« first day (2946 days earlier)   

@Adám if the array is one bolean array it would return the or of all
Yes, but if the array indicates, say, available rooms, what question about the rooms does ∨/ answer?
If 1 means there is room X available, 0 it is not available, ∨/ means if return 1, there is at last one free room. If return 0, there is no room available
There you go!
I see a problem here for ⌹. It seems a⌹b would find the solution of linear sys coefficients in b matrix with result a array so linear system bx=a. If the solution of bx=a exist and is only 1, all ok. What it would return if the system has no solution? What would return if the system has infinite solutions?
10 hours later…
@Rosario It will use a least squares fit if the system is over-specified, and error if the system either is under-specified or has no solution.

« first day (2946 days earlier)