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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Well, so much for prodding.
2 hours later…
13. Qd1
8 |   |  .|bK |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|bQ |  .| b | b.| b |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|bB |  .|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .|   |wN.|   |
4 |   |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|wB | w.|
@Geobits sorry that took so long
No worries
13. ... h6
8 |   |  .|bK |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|bQ |  .| b | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .|   |wN.|   |
4 |   |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|wB | w.|
14. Bh3
8 |   |  .|bK |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|bQ |  .| b | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .|   |wN.|   |
4 |   |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
14. ... f5
8 |   |  .|bK |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|bQ |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |wN.|   |
4 |   |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
I'll be back later
@Geobits Oy, yeah. Luckily you had some options for defense.
3 hours later…
@Geobits that's actually what I would have played too :-P
@El'endiaStarman "Luckily" … I had seen that while castling
I currently see Nf3 as only option, but it'll be probably followed by dxe4
There are, if I don't miss anything, two paths:
@bwoebi if you recapture after that there isn't a threat, until king move, or similar
@DestructibleWatermelon you have to analyze that further
all variants after dxe4 lead to losing a piece for white
at best only a pawn…
@DestructibleWatermelon but recapturing will definitely loose a real piece and not just a pawn
after dxe4, recapture with d pawn. They cannot recapture immediately with f pawn, because it is pinned, they would have to lose a tempo to be unpin to do that
See: Nf3 dxe4 dxe4 Bh5
@DestructibleWatermelon sorry, German notation^^ meant B
how would that happen
oh, sorry, got confused
also why not Qxh5 in response?
@DestructibleWatermelon the knight is in between?
at f3
I got confused
yes, get an analysis board and play around
do you mean computer thing?
rule 5 pls?
@DestructibleWatermelon no, just a board without computer
I mean where you can look at the moves
hmmmm, you know what
this isn't the greatest move, but it's been so long
I think there is one path where it's balanced
I was about to make a move, but go on?
Nf3 dxe4 dxe4 Bh5 Nxd4 Bxd1 Bxf5 Qxf5 Nxf5 Bf3
You know, insane moves are always more fun than logical ones, so can I post please (it isn't a move with no point, though)
sorry, I got confused
this way white ends up with one pawn more it cannot defend though
but gives white one or two moves to develop a tiny bit
I'd say the situation is marginally better for white then, but pretty balanced
I want to do my weird move
so … Nf3 is probably indeed best
@DestructibleWatermelon which is?
Ne6 => Qxe6??
why would Qxe6 be a blunder
No it wouldn't
please, you can play black
I mean, Ne6 would be one
that's the point
I mean that the queen captures
I'm playing it, you can play black
15. Ne6
8 |   |  .|bK |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|bQ |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wN |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
why are you doing that?
You'll see
play your move
I should probably have annotated it with !? or ?!, whichever is appropriate
15... Qxe6
8 |   |  .|bK |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
good, I'm letting me surprise
16. Qa4
8 |   |  .|bK |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
these moves are what you might call esoteric
or stupid
take your pick
I pick the latter!?
16... Kb8
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |bN.| w |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
I was still verifying whether there's a better move than that^^
Now that white has sacrificed its knight, black is just going to try to cleanup
17 Bf4+
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |bB.|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |bN.| w |wB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
17... Bd6
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |bB.|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |bN.| w |wB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
Bf4 was expected too
18 Rac1
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |bB.|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |bN.| w |wB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
18... Ne2+
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |bB.|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w |wB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|bN | w.|   | w.|
no blunders please :-P
write check
also fuck
I'm not blind :-P
19 Kh1
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |bB.|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w |wB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|bN | w.|   | w.|
19... Nxc1
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |bB.|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w |wB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
now Txc1, right?
wrong notation again
Eih, Rxc1^^
Rxc1 Ka8 I think
or maybe b6
20 Rxc1
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |bB.|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w |wB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
20... Bxf4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w |bB.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   | w.|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
21 gxf4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.| b |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   |  .|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
@Adnan If you're here, I'd love to continue after 14... f5 instead of that blunder by @DestructibleWatermelon …
21... dxe4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.|   |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| b | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .| w |  .|   |  .|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
@DestructibleWatermelon :-)
got a couple choices here
I feel like you actually want me to recapture, but it seems like it won't actually make a difference
also the only blunder I made was losing the rook
The first choice is giving up, the second choice is offering a draw which I'll decline and you'll recurse to first choice :-P
I'd rather not
@DestructibleWatermelon you can ask the computer to evaluate the situation after your knight sacrifice if you wish…
also if you did that, you are cheat
I did not…
I mean, you can do now, for the situation right after the knight sacrifice
22 dxe4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.|   |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
For the situation after the knight sacrifice I get a -6.5 o_O
(I do not look at the current situation)
you called my move a blunder
(I mean, white is losing)
@DestructibleWatermelon which it is^^
There is a difference between blunder and playing interesting move
(it's -4for white, and +4 for black)
@DestructibleWatermelon I did not find it interesting
There are interesting moves which turn out to be bad choices much later, but this wasn't one of them
40 mins ago, by bwoebi
why are you doing that?
that generally means you are surprised
@DestructibleWatermelon I am surprised why you're playing a blunder^^
3 hours later…
What in the world happened in here?
@Geobits well, we turned to playing some actual live chess after Destructible Watermelon thought a blunder would be an interesting move
Hmm. Looks like SE's chat engine doesn't have a contingency plan for when almost all of the messages on the page are moved. :P
5 hours ago, by Destructible Watermelon
22 dxe4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.|   |  .| b |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| w | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
^ Most recent move so you don't have to click "load older messages".
@El'endiaStarman you just need to refresh, then you see it again
But TBH that game is now fucked up … I'd rather start a new one ^^
@bwoebi Oh hey, sure enough. Didn't work the first time.
@bwoebi Nope, that's not happening!
@El'endiaStarman So, shall I try to find the worst possible moves for white instead? :-)
@bwoebi No.
[not really - I'm just not interested in continuing]
@bwoebi Then simply don't play any moves!
which is what I'm planning to do
@El'endiaStarman TIL oneboxing an old board chops off the bottom row as usual, but there's no "see more" option :P
@Geobits Yeah, TIL for me too. That's annoying. :P
Oh, what the hell. Let's take a pawn:
22 ... fxe4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|bQ |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| b | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|wB |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
I thought about that too, but then I noticed White's bishop on h3...
I figured the game needed a bit of evening out to keep people interested.
Haha, sure sure...
23 Bxe6
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |bR.|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| b | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
Lol if there's one thing I generally keep my eye on, it's clearly obvious threats to the queen :P
I suggest moving the h8 rook out soon.
Yeah, I was thinking Rf8
Yeah, that seems like a good choice. Could also b6 to back up that unprotected pawn on c5, but that's probably a bad idea long-term.
23 ... Rhf8
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| b | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
@El'endiaStarman lol @ you just dumping the live chess into another room
@Geobits this was fxe4 btw., not dxe4
I figured it was terrible enough that the notation didn't matter.
haha, well said
I suggest Rxc5
@Geobits Losing the queen was like the single move which would make you lose the game…
@bwoebi Your eyes must be playing tricks on you. Look again.
10 mins ago, by Geobits
I figured the game needed a bit of evening out to keep people interested.
@bwoebi I had to do something:
42 mins ago, by bwoebi
[not really - I'm just not interested in continuing]
@El'endiaStarman the problem is that it didn't even it out, but balance it strongly in favor of white :-D
Well, it would've been hard to even it completely.
@bwoebi So, here's your challenge: make black win without making any bad moves for white. :P
@El'endiaStarman E_IMPOSSIBLE
24. Rxc5
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| b | w.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
@bwoebi Did you see the second game Lichess analysis? That was me vs DestructibleWatermelon, and I almost lost.
One move made all the difference.
@El'endiaStarman yeah, I did … the chess played there was awful :-P
@bwoebi Haha, indeed. I was playing fairly fast and loose at the beginning for fun.
Well, your opening was fine at least
Where basically all of the blunders were? :P
I mean like the first 7 moves or such
I'm not talking about that… Gambit.
Actually, I think others might have played those moves.
24... Rxf4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |wQ |  .|   |  .| b |bR.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
not that there's any hope in it :p
@Adnan shall we rather play another 5-0 game?
Not today haha, I'm actually working right now
@Adnan don't know about your timezone … in CEST it's already evening…
@bwoebi Wait, what's CEST? I was thinking Central Eastern Standard Time, but I'm not sure that timezone actually exists, and furthermore, if it did, it'd be morning for you.
It's 18:24 here
@El'endiaStarman central european summer time
@bwoebi Okay, that makes a lot more sense. :P
@Adnan oh well… so evening shift? … good luck then
thanks :p
@Adnan Oh shoot, Black must keep a rook on the back rank, because otherwise, Rc8++.
25 Qd4
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |wQ.| b |bR.|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
It's tempting to play Rxd4 :-D
Okay, one more move and I'm back to work :p
25... Rff8
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |wQ.| b |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
26 Qe5+
8 |   |bK.|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |wQ.|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .| b |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
26... Ka8
8 |bK |  .|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |wQ.|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .| b |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
27. Qxg7
8 |bK |  .|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .| b |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
black's hope for checkmate is to block off the g2 square and then play Rd1.
yeah, but black is too slow for that
I was trying to figure something with Rxf2 / Rd1, but I don't think it can be done.
We need to use his bishop for that
Aaand Black's pawn on e4 is in the way.
but he has a pawn in his way, it will take two moves to get in position
yep ^^
I say... Bh5
(which is why Qxg7, to annoy the bishop)
27... e3
8 |bK |  .|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
wow that was the wrong move
Bh5 would have worked
what was the wrong move?
oh nvm
If Black goes Rxf2, then White's reply would properly be Kg1, since then they can follow up Black's Rd1 with Kxf2.
28. Bd5
8 |bK |  .|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|bB | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|wB |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
I thought you weren't going to play anymore :p?
I give up after Bd5
I want to help finish the game :-P
Bh5 for Black probably would've been better since Black's pawn on e4 would've shielded Black's bishop from White's bishop.
How about exf2? protected by the rook
Qxb7# is threatening
@PhiNotPi Rxf2 would be better since that rook would now be protected. Unfortunately, Black's chance at Rd1# is now blocked by White's bishop on d5.
Rf7 or Bf7 for now to prevent checkmate?
@PhiNotPi Followed up by Bxf7 from White. Delays checkmate by a little, but not by much.
I don't think anything delays it by much :P
@PhiNotPi Actually, that isn't a bad idea at all. If Black can only get an extra turn afterwards, f1 = Q#.
Maybe Rg8 is the ticket for Black.
No wait, that doesn't block the checkmate. Nevermind...
Or that, yeah
@El'endiaStarman Rg8 doesn't work as long as there's a bishop on that diagonal
I'm sure you can delay checkmate by a bit with Bf7 and then going down with the pawn on the e line etc.
but it's worth nothing
if black white does Bxe4 we follow it up with Rd1+
@PhiNotPi Bxe4?
@PhiNotPi Kg2 then and you're done
Ignoring the immediate checkmate, I was thinking 28. ... Rg8 29. Bxg8 Rxg8 30. Qxg8 exf2 31. Rc1 Bd3...wait a minute, White would've already had checkmate at 30. Qxg8+ Be8 31. Qxe8#. Shoot.
What about 28. ... Be4+ 29. Bxe4 Rg8? Have a chance at taking the queen? No wait, nevermind, 29. Qxb7#.
better idea
Darn that queen!
Ignoring the immediate checkmate, I was thinking exf2 would be a good move.
be4+ Bxe4 Rd1+ Kg2 Rxf2+
"Ignoring the immediate loss, black could almost not lose this thing!"
@Geobits Haha, yup.
Then after that... Rg1+
@PhiNotPi And then Kxf2, surely?
I think this is a really good plan
@El'endiaStarman protected by pawn
Oooh right!
and then we skewer the queen!!!
If all goes according to plan, yes!
With both rooks off the back row, what stops Qg8?
White's king could respond to Be4+ with Kg1.
@PhiNotPi and then after Kh3?
@Geobits Constant checking.
at Kh3 the only way to make check is Rxh2
Won't the pawn get in the way of that after a couple?
(because e3 pawn blocking the line)
@Geobits yes
I'm pretty sure after that you have max 5 moves left then
Or, better than Qg8 is Rc8
yeah Kh3 will put a damper on this plan
Oh yup, can confirm, Kh3 ruins it.
I don't think Black can even force a draw by 3-fold repetition.
I think Be4 is really our only shot though
Even assuming White plays Kg3 and Black gets to skewer the queen and capture it, Rc8 still checkmates.
even this, yes
28... Be4+
8 |bK |  .|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|wB |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|bB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
(Edit and Ctrl+K.)
@El'endiaStarman thank you.
29. Bxe4
8 |bK |  .|   |bR.|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
Also I just noticed that the bottom-right board edge has been broken literally this entire time.
29. ... Rd1+
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|   | w.|
@PhiNotPi Hahaha wow, whoops.
@PhiNotPi ah I see now
Next person fix that please.
30. Kg2
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |bR.|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   | w.|wK | w.|
@PhiNotPi done
It's actually also possible to do 30. ... Rg1+ 31. Kxg1 exf2+ 32. Kf1 Rb8.
Checkmate in two afterward though.
... Rb8 33. Rc8
thoughts on Rxf2 then Rxb2? (edit: nvm)
I've not seen any variation which needs more than 5 moves until checkmate
@bwoebi I thought of that follow-up too. 33. ... <anything> 34. Qxb7#.
That's incredible. Any move Black makes at that point is answered with a checkmate in the exact same way.
@PhiNotPi Darn that queen!
@El'endiaStarman yep :-D
This Bd5 was killing it…
We're putting up the best possible fight, though.
See now, isn't this better than stomping white into the ground with the black queen earlier :P
I'm still a bit annoyed at the Watermelon for sacrificing that knight and ruining the game^^^^^
shrug It happens
unfortunately I must leave now
And it's fun to play the losing side sometimes a couple moves after you really put the hurt on them. :P
y'all know what to do: get that move counter as high as possible.
@PhiNotPi if black plays some delaying moves, sure…
30 ... Rxf2+
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   |bR.|wK | w.|
31. Kh3
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|wK |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   |bR.|   | w.|
31. ... Rxh2+
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|wK |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   |  .|   |bR.|
32. Kxh2
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   |  .|   |wK.|
that delays it by one move, yes
32. ... Rd2+
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |wK.|
33. Kh3
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|wK |
2 | w | w.|   |bR.|   |  .|   |  .|
33. ... Rh2+
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|wK |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   |  .|   |bR.|
34. Kxh2
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   | b.|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .|   |  .|   |wK.|
now you can choose a random move
"And here's where my clever plan finally reveals itself"
Alright, anyone else want the honor of Black's final move? :P
everything is valid except moving the pawn on b7
e2, clearly :P
@Geobits do it!
Aww, I gotta copy paste then :/
34. ... e2
8 |bK |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |wR.|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .| b |  .|   |wK.|
35. Rc8#
8 |bK |  .|wR |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .|   |wQ.|   |
6 |   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   | b.|
5 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .|   |  .|wB |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |
2 | w | w.|   |  .| b |  .|   |wK.|
Alright, game over! Good game everyone.
Plot twist: we've been playing misère chess this whole time.
@PhiNotPi Oooh, devious!
@PhiNotPi This endgame was really a misère :'-D
Speaking of which, misere chess sounds really interesting and weird.
Try to get yourself checkmated? That's not even possible with the "don't put yourself in check" rule, is it?
....unless you manage to set it up where you check them and their only response is a checkmate...
@El'endiaStarman being stalemated also wins
anyway, got to go :-)
@bwoebi Huh, I suppose so.
Anyone else currently working on the PGN? If not, I'll do it.
> Invalid PGN
Turns out, there were two notational errors, both of them Geobits' fault. :P
Oh, and that pawn capture that opened up Black's queen to capture definitely won the game for White.
Wow, that was a surprisingly even game for the first half.
Third game lichess analysis: en.lichess.org/gCWxaE3K
This was actually a very interesting game
Turns out, Destructable's knight sacrifice really hurt White's chances of winning.
Yeah, that was a shame. But mistakes can happen.
@El'endiaStarman I publicly deny any and all charges put forth, until such time that new evidence has come to light.
@Geobits You know what's also public? This: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/32769750/history
Though the latter one is forgivable.
I'm happy with how our openings have been going.
I think we tend to have stronger, better games when there's more than two people playing/discussing moves.
wow, what a surprise
@El'endiaStarman Wasn't me
Perhaps we should strongly suggest that no pair of people play more than a handful of moves at a time, back-to-back.
@Geobits Well, if you say so, it must be true!
any ideas for the fourth game?
Openings weren't really ever my thing, so...
We should try something new (although there's no way to force that to happen).
Openings are the easiest part because, no matter what mistakes you make, those are the midgame's problems.
Something that I have been experimenting with recently is 1.e4 Nc6
Maybe that's an idea?
This one seems interesting: 365chess.com/…
I'll have to try it sometime.
supposedly 1. f3 is considered the worst opening move
other sources say 1. Nh3 (ammonia attack)
How to really wreck a newbie and ensure that they will never play chess: teach them these openings. :P
1 hour later…
@El'endiaStarman One thing I've always wanted to do (but aren't good enough to do) is to absolutely master a rare opening, and use it to surprise everyone I play with something they have no clue how to react to.
@El'endiaStarman That's why I was so annoyed about this sacrifice… It ruined the game :-D
Do people want to do another standard game next?
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