for prefs.json?
Right now, I've just copied in from your pastebin
you should see it in the RIDE about
ah okay
Ooh neat, then I'm def not in the right place
the prefs.json file is everything between the outer {}s
So it should look like:
var Preferences  = {
no, excluding the Preferences:
@dzaima (no clue why that mentions 16.0, but eh)
Oh, it should just be: {\name...} then?
why is it called prefs.json then? that's a really annoying name...
it should be colourSchemes.json, no?
@AviFS oh, no, it should be { "breakPts":"0", "kbdLocale":"en_US_Mac", … }
Oh, I see, sorry & thanks!
oh: open F12 and execute D.el.app.getPath('userData')
haha, thanks dzaima!
I kneeeww this had happened before :(
for reference, where does the file exist? might be worth adding to aplwiki or something (if it's not already there, which i can't check as it's down :|)
I'm gonna murder someone. It's in Application Support where I checked a million times...
But I was checking before I knew the name was just 'prefs.json'-- I didn't even notice the short named one
@dzaima It definitely is, it's a bit of a pain!
/Users/avi/Library/Application Support/Dyalog-18.0/prefs.json
so ~/Library/Application Support/Dyalog-18.0/prefs.json for current user?
Sorry, haha, right
Also, the space has to be escaped if you want to do it via command line, which is prob what most people will try
So I don't know if that's worth adding:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Dyalog-18.0/prefs.json
I assume "~/Library/Application Support/Dyalog-18.0/prefs.json" would also work
eg `vi ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dyalog-18.0/prefs.json`
or `cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dyalog-18.0`
@dzaima ... yup, you're right!
@dzaima oh, ~ doesn't get expanded on linux in double quotes
eh whatever, i assume people using the terminal would know how to use the terminal
anyways gtg
True, it's a pretty clear error message, too
Me too, I was just gonna say:
Thanks bunches and bunches, dzaima! I just got it! Your color scheme is working and it's a super nice dark-theme break from the standard... finally
Thanks a mil; it's a good idea to add to aplwiki
1 hour later…
I'm trying rn to parse the theme string, or figure out what to copy/paste from here (which dzaima found): github.com/Dyalog/ride/blob/…
That's where it's implemented in RIDE which has an MIT license
is the APL wiki site down?
@WongJiaHau yes, it has been for about a day now
yesterday, by Marshall
Was editing APL Wiki earlier today and now I'm getting an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. @RikedyP?
who is hosting the site?
i think @RikedyP maintains it
it is probably sponsored/hosted by dyalog
Wait, was our trick for when messages are too long?
Here's the function taken from Dyalog/Ride (MIT license) which will parse the color scheme string. [TIO](https://tio.run/##fVVLk@JGDD5nfoXWU7XYwWNshmHBs85WOCS1h70kNSfCobvdfjB@bbtN2Ae/fVZqGyYQErqw1ZL86ZNalrdsx1qh8kbfVXUsX16SrhI6ryuIpfhTlPbegW8wmcA@TGoFcs/KppBgVV0ZJWl4P3tweRom7sp9QqEOvQdotSLT1P0Ioi6jJ@sGhp@oq1aDggghK1bKEPYe3V3Qmey3RoDDI4VUIe5AybYr9AUGQwx777X6SyFb@P4dRiPHa5si1/bkr3Y8cQwAO@O8/h/Slmu90sZNT3xziko4diE15BjYf8Tbe2BeIatUZ7gbj7FKJ2eAPAGbrfPNufZIniMGWQfCo2jU0@WhoYjh/4Pk5gpYimB87W8MQhoaALCpcKmqu8a58ogwjwSn@C7Gv@KW0TnhSah1ukExO/c5VWTbV2SLFRGnimxNRYiSwKT6dDAvSghvK/w/me2VtI7hmx0Ci/X2RDO8pH
I remembered!
Now markup doesn't work... of course it doesn't. SE chat is such the worst.
The syntax I used for calling is a bit messy, it's:
var dzaima = {
	"name": 'dzaima',
	"theme": 'dark',
	"styles": "asgn=fg:ff0 com=fg:#898989 cur=bc:#c0c0c0 ..."

And it's this function
2 hours later…
@AviFS Here. (You should be able to install RIDE 4.4…)
2 hours later…
@WongJiaHau Seems up to me now.
@Razetime It's hosted by APLTeam - it seems to be going up and down (it's up now?)
Up for me right now.
aplwiki was down for me earlier.
Seems to have been unstable over the last day or so.
@Adám I was listening to arraycast where you were talking. You were asking about the futures in J, and how they returned boxed values. Unboxing would be equivalent to an await operation. I don't know J, but I think this would be similar to using ⊂foo to box, and ⊃foo unbox.
The other person said it was needed because you don't know the shape of the result prior to evaluation.
@EliasMårtenson Yes, that's what I was surprised about. Imo, running something in parallel shouldn't change its value. In APL terms, (f A) ≡ (f∥A)
@Adám I'm guessing the issue is, in APL terms, if you were to run something like (?10)⍴1 as a background operation, you don't know the size of the array until the computation is done?
No, that's not the issue.
The problem is if you run (f∥⍤0)1 2 3 you don't know the rank of the result array until the computation is done.
However, you do know the rank of the result of f∥¨1 2 3
But can't you do FN∥ bar
Wouldn't that run FN in the background and return a future?
It would.
Right, and you know nothing about the dimensions of the result until after it's completed.
True, but not a problem, as the entire array is a pointer.
However, if you have such future points as part of a larger array, then you can't allocate the array properly.
@Adám Right. The reason I was a bit confused about the discussion is that I had a similar issue when I designed the defer operator. In this case I also needed to return an object which has not yet been computer. I simply let the dimensions be undefined until they are needed, at which point the computation is forced.
So in Jx, where APL's is .. 0 they simply decided to enclose the result, as if was {⍺←⊢ ⋄ ⊂ ⍺ f∥ ⍵} (using the non-enclosing definition of )
And I was thinking about implementing futures in the same way. So in my case, futures would be indistinguishable from regular values.
@EliasMårtenson Again, not a problem if the entire array is unknown. However, usually you'd want to leverage parallel execution for chunks of a large array.
I'm concerned now because people who clearly know better than me have decided these semantics are not good.
On the contrary, both Monument and Dyalog came to the same conclusion on how this should work.
@Adám Ah yes. The chunk issue. I implemented a proof-of-concept for that. It worked, but had synchronisation issues making it slower.
I will redesign it in a non-locking manner.
@Adám Is there a writeup on this approach somewhere? I want to read the existing papers on this before I try my own.
Or at least documentation.
@EliasMårtenson In the show notes.
Oh, I never read those. Shame on me.
Specifically, I want to understand the Dyalog/monument approach.
1 hour later…
If I format a nested vector, why do I get space at the beginning and end?
      ⍕'abcdef' (⍳9)
│ abcdef  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 │
Or the question I'm really asking, how do I not...
@xpqz Default display of an enclosure is by adding a single space-column on the left and right.
Can this behaviour be modified?
Or do I have to cut.
No, but for this case, you could do ⍕∊
Is there a dyadic ⎕FMT thing that could be used to avoid this in the more general case? I find the docs for ⎕FMT a bit impenetrable, I must admit.
      ⍕(↑'abc' 'def')(⍳9)
↓ abc  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 │
│ def                    │
@xpqz Another approach is to format each separately, and then join.
@xpqz Dyadic ⎕FMT is for numeric reports, not general (mixed) data.
⍉¯1↓1↓⍉⍕(↑'abc' 'def')(⍳9)
Works, but.... feels annoying
Is there a reason you do want to keep the 2 spaces separation in the middle?
No. I want to have each component (rank 2 or lower) converted to a char array, and joined by a single space, and no padding.
(joined by a single space col)
@RikedyP It went down at about the same time for me both yesterday and the day before. Some time between midnight and 2 AM UK time.
Was working at that time as of the 22nd, and I don't know about the 23rd.
@xpqz {0 1↓⊃,/(⌈/≢¨f)↑¨' ',¨f←⎕FMT¨⍵} works for any list of all types of arrays.
/me tries it
@xpqz Alternatively, define aplcart.info?q=concatenate arrays as Join and use ⊃1Join/⎕FMT¨(↑'abc' 'def')' '(⍳9)
Actually, if you put in the space manually, then {⊃,/(⌈/≢¨f)↑¨f←⎕FMT¨⍵} isn't too bad.
what is the fastest way to take every N-th element of a vector?
so far i've been doing var/⍨1=(⍳len)|⍨⊢
That looks right.
@KamilaSzewczyk probably depends on N - either that replicate, or var[n×⍳…] for large n
also len⍴n↑1 or similar instead of modulo
Yeah ^ is probably fastest in general.
Odd, but we're talking ms here.
@RikedyP where did you want feedback/bug reports on TryAPL's problem set?
@Adám i think that this would be a bit unrealistic
because you can overwrite and depend on variables from the outer scope
@KamilaSzewczyk Obviously, a condition would be no outside influence. And of course if f is ? it won't old either.
will the operator work in Dyalog 18.1?
or we still have to use II from isolates
Still that. Kind of a chicken and egg problem. We don't want to commit to the design until people try out the model, and people won't use the feature until we give it a glyph.
for what it's worth, i think that isolates are good based on my prior experience
Thank you for the feedback.
@KamilaSzewczyk I just read it through again, and now I wonder if it is really worth having a glyph for creating a new isolate. Wouldn't it make more sense to use ⎕NEW'Isolate' which can then optionally take various settings?
@Marshall The problem turned out to be expired certificates of some sort, IT has sorted it out now
3 hours later…
It's still a mess, but please feel free to leave an issue with your own theme and I'll add it in! If you share the encoded bit in prefs.json, that'd be great. Converting that to CSS is almost entirely automated already.
1 hour later…
@Adám from what i've seen, languages like K have separate builtins for parallel things
i think that concurrency as a concept warrants itself a builtin
@KamilaSzewczyk Sure, and I like too, just like we have & for green threads, but creating an isolate (which is a type of object) to be used later seems much like creating any other object. And objects are generally created with ⎕NEW.
how would your concept work? what would we have to write instead of f∥¨?
I only suggested not adding a new glyph for creating a new isolate. I didn't suggest abandoning .
3 hours later…
Question for apl-themes:
Should it change the link (to a permalink) every time you click a different theme?
Since they're intuitive ones, eg clicking nord gives:
or ...#francisco-goya
@AviFS Can you explain what the purpose of the site is?
@Adám To preview APL themes (syntax highlighting), like your dracula, nord & new-moon ones
@AviFS How is this any different from doing so in RIDE?
I only saw those as I was making this, but they're the first modern APL themes (at least that you can find anywhere)
I think the discoverability and creation of themes is a pain (at least for cross-platform RIDE, I don't know others)
@AviFS Agreed, but how is your site helping?
Once RIDE has an easy way to import and export themes, it is worth having a sharing site or index.
The interface is super lame right now, but the idea is to be able to see and preview everyone's themes
@Adám It's doable as is. The readme will have instructions on finding your prefs.json and updating it
The idea is you can select which themes you want to export, and it'll generate whatever you need to add to your prefs
@AviFS I'd rather have a program I can run than instructions to do it manually.
One could implement that instead, though I don't think this would be too hard
@Adám Well, exporting/importing themes to RIDE is a pain rn. And people don't necessarily want to import every theme in existence into their ride, just to try them out
@AviFS Please log an issue against RIDE for an easy way to import and export colour schemes.
Plus, the themes are impossible to find
@AviFS Because they don't exist online, no?
@Adám Right, but that's what this is doing. There must be something I'm not understanding
Here, the idea is to be this for RIDE/Dyalog/APL:
It's a much more convenient interface than installing a bunch one by one to try them out
Also compare to:
@AviFS No, that's NOT what your site is doing. The two things complement each other. Adding a theme to your site should be as easy as clicking [Export] from within RIDE, thus creating a .ridecols file or something, and once someone finds a suitable scheme on your site, they should be able to click download to get a .ridecols file, and then clicking [Import] from within RIDE should be able to load it.
I think you want something different out of Avi's site than what they intend it to be
@Adám AviFS's still working on it, and I'm sure that's a thing they can add/are planning on adding in the future
@user No he can't.
Why not?
Because he can't add buttons to RIDE.
The point of their site is to see what the themes look like without needing to install them.
@RedwolfPrograms Right, I get that, but why in the world would one want to see what a theme looks like?
...to know if they want to install it?
@Adám so they can see before downloading?
@SandboxPosts One last question before I post: is the explanation (not the I/O or standard boilerplate stuff) clear?
@Adám No, but their site can make it easier to add a theme to RIDE
@RedwolfPrograms What does it matter if someone wants to install it?
When there's twenty different themes and you're not sure which you like most, being able to quickly see what they all look like is very useful
@rak1507 Why would they download it?
@Adám Because AviFS said it's a pain to install themes in RIDE
@Adám It's a carpet shop
A place you can go and look at samples before buying, so you have some idea about what it'll look like and if you'll like it
@RedwolfPrograms But what does it help looking at them?
@Adám So you know which one is best? That's the whole point of samples
@cairdcoinheringaahing Continuing with the parable, all the carpets are glued to the store!
If you don't want to spend a lot of effort installing a theme and find out it sucks, this site is good
@Adám But you're not there to take the carpets home, just to see which ones you want to buy
@Adám Themes aren't carpets :P
@user Hold on, who said you can install themes?
Whoops, must've misread something
@RedwolfPrograms want to buy, but you can't!
@Adám Yes, it's not a perfect metaphor. But, yeah. The carpets in this weird shop are glued in, and then, after browsing, you go and find it online to buy
@cairdcoinheringaahing Except, they are not for sale.
But now, you know what carpet you're looking for, rather than stumbling blindly around
@AviFS :D nice
@cairdcoinheringaahing But it is a waste of time: Carpets don't exist in this world!
Does the CSS look half-reasonable, though? My browser is still caching from before
I feel like one side's misunderstanding the other here
@Adám Ah crap, is this world a school and all the floors are crappy linoleum? :P
@RedwolfPrograms Me too.
@AviFS Look great to me!
Are you saying there's no editors that support APL that also support themes?
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, it is a prison. No one leaves, and no one gets in.
That doesn't sound too much like a prison - people leave and enter those all the time ;P
Hmmm, it's weird. It's still rendering lame for me. Are the links underlined?
not yet, but people will probably be able to add themes in the future
@RedwolfPrograms I'm saying that the one IDE that these themes are obviously for, does not support importing or exporting themes!
@Adám yet
Alright, now I can go back and see what I missed!
@rak1507 Which is why I told AviFS to go add an issue to make it do that.
@AviFS No.
If they are, they shouldn't be. Firefox is being annoying on my end
AviFS's reaction to my that was, and is, mysterious:
@Adám I just caught up, I'm not quite getting why you don't think it'll work
18 mins ago, by AviFS
@Adám Right, but that's what this is doing. There must be something I'm not understanding
@Adám I was responding to this : )
@AviFS Yes, and that makes no sense to me.
> Adám: Please log an issue against RIDE for an easy way to import and export colour schemes.
> AviFS: Right, but that's what this is doing.
Precisely, haha
This is supposed to be an eas(y)(ier) way to find, choose, and import themes into RIDE
And presumably other APL stuff, but made for RIDE
As far as I can tell, your site does not log issues against RIDE.
As far as I can tell, your site does not make it easy to import or export colour schemes.
Haha, I see. Yeah, no issue. This is supposed to be: "an easy way to import and export colour schemes"
@Adám This part it's supposed to.
@AviFS OK, and how can a website make it easier to export colour schemes from an installed application?
It's not what I have right now. But once you've decided which theme/s you like, there should be an ability to easily export them into a prefs.json
in the future when ride support that, the site providing previews will be useful to pick which one to download
@AviFS And how does that make it easier to import anything?
@rak1507 Absolutely, and I'm all for that. But I'm not discussing that. Nor did I ever.
Because then you add the prefs.json that the website just spit out into your prefs.json in the directory it gave
And then it automagically imports
@AviFS How does one combine prefs.json files?
No, no, it'll just print out the:
"colourSchemes": [{}...] part
And you can just copy/paste it in
Aha, so it doesn't make it easy at all. You still have to go fiddle with a file that is very finicky about commas and stuff.
Now, I see the value of sharing themes.
Right, at this point it's becoming a separate project
I want AviFS's site to be successful.
Which I can def do if people find this to be a pain
For AviFS's site to be successful, it needs a selection of schemes.
For people to contribute those, it needs to be easy to export them from RIDE.
But you could also, I guess, have a thing where you import your prefs.json, and it'll append all the colour scheme info without screwing anything up
For AviFS's site to be successful, it needs to be easy for people to install the themes they find using the site.
@AviFS Sure, that could work too, but the normal thing for IDEs to do is allow importing and exporting themes.
I just wasn't prioritizing that right now; our current audience is prob fellow CGCCers who are comfortable enough with json
@Adám I guess that's Dyalog's job, then :P (well, not a priority for you guys, but you know what I mean)
Hence, for this system to be both normal, and successful, RIDE needs import/export facilities, and there's a much better chance of getting that if someone else than me asks for it.
That's why I told AviFS to do so.
@Adám Right, but the IDE doesn't make it all that easy. It makes it really difficult, and the point of this is to make it less difficult.
@user imo, it should be a priority.
At least it'll be documented somewhere, the main pain in the neck for someone reasonably tech-savvy is just figuring out how. This will have instructions on how
@AviFS this = your site?
The how is the part that took me over an hour on two separate occasions
With this, it would take me 10 minutes
(You could have asked! I've added themes in the past.)
Not 30 seconds like vscode, but 10 minutes is not bad!
@Adám I know! And I did :P
Imagine not using TIO for all your coding stuff :P
@AviFS I didn't notice.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Imagine not painting your butterflies when you want to change your theme :P
(Both times, haha). No worries, dzaima did! The point isn't that no one is willing to help, but the people willing to help aren't always there
Right, I try to not work on weekends.
@Adám Right! Also, though it doesn't have to be that grand. I'm working on a bunch of little projects. I mainly just thought it'd be cool to easily see and showcase a bunch of themes we've all made as a community
And I thought having a place where themes are showcased would encourage people to make them. Because we have a serious lack of themes in APL!!
@AviFS So what's confusing to me is that you're describing a core content consisting of instructions, while you're showcasing content consisting of a theme renderer/
Importing/exporting is a slightly different issue. It's one I was hoping to make less of a pain in the neck, and it's definitely something I can steer more into if people would like. But it wasn't my main whatever
@Adám Right. It's a theme renderer!
Everything else is to-be-added
I did say it's an APL theme previewer :P
The instructions aren't meant to be the core content, at least not right now. They're the before and after.
@AviFS And I protested that, while in principle, that's great, it is kind-of useless without a way to, you know, import and export themes.
I'd love your help with that!
Importing themes is basically entirely automated.
I copied the functions from Dyalog/Ride
And exporting is unecessary
@AviFS Importing to what? RIDE or your site?
Because I'm planning on storing those hardcoded in a file
@Adám To this site
@AviFS I meant to RIDE.
Okay, then it's the importing which is hard-coded
@AviFS One thing we could do to instantly get lots of good themes, is write code to convert the Base16 format to RIDE (and IDE) themes.
I'm storing the strings RIDE accepts somewhere
@Adám Nice!! That's a great idea!!
Now we're talking!
So would you like first-priority to be making importing to RIDE easier?
Or adding base 16 themes?
Let me know and I/we can start : )
Definitely making it easier to import and export from RIDE.
And I highly recommend that happening on the RIDE side. So log an issue!
I can def do that, but I wasn't expecting that to happen for a while!
I'm not familiar with the gui stuff, but what about, for now, just adding a themes/ dir where the themes could be added.
That I could do soonish. Would a PR request be accepted, though?
For sure.
Great! I'll start on that, then

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