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@ThomasMcDonald +1.
@ChrisF laughs well you've all known sam and brett and we do have a blog post
Except @badp would just play orchestral music he hears in Deus Ex videos on Youtube.
I meant moving faces!
@ChrisF then this one's for you Chris! look at the livestream in 5...4....3.....
You'll have a headache like no other even before Joel and Jeff start talking
I waved back (honest!)
oh, I am genuinely wondering if those phones pulse like that in real life
@ChrisF laughs :D
I get the feeling @Jeff doesn't like me.
@GnomeSlice we believe he likes no one. except for his son. (I am joking.) (Just to be clear.)
@AarthiDevanathanΨ ...Poor kid (I know).
what about his wife?
joke, people. joke. joke.
I know all about jokes. Trust me.
is this the internet?
Aaaaand... my internet begins to superslow.
You guys got some good plants in that office
I know all about trust. Joke me.
needs more orchids though
@Thom Well, we've succesfully taken over the stars list of yet another room.
Need to start a Meta topic: suggestion for StackExchange podcast room :P
and in 5....4....3.....
Testing 1 2 3
@JohnSiracusa hi John!
@JohnSiracusa Evening
What was written on that?
@GnomeSlice Well, if you prefer the music I hear in TF2 videos on Youtube instead...
Medium quality is too bad for it :P
@Mvy shoudl i do it again?
Too many chat rooms
I'll do it again!
If the guy in front with the monitor were to open the live stream page, would it cause it to freeze because of an infinite loop?
...this sounds like stripper music.
Well if I don't increase the quality it wont' be useful I guess
'cause i have mine up
this waiting music (Muzak?) is ridiculous
and it's on a 3 sec delay
good afternoon
And I don't want to lag the podcast with high settings :P
ok ok 3 2 1 watch!
@PeterOlson you'd simply see the chrome around the player being copied inside the player window
this music has gotten ridiculous
@AarthiDevanathanΨ So when we see you typing it was three seconds ago?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Too far away.
yep, 3 secs ago
it's rapidly panning from left to right and back
It's that the very definition of Jazz?
or not.
(I never thought I could put it that nicely)
Thx @AarthiDevanathan but still unreadable. But +1 for trying
@Mvy yaaay a +1
hmm. embiggen.
Alex has had enough, I guess
1 min ago, by GnomeSlice
Needs better waiting music
Cool, it's like a time machine. We can see 3 seconds into your past
@GnomeSlice we got that the first time
20 secs ago, by badp
@GnomeSlice we got that the first time
So, if I pause this, do you guys all starve to death or something?
lol nope given the rush at the kitchen
I was hoping you all had to stand still until I unpaused it again.
Floor three! Appliances, luggage, and returns. Mind your step on the way out.
@GnomeSlice only in the 3sec past
Sorry everyone, we're waiting on joel
What, is this, an ad?
Which one is joel?
@GnomeSlice The slow one
A crummy commercial?
@MichaelMrozek How foolish of me.
@GnomeSlice the one who's not there yet :P
@ThomasMcDonald Come to New York City, SUCKAS! This stuff ain't free! Unless tyou happen to go to a show that I perform at that is free.
I feel rickrolled
I feel like i have to sit up really straight because you're all watching.
Wow, what's with all the pitchforks... if you want me to leave just ask politely.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ We're always watching. Now you're just aware of it
(knows what they're really for)
Joel's helicopter hasn't landed yet
@MichaelMrozek ....!!!
@MichaelMrozek Did you see my comment on the MSO question about the live audio only feed?
@Katey :(
"You're listening to WSEI radio. Smoooooooth listenin' allllll day long."
We're just a fragment of your imagination @AarthiDevanathan
@AlexMiller Yes; I looked around but couldn't find any free audio-only sites
You should do the Spolsky summoning dance and maybe he'll come more quickly.
@Mvy fragment or figment?
I just heard the ping sound, but didn't get a ping.
Is the sound plugged at @Katey 's computer?
same here
and there it is again
@GnomeSlice Ditto. It's coming from the stream.
I bet it was @Jeff.
yeah, its the stream
its when you ping me
@AlexMiller ping
No it's not.
Seemed like Jeff to me.
@GnomeSlice There's considerable lag
the delay was expected after GnomeSlice hit it.
that was a lie
its actually katey
but we're logging it out now
so get your pings in soon
or that
@Katey I'm so sorry <3
@Katey YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@MichaelMrozek Well, I heard it just before I posted that. So it must be time-travelling lag.
You guys should play the 6th planet soundtrack as the waiting music.
Well done, whoever moved the camera to point more directly at @AarthiDevanathan
I request that Jeff DJ's the hold music
I say we start without Joel
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Shots?
@JonGalloway Would that be the music currently playing?
@MarcoCeppi nope
@AgentConundrum no one knows
Also, everyone please direct all effusive thanks to @AlexMiller for our lovely music
Y u no tell me u liek electro music. ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
they have people on the street searching for him
@AlexMiller this is terrible.
Song request: Keep the current one. I approve
(It's not a britney vid)
@AlexMiller put some Yes on
Spolskies is in the house
we'll be starting in just a few
@AlexMiller Okay! I will confess to any crime. Give me the paper, I'll sign it. Just stop this music.
@GnomeSlice there are always several of us around. but we don't all talk often
/approve of nirvana
this is more like it, @AlexMiller.
Much better
Just pipe in Turntable.fm
What is this, I don't even
it was an ad, y'all. pandora
oh yeah IE9!!!!
^.^ eh?
ah haha
Cobain rolls over in his grave
SE Podcast: Trollin'
Joel. Your producer is evil.
Everyone that complained about Nirvana: this is your fault
I feel like we're being trolled.
is that.. Ke$ha..
I gained a new appreciation for this song after seeing the StartTrek video
@Jin You know what's coming next from me?
@JonGalloway link?
@ThomasMcDonald yes...
Q: Make the mothership shoot its lasers on hover.

Oak All trilogy sites, and almost all other SE2.0 sites, have a hover effect on their "ask question" button. It can be argued the "ask question" button looks less "clickable" than how it looks in all the other family sites, it's very close to a decoration and thus really needs some way to emphasize ...

I like this song, but I really dislike her voice ;_;
You guys suck.
Fear the tyranny of the majority.
wow this song has such a great message
@BrMcMullin As does 90% of mainstream music.
i think the podcast music has jumped the Mega Sharktopus
Why... what the... why are we... why... why...
Well, viewership is up by 18 since it started playing
Pretty Lights > Ke$ha
causation equals ... conflation I can't remember the word
Silence > Ke$ha
@VxJasonxV Hmm. I cannot argue your point, sir.
was Joel just moving to the beat of ke$ha?
@JeffFerland It'll plummet when Joel starts talking
Pretty low bar to improve on the previous
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Play mine!
DJ REQUEST: Ronald Jenkees - Super Fun
no requests. this is not your local radio station.
ah mute
I thought you guys were playing the tik tok parody at first
But is it TRL?
@LauraΨ I noticed, it's much worse :)
Am I the 9th caller?
@AgentConundrum good taste
robots are talking
oh no it's robot voice again
woo, cylon'ed mic
Can we stop linking the youtube video with the semi-pornographic thumbnail?
aaand now we have robots
Sounds like Daleks on the line
but you know what
@ChrisF ex.ter.min.ate!
robot joel > kesha
@MichaelMrozek If you're talking about the most recent one. Semi-pornographic?
skynet is here
You know what works better than 12 microphones and six mixers and a stack of Macbooks? Skype.
It's a ke$ha parody... suppose I should have known better.
A fully clothed woman who happens to be laying in a bathrub is not semi-pornographic.
Oh my god, it smells like Pizza Pockets.
Play some Black Crowes.
@VxJasonxV Well, I'll give you my boss' e-mail address and you can explain it to him
heeeey i got mentioned!
in The Bridge, 22 secs ago, by Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice You're a parody.
@MarcoCeppi alex is rebooting livestream
reboot :P
@AarthiDevanathan Yeah, we couldn't hear that
So bad jazz = clear; Joel et al = Cylons?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ We lost interest in you when Joel sat directly in the way
@MichaelMrozek i'm okay with that.
@MichaelMrozek Your boss happened to be over-the-shouldering you one of the times that came out?
SE Podcast: How to avoid delivering your product on time by playing random music... and robots
can't load the live feed, is it just me?
Well, if you'd let me pick the music, you wouldn't even need to do anything.
@KyleCronin Robots
@KyleCronin it's rebooting
I think they're fixing that, then they'll reopen the feed
still cyloning :/
Yes, more robots
@GnomeSlice We'd need to mute it
Chat feature request: mob rules jukebox mode
@ThomasMcDonald You love my music.
Nope, robots
Is this dubstep? I hear that's really hot now.
Is that effect intentional?
womp womp womp womp
It's humstep
I prefer when it's completely broken like this, so everyone can suffer instead of just me
@PeterOlson Not intentionally, no
you couldn't test this before coming onlline?
Robotech Masters.
guys, the podcast is not immune.
it's like kramer meets wall-e, again
You know, most amateur radio guys solved these audio problems in the '40s
@JakeMcGraw Supposedly, the recording actually works better
@JakeMcGraw The livestream is always broken in some way
What problems?
while we're waiting, have some mascot
HOLY CRAP COLOR BARS! When was the last time you saw that anywhere? When on the Internet?
I think I might wait for the download :¬/
Oh, finally, functional
Oh my! We've got awesome sounds
Yeah this is SE podcast #x
so much better
or not
ok - we're totally rebooting
That was an awesome 20 seconds though
It was working
oh .. Thx this was SE podcast #x
will make livestream not suck
it was working...
The man is trying to shut this podcast down
@AlexMiller The reboot will be so effective it ripples back in time
that's all you get
THey shut out the main building this time
@JeffFerland the issues are with livestream, not our recording equipment. happens more often than we would like :( but the recordings posted day-after are fine.
@AlexMiller Untill then we'll keep yelling at you that it's broken
Stupid Livestream
Maybe @balpha can write a new Livestream?
maaaayyybeee a better stream provider... just saying....
guys, let's not be overly negative and judgemental
Isn't g+ doing broadcasts now?
When in doubt...
they're working on it, so let's just be patient
@Katey what is livestream doing for you that you could not do by yourselves? Just by curiosity?
there we go, thanks Alex
Nothing of this conversation makes sense
@Shog9 yeah, I don't think it's open for everyone
Is there any particular reason the feed is so quiet?
Yes, there's livestream issues
@Mvy I'm guessing bandwidth and webpage / code already written.
no, there's no way for us to troubleshoot them before they happen
yes, we're moving to a new provider soon
@AlexMiller You are my hero
Is there any way I can only listen to this podcast live as audio, without the video?
Hooray! Thanks to the SE elves for fixing the internets.
@GnomeSlice not live
@GnomeSlice after it's done?
I think it was a "podcast to be named"
Ah, rats.
@GnomeSlice you will miss @AarthiDevanathan in front of her PC
@GnomeSlice :(
I can't hear them over 'what is love' anymore anyway.
@Mvy ?
@Mvy Good point. That's way more interesting than Jeff and Joel rambling
I've been working my way up from #1 on the SO blog site
@GnomeSlice with audio only :P
Who's talking?
Some of my rejected submissions: goto10.com, ohmanitstwointhemorningalready.com
@Mvy So? It's not like she's doing anything?
Wouldn't it be more efficient for Joel to use his left hand with the computer on his left and his right hand with the computer on his right?
@Laura Since you're CHAOS, want to mention that Security.SE folks would like to be a part of a future podcast. Also, should I work with your folks or chase @Jin for more materials at meetups and BSides conferences?
@GnomeSlice i mean, i could be....
but then i'd get in trouble
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Uh...
but then you'd get to watch joel and alex make horrified and//or angry faces at me.
@AarthiDevanathan Get some sign post :P
Not sure we wanna go there right now.
You're welcome to my email address, however.
@GnomeSlice not when i've barely been working here 2.5 mos
(knows we're joking)
Anyway, is that Jeff's talking?
it's @JeffAtwood talking now
I would like a monitor with an animated GIF of Jeff
you launched July 31, 2008
and went public on Sept 15 2008 iirc
thanks for the network wide event notice, that was clever!
hi everyone! I am throwing questions over to Jeff and Joel
Semantic versioning is useful: semver.org
@AarthiDevanathanΨ ?
@GnomeSlice :D
yeah, we should get a network wide event notification for our Gaming event every Saturday and Sunday. speaking of which....
in SE Game On!, Sep 20 at 16:59, by Wipqozn
Team Fortress 2 Game On this weekend at 7pm UTC Saturday and Sunday on tf2.stackgaming.com:27015
Great job organizing this time guys!
@ThomasMcDonald TF2 AGAIN?
You guys suck.
You guys are using Skype to IM? You know this chat platform was actually developed by...you, right?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ =3
@JeffFerland I'll pass along your podcast thing. As for conference/meetup material, you should make a post on security.SE's meta and list specific events you'd like to go to. Our community team will see it there.
@ThomasMcDonald OH THESE ARE RECURRING? (excite)
@MichaelMrozek That might be why they're avoiding it.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Maybe if the viewer count drops too low.
@MichaelMrozek true enough they did, but this chat could become a distraction if they have to keep watching it to pick out a few discussion worthy questions or comments
@JeffFerland is there a post about this conf on meta.security?
@LauraΨ What tag should I assign? Community? Promotion?
@BrMcMullin This particular room, sure, but they could have a separate room for themselves, instead of using a totally separate technology
@GnomeSlice threshold being?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Hm... 80?
@MarcoCeppi I presumed so. We used to do every saturday until people got bored of organising it/lack of interest.
@MichaelMrozek ah ok, I see your point
@Jin No, but I'll put whatever I get up there; is there a tag I should assign to those kinds of requests?
StackOverflow: It's the big mountain of steaming... whatever. (TM)
@ThomasMcDonald Awesome, I'm looking forward to this!
@JeffFerland [discussion][conference]
that said, if there was a "question" tag we could add to something that shunts it into a queue, they wouldn't have to do either
@GnomeSlice 'kay
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Lol. :D
Any way we can up the volume on the feed, guys?
they could see the questions pop up in an attached queue without having to watch the discussion on a message by message basis
What we have RFTM flag now?
@Mvy nope - we used to (apparently)
a tag, not a flag
@MarcoCeppi Yeah, @badp has scheduled the events on the steam group, 0x09 & 0x0a
(doesn't know what an RTFM thing is)
rtfm = read the f#$*@n manual
release to manufacturers?
:In ray tracing or within the context of BRL-CAD, "RTFM" may stand for "ray tracing figure of merit". RTFM is an initialism for the direction "Read The Fucking Manual". This instruction is sometimes given in response to a question when the person being asked believes that the question could be easily answered by reading the relevant user's manual or instructions. In expurgated texts, substitutions such as "read the flaming manual" or "read the friendly manual" are used (or similar variants). Initialisms similar to the one above include GIYF ("Google is your friend") and LMGTFY ("let me ...
Well don't try to "search" on stackoverflow :P
I generally avoid the site searches altogether.
it was a turtle
in The Bridge, yesterday, by badp

In which we make it absolutely sure that GnomeSlice knows exactly what vaporware is

20 mins ago, 51 seconds total – 6 messages, 5 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 19 secs ago by badp

I hate Wikipedia.
.... blinks
@MichaelMrozek ?
@GraceNote Generally when I see closers described as "anal-retentive freaks", it's on a heavily downvoted meta question by a terrible asker
@GraceNote I have that effect on people.
@MichaelMrozek Oh, you're listening to the podcast and that's being mentioned, I guess
@JeffFerland discussion, promotion, conference maybe?
@GraceNote Yes. Someone should ask him if he thinks mods are power-hungry dictators as well
@MichaelMrozek Depends on which mods.
Has anyone done something interesting w/ feeding SO info to an AI system to answer common questions?
@JonGalloway I thought that was @tzenes.
Seems like there's enough info there that some info could be extracted to run a wizard based system for level 1 support
@GnomeSlice Link?
@JonGalloway Er... I was joking.
Um. I knew that.
(I was indicating that tzenes is an AI that answers questions)
[homework] by whose standards!?
Don't forget to let me know if you have questions for our hosts, gang.
@Abby has he been presented so far?
I used the ignore [code-golf] all the time in the beginning...
@GraceNote Anyone with 500 rep
Nice counter.
@Mvy has John been presented yet, you mean?
Well I guess
If it's a site for all levels of skill, why do I always feel look like a) an idiot or b) a jerk?
it may have happened while livestream was rebooting
they continue talking while the livestream is down - for the recording
If more experienced users ignore simpler questions, simpler questions will be answered and voted upon by those who may not have the experience to answer correctly.
We see things like that all the time where Security questions on Stack Overflow are wrong and highly upvoted.
Joel is deeply confused
Jeff's right, there are plenty of point snipers
"Because it's FUN." That line got my attention...
Wow @Jeff.
@VxJasonxV Getting reputation is extremely fun, yes
That's a silly reason to help somebody.
Joel Signal Vs Noise
@MichaelMrozek Gamification at it's finest :P. I was remarking that Joel certainly got my attention back when he shouted 'fun'.
(There are other websites for that.)
oh snap
The reason to not want people to answer these questions is it encourages askers to keep asking those questions, and the more crappy questions that are on the site, the harder it is to find good questions, and the less likely experts are to browse the site on a regular basis. Didn't we figure all this out like 3 years ago?
I didn't expect to see a reference to EJ in here...
@BrMcMullin That's what I do.
Agreed on the dup issue... answer, then mark duped when it happens again.
Need to improve the search then...
Hah! Alertfalse!
@Mvy I avoid the search completely because it doesn't work.
Why - Love the SE mascot walking around
@Gnome I know
Google's better
Can I get a screenshot with the SE mascot!?
(it even refresh StackOverflow faster than SO itself)
I set the search thing for SE's to use google instead, much nicer
28 mins ago, by Thomas McDonald
user image
That reminds me, anyone using chrome may find this useful.
Jeff, what about the Reversal badge?
@MarcoCeppi Yeah but...
the reversal badge rewards people for answering bad questions
that's not a culture thing, that's something built into the system
joel expand your search results, it's there
I don't think they actually care about our questions. :P
@KyleCronin The intention is more about "Providing a spectacular answer to a poor question", which is basically that you're salvaging a bad question. Not simply answering it.
no idea we had title uniqueness now, that's handy
I admit to enjoying the act of gathering reputation. I don't down vote because I don't want to cost myself the 1 rep.
That's why it requires a full +20. However, don't know how well that helps on, say, Stack Overflow
@Derek Downvote on question is free
Nobody answered my Meta SO question, even though it had a bounty on it.
@Derek I downvote with a vengeance on crap questions and answers
Clearly not EVERYONE cares about the reps.
Ahhh - just the answers costs. I see
Splitting a string varies by language and context, so I'd expect a few
But the titles for the questions should reflect that
I'll just make a nice answer and get 50 rep - that allows me to dole out 50+ downvotes. DOWNVOTES ALL THE BAD THINGS
Where splitting strings can save lives... here on SE
@GnomeSlice It was a feature request; how are non-employees supposed to answer? "Yes, that would be neat"
jesus, memes are everywhere...
@MichaelMrozek Hm? You might have to explain that differently, sorry.
@GnomeSlice You're talking about this? Nobody answered because nobody can answer except an employee; it was a feature request
@MichaelMrozek Oh, right.
How foolish of me.
@GnomeSlice You had a suggestion for something to get implemented. The only people who can do stuff are the Team. Unless they're implementing it, then an answer isn't likely.
14 secs ago, by GnomeSlice
How foolish of me.
See, @GraceNote already knows how to make me understand things.
[s]he's learned.
What about if some dups could be moved as children of the top post instead of closed as dup?

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