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@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 80 vs. 115 David. So far, David is winning.
2 hours later…
User @papiro does a wrong correction with this question (hyperref is no macro, it is a package):
Q: How to add hyperref package at my paper?

Hir WantoI have problem about add \hyperref package at my paper, you can see more detail , this following : You also see my edited class, this following : % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % Conference proceedings and article templates for % personal open-archivin...

Should we just correct this or ask a moderator to undo this?
I rejected the edition but someone else aproved it ...
4 hours later…
It has been a long night, yes?
1 hour later…
regarding pgfplots, I'm a bit "lost in search": I've got my data points and axes correctly labeled; I'd just want to add R² = 0.61 "somewhere" in the plot; any ideas how best to do that?
@nuttyaboutnatty You can use the rel axis cs coordinate system, e.g. \node at (rel axis cs:0.1,0.9) {$R^2 = 0.61$};
@nuttyaboutnatty rel axis cs has coordinate (0,0) in the lower left corner of the axes, and (1,1) in the upper right corner, so you can place things relative to the axes easily.
@TorbjørnT. neat!
@TorbjørnT. how about formatting? is it inherited? can I change it on a per-annotation basis, if so, how? (in particular, I'd need one annotation in green, the other in red; but they could also be aligned together, but in any case would need different colours as they refer to coloured plots)
Nearly done with the GitHub move: up to issue 200 of 226! Perhaps I'll be finished later today :-)
@JosephWright I have no idea what you're talking about, but hey! Thats great news =)
@Holene :-) I decided to move my code from Mercurial to Git, and so it seemed sensible to migrate to GitHub. The one awkward part is keeping all of the issues that have been reported for siunitx: they have to be moved manually.
@Holene I've been keeping @PauloCereda (and @BrentLongborough) up to date on the status
@JosephWright Aha. I've never really considered using GitHub (or any other such service, for that matter), but I guess I eventually will =)
@JosephWright One of my professors have written an ... essay maybe? with the followin title: the holy triunity: Symlinks, Dropbox, Git. I've never read it, I don't even know if it is really published, but the title is awesome :p
@Holene I started off doing everything by hand, but as I've acquired more packages it's been very useful to have something more formalised
@Holene :-)
@Holene I've never made the leap to use Git or whatever for 'normal' documents, only for package code
Woohoo! I should be travelling home today!
And, I am packing in a hurry!
@nuttyaboutnatty That example was just a TikZ node, so all TikZ options are available. Hence, you could do stuff such as \node [red,font=\large\bfseries] at (rel axis cs:0.1,0.9) {plot1}; and \node [green] at (rel axis cs:0.1,0.8) {plot2};
@nuttyaboutnatty If you have many plots you want to add such annotations to you could define a style and use that, or even a new command, though that is perhaps not the best option. Don't know if you can grab colors etc. from plot lines, but someone else probably knows. A silly example of style and command:

%define style
\tikzset{MyAnnotation/.style={draw=blue,ultra thick,rounded corners,font={\color{green}\bfseries}}}

%define command
\newcommand\plotannotation[2][0.4,.6]{\node [red] at (rel axis cs:#1) {#2};}

    \addplot {x^2};
    \node at (rel axis cs:0.4,0.9) {ABC};

    %use style
    \node [MyAnnotation] at (rel axis cs:0.4,0.75) {DEF};

    % use command
@CharlesStewart =)
@JosephWright The trick is to write bug free packages, then you have no issues to move.
@DavidCarlisle Doesn't work, as you still need to track requests and the like :-)
@JosephWright Make your package bug free and complete so no requests will be made. ;-)
@egreg :-)
@egreg indentfirst
@DavidCarlisle We might think to a Gödel-like theorem: if a package provides a big enough set of user level macros, then it won't be complete and bug-free.
in pgfplots, I'm using enlargelimits=0.2. In the current plot, however, I'd like to stretch the plot horizontally, as there's nothing between 0-20% and nothing between 80-100%
and the plot itself is quite crammed already
am reading through the handbook p243 / 439 but I'm too slow on the uptake
(note: the vertical y-axis spacing/limits/etc is fine)
@AndrewStacey re. your question: so you want to jump into lua mode and create a node list there?
... do you need the TeX mode or can it be complete inside the lua mode?
@dıʞsdoʇ It can be completely inside the lua mode, I just don't know how to do that.
@AndrewStacey Not too difficult, just wait a few secs and I'll post an anwer
@AndrewStacey Do you want an hbox or a complete paragraph?
... never mind, I've found some old code from the luatex wiki and copy/pasted it
better to open a formal question with MWE ?
@nuttyaboutnatty probably
@dıʞsdoʇ or simply enlarge y limits=0.2, enlarge x limits=0.1,
Runaway argument?
I just killed the terminal
on pdflatex compilation
now what?
checkout git ?
@nuttyaboutnatty delete the .aux file and try again
Runaway argument?
delete that too?
@nuttyaboutnatty The error is on the file that hasnt got a matching ) main.out and gettitlestring.sty have been read to completion.
so... how do find the one with the missing match ?
@nuttyaboutnatty Or of course you simply have an error in the document the error means you have something like \mbox{ with no }
@nuttyaboutnatty any text editor should be able to match brackets
but I think I broke sth
the code I'm trying to compile is unchanged
(it compiled error-free just a while ago)
the code I'm trying to compile is unchanged
@nuttyaboutnatty usually when people say they haven't changed anything, they are wrong:-)
Heya =)
Short question David, is it possible to get an enumerate list to span over 2 or 3 rows?
1. first item 4. 7.
2. second item 5. 8.
3. third item 6. 9.
@N3buchadnezzar Stick it in a multicols environment, e.g. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/48281/…
@N3buchadnezzar as @TorbjørnT. said
@DavidCarlisle but could it not be that I broke sth upon aborting the compilation ? is so what and how to fix ?
@TorbjørnT. Thanks that works =)
@N3buchadnezzar Oooh this is where you are. How are you pal?
Good, exam in two days
@nuttyaboutnatty Delete all the generated files .toc .out .aux etc and just keep your actual sources If you still get an error then the error is in your source
(i.e., just keep everything which is not ignored in gitignore ?)
got to dash, will be back l8ter
England are 33-0 First Test against New Zealand
@N3buchadnezzar Good luck with your exam, see ya later :D
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 201/7 * v Sussex
- Glamorgan 231/10  v Essex 46/3 *
- Northamptonshire 166/4 * v Leicestershire
- Nottinghamshire 274/10  v Surrey 29/3 *
- Somerset v Middlesex 347/10 *
- Warwickshire 128/10  v Yorkshire 58 *
- Cambridge MCCU 98/10 * v Gloucestershire 342/5
- Rest of Sri Lanka v Sri Lanka A
- England 37 * v New Zealand
- Kings XI Punjab v Delhi Daredevils

Our cricket expert David might explain these results later on.
@TorbjørnT. Any tips for a wider table, eg more horizontal spacing between the elements? =)
Guys, could I ask you to take a look at this problem: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/114428/…
I have massive amounts of plots automatically generated with matlab2tikz. I want to be able to set xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax from outside the tikzpicture, as I'm now able to do with height and width according to tex.stackexchange.com/questions/111561/…
@N3buchadnezzar \setlength\tabcolsep{3in}
@DavidCarlisle No difference when using the multicol package in combination with enumerate
@N3buchadnezzar check it works just by wrapping teh list in multicols explicitly before fancy stuff like before=\raggedcolumns\begin{multicols}{3}\RaggedRight, Also why itemsep=1\itemsep that will remove all stretchability, is that intended?
\setlength{\columnsep}{2cm} worked though, but I rewrote the paragraphs instead =)
Hey guys, @WillRobertson is here! :)
@JosephWright Well, I keep trying to resume my LaTeX activity… between thesis corrections, moving house, teaching, conference papers, I can't seem to quite get on top of it all. Hopefully soon!
@PauloCereda I don't think I can stay long :)
@PauloCereda Some little red icon was calling me, so I followed…
@WillRobertson Ah! :)
!!/eightball Is @Joseph around?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: yes.
Good afternoon, guys.
@ArnoSluismans Hello to Finland!
@dıʞsdoʇ Hello to the land of upside down names!
What I really dislike when using LaTeX is that I have to use the manual to lookup the options I can give to (for example \geometry{....})
Thats what I like in Word & Co.
@dıʞsdoʇ what's a manual? grep define@key $(kpsewhich geometry.sty)
That is something that goes for anything that isn't WYSIWYG.
@ArnoSluismans Not necessarily so. Perhaps it's time for some formal document to store these things?
@DavidCarlisle that's pretty good, didn't think of that.
  <package name="geometry">
    <command name="geometry">
      <key name="columnsep" description="..." datatype="..." />
      <key name="voffset"  description="..." datatype="..." />
  <package name="listings">
    <environment name="lstlisting">
and the text editor can use that for autocompletion.
@dıʞsdoʇ XMLFTW :D
@tohecz The nice thing about that is that you can easily transform it to anything with existing tools. And there is less ambiguity than most other formats that I am aware of
@dıʞsdoʇ As far as you know what you're doing ;)
Anyways gotta go, I have to make my RPi's GPIO work :)
@tohecz LLUA (long live unknown acronyms)
@dıʞsdoʇ Raspberry Pi, General Purpouse Input-Output
good luck!
@PauloCereda On-and-off :-)
@WillRobertson Ah right: I can quite understand
(basically, you can light diods / run circuits using a python library, and you can read inputs, too ;) )
(which is sort-of crucial for a computer that lacks a keyboard and display :) )
ok, later mates
everytime I use the MINGW shell on windows I get annoyed that windows bash is so crap
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 260 vs. 245 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@ach use Linux or Mac :)
indeed, I should, I just like my video games too much :S
@ach you can run a c64 emulator on the Mac/Linux box, what else do you need?
I am not that oldschool
!!/eightball Can @dıʞsdoʇ share some of his chocolate?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: been there, done that.
@dıʞsdoʇ nor am I great console fan. I just like PC games :)
@PauloCereda (i am out of chocolate)
@dıʞsdoʇ OH NO!
@PauloCereda but there is something sweet in the kitchen that I don't know what it is. But I am too full to eat anything
@egreg One suspects that you knew the answer before asking.
!!/eightball Precious and Infallible Oracle, should I trust the forecasts for good weather next Saturday?
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: nope.
@egreg You'll have to stay in and write an output routine instead
@DavidCarlisle Well, "How can I know the current encoding" is easy!
It was longer to correct typos in the MWE than to write it. ;-)
@egreg you get all the easy ticks
@DavidCarlisle Like this one for the usual misplaced %? :P
A: How to put two minipages side-by-side, which use 100 % of the text width?

egregThere are two problems in your input. A new paragraph is started with the first minipage, which adds the indent. There is a space between the two minipages. \documentclass[draft=on]{scrbook} \usepackage{blindtext} \begin{document} \noindent \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth} TEXT 1 \end{mini...

OK, today's joke:
  > read.csv(file = "memory1.log", header = FALSE, sep = " ", colClasses = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))
@egreg Ah.
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 223/10  v Sussex 73/3 *
- Glamorgan 231/10  v Essex 120/4 *
- Northamptonshire 229/6 * v Leicestershire
- Nottinghamshire 274/10  v Surrey 73/6 *
- Somerset 96/5 * v Middlesex 347/10
- Warwickshire 128/10  v Yorkshire 128/3 *
- Cambridge MCCU 83/4 &  98/10 * v Gloucestershire 342/5
- Rest of Sri Lanka 9/1 * v Sri Lanka Cricket Combined XI 258/8
- England 84/2 * v New Zealand
- Kings XI Punjab v Delhi Daredevils
@DavidCarlisle after deleting some more (temporary) files, I'm up and running again
in pgfplots, how to change this
\node at (rel axis cs:0.7,0.7) {\color{red}$R^2 = 0.61$};
so that
R^2 = 0.61
looks "normal" (upright) and not slanted/italics//math-mode-like
@nuttyaboutnatty \mathrm{R} I'd guess
(while maintaining R², not R2)
could well be
I'll give it a shot
@nuttyaboutnatty \mathrm has to be in math mode (there is a clue in the name) (This is nothing to do with pgf(plots) just normal latex syntax.
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 275 vs. 260 David. So far, egreg is winning.
:) Now LaTeX lecture.
@egreg You're so naughty!
@cgnieder Thanks for the feedback. I did make sure that I was running the latest version. It's probably the mismatch. I just broke out tikz instead.
I am trying to plot the 2 d cantor set now with tikz (and a bit help from mathematica :D )
@PauloCereda The GitHub move is done :-)
@JosephWright Yay! :)
@JosephWright: 12 labours of Hercules. :)
I first read the GitHub movie is done :D
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 223/10  v Sussex 218/5 *
- Glamorgan 231/10  v Essex 211/6 *
- Northamptonshire 355/10 * v Leicestershire
- Nottinghamshire 274/10  v Surrey 177/8 *
- Somerset 11/2 &  152/10 * v Middlesex 347/10
- Warwickshire 128/10  v Yorkshire 233/5 *
- Cambridge MCCU 162/10 &  98/10 * v Gloucestershire 342/5
- Rest of Sri Lanka 91/4 * v Sri Lanka Cricket Combined XI 258/8
- England 134/3 * v New Zealand
- Kings XI Punjab 103/2 * v Delhi Daredevils
@LordStryker Well, to be sure you could send me a MWE (email's in the manual) and I'll have a look
@PauloCereda How are you today?
@PauloCereda following the sport now?
@cgnieder A lil' better, thanks. :) No more fever, thankfully. :)
@DavidCarlisle I was breaking the ice. :)
@PauloCereda That's good to hear :)
@JosephWright: I think I abused your package -- sorry tex.stackexchange.com/questions/114641/…
@MarcoDaniel See comment :-)
@Holene Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 290 vs. 305 David. So far, David is winning.
How awesome is it that the iPhone has a Duck ringtone. @PauloCereda just has to get one now.
@AlanMunn OMG!
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 290 vs. 305 David. So far, David is winning.
@JosephWright I edited my answer. Thanks.
@DavidCarlisle Now that you've edited that question (you know the one) it doesn't look as if it deserves the downvote I gave it. It's the only time I've ever done that but ... O well.
@PaulStanley you can un-downvote (once)
@PaulStanley Actually the question itself wasn't that unreasonable he just annoyed me by posting a completely irrelevant example that I went to the trouble of copying locally and uploading the image etc.
@DavidCarlisle Yes. I downvoted because I thought he had added a silly example (which I also went to the trouble of copying locally etc) precisely in order to prove his point. But I think I will un-downvote, because otherwise it will look odd in the long run. Though we all look odd in the long run.
@DavidCarlisle (And in fact of course ... as so often ... if he had actually got a MWE with the error he would have been 95 per cent of the way to answering the question.)
@PaulStanley yes (I might undo my vote too, haven't decided yet:-)
@DavidCarlisle Well he's on a positive score now. And really, you'd just be upvoting your own question!
@DavidCarlisle Or rather a not negative score.
@PaulStanley back to more important things:
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 223/10  v Sussex 328/8 *
- Glamorgan 231/10  v Essex 343/9 *
- Northamptonshire 355/10  v Leicestershire 89/1 *
- Nottinghamshire 274/10 &  24/1 * v Surrey 207/10
- Somerset 112/5 &  152/10 * v Middlesex 347/10
- Warwickshire 128/10  v Yorkshire 318/7 *
- Cambridge MCCU 162/10 &  98/10 * v Gloucestershire 342/5
- Rest of Sri Lanka 259/7 * v Sri Lanka Cricket Combined XI 258/8
- England 160/4 * v New Zealand
@DavidCarlisle In my case ... supper!
@PaulStanley donvote gone (since he put me another 15 ahead of @egreg it seemed only fair:-)
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 0 vs. 320 David. So far, David is winning.
@PauloCereda 290 !=0 (I think)
@DavidCarlisle Well you scored so much he got an overflow and hence display 0
@PauloCereda Psmith is crazy. And my train also: it stops every couple of kilometers, because there's a fault in the traffic control system. I'll not be home before 21:30, it seems. :( Now it seems the problem is solved. Let's hope.
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 290 vs. 320 David. So far, David is winning.
@PauloCereda This is slightly better.
@egreg Actually, I preferred the first answer (hope you get home not too late)
@DavidCarlisle Now the train is running fast, but we made in 45 minutes the track it usually does in 15. And the train was already 30 minutes late: 30+30=60, ETA 21:30. :(
Let me find some question to answer.
@DavidCarlisle: I found this answer: tex.stackexchange.com/a/83479/5239
@egreg Oh my! :(
Does anyone install MacTeX2013?
I downvoted this question:
Q: Defining a new environment extending a verbatim environment

Håkon HæglandWhy is it not possible to define a new environment that extends a verbatim environment? Consider, e.g.: \documentclass{article} \newenvironment{myverbatim}{\tiny\begin{verbatim}}{\end{verbatim}} \begin{document} \begin{myverbatim} test \end{myverbatim} \end{document} Compiling with pdflatex...

@MarcoDaniel Not yet, but mean to soon
@MarcoDaniel Is the final version available?
@PauloCereda No, testing version
@JosephWright Oh. :(
I am thinking of applying to a fund to make LaTeX more accessible to blind people.
@dıʞsdoʇ Sounds very nice! :)
@dıʞsdoʇ You should get in touch with Ross Moore (if you're not already). I think he has a great interest in accessibility issues.
(Your current user name is ironically awful on that score.) :)
@AlanMunn thanks for the pointer. I'll get in touch with him, if I wil get the fund
There is a German bachelor/master (?) thesis about this stuff - we were discussing this on the last dante meetings
@dıʞsdoʇ I'm sure the team would be happy to talk with you, too
Thinking longer-term (as I am about bidi, too)
@JosephWright let me get the money first, otherwise I am not really able to spend time on it...
But if I am successful, I'll post it here in the chat, of course!
@dıʞsdoʇ Don't believe his web page, which is very out of date. Here'a TUGBoat paper from 2009. tug.org/TUGboat/tb30-2/tb95moore.pdf
@AlanMunn thanks
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: Do not mistake temptation for opportunity.
@dıʞsdoʇ I liked the links at Accessibility especially raman
saved the links...
@PauloCereda :) Cool! Beer it is!
@cgnieder LOL
@texenthusiast TV Raman's a good man:-)
@DavidCarlisle There's emacs in it.
@PauloCereda you told it
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: Oh crumbs! I've just been stepped on.
Happily at home, after a good dinner. :) Late one, but …
@egreg Yay! :)
@PauloCereda Asparagus with boiled eggs. It's the season of asparagus.
@egreg ooh! :)
I had chicken soup. :)
How nice is to perform a huge amount of tests. :) I had some data which was telling me the execution time was linear. I then generated more tests (7 days nonstop) and now it's clear to be exponential instead. :)
@PauloCereda yes although aster predates emacsspeak. His thesis was I suppose the first audio book I heard with a mechanical rather than recorded voice.
@PauloCereda e(x) ~ 1+x for small x :)
@DavidCarlisle Is repstopdf in Cygwin's TeX Live? It should be a symbolic link to epstopdf.
Sup brahs
I'm writing an equation that needs "nested align environments": pastebin.tlhiv.org/rVUFy9wD The +'s are aligned in the inside, but I also need the ='s to be aligned. Any ideas?
@user1641398 Put an aligned within the align.
        &+a_1\cos 1\omega x+b_1 \sin 1\omega x\\
        &+a_2\cos 2\omega x+b_2 \sin 2\omega x\\
        \end{aligned} \\
        (a_n\cos(n\omega x)+b_n\sin(n\omega x))
@user1641398 A simple way is to use \phantom
&=a_0+a_1\cos 1\omega x+b_1 \sin 1\omega x\\
&\phantom{{}=a_0}+a_2\cos 2\omega x+b_2 \sin 2\omega x\\
&=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(a_n\cos(n\omega x)+b_n\sin(n\omega x))
It's also better to use \dotsb instead of \cdots.
@TorbjørnT. You probably also want \! in front of \begin{aligned}
Hm. Where can I find a reference list of all of LaTeX commands?
$ type repstopdf
repstopdf is /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/i386-cygwin/repstopdf
@egreg Yes, I'd forgotten about that one.
@user1641398 what do you mean by latex just all commands in tee format or all commands in any package on ctan?
For instance in finding information about \aligned or \!
@user1641398 well aligned is in the amsmath package and \! is defined as part of the latex format so they are rather different status.
@DavidCarlisle This doesn't tell if it's a symlink to epstopdf
How is a beginner supposed to find out what the [t] means in \begin{aligned}[t] when even this doesn't mention it? ctan.mackichan.com/macros/latex/required/amslatex/math/…
@egreg oh hang on
@user1641398 Top of page 6 in my version: "Like the array environment, these -ed variants also take an optional [t] or [b] argument to specify vertical positioning."
$ ls -l /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/i386-cygwin/repstopdf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 davidc Domain Users 8 May 20 2010 /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/i386-cygwin/repstopdf -> epstopdf
OS X Lion and/or Mountain Lion users: can you check if the script here: tex.stackexchange.com/a/28688/2693 works for you? There was an anonymous edit that suggests the problem with Lion might just have been some extra linebreaks in the code I posted. I'm still running Snow Leopard so I can check it myself.
@DavidCarlisle Somebody claims that on Cygwin it's a Ruby script.
@AlanMunn Sorry, but I never use scripts that remove files without me knowing which ones.
@AlanMunn Anyway, I believe that breaking lines in those scripts is dangerous.
Thanks brahs
@egreg Even for testing purposes? The code is there for you to see...
@egreg it's a cygwin symlink to epstopdf which in turn is a cygwin symlink to ../../texmf-dist/scripts/epstopdf/epstopdf.pl which looks rather more like perl than ruby to me:-)
@DavidCarlisle Maybe Heiko cheated and called .pl a Ruby script.
@egreg He's allowed the occasional error I suspect.
How to download tcolorbox from CTAN directly? I don't know the path.
Clicking download in ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox redirect me to the mirror.
@ClickMe ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox.zip then unzip it is easy way to get all the files
@DavidCarlisle OK. Thank you. Downloading...
@DavidCarlisle Oh no. I am always directed to the nearest mirror that does not provide the newest.
@ClickMe the mirrors should be within a day or so of the host has it changed that recently?
@DavidCarlisle the newest should be available in CTAN because the history page shows the list. The mirror has not been updated yet. I want to download it directly from CTAN rather than from the mirror. Is it possible?
@ClickMe well the N in ctan refers to the network of mirrors, but if you want to hit the UK host directly it's tex.ac.uk/tex-archive but if everyone used that it would fall over
@DavidCarlisle Perfect. I got the newest one. Thank you!
@DavidCarlisle Psmith gave up his ghost.
@DavidCarlisle !!/battle is bound to left mouse ?
@egreg Fortunately for you:-)

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