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Now that I'm visualizing it, template on the left seems funny
Especially as you're likely to load multiple functions from the same file
File loads x
Seems nicer than the other way
it's slow though, probably just from copying the array back and forth
did the speeding up (using direct mapping in JNA). 5x better for increment, not any better for sum
(this is another option for syntax)
anyway gotta go do other stuff
@dzaima dzaima speed is the only way to describe this development.
Will look closer after lunch.
@Marshall it's not published anywhere yet though
Too slow on the edit...
This is the function I'd most like to replicate, and after that I'd probably work on FFTW bindings.
@dzaima now it is. really gotta go now though
currently with I I* D D* and only the ability to return I D (except by mutating argument arrays probably, which is very bad)
@Wezl do you have demo pictures?
I wanna see it before bothering to install it
wait a sec
i have not 1, but 2 bajillion fonts already installed
I don't have any example texts right now showing the new accented characters, but I have plenty of terminal shots
@dzaima I'm getting ImplementationError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: BQNative.Load when I try load←•JLoad"BQNative.Load". Is there an extra step I need to do to build tools/ or something?
I have been looking for just this sort of tiny blocky font, but the aliasing on the slashes is murder
and so is the hook for l and i
feel free to fork it :)
I can't unsee "jambda"
@Marshall by using the ./REPL in the base directory, load should already be defined
@dzaima what REPL stuff is there?
@Wezl fib either looks like fub or fjb
@nathanrogers the ./REPL in BQNative just loads the jar file in
@dzaima Nope. A grep for "Load" is only turning up •JLoad and ClassLoader, so I think there's a missing file.
Latest commit I have is 14d3e2b.
@Marshall BQNative is a whole separate repository
@nathanrogers Possibly not what you're looking for but Fairfax is a very good bitmap font.
@Marshall I have that one
its superscripts are too gaunt and tiny for me
@dzaima (for now at least. The jar files of JNA alone are 8 times the size of dzaima/BQN, so including them in the base language seems very bad)
I really like fixedsys excelsior for K, but for bqn, I need other unicode support, which is fine in vscode, but i can't in microsoft terminal
@rak1507 But, like, you're fixing the fact that some characters don't look that good by using a character set where almost none of them make sense. Replacing a tooling problem with a whole lot of language problems.
Who do you think has spent more effort trying to cram primitives into their chosen character set, me or Whitney?
Right, then there's the overloading problem
and how to "read" without knowing the types of the arguments
@Marshall I think whitney is more careful about thinking what to add
I think K has lost the plot on notation. It just wants to be short
It doesn't strive for clarity, and you can tell by his style of english, and the overabundance of k documentation
@rak1507 Which puts me in second place among the practical language designers of the world?
@Marshall I'm not ngn, I don't think k is the perfect divine language created by the gods
@nathanrogers as an algorithm, it probably doesn't fit much with APL
 board←(8 8⍴⍳64)∊4 12 19 26 25 61 53 46 39 40
@Wezl what
@nathanrogers do you not have to specify a starting point too?
I think its fine to just pass in a random starting point and just fill that
@rak1507 so in the board I passed in if you give it 11 it should fill the uper left corner
imperative algorithms
like the algorithm to sum a vector is "variable s, for each element: s is s plus that element, return s"
Regarding caution, the last time I made a significant breaking change to a primitive was when I introduced Group () last June, which was before I had anything resembling a real implementation (the insignificant change was when I made a few primitives enclose atom arguments instead of returning them unchanged). The only other thing I'm slightly considering is removing the multidimensional case from Window (). I think any extra caution would easily qualify as paranoia.
and wezl, in APL, that's just s + vec
@nathanrogers I thought it was +/vec
no its s + each item he said
sorry, s IS s + each item
s + +/vec
idk, its pseudocode ayway
lol when the notation is shorter than the pseudocode
I think by variable s, they mean int s;, or int s = 0;, so the s + is probably not needed.
no, my point is in APL it would be {s←0⋄{s+←⍵}¨⍵⋄s} but that's obviously not idiomatic APL.
it also wouldn't work
which is also stupid
You could use a Tradfn with those while loops to make it look more like C, I guess.
because its just s + +/ vec
so imperative "for each" doesn't usually make sense for APL
because ¨
like you don't need for each because you can just evaluate...
s + +/ ⍵
(s + 1) + (s + 2) + (s + 3)...
is just
s + sum 1 2 3...
which is s + +/1 2 3...
so that isn't a limitaiton of APL
that's a limitation of general programming languages
I think you two both agree, you're just not understanding each other :)
no he's saying that algorithms are not idiomatic in APL
which I think is a silly thing to suggest
"imperative algorithms"
Algorithms are a very general term, so I doubt that was what Wezl was suggesting.
right, what does that mean? of course you aren't going to write imperitive code in APL
right, like that maze generator I linked isn't even recursive
it's iterative
and also isn't imperative
You can write imperative code in APL, iti just won't be idiomatic.
(I'm not an expert, though, so feel free to correct me)
@user I would say it isn't idiomatic "modern APL" but I would say it is idiomatic "corporate and money making APL"
@nathanrogers Right, and those are idiomatic solutions, but translating an imperative algorithm step by step wouldn't be so nice.
most large scale, in production, real world money making APL is written with imperative code
@user that's because APL wants you to think in arrays with notation, and not in loops and mutation
And I agree with that
It's because APL encourages natural-looking notation instead of boilerplatey and unintuitive loops and mutation that an imperative algorithm translated directly from C would be unidiomatic, even if there's another algorithm that does the same thing that would be more natural in APL.
Let me find some ugly APL code :P
@nathanrogers the original message said "[flood fill] as an algorithm", not algorithms in general
@Wezl Please don't stop.
@Adám rats, you foiled my evil plans
I need the updates to prompt me to update the link on APL Wiki.
also the picture shows it all blurry and unhinted
Is this how you'd sum an array with a loop in APL (warning: ugly code)?
@nathanrogers {⍺{(~⍺)∧{∨/(,⍵)[1 4 5 6 8]}⌺3 3⊢⍵}⍣≡2=2@⍵⊢⍺} can't find any clever way doing a cross shaped stencil
@Adám now your name gets the respect it deserves
that's an interesting m
@rak1507 it looks better (fits better) this way than the obvious ~(5 5⍴⍳25)∊6 8 11 13 16 18 21 23
fair enough
@dzaima So the mutating arguments thing does work, and I was able to call my C filtering function and get accurate results. A sane option might be to use & instead of * to indicate an argument might be changed and return a list of all the new values if there are any of these. Although the user should also be able to specify that a pointer might change but they don't want results back so this needs more work.
@Marshall right, something like that was what i had in mind
Probably obvious but I should point out that a void return type also needs to be supported (I'm using I and get an arbitrary number back).
uh yeah
@Wezl Uh, *Adán*​‽
@Marshall what would a void method return? @?
@Adám that's an á and an m
6 mins ago, by rak1507
that's an interesting m
@Wezl I saw that, but you can hardly call that m respectful of my name.
but I forgot to hint the lowercase diacritics, so wait don't use the new release
@dzaima Or an empty list. Maybe it would make sense to return a list by default but have a character indicating that only one result is expected and it can be returned alone.
is privately offended at the hate thrown at m
@Wezl I didn't know "privately" meant "in italics"...
I wonder how a more m-like m would look
~(5 5⍴⍳25)∊6 8 11 13 16 18 21 23 seems ok to me maybe
@Marshall I'd use subscript but I can't. the italics is for a different reason
@rak1507 I don't want a boring font ::/
what about ' █'[~(5 5⍴⍳25)∊11 13 16 18 21 23] or something
@dzaima I guess another useful feature is to say you want to pass in an uninitialized array of a given shape. So the argument is the shape and the result includes an array of that shape (hopefully initialized). Maybe I⥊ or I&⥊ makes sense.
@rak1507 I considered it. I think using horizontal stroke variation is best for emphasis, e.g. BQN's blackboard bold w is ' █'[~(5 5⍴⍳25)∊1 3 6 8 16 17 18]
how does that look in context?
IDK my font editor breaks on characters off the BMP
but blackboard bold letters don't mix well in general ::(
@rak1507 Btw, this looks better if you add 2/ in front.
trying to stick within the 5x5
@rak1507 Just for display purposes, as characters are about twice as high as wide.
Ahh, fair enough
@rak1507 what argument does this take?
board as left argument, ⊂start as right
@Adám Wow, now over 150 registrations.
this bleeds
what is your start board?
@nathanrogers wdym
with the board I shared, and the start position ⊂2 2 the fill bleeds into the middle space
instead of filling just the top left
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
oh, ⎕IO←0
start definitely ⊂2 2 not 2 2?
   board{⍺{(~⍺)∧{∨/(,⍵)[1 4 5 6 8]}⌺3 3⊢⍵}⍣≡2=2@⍵⊢⍺}⊂2 2
works for me
what is your board?
@user yes
@Marshall yeah. I think it's acceptable to infer whether to output a list of returned objects or just the return number from whether there's precisely one thing to return. (still at the "really gotta go now though" state so not writing impls just yet)
 board←(8 8⍴⍳64)∊4 12 19 26 25 61 53 46 39 40
same thing you posted, board←(8 8⍴⍳64)∊4 12 19 26 25 61 53 46 39 40
yeah that's the board I'm using
you're definitely using ⎕IO←0?
⊂2 2 is on the line
so of course it bleeds
no, anything in the middle bleeds too
⊂4 4 fills middle and top left
oh, the board has a hole in it
I'm confused why the code is different
can you do ⍸board
│1 4│2 4│3 3│4 1│4 2│5 7│5 8│6 6│7 5│8 5│
that's what you'd get with ⎕IO←1
│0 3│1 3│2 2│3 0│3 1│4 6│4 7│5 5│6 4│7 4│
sorry I was trying ⎕IO←1 for a second to see if maybe it was backwards for no reason
ok, got it, you declared the board with ⎕IO←1, I used ⎕IO←0 so the boards were different
but you're right, my code is wrong for some reason
no, you are right but for a different reason, ⊂2 2 is on the line, but my code is also wrong because it wasn't working for a different board when it should have
ah, that's because I can't count, in this notepad document I have open I have '0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9', must have just forgotten about 3s existence
3 IS a crowd after all
the correct code should be {⍺{(~⍺)∧{∨/(,⍵)[1 3 4 5 7]}⌺3 3⊢⍵}⍣≡2=2@⍵⊢⍺}
oh ok
you could just put an "on the line check" before this if it were going into production
but otherwise, pretty slick
i'm sure there's a clever scan magic solution
can't find it either yet
what's the shortest way to transform 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 to 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 1?
@user41805 What's the idea here? Repeat every 2 until the next non-zero number?
something like (⌽∘⍉transform)⍣4⍣≡, ngn always does this
0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 to 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 would also work (and of course with potentially different choice of numbers, or even the opposite direction)
@Marshall oh i misunderstood, i meant for the bucket fill problem
@user41805 So you'd want 1 0 3 0 0 1 2 0 to go to 1 0 3 3 3 1 2 2?
no, i'm only concerned with this in the context of the bucket fill challenge, where i assume we only have three types of points of interest: walls, non-walls, fill
There's something similar in the BQN compiler for propagating expression roles through parentheses. My strategy would be to get (for each value) the index of the most recent non-zero, then select with that index and merge in only the 2s from the selection result.
{∊{⍵∨2×2∊⍵}¨w⊂⍨1=w←1,⍵} this is pretty terrible
The tricky part is index-of-most-recent-nonzero, which is (⌈\⊢×⍳∘≢)0≠⍵.
Looks like {⎕IO←0⋄⍵⌈2(⊢×=)⍵[(⌈\⊢×⍳∘≢)0≠⍵]} works; probably can be shortened.
@rak1507 pretty cool
you got me on the rightmost part of the function though

is this f⍣≡2=2@⍵ applied to ⍺, or is this f⍣depth of 2= (2@⍵)⍺
I don't read that
f⍣≡ is f applied until the result doesn't change
right but its part of some other thing
that is applied to 2=2@⍵⊢⍺
(which is just a hacky way of saying 'a matrix of the size of a with a 1 at ⍵')
is that 2 = (2@⍵)⍺ or is it (2 = 2)@
first one
oh so its empty, but for a value at the index
which could have been anything
I get it
something like (⍴⍺)↑⍸⍣¯1,⊆⍵ is a more literal way of implementing it
or 1@⍵≠⍨⍺
is this the bqn »
probably 3
there are only 3 choices
ok that's choice number 3
@Adám does ⍣≡ only work as an idiom? or if trying to implement it literally, you'd need to cache the previous result each time?
or do some kind of 2 element list each time with (current previous)
no, look up the docs for the power operator
i mean specifically power limit
right, so I don't see how you'd do it without something like

{((current_result) (⊃⍵))}⍣{≡/⍵}
because each time you'd have to check if the current matches the previous, right?
in f⍣g, g is dyadic
so my question is: is f⍣≡ an interpreter idiom to save the user from caching stuff, or??
but (f Y) g Y will never be true, because what you pass into the function is a matrix of 0's with a single 1
and that isn't your target
oh right, I think it's an idiom
It wouldn't be too hard to implement, right?
"Notice that power calls its dyadic right operand g with the next (f Y) and current (Y) values of the iteration as left and right arguments. In particular, if g is = or ≡, the result is sometimes termed a fixpoint of f."
oh I see
it is an idiom then
not necessarily
it says so right there
@Adám is ⍣≡ an idiom?
says nothing about it being an idiom
it says that g is passed the current Y
yes? it is so normally too
yes that's an idiom
APL: where some things are objectively idioms
it isn't passed the result of f, its passed current Y
that's just how ⍣ works
@nathanrogers Something like fix←{⍵(⍺⍺{res←⍵⍵ ⍺⍺ ⍵⋄res≡⍺:res⋄⍵∇res}⍺)(⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵)}?
run 1+∘÷⍣{⎕←⍺ ⍵ ⋄ ⍺≡⍵}1 @nathanrogers
I get it already
I just assumed that g always gets passed the current generation of f
This is cool
@rak1507 In what way? It certainly isn't special-cased by the interpreter in any way.
@nathanrogers I don't understand either of your two questions.
@rak1507 the more I look at this the more clever it is
I was approaching it via the + sign of cardinal directions in a 2d matrix 4 2⍴1 0 ¯1 0 0 1 0 ¯1
@Marshall Do you remember why we chose to group by order of base-10 magnitude for summing floats exactly? Why specifically 10⍟ and not some other base?
but I was going about it recursively and couldn't figure out how to backtrack back to the beginning to check for fills in other directions
@Adám I don't think I made that decision? I don't remember anything like that.
CMP: What's your favorite unicode character?
@Wezl ⎕ucs 65038
@Marshall OK, well we wrote it together. I guess the base doesn't really matter.
@Adám I can't manually add that to my font ::(
but if I add text versions of all the emojis, maybe it will make the same effect
My favorite unicode
( •_•)>⌐■-■
@Marshall please make this a legit expression in BQN
wish granted
fixed, now the square is the right width
⌐■_■ i is a 3 train with an atop, negate the ︻ window of ╦ pipes ╤ to ─ who even knows
make it happen
@nathanrogers if I add box drawing characters to my font you better pay twice what you're paying now
t(・_- )t

nothing drop of 0?
done @Wezl
\(•‿•)/ expand nothing joined iwth nothing compress?
Negate nothing bound with nothing atop negate x
aka. The Fonz
@Marshall the new ⍉ @ngn the new +
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@nathanrogers Please try to stay on topic.
@chrispsn thanks! i was trying to remember that one..
@Marshall "almost none of them make sense" - chars mean what you (the language designer) want them to mean. wherever there is structure, there can be interpretation.
@nathanrogers "documentation" - don't conflate ngn/k (no docs) and k (for instance k4 has good docs)
@ngn and it gets worse, much worse, when different language designers disagree
@Wezl my fav unicode char: "\0" :)
@ngn I would have figured ​ (U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE)
@Wezl I always liked the visual symmetry of ⍋⍒ , <> ⌈⌊ and others, but I never liked the mental asymmetry with things like ↑↓, ⌽ ,⍣,- +, ×÷, or ⊃⊂
@coltim haha, wouldn't that be a good glyph for "nothing"? :D
@ngn a good notation should elucidate what underlies. a zero width space is both present and not, depending on one's perspective
What? @coltim
You told me "something" betrayed and murdered my father... But "nothing" betrayed and murdered my father... because he's still alive, and unbetrayed
oh we're on to the nothing stuff again
'nothing' is a perfectly decent name for what it does runs away
@rak1507 OH so that was SARCASM...
no it wasn't
@rak1507 let's take it to the next level and talk abou
@rak1507 i mean earlier
@nathanrogers when?
@ngn ?
@rak1507 htisn
@rak1507 it's backspace, also known a
no, backspace is not a value
it isn't even nothing
@nathanrogers no, the discussion about language implementation was interesting, the nothing one was just funny
I think its a real discussion that needs to be had
@nathanrogers I can't claim to understand all the subtleties here, but would (​‿x) better explain things?
@nathanrogers why not make it a value, a first clas
@ngn I've got to say to you on the matter
If you want to discuss the design of BQN's "Nothing" and/or J's "Cap", please make a room on TopAnswers for it.
it's called "kappa" like they KNEW
@Adám but we were discussin
@Adám to see here.
It is unnecessary noise, and not on-topic here. You've been warned.
discussions about array language design...
is OFF topic?
pretty sure... that's like 90% of the topic
> Learn, teach, ask, code, golf, & discuss.
pretty sure pedantry is the EXCLUSIVE PERVIEW of array language users
Doesn't mention "design".
@nathanrogers "apl array-manipulation j k tips" - only 3÷5 of the topic :)
"discuss" array languages... right?
there's really nothing to discuss anyway ;)
@rak1507 gets it
either we discuss nothing or there's nothing to discuss
room topic changed to The APL Orchard: apl.chat ― Learn, teach, ask, code, golf, & discuss usage. See apl.wiki/APL_Orchard for access and info, aplcart.info for simple how-to questions. [apl] [array-manipulation] [j] [tips]
@Adám no fun :(
spot the difference
right, so dzaima and marshall gotta just bounce
no bacon allowed
I come here to discuss implementation and make ascii-art. Practically nothing else.
maybe we have to phrase things as questions?
bye-bye wezl, nice knowing you
@Adám I feel like you can discourage all the random rubbish without completely making K off topic... do people really spam here with K anyway? Seems like a strange (and rash) decision removing it from the tags
Announcement: is now off-topic (other than in direct comparison to APL); use the k tree. Non-APL language design is off-topic too; open a discussion on TopAnswers.
I think you should reconsider
right because the array language community is robust enough to fill a single channel on an obscure site
* Wezl suggests IRC as an alternative to the web
@rak1507 K is prominent enough to have its own room. You can just use that.
right... there's like 3 people that go there besides me. "Prominent"
@ngn Enjoy the increased traffic! ;-)
@Adám I agree. I disagree on making language design off topic. I don't think you have a problem with the language design, but with the pointless long conversations. There are other ways to cut down on that, that don't mean language design is now off topic.
@rak1507 anyone can make a new room. i started "the k tree" only because adam was moving conversations about k elsewhere, to "keep it clean" - that was annoying
i'm pretty sure @Adám has engaged plenty in language design discussion
@rak1507 APL language design is still on-topic.
Making a new room be it on SE or TopAnswers is pointless and stupid when it is so obviously on topic here
And even morten has been meaning to discuss language design himself
@rak1507 It isn't any more.
@Adám BQN is a language in the APL language family
Yes, but not an APL.
it's as good as (pretty much translates 1 to 1)
I'm pretty sure the comparison goes thusly
APL -> BACON -> J -> K -> LISP
@Adám i don't benefit from increased traffic
apart from anything, topanswers isn't allowed on my school internet, whereas the apl orchard is. what am I meant to do in economics now?!
@rak1507 making a new discussion site on www is ewe ewe ewe
bqn is as close as it gets to an APL without being literally APL
who uses topanswers anyway..
Relevant: What is APL?

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