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room topic changed to APL: Learn and teach, questions about both golfing and general coding [apl]
@quartata How may I serve you?
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s (one with cheese) and a large soda
No I was just in the TIO room and I saw you made this new room :P
I'm rather surprised we didn't have an APL room considering we have a J room
@quartata We do?
It's frozen but yeah


Discussion about the J language ( (code.jsoftwar...
APL TIOs: Dyalog, Ngn
We'll see if this has enough interest.
@ATaco ngn
@quartata order,←⊂menu[7,2/9],(2×menu[9]),(dip+menu[6]),(0 cheese+menu[45]),2×soda
@quartata That is actually a viable format for orders in APL.
Here's an important question, How do I type this Code-page?
I haven't worked with anything other than ngn-apl so now that Dyalog is on TIO I might give it a shot
@ATaco Dyalog has shortcuts for most of the characters
I believe Mego also has a keyboard for it on his code page keyboards thing if you're working with TIO
The international keyboard can type some of these characters atleast..?
× yay.
More languages need to use 1252.
@ATaco Not many.
Huh, looks like Mego's only has Jelly
I'll ask him to add APL
@quartata Where and what is this?
@quartata Hm, that format isn't really suitable for APL, imho.
@ATaco You solved it?
Nope, that's just a character I can type on US-INTL.
If one absolutely does not want to install or configure anything, has both a keyboard, a clickable "Primer" with explanations, and the ability to use backtick ` as escape character for APL.
For installs, Dyalog has two IDEs which both figure a language bar.
@ATaco Well, I guess you can type these: ~!@#^&*()-×=+.{}[]|\/?':;,¯←→↑↓
Of those, only ¯←→↑↓× aren't standard on most keyboard layouts anyway.
And ←→↑↓ aren't on my US_INTL...
I made my own layout which allows me to type APL and most European languages.
These come with Dyalog by default:
I believe Dennis was working on making custom keyboard things for TIO
That was back in TIO v1 though so might have fallen off his radar
But what is the APL key?
@Pavel Depends on your platform. On Windows, default is Ctrl, on Linux, default is the Windows key, on MacOS I believe Alt is the default.
However, if you use the RIDE interface, you can use any key as an escape key for typing APL.
Oh, ok.
... which you can try right now on (using backtick)
@Adám linux has a windows key? o.o
@ConorO'Brien :-D the Penguin key.
ahh lol. the super key right?
@ConorO'Brien Well, basically no one has a keyboard specifically made for Linux, right?
@Pavel idk, but that makes sense
So the super key is still commonly referred to as the windows key, especially since it's not even always called the super key.
On Mac, it's the Command key
@Pavel Actually my laptop has an Ubuntu key
(where the Windows key would be)
Too lazy to take a picture so let me see if I can find one online
I'm getting a Unicomp APL keyboard next week. Btw, dyalog sells Cherry APL keyboards.
Then again, the traditional keyboard locations for APL are really mnemonic.
The yellow ones are the only ones I have not come up with a mnemonic for.
Dyalog is planning to launch an ongoing series of Webinars. What would be interesting subjects?
If you want to focus on Dyalog technologies I've always wanted to learn more about MiServer
(I've always been interested in anything that lets me write JS without writing JS)
@quartata That would be my pleasure. It has been my main project since I started at Dyalog.
Have you had a look at
Yeah although I only now found out there are forums :P
The very basics: any folder can be treated as a misite. Loading the miserver workspace, and entering Start'folderpath' will start the site on localhost:8080
using a browser to navigate to localhost:8080/somefilename, will cause MiServer to send that file.
@quartata Oops, I'll fix that.
@quartata If the MiSite folder has a folder called Config, with a file called Server.xml, it can have the section <Server><Port>8080</Port>
Ah, cool.
@quartata I've pushed the fix to GitHub. will get this fix shortly.
Meanwhile: Installing & Configuring
Now a special thing with MiServer, is that if the requested page has the extension .mipage (this is configurable) it is treated as an APL script.
Basically, it has to be a class with a method called Compose. This method has APL + MiServer's extensions to build the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the page. Parts are just thin covers for HTML, but others are powerful APIs that will create entire HTML structures with one short APL expression.
E.g. ∘.×⍨⍳10 will create a 10×10 multiplication table (matrix) in APL.
To add this table to the webpage as a proper HTML table, just add the line Add _.Table (∘.×⍨⍳10) to the Compose method.
No need to worry about html tags like <table> <tr> and <td>.
See it in action and click the "APL code" tab to see the the APL that generated the page.

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