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abby hairboat has unfrozen this room.
2 hours later…
@DavidFullerton I watch people watch League of Legends
@abbyhairboat I think the URL in the room description is outdated. Hint, hint. ;-)
room topic changed to SE Podcast: youtube.com/watch?v=GBtTPyvrHNY (no tags)
Hi everyone
Hi, @MichaelBerkowski
the hangout on air audio might not be amazing - it's using the table mics, not the fancy podcast mics
I just see a black screen?
@Alexa are you in the office?
if so can someone else in the office go bail alexa out please :)
@abbyhairboat I got it!
I nominate you @abbyhairboat
@bluefeet i'm not in the office :)
@Alexa woot!
@abbyhairboat slacker
even if i were in AN office, it wouldn't be the same one as alexa!
I repeat...slacker
??? i don't know how to win
you're fired
wait, that's your line
can we talk about zoot suits next
wow this got off the rails fast
David sigh count: 1
let's talk about RoR
don't worry, the editor will cut this down to 2 punchy seconds
Evening, all.
Is this what people tune in for?
@FosterBass i don't know; what did you tune in for?
why does @Jaydles know this??
is brick wearing a seersucker suit in that
@Laura This, exactly.
then sure, it's what people tune in for
@Laura don't listen you will regret it
Aug 11 at 20:10, by Jin
how high are you guys right now?
I should have grabbed a beer for this
@DavidFullerton I will bring you a beer
If you will sigh more
why would you ever start a podcast with 0 beers
Who's who in there? I don't know who I'm looking at D:
I can't sigh on demand
I am wearing a red hoodie
you are not visible @DavidFullerton
@DavidFullerton me too. what kind do you want?
jay is blocking you
Ah that's true, it wouldn't be natural
Laur let's just bring him like four beers
@stevvve do it
"StackOverflow just has the answer." - Joel I love that.
Ha! I've already got a t-shirt. I did it for <3
One tweet a minute is really impressive.
I also wish I had a beer. tapping foot
I'm getting one of those t-shirts
@ArtOfCode Joel Spolsky, David Fullerton, Jay Hanlon and someone else.
HI @BrentOzar!
Howdy sir!
I just had to see the outfit.
@Seth Kevin Montrose
You could also answer this to gush about how SO helped you!!
Dorky jokes get flagged non-constructive.
@DavidFullerton Is the challenge here simply to make you guys laugh live on podcast because of something we say?
if you can break my concentration mid-sentence, that's 100 points
i wish i had a dollar for every time i've said to a librarian: undefined is not a function
extra challenging because of the tape delay
@MattSherman without context this is dangerously close to a markov chain
I'll get the guys on Worldbuilding to figure out a way. We're good at that.
I'm working on a script to figure out who the winners are for the shirts so @abbyhairboat doesn't do them manually
and uh
I got banned from twitter's API for rate limiting reasons
If Stack Overflow gave a Large-size t-shirt to every member with over 1k rep, the t-shirt order would weight about 12.5 tonnes.
@DavidFullerton With a couple seconds latency... that's a pretty serious challenge.
@DavidFullerton Ah, here it is. I knew we'd had something like this. Destroying Stack Exchange from space... that would knock the podcast down. How many points?
@KasraRahjerdi Get the proxies out, get the HTTP forwards out. Multiple IPs, multiple API keys.
@ArtOfCode it'll be fine if I just refactor our codebase to support application tokens instead of just user tokens
it's just SO INFURIATING because the error is "420 - Enhance Your Calm"
and i just want to punch that error code straight in the RFC
@KasraRahjerdi Twitter, trolling devs since whenever it was their API came in.
Have to say, the documentation initiative has me the most excited I've been about SO in a few years.
Aye. That'll be another useful thing to add to their repertoire.
But I looove writing good READMEs.
True story: I own HowIsBabbyFormed.com.
I just had to have that piece of trivia.
Of course you do, @BrentOzar.
@BrentOzar good job
@BrentOzar Have fun making us believe that one :) Do a Google Analytics style verification, or something.
Oh, sure, hang on.
@MichaelBerkowski ME TOO!
Damn, 100 points to you, @BrentOzar.
There you go. Added "(As seen in the StackExchange chat room.)" to the page, hahaha.
I should really get a real job.
Damn, he really does own it
I feel like it's going to be a success because the people who can write good, thorough, detailed answers are likely to be the same ones who can write thorough and clear docs.
@ArtOfCode never question @BrentOzar
@bluefeet Serves me right for my scepticism :)
Yep, a new activity. Like mining unicoins.
@MichaelBerkowski We should bring those back at some point...
Temporarily, of course.
HTML babby
That's right @Jaydles, move the bottle closer to the mic when you open it...
I just hope you'll be able to embed live examples like CodePen or Plunker into the documentation. If you can do that, I will build my Open Source project's docs in your new system.
If you squint your eyes, the mics look like hovering bottles.
@Balrog30 I think it's language docs, rather than project docs
image maps for PIXEL PRECISION
You can't play Duck Hunt on new TV's.
Where is the boundary between language and library?
@Balrog30 One's a language, one's an extension to a language.
One's corporation-created, one's user-created.
In fact, that's worth asking the guys while we're all here.
That "get started with some copy/paste" is possibly the only area PHP excels.
Thank you people for listening to me and using Hangouts. :)
Usually good official examples on php.net, plus user-contrib examples (if you can sort out the crap from the user-contrib stuff)
@DavidFullerton Are we right in saying that this is intended for language docs, rather than project or library docs?
no, all of the above potentially
Most languages are pretty useless without at least some kind of standard library. I find most languages you can pick up syntax in an hour, it's the standard library that involves digging through docs to learn how to do what you want to do.
well, probably not your project. a shared project that lots of people use and can contribute to
it's not for a team to document their own code, but maybe to document their public API
The OSS project I run has 600+ stars on GitHub... not big enough?
@DavidFullerton Worth making that clear somewhere in something relating to this project. In the meta post, perhaps, or just mention it somewhere.
I do worry that some projects will abdicate responsibilities for documenting their own stuff. "SO will get it done eventually"
the rule we've been tentatively tossing around is "big enough to already have a tag on SO"...
@DavidFullerton A tag is probably a good idea.
I think SO will probably get community docs right, but the "community notes" on PHP docs are quite crazy. php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php
Makes sense.
Maybe tie the documentation feature to tags?
@Diederik It's hard because the voting is useless. Over time good user-contrib stuff tends to accumulate downvotes. There's no auth on voting.
If you tie it to a tag, you make sure it only happens on things that are big enough to have a tag, but there might be some use-cases you exclude?
But there are real gems in there, which given SE's content standards, could really be brought out.
@MichaelBerkowski -9 votes, and 100% visible :lame:
@Diederik And not sortable by votes!
Also maybe a minimum question number in the tag? Or someone with 1500 rep just creates a tag for their project and documents.
@Diederik But the votes are meaningless. Excellent examples may have -30 just because they're old.
/me uploading photo...
Looks like Nev and Max on the podcast
Docs for a new framework: big moving parts and good practices. E.g. Android.
Read few pages, then look at examples. Once design philosophy is down.
Is this the whispercast?
he didn't get selected
no one from marketing did either so he's in good company
@random Is SO inadvertently going to make projects stop writing their own docs?
@random Sorry, that was for joel
@JoelSpolsky Can I be annoying? Apart from business priorities (SO is the one that makes the money), what was the reasoning for implementing docs on SO rather than another SE-wide feature that could potentially benefit more?
How soon before we see these docs/guides on Amazon like we have with Wikipedia-sourced churn books?
@JoelSpolsky Is SO inadvertently going to make projects stop writing their own docs?
@JoelSpolsky How did you solve the issue of distributing reputation for a collaboratively edited page of documentation? This does seem like a really hard problem, and so far SE has avoided it (like in community wiki answers).
Much less QA on forums now.
Support forums going to SO questions is a little different from docs though. I hope we don't see them just say "go to Stack Overflow for docs" and expect us to write them.
(not to seem like a nay-sayer. I'm very excited about this project)
@MichaelBerkowski stop raising valid concerns, and START WRITING DOCS.
Rats, I have to leave. Thanks everybody.
You wanna know about pull requests and contributing to open source? That's my site!
@Jaydles Question: what's happening with the beta? Are we going to get an email saying things, or something?
@ArtOfCode basically... be patient, you'll get an email when there's something for you to do, but it's still very much early days
...and that's why they have a disclaimer :)
Oh god. Don't get us started on our Open Source naming and scope problems.
@kevin, remove @ArtOfCode from the beta list for being too pushy.
sockpuppeting time
Missed answering one question :)
which question?
I bet there's one question out there that's unanswered... in a sea of 10 million questions.
11 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
@JoelSpolsky Can I be annoying? Apart from business priorities (SO is the one that makes the money), what was the reasoning for implementing docs on SO rather than another SE-wide feature that could potentially benefit more?
@Jaydles / @DavidFullerton wanna talk about that even though we're off air? ^
nope guess we're not on air anymore
Nope, stream just cut
buh bye
sorry guys
thanks for joining us
blame abby
heh, no worries
blame Jay for saying we got all questions and skipping one :P
My site got a mention, I'll let you off
they're answering it! it's not streaming but it'll get recorded
you'll just have to listen to the edited version when it comes out
@ArtOfCode @abby The stream is still up if you refresh.
@D.G. Not for me... it's just the recorded video
Oh that was the start? I missed the start.
it's ok, our magical editor will make it sound like it was part of the podcast
Hey @JoelSpolsky, the Worldbuilding guys have noticed my mischief here, and I've been told that they think we should get graduation as a birthday present... :)
@ArtOfCode do you realize that the more you ask for graduation, the further back on the list you move?
@bluefeet tells it like it is
@bluefeet I know :) I could hardly refuse a Worldbuilding moderator daring me to ask, though. That's my excuse, anyway.
I have no idea what's going on right now and it looks like all the action happened while I was at lunch, but... I'm certain I just heard a ST:TNG doorbell
Oh hey, it's a recording. And it's at 2:47. And yep, that's the door.
Why is there chip-eating in this podcast?
I'm an idiot
I was wondering where the various network chat sounds were coming from, then realized they're from the podcast, not my pings
wait how does this thing work
I think youtube is confusing me
oh this aint live
Maybe the "it's over" coulda been a hit, but:
you did the same thing I did
Now, if they used actual podcast software instead of crappy youtube…

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