@all -- I've just voted to close this question as a duplicate of this newer question ....even though neither OP is still around, the second one seems to have attracted better answers.
What do you all think?
Also, who else thinks that the gentile part of that question should be edited out? ....it's an entirely new question (and I think has been asked before, now looking)
I wanted to suggest that we put forth a standard comment to put on psak questions asked by new users. The goal of the psak-close reason is, as I understand from various chat conversations, to instill in new users that they should not take what they receive from this site as psak, and to drive th...
@Shokhet Do you know how to format the post so that if you cut and paste it, the link will transfer to the comment? I tried using the comment formatting of linking, but it didn't help.
@Shokhet I wouldn't want to give away more info about him than he wants to be shared, but I'll say that we overlapped at an airport but not quite for enough time to meet up
There was some discussion in V'dibarta Bam recently, sparked by SethJ, about the idea of a Shabbaton to bring yodeyans together. Daniel brought up the idea of multiple simultaneous gatherings, so that more people can participate without traveling long distances.
What would be a good process for ...
@Shokhet no, it's not photoshopped. Shalom earned the badge a long time ago (long-enough ago that we had the old-style beta site design, as you can sort of see in the background of that image), and somebody grabbed a screen shot.
@Daniel I'm not aware of a meetup having happened. Some individual Yodeyans have met each other informally a couple times, but there hasn't been an organized gathering yet, at least since I joined the site in 2011.
@Shokhet oh, hmm... I hadn't noticed that before. And I don't remember the look and feel of the old beta theme very well any more. (Not what's used for beta sites now; there was an older one, called "sketchy", and this looks like that.)
@Daniel I would expect there to be Yodeyans in Boston, even if they haven't voted on that meta post, but I don't actually know. (Are you planning to visit Boston and you're looking for folks there?)
@Shokhet the chat engine doesn't distinguish the source of the pings -- so yes, you can ping yourself. (I suspect "reply to self" was an unintended side-effect, not by design...)
@YEZ I keep my sound off as well :) ......the parenthetical number doesn't appear, for me, unless I've navigated away from the tab. If I'm here, I just get an asterisk in the tab.
@Daniel Correct -- you just need to be pingable. I was saying that even if your icon is in the bar on the right, you could still get a chat message notification in your inbox.
Friday night i tried telling this joke, but my father's out of the country, and the kids didn't get it at all. Total flop, in other words.
An angel, an angel and an angel walk into a tent. One says to the host: "Your wife is going to have a kid!" Hahahahahaha — Double AA ♦Oct 21 '12 at 16:35
@Scimonster try telling the one about the nation of refugees that built a first-world country on top of malarial swamps? Or the one about the people who ardently study millenia-old texts in the Internet Age and actually try to live their lives accordingly? Ahahahaha!
(Same joke, according to R'Hirsch)
Then there's the one about the elite spy agency that used its prowess to smuggle Gemara rebbes behind the Iron Curtain.
There is some inconsistency with tag names. Most of them are spelled according to sefaradi pronunciation like shabbat etc., but a few of them have ashkenazi pronunciation like beis-hamikdash and shemos-sacred-names.
I also think a few of them have teimani spellings (i.e. th for ת) although I ha...
@Shokhet actually, you might be but I'm not, unless I'm confused. I was processing flags on another site and that led to a feature request on MSE. It wasn't from something I saw either here or on WorldBuilding.
@Daniel oh c'mon... :-) I can be sarcastic (my close friends would assure you of this), but I try to be careful in text-only venues, and especially any place where I have some position of responsibility, because it's so easy for things to be misunderstood.
@Shokhet ah, ok. Seriously, though, my advising a user to edit and then flag, when he doesn't have the rep to flag, was a blunder that would have led to frustration -- not something I intended to do.
@Daniel right, so you have a partial picture. :-)
Your statement was correct AFAIK (you've never known me to be...), just not as wide-ranging as you might have intended. :-)
@Shokhet oh, hmm. The privilege description says you need more rep to flag, but you also need 50 rep to comment except you can always comment on your own posts. Can you always flag your own posts? I don't know. (Don't have a sock handy to test with.)
The Temple Institute (מכון המקדש) is a Jerusalem-based organization whose goal is to build the Third Temple. As such, they have invested serious money into planning. (A visit to the visitor's center is well worth it, from experience. And it got even better since i was there a few years ago.) They...
@Scimonster residuals. He has lots of good answers, and if they get bumped they're bound to pick up new votes from people who didn't see them the first time around.
@Shokhet @Scimonster @MonicaCellio If you were still wondering, the answer is new users can flag their own posts. They only have one option on the flagging dialog (needs diamond moderator attention) and gives a text box to fill in whatever they need to say
@Daniel success. Ok, a 1-rep user can flag his own posts. (I was just typing a suggestion that you find a couple posts that could use editing, but never mind.)
@Daniel laugh -- and you got Citizen Patrol for it!