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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

hello there!
2 hours later…
anyone here?
@user1460166 sorry didnt see until now
@DanZimm thanks
whats up?
@DanZimm I have a small question
hopefully ill have an answer :D
you should answer Gonzalo's question
im not sure how you would do that I apologize
thanks :)
1 hour later…
Any Mac user around that uses LaTeXian? Here's a question that might be specific to settings with this editor:
Q: Referencing a figure throwing up '??' not '1'. LaTeX beginner

yorkie1990I've only very recently started with LaTeX and can't seem to get this to work! \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{figure} [h!] \centering %\includegraphics[width=40mm]{UNSWlogo.jpg} \caption{UNSW Emblem}\label{fig:logo} \end{figure} Please see Figure \ref{fig:logo} blah blah blah \e...

2 hours later…
Tuddeluu and good morning, everybody!
!!/answer weather in Trondheim, NO
@DavidCarlisle A friend of mine claims that the Article class doesn't have font size 13. That it renders in 12 pt if one specify \documentclass[13pt]{article}. Is this correct?
@Holene No it uses 10pt (and tells you there is no 13pt option)
@DavidCarlisle Aha, thanks.
@Holene note the options are not really about font size so much as design layouts You can use \Large to get 14pt for example but the 10 11 and 12 pt options set up page size, and margins spaces around lists and headings and lots of other stuff, and there are only three the moresizes collection has eg extarticle with more options if you really need it, but mostly, you don't.
@Holene PSmith follows Paulo around, If Paulo isn't here, Psmith isn't either.
@DavidCarlisle Much to learn, I guess =)
@DavidCarlisle Hello, did you see the bug report about the array package: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/68732/…
We sent with @PauloCereda 2 days ago
@DavidCarlisle I have a minipage with a couple of sentences in. I would like these sentences to stretch out equally. How can I do that?
    {\fontsize{75}{75}\selectfont NTH }\\
    {\scshape\sloppy Universitetet i Trondheim} \\
    {\scshape\sloppy Norges Tekniske Høgskole}
When I compile, the first sentence, Universitetet i Trondheim, is slightly tighter than the last. I would like both sentences to be of exact equal width.
@Holene Measure the two lines

{\fontsize{75}{75}\selectfont NTH}\\
\settowidth{\dimen0}{\scshape Universitetet i Trondheim}%
\settowidth{\dimen2}{\scshape Norges Tekniske Høgskole}%
\ifdim\dimen2>\dimen0 \setlength{\dimen0}{\dimen2}%
\makebox[\dimen0][s]{\scshape Universitetet i Trondheim} \\
\makebox[\dimen0][s]{\scshape Norges Tekniske Høgskole}
@Holene Or let TeX do the job

{\fontsize{75}{75}\selectfont NTH}\\
\scshape Universitetet i Trondheim\cr
\scshape Norges Tekniske Høgskole\cr}}
@egreg Nice! Could I then have \fontsize{75}{75}\selectfont NTH as my width by including thtat line after \vtop?
@Holene Yes, but you have to choose a size such that the word spreading in the lower lines is not too large.
@egreg Right now it looks like this: grab.by/myvI . I would like NTH to set the overall width for the two last lines. I didn't notice untill now that They don't completely match..
@Holene And, finally, no need to guess the width at all
{\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont NTH}\cr
\scshape Universitetet i Trondheim\cr
\scshape Norges Tekniske Høgskole\cr}}}
Or with the fontsize you prefer; it depends on the typeface, of course. With Times that I used, 75 is way too large.
With Latin Modern it's still too wide. Maybe 70.
I'm getting error upon compilation: ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \maketitle.
<to be read again>
l.194 }

It runs if I comment out your block from the .cls-file that generates the layout.
@Holene Aha! If you want to put that in a definition you have to say \halign{##\cr
@Holene use ## instead of #, that's my guess
@tohecz Ciao, Tom!
@egreg Hello!
@tohecz Compiling! Thanks =)
@egreg How do you do?
Going to catch the train. See you later.
Can someone help me debugging this error message:
) [1] (./misc/preface.tex [2]) [3] (./thesis.toc [4] [5]
(/usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lm/t1lmtt.fd)) [6] (./thesis.nls
Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [7])
(./thesis.lof [8])
Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [9]

! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.72 \addvspace {10pt}
I get it every other time I compile my thesis. It's like 5 such messages in a row, and I may just <return> my way through. Can't observe the error in my PDF...
@user4035 haven't noticed a bug come in, do you see it on the bug tracker? But see the chat thread starting here:
yesterday, by Marco Daniel
@DavidCarlisle: Did you notice this: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/68732/vertical-alignment-in-table-m-column-row-size-problem-in-last-column
@Holene I'm not sure what you mean but don;t do \sloppy Universitetet i Trondheim} or ` {\fontsize{75}{75}\selectfont NTH }` as in both cases it makes the scope end before the paragraph which gives the wrong baseline for a font change and means \sloppy does nothing at all.
@Holene It means you are in horizontal mode at the point that l.72 \addvspace {10pt} is executed. You can't add vertical space in horizontal mode.
@DavidCarlisle Those lines were figured out by @egreg , it's no longer in my files =)
@DavidCarlisle Yeah, that much I get, but where does it originate from? I would say it shows up in ./thesis.lot...?
@Holene a buggy file is writing something to the lot that it should not. or alternatively whatever is writing addvspace to the lot should put \par in front of it
@DavidCarlisle Oh... Ok. In the thesis.lot, a lot of \addspace{10pt} are listed, and six tables (which is the correct numeber). Is it a table that wants to create the addspace?
@Holene Every chapter writes that to the file, to make a small skip between tables from different chapters. However, multiple identical commands like this effect only once.
@Holene Each \chapter command adds \addvspace{10pt} to the .lot file, which is normal. Maybe you have fiddled with the typesetting of the List of Tables?
@egreg No. But.... oh, this is going to sound really silly. Could it be because I've renewed the commands \d, \r and \u ?
@Holene should not be:
!!/texdef -t latex d
@Holene That's definitely not a good idea, \r in particular is used for å
@egreg and \r{u} ů :)
@egreg I'm working on reverting that choice :p
@tohecz Můstek
@egreg for instance
@tohecz I need to refresh my Czech.
@egreg You ought to come here ;)
For pivo and knedlovepřozelo
@tohecz I can understand "knedlo", the rest is unknown. Google doesn't help
Oh no, I'm sick! :(
@PauloCereda Oh no! :-(
@egreg try kledlik, vepr, zeli
btw, it's lunchtime for me, so see ya!
@tohecz I've realised why shipping books is so expensive. I didn't take into account the weight of the package and the fact that sellers usually need to use the signed for option, and that shoots the price up.
@tohecz Bye!
@egreg So if my redefined commands just messes up other stuff, then what is wanting to insert vertical space?
@Holene Too many variables for answering.
Yeah, I'm not surprised :p
@tohecz :) But I don't like crauts so much.
@DavidCarlisle Where is the bug tracker?
@PauloCereda May I use your duck image in a presentation? I'm doing a talk on imagination and where story ideas come from for some school kids next month.
@NicolaTalbot Madam is lulu a good option for books?
@NicolaTalbot Sure, please do! :)
@NicolaTalbot The worst part: no ice cream treatment. :(
@texenthusiast Depends if you want to market the books. If you just want to, say, bind a large document you've written but aren't interested in distributing it, then it's okay, but it you want to market and distribute your books then Lightning Source is better.
@PauloCereda Thanks! :-)
@PauloCereda Oh no! :-(
I'm really sick: I still have votes!
@PauloCereda Hot water bottle time. (Or maybe that's a cold climate cure!)
@NicolaTalbot I'm going to the pharmacy in some minutes. :)
@PauloCereda Get well soon! We need more amusing duck-related posts :-)
@NicolaTalbot awww thanks! :) I'll try to draw a new one today. :)
@PauloCereda Yay!
Psmith's still sleeping.
@egreg Oh my! I knew I forgot something. :)
@PauloCereda By the way. Disaster has struck! My brother-in-law discovered an error on page 17 of the duck book. I accidentally wrote "a such" instead of "such a". The brain has an amazing error correction mechanism. He read it to my niece everyday for a fortnight before he noticed. We all missed it when proof-reading the draft. Anyway, I've uploaded the correction, but it means you've got a limited edition that may one day be a collectors item ;-)
@PauloCereda Voting and waking up Psmith.
@NicolaTalbot ooh! :)
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Good morning! I'm Psmith, the friendly TeX bot - the p in my name is silent, as in pshrimp. I'm here as a companion to our fellow users in the typographic land. As you probably noticed, I always reply under Paulo's account, but do not despair, I say, my replies are always preceded by my own name. Enjoy your stay at TeX.sx! If you need any help, just ask our chat residents. Cheerio!
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 195 vs. 65 David. So far, egreg is winning.
In the spirit of beatiful LaTeX / tikz / etc. do you, the people of the TeX chat, have some good examples for 'end of chapter' or 'end of book' marks as might have been used in previous centuries ?
@NicolaTalbot: BTW don't forget to pick a date for your awesome interview. :)
@PauloCereda Oh, I'd forgotten about that. I'll wait for you to get better first.
@ach Have a look at:
Q: Totally sweet horizontal rules in LaTeX

ArcaneI have been trying to find a way to easily drop a nice horizontal rule into a LaTeX document. \hline just makes a line across the page. It would seem that some package must provide something that is maybe half a page wide, with little bedknobs on the ends or something to act as a nice section m...

good link, thanks
Upload succeeded.

Your problem report has been sent to the LaTeX Problem Report System. You will shortly receive an acknowledgement via electronic mail.
Is there a question / answer that deals with dumping the preamble as a format file on a Win / MikTeX system ?
@ach not sure but search site for mylatexformat
@Holene Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 215 vs. 95 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@user4035 do you mean you got that message before or you just resubmitted?
@Holene stop that
@user4035 I've got mail....
@DavidCarlisle What's up?
@Holene Just confirming that @user4035's bug report reached its destination (see tex.stackexchange.com/questions/68732/…)
@egreg In that case, you better order svíčková :)
@DavidCarlisle Ah, I thought you were responding to the battle.
@Holene Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 215 vs. 105 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@egreg Remember the box you helped me with? I'm not able to get «NTH» big enough. I skipped the tgtermes package (it didn't do good to the rest of my document)...
        {\fontsize{200}{200}\selectfont\bfseries N T H}\cr
        \scshape Universitetet i Trondheim\cr
        \scshape Norges Tekniske Høgskole\cr}}}
@egreg grab.by/myFe The space between the letters looks ridiculous...
@DavidCarlisle so once I have made the format file and triggered loading it in my main .tex file (with "%&preamble"), does TeX know to skip reprocessing the entire preamble ?
that is, is the correct workflow: 1.) make format with mylatexformat 2.) add line to top of my tex file 3.) compile as normal
or do I need to comment out / remove the preamble after making the format
@PauloCereda Just had a look at my diary, I can make this Sat 18th May or Sat 8th June or Sat 29th June. Wow, I didn't realise I had such a busy schedule!
@NicolaTalbot :) How about this saturday? :)
@PauloCereda Okay :-) Is 21:00 BST okay?
@ach mylatexformat (which I have only looked at quickly) is as, far as I understand it, an update of my old mylatex which is also on ctan, What happens there is that the dump occurs at the end of the preamble of the sample document but also the startup code in the new format is designed to skip over every line up to either a magic comment or \begin{document} so preamble in documents uprocessed with that format is essentially ignored
yeah I went with the 'screw it, just try it' approach
works well
@NicolaTalbot errr... UTC/GMT? :)
thanks for the tip
@PauloCereda GMT+1 (British Summer Time)
@NicolaTalbot aaaaaaaaaah
@ach I originally wrote mylatex for colleages in the math department I had my sun3 workstation but they had 640K 286 PC's and preloading the preamble could easily save 15 minutes per document:-)
!!/answer 20 GMT to BRT
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

convert 8:00 pm GMT | 15.05.2013 to Brasilia Time (Brazil)
5:00:00 pm BRT  |  Wednesday, May 15, 2013
7 hours 50 minutes 42 seconds in the future
+3 hours
Greenwich Mean Time

8:00:00 pm  GMT
Wednesday, May 15               Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

5:00:00 pm  BRT
Wednesday, May 15
@NicolaTalbot: sounds ok to me. :)
@PauloCereda Okay :-)
@Holene Well, if the lines below are wider than the main logo, that's what happens.
@egreg Limiting of the size of NTH?
@Holene ?
@egreg Since the lines below are wider than "NTH", I've tried to boost the size of NTH. I started at \fontsize{60}{60} and increased incrementally. No change was observed, so I tried to do really huge fonts, but NTH doesn't seem to respond to it...
Can someone help me understand what's wrong with this one: $G^'$ ? I have never had the insight to do this, but someone near me did and I could not understand why that would be wrong...
@kan The prime should not be given as a superscript
@kan Either $G'$ or $G^\prime$
@JosephWright Quite so, I have always done that, that is more natural to me. But, why is the other thing wrong?
There must be some deep reason?
@kan The set up for ' makes it math active and auto-magically inserts the superscript
@JosephWright Oh, I see! Where can I see this definition? Some category code stuff ?
@JosephWright However, this does work: $G^{'}$
@Holene Look in the log file and you'll learn why: you're not using fully scalable fonts.
@egreg Aha. So that's the reason why. Possible to solve with Computer Modern?
@egreg Maybe @DavidCarlisle have made something ;-)
@Holene \usepackage{lmodern}\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} ?
@tohecz Hehe, yeah. I now have the largest N in the university covering my frontpage. Thanks =)
@JosephWright as it should.
Thanks @David
@Holene The "stop that" was responding to the battle:-)
Hmm, really, $G'$ looks weird! I think I'll have to work out the spacing between G and ' right...
@DavidCarlisle What is the battle all about?
And btw, how can I add more space between the lines in a multi-line title in Memoir?
@kan It doesn't make an error but it does the wrong thing
@DavidCarlisle Yes, right!
I just looked at some examples to understand this...
@Holene it's the daily rep score on the main site between myself and egreg (One of Paulo's little jokes:-)
@Holene never used memoir but I assume \\[1in] would do something
@DavidCarlisle Oh, and @egreg is kickin' your bottoms?
@Holene some days you win, some you lose, there is time yet....
@DavidCarlisle Yeah, I just don't know where the title is broken to multiple lines. But that's not changing too much, so I'll guess your fix is OK =)
@kan ' is ^\prime so a^' is a^^\prime which is an error but a^{'} is a^{^\prime} which is legal but a sup-supscript prime not a supscript one.
@DavidCarlisle :) Thanks for clearing that up.
@NicolaTalbot That was quick! I sometimes saw Missing number inserted too, should have guessed!!
@Holene In the end, both their scores are (almost) always 200 + 15*(number-of-upvotes) + (bounty-awards)
@kan I'm not usually that quick off the mark! I was actually supposed to be consulting the Java API but I switched to the TeX.SX tab in my browser and got distracted.
@tohecz =)
@NicolaTalbot OK, I'll accept your answer!! :) That nails it! :)
@DavidCarlisle People are asking your opinion about this question: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/114421/…
@MarioS.E. done:-)
@tohecz except on days when egreg picks up thousands of easy bounty points for spotting a % missing. (oh you said that at the end:-)
Close votes here please: tex.stackexchange.com/q/114422/10679
@kan any reason for using eqarray instead of align in demo example ? Did you see errors with align
@texenthusiast Hah, actually, I must say that the code is not mine (I use emacs and not Winedt!)
But, I saw the error and could not figure out what was wrong!!
@kan Ok got it
@texenthusiast I haven't tried! I can try however and see what I happens
@DavidCarlisle Thanks!
@texenthusiast OK! Align behaves sensibly! In that, when there is a line break, there is no error, but, however, if I don't, I see the error, as I should.
But, the code-spewing-code in WinEdt sucks, to put it mildly...
Emacs For The Win <3
Later folks!
@kan bye
@Holene I'm ahead now:-)
Are any mods about? mafp raised a meta qn:
Q: First Post review process broken

mafpFor some time now I consider the review process broken, particularly the First Post queue, as too many review tasks are just rubber-stamped. This has been discussed on meta.so, and one possible solution is the Honeypot system. My question: should we go for an installment of Honeypot here on TX.S...

@CharlesStewart Yes, seen that: need to look in detail later on
@JosephWright Talking to Papiro would be enough, I guess.
I don't know how you would get in touch.
Jakiś konkretny przykład? Tak chodzi tylko o szerokośc fontu, ale tak by ta szerokość pojawiła się w czasie składu. Aby Latex wybrał odpowiednią litere ze względu na jej szerokość automatycznie. Yes, the problem is only width of letters — Pankracy 1 hour ago
what exactly is a review - when an experience user takes a post and edits it so that it may garner more attention ?
@ach not really, it depends on which type of review
@texenthusiast commented ;)
so what is a review ?
@ach A review is when a user with enough rep gets notified about an action that should be taken. There're 6 review queues: Suggested Edits (by <2k users), First Posts (of a new-comer), Close Votes and Reopen Votes (when someone else's casted a vote, you're informed so that you can cast it too or disagree), Late Answers (answers with a long period between the Q and the A), Low Quality Posts (there's a bot deciding which posts look bad, and they get into this queue)
That's how there's always a 'welcome to TeX.SE' on first posts :)
@ach not exactly, many people put that message there whenever they spot a post by a 1-rep user ;)
@tohecz thanks :)
@tohecz Psmith, the TeX bot: egreg is so far behind it's not really a battle at all
@DavidCarlisle ^^
@dıʞsdoʇ Psmith, the TeX bot: your fortune will have to wait for Paulo
@DavidCarlisle I guess I have no fortune
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: Today is probably a huge improvement over yesterday.
@Holene Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: There is no fortune, you've just eaten the paper.
@Psmith But I haven't printed it yet...
@Holene Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 215 vs. 230 David. So far, David is winning.
@PauloCereda Ah. I hope he didn't notice an imposter earlier.
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda feeling better?
@DavidCarlisle A little. Not as much as I'd like to be, but at least is better than yesterday. :)
@dıʞsdoʇ Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: Confucius say you have heart as big as Texas.
... I have just finished my poem books (2 books 400 pages each). Now I hope the online printing service does a good job and I have done everything right
@dıʞsdoʇ They'll probably print them upside down
@DavidCarlisle Oh no! I have to go to Australia and re-order from there, then everything will be alright
@dıʞsdoʇ good plan.
!!/eightball will the printing be OK?
@dıʞsdoʇ Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: you betcha.
@dıʞsdoʇ no worries then.
@DavidCarlisle credit goes to Mr. Carlisle for all his great macros!
@dıʞsdoʇ Nothing for me? I won't speak with you any more. ;-)
@dıʞsdoʇ You keep the credit, just send me all the money:-)
@DavidCarlisle It's not to be sold, just a gift... (a rather expensive gift)
@egreg (me thinks of something that I can give credit to @egreg for)
@PauloCereda Here's a few for your collection: twistedsifter.com/2012/04/… (nr. 28, for example)
@dıʞsdoʇ Your new profile confuses me ;-)
@MarcoDaniel I have also moved from Berlin to 127.0.01 :)
@dıʞsdoʇ lol
@TorbjørnT. LOL
hi, does anybody know font type of the biblatex manual, I like it and I want to have it in the thesis?
paulo@alexandria adaptive-java$ pdffonts /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex/biblatex.pdf
name                                 type              encoding         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
GUOQVE+LinLibertineTB                Type 1            Custom           yes yes no    4682  0
WNVRES+BeraSansMono-Bold             Type 1            Custom           yes yes no    4683  0
OFXPQH+LinBiolinumTB                 Type 1            Custom           yes yes no    4685  0
Or if you prefer, biblatex.tex:
oh, thanks a lot, tex file!
The .tex file doesn't tell that much, the pdffonts command appears to be better. :)
\usepackage{libertine} % would this be enough to have the body text font?
when I install some new fonts I get this message:
! pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable
any idea how to fix that?
Ok programming folk. I'm organizing a small conference and I want to simplify as much as possible coordinating printed and web based materials especially for the schedule etc. Is pandoc for me, or is there something simpler? The amount of stuff won't be enormous.
still, !pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable
@PauloCereda libertine should be used with xelatex or lualatex ;-)
@AlanMunn pandoc is nice, docbook (XML) is an option, too
@AlanMunn What would be the "default" format for submissions?
@PauloCereda Well for the schedule we'll be creating it ourselves, so whatever I say. :) Abstracts will be submitted as PDFs, though, and it would be good to collect the accepted ones into a booklet.
But my co-organizer is not a LaTeX person and, somewhat unsophisticated w.r.t. computer stuff.
@AlanMunn I'm afraid to give suggestions, after all I'm crazy about complex workflows. :)
@AlanMunn: How about a web-based conference management system? OpenConf is a very nice option.
shutdown -h now
@dıʞsdoʇ Oh no!
chat is still online...
@PauloCereda Well I'm open to suggestions, but the main selection criterion is saving me time, and that includes learning anything new. As for OpenConf that's more complex than I need, but it looks nice for the future.
The issue isn't about managing the conference per se, but just managing some sort of web presence along with printed materials without having to do everything twice.
@AlanMunn Maybe a quick attendance registration system?
@PauloCereda Even that's not required. You're thinking too big here. This is a two day workshop with about 7 papers each day, and the total number of participants will probably be less than 50.
!!/eightball should I learn python?
@dıʞsdoʇ Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: are we there yet?
!!/eightball should I learn LaTeX?
@dıʞsdoʇ Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: stop hassling me, dud.
@PauloCereda ok, ok, I shut up :)
@dıʞsdoʇ o.O
Did Psmith really say that?!
@PauloCereda perhaps it was you?
@dıʞsdoʇ Nope. <3
@PauloCereda Apparently Psmith isn't a native speaker of English. Or can't spell.
@AlanMunn :)
We can edit that. :)
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: You love Chinese food.
@AlanMunn Psmith, the TeX bot: Good afternoon! I'm Psmith, the friendly TeX bot - the p in my name is silent, as in pshrimp. I'm here as a companion to our fellow users in the typographic land. As you probably noticed, I always reply under Paulo's account, but do not despair, I say, my replies are always preceded by my own name. Enjoy your stay at TeX.sx! If you need any help, just ask our chat residents. Cheerio!
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: An ice cream a day keeps the bugs away.
@PauloCereda The help isn't too helpful. I was hoping for the list of commands.
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm able to recognize the following commands: help, list, cricket, song, fencing, basketball, baseball, ctan, texdef, search, eightball, fortune, battle, reputation, answer, translate, choose. You probably noticed that all commands must start with !!/ followed by the command name, didn't you? Splendid!
@AlanMunn: Should I uninstall all the latex files already there? — Obitus 14 mins ago
@AlanMunn you can take a look at ^^
@texenthusiast Ok. I've added a comment.
!!/choose pandoc,docbook
@AlanMunn thanks :)
@PauloCereda how are you today ?
@texenthusiast I'm sick. :(
!!/choose pandoc,docbook
@AlanMunn Oh wait, let me enable Psmith again.
@PauloCereda known that , take care and rest a while.
@texenthusiast Thanks. :) I'll recover in a while. :)
@PauloCereda good
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Derbyshire 158/6 * v Sussex
- Glamorgan 231/10  v Essex 10/2 *
- Northamptonshire 91/4 * v Leicestershire
- Nottinghamshire 273/9 * v Surrey
- Somerset v Middlesex 293/8 *
- Warwickshire 128/10  v Yorkshire 11 *
- Cambridge MCCU 46/3 * v Gloucestershire 342/5
- Kent v Worcestershire 67/5 *
- Rest of Sri Lanka v Sri Lanka A
- Kings XI Punjab v Delhi Daredevils

Our cricket expert David might explain these results later on.
@AlanMunn: Psmith working. :)
!!/choose pandoc, docbook
@AlanMunn Psmith, the TeX bot: The great oracle says: docbook
@PauloCereda :( sorry to hear that! I hope you get well soon!
!!/choose docbook, pandoc
@AlanMunn Psmith, the TeX bot: The great oracle says: docbook
!!/eightball docbook, pandoc
@texenthusiast Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: yes, definitely.
Well at least it's consistent.
!!/choose docbook, pandoc, MSWord
@AlanMunn Psmith, the TeX bot: The great oracle says: docbook
!!/eightball Should Alan use docbook?
let's see
@AlanMunn **Psmith, the TeX bot:** The great *8-ball* says: don't count on it.
@ach **Psmith, the TeX bot:** I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command `usage` does not exist.
Clearly the eightball doesn't consult the choosy part of Psmith.
a travesty
Hi! Chatting from my Raspberry Pi :)
@cgnieder Thanks. :)
My next nickname will be ! Missing number, treated as zero.
@tohecz Yay! :)
@dıʞsdoʇ may be tilted :)
!!/answer Does emacs run on raspberry pi?
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

Rubus idaeus subsp. strigosus | flower color
(data not available)
Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus
@PauloCereda being connected through my GPRS/3G modem with a good FUP and a good price :)
@texenthusiast ˙oɹǝz sɐ pǝʇɐǝɹʇ 'ɹǝqɯnu ƃuıssıW
no, doesn't look good :)
!!/eightball Should @Alan use docbook?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: never in a million years.
Hello , I put my question. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/114418/… anybody can show me any example of microtype?
@PauloCereda Now that is a clear answer
@dıʞsdoʇ Psmith is rude. :)
@Pankracy microtype the package or just font expansion?
How I can change hyphen to other character?
Q: Replace hyphenation character by a backwards arrow

Chris R.I am setting e.g. directory names in a typewriter font. These names can become long. With the hyphenat package, I enabled hyphenation. Now, what is missing, is that the hyphenation character is replaced e.g. by a backwards oriented arrow. Thus, what I want to do is something like \usepackage[ht...

@Pankracy does this ^^^ help?
@LordStryker Did you sort this out? I suspect you either have an outdated version of endiagram (current is v0.1c) or your version of l3kernel doesn't match...
@PauloCereda Something to make you feel better:


\pgfsetmiterjoin \pgfsetmiterlimit{10.0}
@NicolaTalbot I was expecting a duck.
@NicolaTalbot Yay! :)
@AlanMunn Paulo's much better at drawing ducks than me :-)



\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.8pt,yscale=-1, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
  \path[draw=black,fill=cffff00,line join=miter,line cap=butt,line width=0.800pt]
    (204.3214,707.8865) -- (140.9986,880.1243) .. controls (140.9986,880.1243) and
that feeling when you worked away at an answer to a question only to have the question change on you :(
@PauloCereda do you use inkscape2tikz or manually done?
@texenthusiast The former. :)
@PauloCereda did you see a .deb for it ?
@texenthusiast er... .deb, as in the package format for Debian?
@PauloCereda yes
@texenthusiast I don't follow. You mean, a .deb package for the Inkscape plugin?
@PauloCereda yes i could not find inkscape2tikz in repository ubuntu
@texenthusiast Ah, the extension needs to be installed manually.
@PauloCereda ok going through it i thought it needs a deb package
And finally, the forwarding of the connection works and I'm on the WiFi too!
@PauloCereda i think expl3 bird was done manually on a dimensioned grid sheet
@DavidCarlisle Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 215 vs. 245 David. So far, David is winning.
@DavidCarlisle Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 215 vs. 245 David. So far, David is winning.
@DavidCarlisle Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 215 vs. 245 David. So far, David is winning.
@DavidCarlisle I'm tempterd to stard flagging it :D
@tohecz Just a little present for @egreg when he joins the chat:-)
@Paulo could you please change the last 3 messages to "I like @egreg more than @David" ?
@DavidCarlisle I'm here. What can I do if people doesn't accept my exceptionally good answers?
@egreg tricky problem:-)
btw, have I told you that besides being happy about my internet connection working, I'm happy about my e-piano extensions and a microphone?
@tohecz hm? :)
@tohecz Yay!
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