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@abbyhairboat Protip: The answer to "Is there a magazine about X?" is true for every value of X.
hang on i'm taking a quiz about what style of scrubs i should wear for my body type
Joel is not a lawyer. Or is he.
@JonEricson So there's a magazine about that statement?
@SomeKittens Gödeled!
@hichris123 Joel is the law
@JeremyBanks Wait. Deleted questions can be reopened while remaining deleted?
@Bart How do you read him, if he is the law? Are your glasses the key?
@Mooseman Hmm. I guess so.
32 mins ago, by Oded
Bart knows.™
oh right, I forgot.
@Bart Knows what?
If only we had someone in a minority on this podcast!
We can fix this in post.
as usual, we'll edit out everything that Jay said
How much do you guys edit out normally? Everything.
@AnnonomusPenguin Here's a hint, in transcript form: ''
It's gone down from an hour and a half recording to about 50 mins before.
^ the actual editor
But that did have post show conversations...
Every kind of moron on the internet is in social media, such as chat rooms
Can I have the Oreos on the table?
I don't like oreos.
They're not really cookies.
You're not really a cat
@bjb568 How. Dare. You?
@Bart :o
@Mooseman Yeah. I said it.
Did you punch them?
!!/lick oreo cookie creme
"Since Bart said it, it must be true!"
any questions from the audience for roberta?
user image
@JoelSpolsky What can I, as cis-scum working at an all-male startup, do to help?
@JoelSpolsky What was your first programming project and what language did you use?
Programming is AWESOME and I don't want anyone left out. I was left out in middle school and it wasn't fun.
More specifically, what sexist things might I be doing that I'm unaware of?
@JoelSpolsky PC, Linux, or Mac? *If Linux, what distro?
@SomeKittens Have you suggested your company sponsor or make in-kind donations towards Girls Who Code?
Yeah, that wording is already up on the jobs page
@ConspicuousCompiler I have not, but that's a great idea!
@SomeKittens what @ConspicuousCompiler said - start acting like a company to whom diversity is important, even if the company is not diverse yet
With respect Stack Exchange the community, not Stack Exchange the company: would it be practical to encourage more women to self-nominate for moderatorship?
i'm a lady, and i'd much rather apply to a company full of dudes that says "this is important to us, so here's what we're working on"
@abbyhairboat That's a tricky proposition though. You'd prefer specifics on exactly what the company is doing?
bluefeet is the best.
@abbyhairboat aye
Anna used to be of course
It seems like people don't want to know.
yeah, it's kind of "don't ask, but you can tell if you want"
@JeremyBanks Only if we do away with the "select top 30 moderators (by rep) to go to the primary", because the thought of pushing other people off the available slots would deter some people. (Personal opinion, I do not speak for SE, etc.)
@JeremyBanks I think people object to the premise the gender determines suitability to being a moderator.
Kathy Sierra is fantastic!
Q: Are there only male candidates for the moderator election?

thebjornFrom what I can see there are only male candidates for the moderator election.. Is that a concern? (should it be?) I know I found it odd when reading through the list.

Question for the universe: What can we do to make women feel safe disclosing on SO that they are women?
I've seen lots of women say they'd never consider doing that. How can we make them feel like they'll be safe if they do?
@SomeKittens you don't have to blog every time you write a check or keep a totally up-to-date list of organizations you're working with, but just being public about trying to contribute positively to the ratio goes a long way
@Laura Answer from my wife: "Shut down the trolls. Make it publicly clear that harassment is not ok"
I know that Oracle for a while spent a lot of money advertising themselves as diverse, with specific thrusts towards being friendly to GLBT community and women. It's too bad they had a generally bad rep as a company to work for while doing so.
@Shog9 Thanks.
@Laura Not worrying about being doxed would be a start, surely? (Re Kathy Sierra comment above.)
While we're at it, what can we do to make all people feel safe asking question on SO? :P
@JeremyBanks read comments
@Shog9 Sorry I'm dumb.
I accept your apology
From the three stooges
"According to your activity, you're a dog wearing a human mask"
@SomeKittens What would "shut down the trolls" look like in practical terms, that we aren't already doing on SE sites?
@Undo house visits from Joel, coaching them when formulating their first post?
@SomeKittens this is an interesting thing...we do shut down the most egregious incidents really quickly (relying heavily on community members flagging things), and a lot of stuff gets shut down before the general public knows about it. but the occasional incident reaches twitter, or meta, or whatever and even though those things are really rare, they might portray that things aren't great on SO.
@ChrisJester-Young Giving us chat room owners kick-bans has helped a LOT in shutting down (usually sexist) trolls
(Who's talking right now, again? Jay? Forgetting these voices, the podcasts are so infrequent.)
@Laura do people flag enough though? (Kinda hard to get a grasp on perhaps)
kicks for diversity
Though we have a few problem users who keep coming back, even after getting 30-minute bans for days
Joseph Michael "Joey" Graceffa (born May 16, 1991) is an American actor, author, and YouTube personality from Marlborough, Massachusetts. He runs the YouTube channels JoeyGraceffa and JoeyGraceffaGames with approximately 4.5 million and 1.1 million subscribers respectively. == Life and career == === 1991–06: Early life === Joey Graceffa was born on May 16, 1991 to Debbie and Joe Graceffa. Graceffa has two siblings, a sister named Nicole and a brother named Jett. He attended and graduated from Marlborough High School in 2009. === 2007–09: Beginnings on YouTube === Joey Graceffa first b...
@Laura I think better comment moderation would help, and hopefully @Shog9's plan or something similar will help.
yeah, I'd like to see comment flagging either overhauled completely or at least give 10kers access to comment flags.
ANYHOW THE POINT is only teenage girls go to his meetups even though he has lots of gay fans
@JoelSpolsky is he having one in san diego in october by any chance?
There are some assholes in chat who keep coming back.
That's the good part, Jay. The bad stuff lasts for a few hours+.
cool. I think comment flags is a place where there's definitely room for improvement, and that helps for people already in the community.
@JeremyBanks hey, I work here, I have to keep coming back or they'll stop paying me.
@SomeKittens how did you get that picture from inside my apartment
any thoughts on how to communicate welcoming-ness and inclusion to the broader tech community?
@Shog9 you may be an *sshole, but you're our *sshole.
do casual browsers on SO even know that flagging exists?
do they know about our be nice policy?
should they?
@Laura if they hit 15 rep they get a notification that they can flag now, IIRC.
@Laura can't flag if not logged in
We should implement some sort of event tracking system and use it to answer these questions
@Laura not necessarily if we are able to keep the site clean I'd guess.
@Laura Buy ads for SO on sites which skew towards women or gender issues, such as The Mary Sue or Feministing?
there's quite a few people out there that think SO is filled with a bunch of jerks. I dunno how many people, but...
@ConspicuousCompiler and vice versa: give free or discounted ad space on SO to sites like those
@Laura Destroy the modems of those who don't wish to convey welcoming-ness.
(if they can make it relevant somehow)
@Laura There's kinda a negative feedback process going on here... the less people feel welcomed makes the next person feel even less welcomed.
@Mooseman would you like to be our first recruit to the Modem-Destroying Corps?
As per the reading the be nice policy, people do not read anything in the first place
Whatever you do, DON'T make the header bar pink for a day to "raise awareness"
@AnnonomusPenguin yup, agreed. haven't come up with a brilliant way to solve it
@SomeKittens system message
but that goes over so well when we do that
@SomeKittens sh*tstorm waiting to happen
Don't make people prove they're right, ask questions.
@SomeKittens Trying reverse psychology, I see
@Laura Providing I can stay anonymous, of course. :) Poor Comcast. People will be mad at them and for the first time it won't be their fault.
"Hey, why would you implement $X like this?" is WAAAAY better than "Don't implement $X" and wait for the argument.
@Mooseman it's still their fault. they shouldn't give internet access to people who can't be nice. :P
Even one person who insists on being right can kill a team's morale/culture.
Problem is that ISPs define 'being nice' as 'not using torrents' and 'not blowing through your datacap'
Was Joel trying to lay down or something?
@Laura Yup... Hey, do I get a SO shirt for signing up for the Modem-Destroying Corps? ;)
@Mooseman you get real-life bronze, silver, and gold badges depending on the number of modems you destroy
@Laura ... this will not end well
@Laura perhaps auto-flagging comments that contain would help this issue (chances are, if a message contains words that are often used in hate messages, they're going to be hateful. Perhaps take it a step further by not flagging it if that phrase is mentioned in the body of the post)
Sometimes, moderation is the only way to go.
@Bart (sarcasm, which I hope was obvious)
@Laura I'll raise you a SE shirt ;)
@AnnonomusPenguin I've been experimenting with plain keyword search for a loooong time, and I've come to the conclusion that it simply doesn't work here.
@Bart But I clearly destroyed that modem! Why didn't I get a badge for it!
@hichris123 "I have the picture to prove it. Look, the scared family is in the background"
> AAARGH stackexchange/review/modem-destruction/901823 is CLEARY a BAD AUDIT.
@Undo with general terms, yes, but is there are some terms that are generally not common in conversation (I guess it wouldn't work for discrimination against girls, per se)
Is there anything salvageable from this podcast?
@hichris123 rm podcast.mp3
This is always the best part of the podcast
90 minutes, not an hour :p
There was some cat talk early on. They can use that.
... I think you just cracked Joel up, @hichris123
@Mooseman an hour when the editor's done ;)
@hichris123 We always ask that and somehow our editor always pulls something out.
@Joel's encouragement on one of the old podcasts to look for people near you on Stack Overflow was responsible for me getting my serious programming job. Thanks podcast Joel!
Well done, y'all
@JonEricson Which people still... listen to. Weirdly.
@JonEricson I kinda feel bad for the editor. He must go home and say "I'm glad I never became a software developer! They're all crazy" (somewhat true!)
@AnnonomusPenguin That's funny. I always am glad I'm not an audio editor.
@JeremyBanks Got my last job from "looking for people near me on Stack Overflow"...that is, IRC on #stackoverflow. ;-)
@Jaydles remember that thing about baseline being too low? "talked more than any guest"..but you guys don't really let guests talk usually :P
it died :(
> uh...
It's okay, they're gonna do one next week. Right? Riiiiiight?
Back to bars and stripes...
@ChrisJester-Young freenode?
@hichris123 the Tavern it is
If by "week", you mean "quarter", yes.
The end.
@JonEricson I've messed with a few sound boards before and it's kinda fun I guess
gotta stop the bleeding some time
@Bart Seems like it should be late where you are. :P
@SomeKittens Yes. I'm not active right now (I IRC from a tmux session), but you can ping me anytime (nickname cky).
@JeremyBanks that's nice i'm glad to hear that!
@ChrisJester-Young oh, boy, another chat room!
@hichris123 yup
@SomeKittens It's very, very low-volume. And it's totally unofficial.
Ohhh I so totally would except for the whole kicking-carrying-a-mute thing.
They're taking away all the cool toys :(

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