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05:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Happy Constitutional Day, Norway! =)
3 hours later…
Just looked at latexblog.de (nsfw)...
I like dumb algorithms :)
@dıʞsdoʇ If you do, keep me posted. It's something I'm very interested in. And I would recommend you subscribing to the blindmath mailing list.
@AndrewStacey I will apply the next week, but it will take some time until I get notice about accept/decline
Without money, I can't do anything serious
@dıʞsdoʇ Sadly, that's how it goes ...
Hi. I need help to understand the following code (I expect it to be too localized for a question at tex.stackexchange so I give it try here) :


Confer with my question [Defining a new environment extending a verbatim environment](http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/114643/defining-a-new-environment-extending-a-verbatim-environment) for more information.
How do I enter links in chat? It seems I used a wrong syntax..
I understand that "|" is now equal to an "\", and "[" is an opening "{" and "]" is a closing brace "}"..
From [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/TeX/def](http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/TeX/def)

The definition of \def (and \gdef) is:

\def <command> <parameter-text>{<replacement-text>}
@HåkonHægland You want to define a macro \myvr@xverbatim whose only argument is delimited by the string \end{myverbB} where all the characters have category code 12.
Hi. According to definition of \def, what is the "parameter-text" (see my post above) in the above example?
You can define it more easily with features not available in Knuth TeX:
@HåkonHægland The parameter text is #1\end{myverbB} where the tokens after #1 have category code 11 or 12 (the backslash and the braces have 12, the letters 11).
What is actually the purpose of the parameter text? I thought it was only to tell how many parameters I would use?
@HåkonHægland You have to read about delimited arguments; you can find them in TeX by Topic.
@HåkonHægland If you say \def\foo#1bar{...} then the argument #1 is everything from \foo up to the first occurrence of bar at the same brace level.
Ok I see, thanks :)
Why do you use two consecutive # in your example above, i.e ##1 ?
@egreg: Do you use MacTeX 2013 pretest?
@MarcoDaniel I'm testing it.
@HåkonHægland Because that part is inside the replacement text of the macro \x, so when the macro is stored it will become #1; otherwise it would be illegal, because \x has no argument.
@HåkonHægland If you click on the arrow at the far right of a line, the user you're answering to will be notified.
@egreg Does pdflatex work for you. If I use the following example I will get a damaged pdf.

@MarcoDaniel Sorry, at the moment tlmgr is running.
@egreg I did the same few minutes ago ;-)
@egreg good job one of us has a grasp of English grammar:-)
@DavidCarlisle The dreadful apostrophe in that famous three letter word.
@DavidCarlisle ???
@MarcoDaniel egreg edited one of my answers to be a closer approximation to my native language:-)
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@egreg Silly thing is that really annoys me when I read it (but I can never read what I type)
I thought the French had given up their bad habit of castrating accented capital letters, but lo!, here we are again:
Q: Title page report with TikZ

physicsI want to make the front page shown in the attached PDF. Someone! help me?

@Brent.Longborough I too believed it. :(
@Brent.Longborough But bureaucrats are always far behind.
@egreg Amazing the chaos that causes with \MakeLowerCase
@MarcoDaniel I get a perfectly legal PDF. What OS are you using?
@egreg Ought to be an OpenType font feature: "unac: UNAccented Capitals"
@Brent.Longborough Horrible. ;-)
@egreg Which viewer do you use. If I use adobe pdf It fails. If I use the internal viewer it works.
pdfTeX 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013) on 10.8.3
@egreg Doesn't it just churn your guts as violating every kind of symmetry, mathematical propriety, and so on?
@MarcoDaniel With Adobe Reader 11.0.03 it has no problem
@Brent.Longborough It's simply stupid: if accents are needed they should be kept. Actually, when I took French (several years ago) I was taught to remove accents from all capital text. But probably my teacher was far behind too.
@egreg I will install 11.0.03. At the moment 11.0.02 is installed.
@DavidCarlisle My deepest sympathy. Nowadays I find myself accidentally writing grocers' apostrophes far too often, to my great loathing.
@egreg I get: This file is damaged -- TeXWorks the same Failed to load..
@MarcoDaniel Here's the output of qpdf --check mdtest.pdf
qpdf --check mdtest.pdf
checking mdtest.pdf
PDF Version: 1.5
File is not encrypted
File is not linearized
No syntax or stream encoding errors found; the file may still contain
errors that qpdf cannot detect
@egreg Me too. Was it origirıally to make typesetting easier‽
@MarcoDaniel My TeXworks opens it.
@egreg What is qpdf?
@MarcoDaniel It's a general purpose utility for working with PDF files. Similar to pdftk
@egreg Ok. I will install it ;-)
@egreg Odd!
marco@imac:~/Desktop/test$qpdf --check test.pdf
WARNING: test.pdf: file is damaged
WARNING: test.pdf: can't find startxref
WARNING: test.pdf: Attempting to reconstruct cross-reference table
test.pdf: unable to find trailer dictionary while recovering damaged file
Here the complete way:
marco@imac:~/Desktop/test$pdflatex test.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
Babel <3.9e> and hyphenation patterns for 77 languages loaded.
Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
(/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo)) (./test.aux)
@MarcoDaniel I get exactly the same size for the PDF.
@egreg I will restart my computer -- maybe it helps.
Guys, timezone help: 21:00 BST to GMT?
@PauloCereda Good morning!
BST = Brazil Standard time or British Summer Time or ...?
assuming the former even exists
@ach British Summer Time.
thought so
Ours is BRT. :)
@egreg Good morning! :)
What did I miss? :)
@PauloCereda Today, finally, brew install pari worked! A minor version bump fixed the problem
@egreg Oh Psmith is still sleeping. :) I need to turn the other computer on. :)
@PauloCereda I don't know UTF, do you mean UTC ?
@egreg Really?! How nice!
@ach I was just pointing my typo (the sentence is correct). It's GMT/UTC.
I am confused, but it sounds like you have all the answers you needed so :)
@JosephWright: Could you do the honours? :) meta.tex.stackexchange.com/a/2546/3094
@PauloCereda BST is GMT +1. "British Summer Time" - if we're lucky this year, Summer will fall at the weekend.
@Brent.Longborough Thanks. :) I think John Cleese once said that "Summer" is usually a one-day holiday. :)
@egreg Odd. After a restart everything works ???
@MarcoDaniel Caching problem, probably.
@PauloCereda As someone who lives well to the west of the Greenwich meridian (as do most of the UK!), I think BST is ridiculous.
@egreg Indeed.
@egreg Thanks for your help
@MarcoDaniel That's why the Help [sic] Desk always says "Reboot your computer"...
@Brent.Longborough Tell it to the Spaniards, particularly those who live in Galicia. As you probably know, Spain uses CST, like France, but it's way west of Central Europe.
!!/choose Morrıirıg Persorı, Afternoon Person
@egreg I can understand the need for a common time in a region, but at least it should be geographically reasonable.
@Brent.Longborough It might take a while, today is cleaning day. :)
@Brent.Longborough so if GMT were instead called Midlands Standard time it would be fine ?
@Brent.Longborough There's a nice way of traveling from São Paulo to the north region with you having lunch in the plane for three times. :)
@PauloCereda While Psmith is preening his feathers, his boss should be answering the questions.
@ach Yes, provided that 0° Longitude went through teh Midlands. Of course, I'd prefer Welsh Mean Time, with the meridian going through Abersychan. Hmm, except for the rush of tourists.
@Brent.Longborough well the denomination Midlands standard makes no claim on the longitude, and choosing 0 degrees as origin is arbitrary anyway
@PauloCereda I once flew from Salvador to Manaus like that, step by step up the coast and then across. With turnrounds, an eight-hour flight!
@ach Well, it isn't a question of claiming the longitude, but it's the longitude that sets the local (geographical) time, isn't it?
@ach I advocate WFT (Welsh Funny Time).
@egreg it does have the benefit of instant amusement if the letters are jumbled up
WFT is GMT-00:23:30 or whatever is needed so that noon is exactly when the sun is as high as possible above Brent's head.
@egreg Might be better to say "the modal position of Brent's head", otherwise it'll cause a bit of trouble when I next travel.
@ach :-)
@DavidCarlisle Shh! Psmith is asleep.
@DavidCarlisle You hear them crickets singing?
@Brent.Longborough we could wake him
@DavidCarlisle Paulo said it was cleanup time, or Psmith was taking a shower, or something
@Brent.Longborough Psmith in a shower? I'm afraid he'd get quite sick there...
@Brent.Longborough He's probably watching the cricket.
A: TeXtalk interviews

Paulo CeredaOur next interviewee: Nicola Talbot Interview scheduled to Saturday, May 18th, around 08:00PM UTC. Everybody is invited! Lost with the UTC time? Click here to see the event time in your local timezone. :)

That's tomorrow, I won't be able to make it. Can I post questions here?
(I mean for the interview, I knew I could post questions here :)
@lockstep =)
@CharlesStewart Hi Charles, feel free to post your questions in the interview chatroom (I need Joseph to unfreeze it first): chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1728/textalk-interviews You can post your questions before or after the interview, we usually wait a few days before "locking" the interview, so other users can read and add remarks, comments or questions. :)
@Holene That's what tags are for. ;-)
@JosephWright: could you use the unfreeze ray here? :) chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/1728/textalk-interviews
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 223/10 &  32/1 * v Sussex 401/10
- Glamorgan 231/10 &  74/3 * v Essex 345/10
- Northamptonshire 355/10  v Leicestershire 128/4 *
- Nottinghamshire 274/10 &  78/2 * v Surrey 207/10
- Somerset 204/7 &  152/10 * v Middlesex 347/10
- Warwickshire 128/10 &  5/2 * v Yorkshire 407/10
- England 206/8 * v New Zealand
- Rest of Sri Lanka v Sri Lanka A 161/4 *
- Scotland v Pakistan 117/5 *
- Kent 66/5 * v Worcestershire
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 230 vs. 185 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@PauloCereda Done. Interview is tomorrow at 2000GMT?
Q: Calc and \settocdepth break \tikzexternalize

ChristianThis might well be the strangest TeX behaviour I've ever seen and that's saying a lot. The following really is a MWE as far as the header is concerned: \documentclass{memoir} \settocdepth{subsection} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepgfplotslibrary{external} \tikzexternalize \begin{do...

I was very close to calling this question "WTF?" but luckily the site didn't let me ;)
@christian the strangest thing i so is davids christmas card?
@DominicMichaelis Do you have a link?
A: What is the most bizarre thing you have seen done with TeX

Peter FlynnDavid Carlisle's Christmas 'card' at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xii. In fact, here it is: run this through plain TeX: \let~\catcode~`76~`A13~`F1~`j00~`P2jdefA71F~`7113jdefPALLF PA''FwPA;;FPAZZFLaLPA//71F71iPAHHFLPAzzFenPASSFthP;A$$FevP A@@FfPARR717273F737271P;ADDFRgniPAWW71FPATTFvePA**FstRsamP AGG...

@JosephWright If I got the BST/GMT part right, I think it is. :)
experimental: pdftex support of fontawesome: github.com/texcode/fontawesome/tree/pdftex
@DominicMichaelis Don't you like my christmas card?
@David Strange doesn't mean it isn't freaking awesome. I love it but it is to me still some kind of black magic
I'm really sick, I still have my votes. :)
@Christian you code doesn't compile even when i comment the calc packe out
@PauloCereda Oh no, my Paulo clock will be wrong
@PauloCereda Give them to me, it will make you feel better.
@dıʞsdoʇ Uh-oh. :)
@DavidCarlisle <3
@DominicMichaelis It does for me. You might have to rerun pdflatex though. The bug will reoccur exactly once after you comment out calc. This didn't make narrowing down which lines were causing it any easier I must say ;)
i tried to compiled it 3 times on the temp
! Package tikz Error: Sorry, the system call 'pdflatex -halt-on-error -interact
ion=batchmode -jobname "nix-figure0" "\def\tikzexternalrealjob{nix}\input{nix}"
' did NOT result in a usable output file 'nix-figure0' (expected one of .pdf:.j
pg:.jpeg:.png:). Please verify that you have enabled system calls. For pdflatex
, this is 'pdflatex -shell-escape'. Sometimes it is also named 'write 18' or so
mething like that. Or maybe the command simply failed? Error messages can be fo
und in 'nix-figure0.log'. If you continue now, I'll try to typeset the picture.
that is what i get without compiling it on temp
@DominicMichaelis yes that's what I get too :-)
But i never used the memoir class before so i dont even know if i have the package (i have the full MiKTeX 2.9 distribution last updated last week so I think i have it)
@MarcoDaniel How do I get the updated tcolorbox package when ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox says current version is 2..22 (which you used in your example), while TeX Live Utility insists on the package verison 2.02 being up-to-date on my system? I've tried to reinstall the package, but it doesn't help...
That's strange. Still works fine for me. I have memoir 2011/03/06 v3.6j.
@Holene The new version is only available with TeX Live 2013 pretest. You can install the new version in your local texmf-tree. For this download tcolorbox.tds.zip (use this link) and the needed structure for a local installation is provided.
@MarcoDaniel =)
@Holene TL2012 is frozen so you'd need to wait for TL2013 or just copy the files from ctan
@DominicMichaelis That's a nice one BTW :) So I should have said "strangest LaTeX behaviour".
@DavidCarlisle Why is that?
@DavidCarlisle Frozen TL2012, I mean
sorry but how can you make LaTeX accessible to blind people ?
@Holene because they are working on TL2013
@DominicMichaelis Lots of ways, TV Raman's thesis for example was an audio book generated entirely automatically from latex source with lots of interesting cues for mathematics eg reading matrices left to right using stereo sound channels changing intonation for superscripts etc
@DominicMichaelis You made me search for braille typography. It's actually a thing :) jiwonpark.kr/Braille-Typography
@DavidCarlisle This may sound stupid, but why is it necessary to freeze the 2012 dist to work on the 2013 model?
@Holene because it's a massive project worked on by very few people and they find it easier that way.
@MarcoDaniel I still have problems with compiling your example. This is the error: latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.sty:757: I can't find file tcbhooks.code.tex'. [\tcb@temp]`
@DavidCarlisle Ah, okay.
@Holene updates from Ctan to texlive 2012 are not automatic, they have to review the data check the files fit into the TL structure, check licences etc. and there is no one to do it right so better not do it at all tlmgr just reports that you need to wait. It's still a lot easier than compiling tex from source off a the unix tex tape
@Holene Did you install all files?
@MarcoDaniel I believe so. I've copied the tcolorbox-folders in the bottom of the doc and tex tree in tcolorbox.tds to theis appropriate /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/tex/-folders and rerun texhash.
A green tick changed owner. ;-)
Psmith is useless, BBC says:
England: 232 (112.2 overs)
N Zealand: Yet to bat
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 245 vs. 215 David. So far, egreg is winning.
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 223/10 &  80/2 * v Sussex 401/10
- Glamorgan 231/10 &  106/3 * v Essex 345/10
- Northamptonshire 355/10  v Leicestershire 171/5 *
- Nottinghamshire 274/10 &  104/4 * v Surrey 207/10
- Somerset 234/7 &  152/10 * v Middlesex 347/10
- Warwickshire 128/10 &  40/3 * v Yorkshire 407/10
- England 232/10 * v New Zealand
- Rest of Sri Lanka v Sri Lanka A 325/5 *
- Scotland v Pakistan 231/7 *
- Kent 97/8 * v Worcestershire
@Holene See my edit.
@DavidCarlisle Still no out?
@JosephWright & @PauloCereda - Thanks
@CharlesStewart ;) /oopsie wrong emoticon
I'm too slow today. :)
@egreg yes the * shouldn't be there, i assume the feed will move the * when NZ start batting,
@PauloCereda It's the speed of Friday ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Nah. :) Today I'm feeling better, but I'm voiceless. :)
Let it be so recorded: @egreg can now proof read cricket scores.
@MarcoDaniel Still same problem...
@Holene What? Using mdframed?
@MarcoDaniel HAHA! Damn, I thought you updated the original code. I'm sorry. Got woken at 0530 this morning.
@MarcoDaniel That is: wrong code. Gimmi 2 sec
Is there any place in CTAN in which .tds.zip files are stored?
Hi everyone
@MarcoDaniel Aha! I owe you two beers.
quick and stupid question: how can I see the margins I have set in the pdf? I know there is a package that does that... I just can't remember its name
@MarcoDaniel: I grant you the power to choose the next logo colour for arara 4.0. :)
@PauloCereda I am happy with arara-rc ;-)
@MarioS.E. I think we are talking about geometry, but I can't remember the command.
@MarcoDaniel ooh! <3
However you have two days to upload the new version. In this case arara will be part of TL2013
@MarcoDaniel Nah, I think we better wait a little more. At least, 3.0 is stable enough. :) 4.0 has enhancements, almost no bugfixes.
@PauloCereda Nope ;-)
@PauloCereda Could it be showframe?
@MarioS.E. Ah I think it is.
@MarcoDaniel Awesome! But how can I pull the numbering slightly to the right? When going to two and three digits, the numbers go outside the frame...
@MarcoDaniel It looks as though the numbers are growing to the left.
@MarcoDaniel: I think not all packages are listed there. :(
@PauloCereda Which one do you miss?
@MarcoDaniel imakeidx.
I'm writing a tool to manually deploy the last version of every package to the personal tree.
Not every package, but the ones you want. :)
Will the side effect occur (as said in the following comment)?
That will not work out of many reasons: First, it is not us, the TeX Live team, but the CTAN team that decides. But more importantly, all are volunteer, and if we force them to a specific format probably many people will just stop uploading to CTAN, which has the contrary effect. We want to make it easy for developer to upload and share on CTAN. — norbert 9 hours ago
@PauloCereda Yes it was, obrigado!
@ClickMe Good question. :)
@PauloCereda :-)
@MarioS.E. My pleasure. ;)
@Holene That's correct.
@Holene You can work with the listings option xleftmargin
@MarcoDaniel ooh neat!
@PauloCereda Or use: tug.org/texlive/tlnet/archive
In two days @FrankMittelbach will publish a new verbatim package
Q: Format a verbatim paragraph

Håkon HæglandHow can I format a verbatim paragraph? I.e. break, fill and join input lines to produce globally balanced output with the lengths of each line approaching the target \textwidth as closely as possible. Using the listings package I can break lines, but I cannot join short lines.. That is, the fol...

Anyone ever seen something like that with \tikzexternalize?
The foreground image is the TikZ plot. The rest are parts from (at least) two other images from my document that have nothing to do with TikZ.
I won't even try to recreate this in a MWE but maybe someone has already seen this phenomenon and knows how it can be fixed.
@DavidCarlisle I can't find your name there: vim.org/sponsor/hall_of_honour.php ;-))
Let us close this question before we get more downvotes
Q: Draw an aircraft with Tikz

physicsI want to draw a plane using the Tikz tool. You will find, attached, a screenshot. Thank you very much in advance

@MarcoDaniel Damn, I'm out of upvotes. We should restore this question score to -1.
@PauloCereda While I agree that it shouldn't go past -1, I don't think upvoting to -1 is good either.
And I'm more inclined to try teaching the OP how things work in this neighbourhood of the big SE city, instead of closing the question right now.
@dıʞsdoʇ You are right, but I really don't like a n00b getting so many downvotes. :(
... the user wil get 5 rep for each upvote even if the question is stupid.
@dıʞsdoʇ Yes.
@dıʞsdoʇ: I was quite traumatized by the question itself. :) As long as it doesn't get more downvotes, I think we are good. :)
This is the same user as from tex.stackexchange.com/questions/114702/… , who has been rather uncommunicative, it's hard to say if they want others to do the work for them or if they have trouble communicating
@ClaudioFiandrino: Thanks, Claudio. :) I really agree with Patrick's comment here (upvoting it doesn't do too much good), but I think we might be very cautious when issuing downvotes in the wild. Let's see if the question can still be saved somehow. :)
@dıʞsdoʇ: I think we could make Psmith active in the main site as well, so he could decide the fate of those questions. :)
!!/eightball Should we close that question, Psmith?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: absolutely not.
@MarcoDaniel Is it possible to apply your new environment as a new \lstinputlisting environment instead of a \begin{}...\end{} environment?
Greek letters + \prime look quite ugly (too low or too close if superscripted), is there a commonly accepted 'fix' ?
@Holene Of course: \newcommand\lstmcodeinput[#1]{\begin{mdframed}[style=mcode]\lstinputlisting[sty‌​le=mymcode]{#1}\end{mdframed}} -- untested.
case in point $\nu\prime£ and $\nu^{\prime}$
@MarcoDaniel :-) testing
@ach $\nu'$ ;-)
I didn't even try that
@ach It's equivalent to \nu^{\prime}, by the way. For TeXnichal reasons, \prime is a normal size symbol.
yeah i just saw
that looks not so great
with txfonts at least.
the ' ends to close to the top right of the \nu. Do I have to manually a distance between them, then ?
@MarcoDaniel Getting lots of errors... First one: Illegal parameter number in definition of \reserved@a. [\newcommand\lstmcodeinput[#1]]
@MarcoDaniel That's without trying to read a .m file, just inserting the newcommand and compiling
@Holene Yes. an invalid #: \newcommand\lstmcodeinput[1]{\begin{mdframed}[style=mcode]\lstinputlisting[sty‌‌​​le=mymcode]{#1}\end{mdframed}}
@MarcoDaniel \newcommand\lstmcodeinput[#1] @MarcoDaniel meant 1 not #1 there
@DavidCarlisle next time I am using \def ;-)
@MarcoDaniel I thought my answer was quite verbose:-)
@MarcoDaniel Compiled! But when I try to import a .m I get the following error: Package keyval Error: sty‌​le undefined. [\lstmcodeinput{main.m}]. I don't get it...
Do we have a question here
It works, thanks. However, could someone explain me the meaning of these optional arguments [1][] when defining \lstnewenvironment? I went through the documentation for listing, but still couldnt figure it out. — MichalB 59 secs ago
to answer this comment
@Holene It works for me:
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
@MarcoDaniel Yeah, that one works for me too. But if I try to include my main.m document instead of a.m, I exceed my tex capacity....
@MarcoDaniel And main.m isn't that big, about 1000 lines..
@Holene I don't know your code. Did you copy the newcommand from the new example?
@MarcoDaniel I copied your entire example. Runs smoothly with the defined a.m file content =)
tomorrow we talk about ducks ?
@Holene I mean the definition \newcommand\lstmcodeinput[1]{\begin{mdframed}[style=mcode]\lstinputlisting[styl‌​e=mymcode]{#1}\end{mdframed}}
@MarcoDaniel I think I'm getting confused. I have tour entire example you posted after saying "it works for me:" a couple of lines above, and now I also copied the last definition you just printed, and i'm back to the Style undefined error...
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: The fortune you seek is in another cookie.
Here's what I've got:
    % Matlab code
    % It would be nice with a horisontal dashed line below me.
    % Another dashed above me, too.
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code
    % Matlab code

\usepackage{mcode, listings}
@Holene I think there is a copy paste error -- I don't know why. If I remove the string style=mymcode and type it again, everything works fine.
@MarcoDaniel Yeah, tried the same. It now works with the a.m file defined, but I'm still getting TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=3000000]...
@MarcoDaniel Is it somehow trying to do anything with the contents of the file? I get this warning: ./test.tex: LaTeX Warning: Overwriting file ./a.m'.` when compiling with the a.m file.
@Holene If you load the package filecontents the file will be overwritten. So this warning appears.
@Holene maybe your main.m is too long. Didn't your work with functions?
@MarcoDaniel As I said, it's about 1000 lines. I have loads and loads of external functions as well.
It works with the listings and mcode combination I used previously.
@Holene Yes. But the dimension of \vbox used by mdframed or tcolorbox a limited.
@MarcoDaniel Ideally, of course, I should probably program my entire matlab file structure again, but I'm almost there with the data. And have just two weeks 'till deadline...
@MarcoDaniel Okey. I guess that limits it then. Thank you very much for taking the time. I have learned a lot =)
Q: Configure captions of images in LaTeX

abduI need your help again. I now know how to add images with captions but still need help how to tweak the captions. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=100mm]{01.jpg} \caption*{\textbf{Bild 2.1:} Curtiss XP-23 mit einem Turbo-Superlader, 1923. Arbeitsergebnis von Sanford Moss,...

@MasterOfMDFramed can I get a "tight" frame, such as \begin{mdframed}\includegraphics[width=3cm]{...}\end{mdframed} without getting a border with width \hsize?
ooh does that work?!
@PauloCereda that's my question :)
@dıʞsdoʇ :)
!!/choose Marco Daniel, Master of mdframed
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great oracle says: Master of <code>mdframed</code>
LOL master of HTML formatting.
... I've found what I need: tex.stackexchange.com/a/22928
@dıʞsdoʇ or simpler \textcolor{red}\fbox{\textcolor{black}hello}}
!!/eightball Should we trust in David's code? :)
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: how about reading source2e?
@DavidCarlisle I still wait for CSS-style'd LaTeX code
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: Argh! Don't eat me!
@dıʞsdoʇ css syntax is distinctly odd you know once you get past ` foo {...}`
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 223/10 &  153/5 * v Sussex 401/10
- Glamorgan 231/10 &  229/5 * v Essex 345/10
- Northamptonshire 355/10 &  14/1 * v Leicestershire 234/10
- Nottinghamshire 274/10 &  191/10  v Surrey 38/3 &  207/10 *
- Somerset 265/10 &  152/10  v Middlesex 11 &  347/10 *
- Warwickshire 128/10 &  140/10 * v Yorkshire 407/10
- England 232/10  v New Zealand 105/3 *
- Rest of Sri Lanka 135/8 * v Sri Lanka A 325/5
@DavidCarlisle I'd like to say something like img { border: 1pt solid black ; }. Simple layout customizations would be easy.
@dıʞsdoʇ yes CSS is reasonable at that level, but you'll be glad of tex syntax when it comes to specifying leaders where this seems to be what google recommends (from a search earlier today:(
ul.leaders {
    max-width: 40em;
    padding: 0;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    list-style: none}
ul.leaders li:after {
    float: left;
    width: 0;
    white-space: nowrap;
 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
 ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "}
ul.leaders span:first-child {
    padding-right: 0.33em;
    background: white}
ul.leaders span + span {
    float: right;
    padding-left: 0.33em;
:9470583 @egreg Regarding your definition of `myvr@xverbatim` (see post at around 11:35 today): You mean I should try something like:


I cannot get this to work..
@dıʞsdoʇ LaTeX3 LDB would be your friend (but I can't find a reference to it just now:-)
@DavidCarlisle the leaders part of CSS are ugly, I think they are non-existent except for the stupid workaround (overflow: hidden). I don't propagate that :)
I guess 99% of the beginner's formatting change requirements could be handled by simple CSS rules. For everything else we need to go back to classic (La)TeX
@dıʞsdoʇ es not so much leaders themselves, they will probably add yet another custom property for that it is the whole :first-child kind of nonsense with special case selectors that work for simple examples but no overall plan as everything has to be consistent with existing behaviour, so each new function has to have a bizare enough syntax that it hasn't been used yet
@DavidCarlisle good point, thats true
@dıʞsdoʇ we must have some public documents about the LDB somewhere.. (latex (property) database that allows properties like bold to propergate in a distinctly css like way (although it may well be older than CSS I'd have to check)
@dıʞsdoʇ found this from Frank:
How do I input code blocks in chat messages? I tried to use back ticks `` but it does not work..
@HåkonHægland backticks and ctrl-k work
@dıʞsdoʇ Ok I try that next time :)
works :)
:9477506 Testing:

@HåkonHægland Usual problem in catcodes:
@dıʞsdoʇ Now the code is ok.. But the text Testing: should not be fixed with font ..
@HåkonHægland You may want, for greater safety, change the first line into \begingroup\escapechar=`\\\edef\x{\endgroup
@egreg Yes now it works :)
@HåkonHægland Forgot to get end with category code 11 characters. ;-)
Catcodes: feline codification. :)
@HåkonHægland If you load the package regexpatch you can also do as follows ;-)
 {\cP. 1 (.*)}{\cP\# 1 \cO \\ \cL e \cL n \cL d \cO\{ \1 \cO\}}
@PauloCereda Category codes are the most precious heredity Knuth will leave to the world.
@egreg :)
Current numbers of bronze and silver badges are square: 30^2 and 21^2. Gold ones not. :(
@egreg and @Werner In this question, tex.stackexchange.com/q/114797 I think it is enough to have a normal ellipsis vertically centered (personally, I think that filling up the column with dots is redundant). Perhaps you could add to your nice answers another option showing just a centered regular \vdots? Of course, this is just a suggestion :-)
@egreg 4 quick gold badges shouldn't be too hard for you..
@DavidCarlisle Why don't you try getting the six you need to go even?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 245 vs. 230 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@egreg trying for math-mode:-)
@DavidCarlisle I need 16 answers for and 17 for
@egreg and 9 votes for boxes (I was going to vote for that just now but done already:)
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 260 vs. 230 David. So far, egreg is winning.
Anybody can help me with divis? I need make my own divis from unicode
@Pankracy people can help but we probably need a more explicit question and example, probably on the main site...
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 223/10 &  189/7 * v Sussex 401/10
- Glamorgan 231/10 &  303/6 * v Essex 345/10
- Northamptonshire 355/10 &  94/5 * v Leicestershire 234/10
- Nottinghamshire 274/10 &  191/10  v Surrey 73/3 &  207/10 *
- Somerset 265/10 &  152/10  v Middlesex 55/1 &  347/10 *
- Warwickshire 128/10 &  140/10 * v Yorkshire 407/10
- England 232/10  v New Zealand 153/4 *
- Rest of Sri Lanka 186/9 * v Sri Lanka A 325/5
@DavidCarlisle Hm.. this is easy question. What i can change divis to other char
@Pankracy I do not know what you mean by divis?
... perhaps something like \hyphenchar=...?
this is small glyph to hyphenation word
@Pankracy Ok (divis is not an English word I think), as @dıʞsdoʇ said, you can set \hyphenchar to the character code of the character you want to use.
@DavidCarlisle I should work on my unicode name to make it more difficult to use @... :)
\hsize = 1in
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet
mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the
charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like
mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of
mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of
drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was
But that is taken directly from the question I've linked to in your question
Q: How set hyphen (divis) to specific unicode char

PankracyI need a specific divis / hyphen character or more than one randomly show This code not working. \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage[htt]{hyphenat} \newsavebox\leftarrowbox \sbox\leftarrowbox{$\leftarrow$} \makeatletter \renewcommand*{\BreakableSlash}{% \leavevmode...

@Pankracy It would help to know which engine you are using (LuaTeX/XeTeX/PdfTeX), but you seem to be reluctant to give an answer!?!?
@Pankracy the hyphen character has to be a character not a box construct and has to be from the same font as the text that limits you if using classic tex but if using xetex or luatex you can specify any unicode character your font has.
i found \setmainfont[HyphenChar={xyzt}]{Lohit Telugu}
Is any exaplem of luatex with unicode char? I need change this glyph in text
and back to the normal
@Pankracy If you had told us before that you use XeTeX/LuaTeX we could have given you this answer earlier.
I am pretty sure you can use a different font in LuaTeX for the hyphen char, but you need to set it manually by traversing the node list in a pre_linebreak callback.
Why can I not replace `\let` with `\def` in the following code:

@DavidCarlisle this text \setmainfont[HyphenChar={xyzt}] working. Is possible to change this char inside text?
without change mainfont?
how change only hyphenChar for example for small arrow math symbol
@Pankracy Do you have a sample of the font? Which font are you using?
is possible to change hyphen to after pieces of word and before?
@PauloCereda: Wow, a 35-day interview with Marc?! Makes my 1h43min interview sound like a "And how's your day been?"
@Werner Ah, I know it sounded odd. Sadly, Marc had some issues with his computer, and we could only resume the interview a couple of days later. The day counter probably gets number of days between the first and last bookmarks.
is possible to make my own letter? change normal letter?
@PauloCereda "The day counter"?
@PauloCereda Mmmm, interesting.
@Werner ;)
@Pankracy If you really want any answers, you should ask good questions (on the main site). Sorry to say, but I give up now, it seems worthless. Good luck!
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