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5:24 AM
@IsaacMoses You can't. I suspect I also can't, but I don't know for sure.
1 hour later…
7:00 AM
How does judaism.stackexchange.com/q/47762 have no closure votes? "On the other hand, questions unrelated to Judaism, even if they are about... Hebrew language... are generally off-topic."
5 hours later…
12:21 PM
@msh210 Meikil on a lot of issues.
Whoa. I think this is the first practical halachic guide that uses a rationalist kezayit.
3 hours later…
3:48 PM
4:14 PM
4 hours later…
8:37 PM
@Shokhet I'd argue that the assumption that N"K have a religiously-informed dress code makes it about Judaism, and not about Jews.
@CharlesKoppelman I'd be inclined to concur
@IsaacMoses But strangely stringent on the bracha. My tradition is to make a bracha like biur chametz - once at the beginning of trick or treating, and then once before eating the candy
....they could go a lot further on this guide. I'll do some thinking on it and maybe we can publish a Mi Yodeya Halloween supplement :)

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