@Adám FYI. I have a computer under a centralized management. So basically I can't do nothing. The main problem with Dyalog is that registry is out of question. I can start Dyalog with DYALOG_NETCORE=1 which allows me to use binary version of .NetCore 3.1. I was able to do this with Jupyter-Lab Notebooks too. I just added it to line 233 in kernel.py like this
self.dyalog_subprocess = subprocess.Popen([dyalogPath, "RIDE_SPAWNED=1", "DYALOG_NETCORE=1" , 'RIDE_INIT=SERVE::' + str(
self._port).strip(), 'LOG_FILE=nul', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/init.dws'])