So when Harry stupidly goes into Umbridges office to talk to Sirius, he gets very rudely interrupted.
But did Umbridge know when to come into her office? If so, how?
How would a screen reader handle the case where you have an element with aria-live and aria-atomic inside another element with aria-live and aria-atomic and content changes inside the nested element?
Would it read both sections, reading the nested section twice?
<div aria-live="polite" a...
@bleh To be clear, I'm suggesting back and forth comments, with upvotes, and edit to post. Perhaps multiple times? I probably totaled twenty comments when experimenting.
@bleh Hmm... okay. Interesting. I guess only @bluefeet knows =)
For example, I want to refer to someone on the internet, but I don't know this person's gender. Which personal-pronoun do I use? (as article I mean he, she, it, etc)
Ok, folks this goes to everyone. The nonsense that just transpired on this post needs to end immediately. I know you want hats but if you continues to be disruptive, you'll be suspended until after winter bash ends.
Winter Bash and hats are the fun way that we like to end the year. We very carefully try to come up with triggers that users normally do on the sites, like asking questions, answering, commenting, plus many others.
Gaming for the hats is always a problem which is why we try to make sure that a...
@bluefeet Crazy idea: don't make hats that require disruptive behavior. Or, at the very least, make cooler ones so the pain of the punishment is worth it.
I'm thinking you might get this hat for self-deleting upvoted comments after the question is edited, X number of times (and flooding comments is kind-of like cheating this, to do it in one question). This would in theory be normal behavior.
Plus, last year (iirc) had a lot of mobile app usage hats (seemed to be a theme or at least pushing users to the app). This year didn't seem to have a that, it seemed more random.
Eh, this is a case of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". There are plenty of things you could do on any day even out side of Winterbash that are abusive. Doesn't mean you should do them.
and secret hats are fun, but then it leads to people trying to experiment on the exact method that achieved it. the whole SE site is built on knowledge.... we crave it. WE MUST KNOW.
@AdamLear Half of the hat requirements are abusive. Close a thread, edit it, reopen it. Post an answer on an ignored question from years back. You provide the cheese, then complain when the mouse runs the maze.
It's nice when people stumble upon the hats or get them by doing what they would normally do... but when people go out of their way to get them... chaos!
@Terriblefan the actual definition is "edit question closed by others, gets reopened". Sure, you could game the hat and get a few folks to close a question so you could edit, and then they reopen. Or you could recognize that this is intended to help askers whose questions get closed.
You choose to act a certain way. The hats don't make you do it.
@Terriblefan When engaging in “FOR SCIENCE” behaviour to figure out a secret hat, assume that the way to earn it isn't something that would get people suspended.
@TheSharpieOne closed by others. This is a thing that happens daily. Folks close. Others come along and have the time or the inclination to edit, so they do.
@SevenSidedDie Come take a walk on the other side of the fence. But all that really matters is that the behavior was directly in line with the hat, and the hat was made by people who apparently feel justified... except not when it comes to performing the behavior necessary to get said hat.
Maybe y'all should try looking at it similar to badges. A ton of badges are possible to game. Want Steward? Charge through the review queues, clicking randomly. Want any of the question/answer score badges? Form a voting ring. If you do those things, do you really think that "but I wanted the badges" is going to go over well?
However, the more we have to babysit all sites and literally say "look, you know this isn't in the spirit of the hat, so how about you stop", the higher are the odds that either the hat count gets reduces or, yeah, we just stop doing it altogether.
@SevenSidedDie I am very proud about... closing a question. And commenting a lot, even though every blue seems to think we children are to be seen, not heard. ;)
@Terriblefan So, that thing I said about quitting the defense here of behaviours that have clearly been asked to end. That's what that 1 hour you just got is for.
Wasn't legit even though it worked, plus based on bluefeet's comment, the theory was too complex. The trigger may be a subset of the actions in your theory
Minor graphical bug I noticed. Hats can be worn out-of-bounds, the result may be this:
Yes, this is a minor bug and can be ignored, I just felt the need to report it.
Suggestion: make the zIndex of hats lower than these specific texts.