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I wrote many comments on a question and casted a close vote maybe that is the trigger
@rekire I'm pretty sure it involves self-deleting comments at least.
@AlexanderO'Mara I also deleted about 16 (upvoted comments)
@Mithrandir ok is that enough?
ok let's stop
Now what?
two reopen votes please here: stackoverflow.com/q/38995063/995926
@rekire reopened
@TheSharpieOne great thank you guys! let's see if I get a 180° hat
@ColdFire ping?
@ColdFire wb :D
@rekire We should have done some editing too, so we get the hat too :c
i was sure you might be using this group to close and reopen
@Frakcool it went a little to quick but yes that is right
@Frakcool I believe only 1 person can edit, or at least there can only be 1 edit to get it
@Frakcool i already have that hat
Oh well now I need a question to close edit and reopen lol
@TheSharpieOne hmm maybe you're right
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Too much
They were cleared, probably an auto-flag
comments are gone?
@rekire rekire i already have the hat
But I got the hat
what hat?
Blue Face
So no edits required
you had that hat on that site before, I saw
Now I know how to get t
@ColdFire but I don't have it^^
@rekire i see
@Mithrandir how did you got blue face?
no hat yet...
Have a comment thread, with a bunch of comments between at least one person and the OP, and the OP gets the hat
but... you had blue in the face on that site before that all went down.
@Mithrandir in my case I was not the op
@TheSharpieOne What site?
@Mithrandir i got the hat
@rekire well i was the op still no hat
I had the hat on Puzzling, not scifi
Now I have it on scifi too
'k gotta leave
When I first loaded the question, I saw your avatar with the hat
Yep, I was wearing it from when I hgot it on Scifi
I thought they only appeared on the sites you earned them on?
so we just need to have coments with somone, in our own question?
on SFF
from that
thanks @Mithrandir!
now I'm bowing out cause TF2 update
By the way, I got blue in the face from that chain of comments
do we need upvotes
cause im out of comment upvotes
lol I also ran out a couple hours ago
anyone have comment upvotes left?
i had a 16 comment thread
I do
@Himarm me too
with upvotes
still didnt got it
@ColdFire were you the OP?
@TheSharpieOne yes
looks like the theory is not full proof
yey 180° is mine
You need a third person commenting too I thinl
@rekire i didnt got a hat :(
lets see if that does it
@Mithrandir maybe... I was interrupted too. in case of @ColdFire not
Because when I got it on SFF and Puzzling there was a 3rd
More comments needed
tell me if I should spam somewhere haha - and also when I am allowed to clean up
Maybe the OP just needs to reply to multiple people by mention?
not a long comment string
Maybe... But also votes
What if were all wrong and its votes
we had a guy just show up from SFF and upvote the comments
and he got it
and he never spoke
Hmm I didn't upvote and i got it
but how did terriblefan get it
@Himarm you got it
now im rly triggered
Was he commenting somewhere else?
oh i got it
im happy
ah i did
just didn tpop up in my feed yet
good job boys
cya guys
how did @bleh get it?
@bleh comment cleanup now
Q: Did Umbridge know when to come in to her office?

blehSo when Harry stupidly goes into Umbridges office to talk to Sirius, he gets very rudely interrupted. But did Umbridge know when to come into her office? If so, how?

@Saiid also
@bleh I see
any good idea for Loungin' Around? I don't want to cheat I'm just wondering how to write a question which gets fast many upvotes
someone(s) help me get it on SO?
Q: How do screen readers handle nested aria-live with aria-atomic

TheSharpieOneHow would a screen reader handle the case where you have an element with aria-live and aria-atomic inside another element with aria-live and aria-atomic and content changes inside the nested element? Would it read both sections, reading the nested section twice? html: <div aria-live="polite" a...

@Saiid help comment
anyone have the answer to the Blue Faced hat?
why is it not in the document yet? how do you get it?
It was just confirmed
Got mine :)
Woohoo. I get credit for first putting up the theory :D
@TheSharpieOne We can delete those now
I think we have established what it is
@Mithrandir they will get auto-deleted... most likely :P
@bleh delete time
but why is it named after @bluefeet?
I get lots of flags. Go deleet them
Someone ping me if any theories for "The Hatter" come up.
@bleh because why not?
@AlexanderO'Mara Alright
@bleh Because he comments a lot on his questions or expects others to?
@bleh She is the one that made that hats, makes sense that one would be named after her
@Saiid wasn't one for Pops
@Pieon or that, maybe
@bleh ?
@TheSharpieOne He does?
@Saiid last WB
Now does anybody want to go suggest some more SFF edits?
<-- not a him
@bluefeet Apologies
@bleh Ah
Add [tag:star-trek] tags to [tag:star-trek-tng] ones that don't have that tag
what if I don't want to
@bluefeet my bad, the assumption of the internet.... everyone is a dude :\
...then don't
@bluefeet just a dump question does all hat triggers still work as intended? I guessed that I understood the Mild Mannered hat but I didn't got it
@TheSharpieOne Except when they are a dudette, a dog, a cat, a bird ...
@rekire How did you try?
@Mithrandir all of them?!?!?!?
@DavidPostill That's the thing about assumptions... plus using he/she or him/her every time you don't know is a pain
@Mithrandir I got an answer accepted with a score of 0 and the question had also a score of 0
@rekire Well what did you try?
That's what I thought
@TheSharpieOne no worries, but I really am a bird
28 secs ago, by rekire
@Mithrandir I got an answer accepted with a core of 0 and the question had also a score of 0
I believe there must be another answer
I suggested that as a possibility yesterday
aren't there birds that are both....?
@bluefeet I'm probably wrong or I must not edit my answer
@Malachi But @bluefeet isn't one
@Mithrandir no, I got it in two-person colloquoys. I think it's also editing the post that's needed.
@rekire have a little patience and maybe you'll get it
@nitsua60 nope i didnt get it for that
@bluefeet so that's the trigger?
@bleh <shrug>
@bluefeet it was accepted about 7 hours ago
I see that
@bleh To be clear, I'm suggesting back and forth comments, with upvotes, and edit to post. Perhaps multiple times? I probably totaled twenty comments when experimenting.
@bleh Hmm... okay. Interesting. I guess only @bluefeet knows =)
@bluefeet a new hope hehe
I want to migrate a question from meta.scifi to meta.se. Is there someone who can help? @Null I saw you recently
@Mithrandir - It's certainly a mystery. Use the contact us button below to attract a CM. — Valorum 4 hours ago
@rekire everyone is so in a rush to get hats.
@bluefeet Everyone in SO is? :P
@Mithrandir Possibly.
@rekire man i didnt got the hat :(
@bluefeet 7 hours is a lot, that means I thought so. it is almost a full working day for me
sure master bluefeet
I have that hat
The Yoda hat
@rekire oops ninja'D
(nvm, thought it would onebox)
@TheSharpieOne You can use "they" to indirectly refer to someone (singular) when you don't know their gender.
Q: What do you say when you don't know someone's gender?

ntrxFor example, I want to refer to someone on the internet, but I don't know this person's gender. Which personal-pronoun do I use? (as article I mean he, she, it, etc)

@Mithrandir If you want no one to understand what you're talking about... :)
i like to say it but that's kinda derogative
@DavidPostill Yes, and guys means women...
I think the Mad Hatter is Random
from what the document says about it so far
Have someone look at your hats on that site a number of times :p
So everyone go here and click around :P
is there a search filter for the age of a post?
only if you use SEDE
created:1w I guess
Ok, folks this goes to everyone. The nonsense that just transpired on this post needs to end immediately. I know you want hats but if you continues to be disruptive, you'll be suspended until after winter bash ends.
Yes, I said that we should delete them, and I won't do it again, sorry
ok then
If you continue to post rampant comments across the sites being disruptive I have no hesitation in removing you from Winter Bash.
@bluefeet understood
It was a pretty abusable hat
Hats are fun but being abusive to the sites is not
A: Discouraging "soul-selling" for hats

bluefeetWinter Bash and hats are the fun way that we like to end the year. We very carefully try to come up with triggers that users normally do on the sites, like asking questions, answering, commenting, plus many others. Gaming for the hats is always a problem which is why we try to make sure that a...

Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated to the company named in my next line, just doing this do give out a bit.
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 39 mins ago, by Videonauth
Announcement: InSync accounts for free the next 6 days for GMail users: https://www.insynchq.com/free
@bleh it's not the hat, it's your behavior. Hats are awarded for things you already do on the sites.
@bluefeet Crazy idea: don't make hats that require disruptive behavior. Or, at the very least, make cooler ones so the pain of the punishment is worth it.
I'm thinking you might get this hat for self-deleting upvoted comments after the question is edited, X number of times (and flooding comments is kind-of like cheating this, to do it in one question). This would in theory be normal behavior.
@Terriblefan there would be no hats then. We already model the hats after things people are already doing.
@bluefeet That's why I like hats that help "clean up" (reviews and such) rather than hats for adding to the mess :)
@bluefeet There's plenty of constructive ways to encourage hats. Because there's plenty of constructive user behaviors.
What Sharpie said, basically.
BUT I happen to like the insaneness, since it dredges up old posts that go ignored otherwise, so what do I know.
Plus, last year (iirc) had a lot of mobile app usage hats (seemed to be a theme or at least pushing users to the app). This year didn't seem to have a that, it seemed more random.
@bluefeet I'm not sure how commenting and getting serially upvoted comments is something users already do, but okay :)
@TheSharpieOne I'm pretty sure there's still one for that.
@TheSharpieOne same number of hats for using the app as last year
Eh, this is a case of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". There are plenty of things you could do on any day even out side of Winterbash that are abusive. Doesn't mean you should do them.
oh, I thought there was more
@Saiid People getting upvoted in comment chains? No sir, doesn't happen anywhere I know of.
and secret hats are fun, but then it leads to people trying to experiment on the exact method that achieved it. the whole SE site is built on knowledge.... we crave it. WE MUST KNOW.
"I really want the hat, so the criteria made me do it" is pretty weak.
@AdamLear Half of the hat requirements are abusive. Close a thread, edit it, reopen it. Post an answer on an ignored question from years back. You provide the cheese, then complain when the mouse runs the maze.
I agree that my behavior was abusive and disruptive, but that hat was just asking for a whole bunch of spam comments, especially as a secret one
@Terriblefan how is posting an answer to a tumbleweed question abusive?
@bleh actually no, that's exactly where you are wrong.
@bluefeet The same way any necro thread without an improved answer is abusive. It forces new posts out in favor of... hats.
hey please don't be so negative it should be fun and I want it next year too :)
It's nice when people stumble upon the hats or get them by doing what they would normally do... but when people go out of their way to get them... chaos!
@Terriblefan the actual definition is "edit question closed by others, gets reopened". Sure, you could game the hat and get a few folks to close a question so you could edit, and then they reopen. Or you could recognize that this is intended to help askers whose questions get closed.
You choose to act a certain way. The hats don't make you do it.
I mean, if you really want to see what the site's made of, just remove rep for a month out of each year. We are very good at finding the cheese.
@Terriblefan When engaging in “FOR SCIENCE” behaviour to figure out a secret hat, assume that the way to earn it isn't something that would get people suspended.
Yeah... the close, edit, reopen.... Why not just edit to improve it in the first place?
@TheSharpieOne closed by others. This is a thing that happens daily. Folks close. Others come along and have the time or the inclination to edit, so they do.
@SevenSidedDie That'd be a poor assumption. The corpse presented itself.
I agree that ideally we'd get edits before closures, but hey.
180 doesn't say by others
@Terriblefan and who doesn't love to poke a nice dead body with a stick
@Terriblefan Best assume it for pragmatic reasons, such as not getting suspended.
@AdamLear A hat for not jumping on a close bandwagon. There's something.
@TheSharpieOne Ah, I was talking about Hero of Questions
@SevenSidedDie If suspensions worked, we wouldn't have all that many people in our communities, would we?
You might be surprised. The point of suspensions is to make it nicer for people who can get along with each other and the goals of the communities. :)
180 is kind of prone to getting abused, I agree
@SevenSidedDie Come take a walk on the other side of the fence. But all that really matters is that the behavior was directly in line with the hat, and the hat was made by people who apparently feel justified... except not when it comes to performing the behavior necessary to get said hat.
how'd the search go?
@Mithrandir apparently so is Blue in the Face :\
@TheSharpieOne If you close a question, let's say the OP edits it with more info, you clean it up via another edit, and then re-open it
@Terriblefan I think the staff have made it clear that this is not desired. You can stop defending it now.
There's no greater recipe for disaster than assuming you know what other people think.
@TheSharpieOne nope, that's where you're entirely wrong
Especially in the Hat Shoppe. We want this to cease, not be defended or further encouraged.
Well, closing is worse than a bunch of comments, since comments get removed easily
At the rate this is going WB 2017 won't exist
@bleh eh, there's always been abuse of hats
I guess the right answer is: the simple and the correct way.
@Mithrandir not when you spam posts with nonsense comments. That's abusive behavior
Maybe y'all should try looking at it similar to badges. A ton of badges are possible to game. Want Steward? Charge through the review queues, clicking randomly. Want any of the question/answer score badges? Form a voting ring. If you do those things, do you really think that "but I wanted the badges" is going to go over well?
@bluefeet D'ya mind removing names?
However, the more we have to babysit all sites and literally say "look, you know this isn't in the spirit of the hat, so how about you stop", the higher are the odds that either the hat count gets reduces or, yeah, we just stop doing it altogether.
@bluefeet I only say that because that is what sparked the convo.
@Mithrandir You all discussed doing it in this room, so I think it's totally appropriate.
@Terriblefan I'm somewhat disturbed that you're pushing this mouse analogy so hard in a discussion with a cat-avatar...
@Shog9 Vince Offer is not a cat!
10 mins ago, by rekire
hey please don't be so negative it should be fun and I want it next year too :)
Remember that the first rule of Winterbash is to do things that you'd be proud of the rest of the year.
@SevenSidedDie Good thing the year is almost over?
@TheSharpieOne it doesn't end till the new year starts ;)
@SevenSidedDie I am very proud about... closing a question. And commenting a lot, even though every blue seems to think we children are to be seen, not heard. ;)
@SevenSidedDie and most people are proud to COLLECT ALL THE THINGS
I personally blame Poke'mon for that trend.
maybe geocaching
Flag down, challenge accepted!
@Terriblefan We can always tell a Milford man.
which ever is over
@Skooba hehe
@AdamLear True, maybe after the new years we'll all be better. Sounds like a good new years resolution.
@AdamLear I was thinking I didn't like you, then you do this.
Hi all o/
@Terriblefan So, that thing I said about quitting the defense here of behaviours that have clearly been asked to end. That's what that 1 hour you just got is for.
And on that note... let go out there and answer some question and really help some people in need!
Just need two more well received questions for polymath
Yay I'm happy my theory was accepted
gn8 guys
look like more vandalism on the Gdoc....
I formatted it
for individual pages
use page break, not a bunch of line breaks
Oh that would be better wouldn't it
The trigger you have for Blue in the Face is way too complicated. You're over-thinking things ways too much
This is not correct
> comment with multiple users (at least 2) on the question for at least 6 rounds, all in under 5 minutes. Use @mentions. Comments get upvoted.
Why does Taco have a spoiler in the meta page when it's not confirmed?
@bluefeet I agree, Anonymous Dinosaur
taco is about 90% accurate
lol, there are 2 green Anonymous Dinosaurs in the Gdoc... good job Google for making sure user are not given the exact same thing
Maybe blue in the face has to do with the fact that the OP's name is highlighted in blue?
@bleh Which theory?
Blue in the face
It had a checkmark
for a while
Is there any way to find the vandaliser's IP and ban them?
Wasn't legit even though it worked, plus based on bluefeet's comment, the theory was too complex. The trigger may be a subset of the actions in your theory
I like ur theory of the blue highlight
@AndrewLi It doesn't appear to be vandalism, it was remove because it was not correct
@TheSharpieOne oh
But there was lots of vandalism yesterday
Had to lock the doc for a few minutes and the problem still isn't solved
I thought there was some vandalism, but it was apparently @bleh adding a lot of extra line breaks.
@AndrewLi IIRC, it was @bluefeet that edited it
Editing to look is great and all but stick to one format
also when every category is crowded together it looks a bit noisy
@AndrewLi what vandal?
I can (And did) confirm that Taco is atleast more than 3 edits.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ deleted everything and said "A research paper"
I finally rep capped on Meta.SE \o/
@AndrewLi 2 more to go :)
My rep has had a 6 in it all day now - no 6 hat. That theory, wrong.
@X-27 Surely that would make it too easy to get for anyone with a score of around 6000.
And I just need 12 more rep today for the 150 on Blender.SE
@X-27 your hat compliments your smiley face so well
@bluefeet hence why I haven't changed it out for a newer one :)
No new theories on The Hatter?
Q: Specific hats can overlap text

devRicherMinor graphical bug I noticed. Hats can be worn out-of-bounds, the result may be this: Yes, this is a minor bug and can be ignored, I just felt the need to report it. Suggestion: make the zIndex of hats lower than these specific texts.

you accepted an answer?
All my previous history is gone
PPCG seems like a place where I could get 150 rep
Just need to think of a unique puzzle
The people there soak up trivial questions with non-trivial solutions.
@X-27 good choice. And you can't really beat Jayne's hat
@bluefeet Jayne's hat? Who is Jayne?
@RoryAlsop Go and watch Firefly.
Oh, yeah. Lost my geek card by not really getting Firefly or Serenity
@RoryAlsop oh my you don't know
@RoryAlsop turn in your card, right now
Tried, but it didn't work for me at all
I got maybe 20 minutes in before deciding it was entirely derivative and characterless. Upset some of my younger colleagues. Mebbe it's an age thing.
@RoryAlsop Characterless? :-O I always thought the characters are the best thing about the show!
@RoryAlsop Derivative? By what standard, obscure anime?
No - I don't watch anime at all (well, I did watch Akira when it came out)
I think it just didn't do anything not already done too many times many years ago
I still have the DVD, so I may see it again if the kids watch it
@Randal'Thor Ben wears it better.
Why are people getting kicked out of here?
@Catija Niiiice!
A perfect fit!
@Catija "defense here of behaviours that have clearly been asked to end" = questioning faulty logic.
@Catija who?
@Catija heh - cute
ah as a mod u can know
Thanks :D I'm happy. I don't know that I care about the other ones. I've always liked the very keen hat.

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