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@egreg: Had a peek at your reputation for Dec 11, 2012: 277. That's an odd number (literally). Why would you have been granted +2 when you already reached your reputation cap 3.5 hours earlier?
...oooh, "serial vote reversed" the following day. Epic overlords governing the points algorithm strikes again...
3 hours later…
@Werner I see you are approaching 100k as well...
@JasperLoy Oops, you noticed...
You're just over 2K... the privileges are rolling in from there. :)
3 hours later…
I'm having this persistent problem tex.stackexchange.com/questions/89229/…
@piratepartypumpkin Hi
Hi, I'm not yanking my hairs yet, so it's not so bad. I think it has to do with the .cls file. But I can't find the thing
@piratepartypumpkin dont change the .cls
@piratepartypumpkin can you paste your .tex source file in pastebin.com
@piratepartypumpkin wait for a moment understanding your problem, i am slow
Sure, take your time please. I just posted up another question about finding the .cls file. I'm going to read through a .cls file that I found online, I hope to find the date line and just remove it.
I think I found it:
I just have to change some of those to true
@piratepartypumpkin did you read the documentation on ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/newlfm
I should do that, let me do that now
@piratepartypumpkin the author of the package would provide some options to tailor for different options
@piratepartypumpkin at the command line in windows type texdoc newlfm to get the user manual
I finished reading the documentation
nothing interesting in there
but look at this: file:///C:/Program%20Files/MiKTeX%202.9/doc/latex/newlfm/newlfm.pdf
oh whoops, I guess you woulnd't have that
the thing is 20 pages long!~
@piratepartypumpkin for locating the .cls file use kpsewhich newlfm.cls at the command line prompt
wow you found it thanks
@piratepartypumpkin a friendly suggestion, dont post too many questions at same time. You also need to accept some of the replies as Answer to gain good acceptance in future
I have to confirm my email
I don't have that setup yet
Q: Where to find .CLS file of the document that you are typesetting

piratepartypumpkinCan't find the .cls file of the document that I want to typeset. The source code of the document is: http://pastebin.com/440P4Rys And I want to remove the date that comes up here: http://imgur.com/jNful.jpg

can you answer that? I'll sign up with email, and put your answer as the right one
@piratepartypumpkin To be frank with you , its not my knowledge also, i borrowed from tex.stackexchange.com/a/1831/15717
well you did help me out
you deserve all the internet points :D
@piratepartypumpkin if you insist i will
@piratepartypumpkin what about the date issue , did you solve it
Werner has just answered that question: Just use \dateset{} to remove the date.
so I type \dateset{left}?
@piratepartypumpkin here is Werner's reply tex.stackexchange.com/a/89233/15717
@piratepartypumpkin Should i take leave now, it crossed midnight. post your simple questions here in this chat, even before posting at the Tex.Sx, experts are here to help. I learnt from them. They are very co-operative
@piratepartypumpkin please accept replies which solve your problem, it will help for posting new questions with good acceptance rate. Just a friendly advice.
@piratepartypumpkin Good night, All the best in your endeavours
Will do!
THanks so much for your help
I definately will
right when I finish all of this stuff, I'll get an emal
and upvote everyone
really appreciate everyone's help
especially yours texenthusiast
@piratepartypumpkin No problem.
@Werner @AxelSommerfeldt Thanks for the support
1 hour later…
@joseph Quack! =)
@JasperLoy Hello
Hello! Can anyone tell me what's wrong with ctan.org ? Documentation for packages is missing, search not working, the new design is disturbing...
@tohecz The front end is being updated: any issues should be reported on the mailing list set up for this
@tohecz A few of the links are broken, but the 'back end' data is all still there and each revision is supposed to fix some of these
That means one thing: wait.
@JasperLoy Issues have to be reported to be fixed :-)
@JosephWright ok, I will. I believe that the search should look trhough the keywords, topics and their descriptions
@tohecz Certainly there was some mention of the search function on the mailing list
as well, the links have changed which means that plenty of links on this site are now invalid
@tohecz The 'package' ones seem to work, for example ctan.org/pkg/siunitx
Has anyone had luck searching for filenames on ctan? I tried this with plainurl.bst without success yesterday
@JosephWright yeah, fortunately, or that would be a disaster
@AndrewSwann I think this is one of the things that needs fixing :-)
Q: Writing simple Latex workspace

MaDI have this project in which I need to write something like a workspace for LateX. Basically I need to make split window. In one you would write the tex code and in the other you would see the live result of your doing. And I have to add some other small things like coloring the syntax, changing...

Anyone understand this? Is the OP asking about writing an IDE? (That would be more StackOverflow than us, I think)
@Joseph re:CTAN Thanks - it wasn't clear to me whether it was a browser issue.
Please, do you think this should be closed as TL/OT? And should I make my answer CW? @JosephWright?
Q: How should a salary negotiation letter look like?

Sandra SchlichtingDoes anyone know if there exists a template for salary negotiation? Or perhaps how one should look like?

@tohecz I think the question is fine. It is asking about possible such packages.
@tohecz I'd say it's OT, as there is nothing technical about writing a letter of this form which is different from any other letter. (Indeed, how to lay out a letter in general is also OT: it's how to achieve a layout in (La)TeX that we can cover.)
@JosephWright yeah, I dunno, that's why I ask here
I interpret it as "how should a presentation look like?" Answer "Beamer/powerdot"
@JasperLoy yeah, that's why I wasn't sure whether a good closure reason is OT or TL
@tohecz Often whether a question should be closed or not depends on how you interpret it, and different people interpret differently so there are closevotes. However, a mod is someone special who can close instantly, and in fact a mod can only close instantly.
That's why there are reopen votes. However, a mod is someone special who can reopen instantly, and in fact a mod can only reopen instantly!
Wow, I broke the 19k vote barrier. :P
@PauloCereda Cool
@JosephWright I'm still very far to 100k though. :)
When a user in a comment points out some problem in an answer, and that leads to a revised answer, which method is preferable to update the answer?
I'm accustomed to see an UPDATED mark which explains the issue and provides the answer enhancement, but in a recent comment by Martin Scharrer he recommends to "simply update the existing text to reflect the latest solution" and rely on the SX revision system to keep track of the changes
Although I agree in general with Martin, I also think that leaving only the latest answer can lead to confusion, since the comments are still pointing out problems in a previous answer
Hi all. How can I prevent expansion of \par in a \typeout? \string does not work...
@mafp \typeout is not long, so it won't accept \par tokens
@JLDiaz My rule of thumb is as to whether or not the original answer still provides useful information to someone reading that page for the first time. Sometimes that can be that other information on the page refers to it (such as comments) and I judge it useful for a new reader to know what the original answer was. But if I think that the original answer is not worth saving then to guard against misunderstanding I'll just put
"Note: X and Y's comments refer to an earlier version of this answer"
And maybe suggest that the comments be deleted if they really are out of date and out of context.
@AndrewStacey Indeed: comments are supposed to be 'disposable', so you can also flag them
@mafp If you want a new line in a \typeout use ^^J
If you're thinking about the tikz tree question, then another factor is the time frame. Your original answer and the comments are so close together in time that that's one where I'd not worry about saving the original answer.
@Joseph @egreg No, I want to literally write out \par, i.e., the string.
Another possibility is to put "Thanks to X and Y for helpful comments that improved this answer" that also guards against the possibility that those comments might get deleted.
@mafp \string\p\string ar
@AndrewStacey Yes, I was thinking in tikz-tree answer. Thanks for your suggestions
@egreg Doesn't need the second \string
@JosephWright Of course
@JLDiaz If it were me, I would at least rearrange that tikz tree answer so that the full solution is at the top. That would probably lead me to effectively remove the original answer to make it look neat and self-contained. So then I'd put "Thanks to X and Y for helpful comments", possibly with an explanation of how they helped but not necessarily (conciseness is the key here - the casual reader doesn't actually want to know the history).
@egreg Thanks.
@AndrewStacey That was my idea too, thanks
Which is why I would disagree with Martin's assumption: the SX revision history is unlikely to guard against casual assumptions on correctness as it is unlikely that a casual reader will consult it and so will come to the wrong conclusion based on the comments and vote accordingly. Some indication that the comments are no longer relevant is therefore needed in the answer to guard against this ...
... but making overmuch of it is clearly wrong. So a short "thanks" or remark is all that is needed.
@AndrewStacey Done. I'm satisfied with the current form of the answer. Thank you for your suggestions (and for the original code of the growth function!)
@JLDiaz Oh, was that my code?!? (Incidentally, I changed "its" to "their" in your acknowledgement).
@PauloCereda Wow, amazing that you cast so many votes, you must be the greatest voter on SE!
@AndrewStacey Yes, it was tex.stackexchange.com/a/34268/12571 And thank you for fixing my english slips
@Werner Nice blog you have!
It looks very likely that we'll have a chat party next week (99127 is the current figure). :)
@egreg There is a party each time someone gets 100k? How come there was no party when I got 2k? =)
@JasperLoy I was surely too busy trying to collect tikz points, sorry. :)
@TikZperts Just found out about local bounding box. A useful tool for avoiding nesting tikzpictures:
A: How to avoid nesting of tikzpicture?

Andrew StaceyIf your situation is that the subpicture is specified first then you can use the fit library together with the current bounding box to put a node around the subpicture. \documentclass{report} %\url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/89264/86} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning,fit} \begi...

(See second part of above answer)
I'm faced with a problem which I think it should be very common, but cannot find a related question at TexSX
I'm trying to build a tikz figure step-by-step, in beamer, and I want the bounding box of each step to be the same of the one of the final figure
so that the figure does not change in size while it is being built
By now I set a \path[use as bounding box] by hand, at the beginning
@JLDiaz I don't know if the following posts will help
Q: Beamer vs. TikZ: uncover nodes step-by-step

CactusI'm trying to uncover a TikZ image piece-by-piece like so: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{frame}{Linearity} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} \node (Ctx) {\visible<2->{$\Gamma$}}; \node[below right=0.5cm and 0.1cm of Ct...

Q: Uncover segments of a TikZ path in Beamer

KevinI have a question about uncovering segments of a TikZ path in Beamer? As a simple example, consider the following path made up of a horizontal and a vertical segment. \begin{tikzpicture} \draw(0,0)--(1,0)--(1,1); \end{tikzpicture} On the slide, I want to show the horizontal segment first, an...

Q: TikZ: decoration - random steps: how to get twice exactly the same shape?

jfuI'm creating a beamer presentation, in which I use TikZ. I am making a figure, on which I would like to highlight something (using \only<> command). My figure contains an ellipse that is decorated with random steps: ... \node[ellipse,minimum width=1cm,black!30,decorate,decoration={random ...

@hpesoj626 Thanks, that's the closest I've found too, but they dont address bounding box problems.
@JLDiaz How about this one:
Q: How can I fix jumping TikZ pictures in beamer?

Andrew StaceyThe problem of stuff jumping in beamer is a common one, (see e.g. Avoiding jumping frames in beamer) and we've seen it here from time to time (I imagine the "related" list at the side will be quite long on this one!). With a TikZ picture, one method of fixing this is to manually specify the boun...

@AndrewStacey Looks promising, thanks
@AndrewStacey I hoped it were a simpler solution... are you aware of any issue with yours? In particular, I use beamer engine to get the "step by step" syntax, but I'm using also preview package, because I'm interested only in the figures, and not in beamer slides.
@JLDiaz I've no experience with preview, I'm afraid. I use my code "for real" and have yet to come across any issues with it. But it's not tested to destruction.
@AndrewStacey Thank you very much
@JLDiaz Of course, if you try it and encounter problems then just ask!
@AndrewStacey You would like to know that your solution works perfectly well with preview. Nice one!
Anyone familiar with this nice error:
> pdfTeX error: pdflatex.exe (file ./ANN.pdf): xpdf: reading PDF image failed ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
@Gigili is the file openable in a viewer?
@tohecz Yes, that's the problem?
@Gigili What is ANN.pdf? Is it the name of the file you are trying to produce, or an external file which you are trying to include?
Umm, no
@JLDiaz The latter, it is.
Mmm I don't understand what xpdf has to do there
It was working well without any errors and warnings! I have no idea what happened there all of a sudden
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Good morning! I'm Psmith, the friendly TeX bot - the p in my name is silent, as in pshrimp. I'm here as a companion to our fellow users in the typographic land. As you probably noticed, I always reply under Paulo's account, but do not despair, I say, my replies are always preceded by my own name. Enjoy your stay at TeX.sx! If you need any help, just ask our chat residents. Cheerio!
@PauloCereda Psmith needs a better special welcome message ;)
@Gigili Are you on Windoze or linux?
@tohecz Suggestions are welcome. :)
@tohecz Windows 7!
!!/eightball Do you like Windows?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: very doubtful.
That's my bot. :)
gs -sOutputFile=ANN2.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 ANN.pdf
@Gigili try to run ^^this command in the console, it should create a "better copy" of your PDF file
'gs' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
@tohecz Just been doing the same myself :-)
@Gigili Which OS
@JosephWright Windows 7
@Gigili You'll need to install GhostScript and add it to your path, then
The Windows version is gswin32 or gswin64, depending on whether or not you use 64-bit Windows
@JosephWright my favourite is the following:
    nice gs \
      -sOutputFile=../figuresbw/$j.gs.pdf \
      -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
      -sColorConversionStrategy=Gray \
      -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray \
      -dAutoRotatePages=/None \
      -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \
      $j.pdf < /dev/null;
!!/eightball Do you like Windows 8?
@DavidCarlisle Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: my sources say no.
!!/answer tell me a joke.
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Q: Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? :: A: To um, err, um ... :: (according to what passes for mathematical humor (sorry, I only know mathematical jokes), drawn from several sources but primarily from P. Renteln and A. Dundes in their paper "Sampling of Mathematical Folk Humor" in Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 52, pp. 24-34, 2005)
@JosephWright The newest version available is for Windows XP!
@Gigili No it's not
I have both versions installed: I use some 32-bit programs which need the 32-bit one, but use the 64-bit one for day-to-day stuff (Windows 7)
@JosephWright Thanks.
Why do I need that thing?
@Gigili GhostScript is a very good PS and PDF manipulator
@tohecz Quite. It's also free :-)
I think I did something wrong when I tried to change the names of the file and images!
@tohecz Right!
@JosephWright yeah, and a vector alternative to ImageMagick
user image
Top voter in SE has 21k+. Challenge accepted.
@Gigili There is no need for GS if you just produce PDF output.
@JasperLoy There is: not all PDFs come out 'spot on' from LaTeX, and I find I need to post-process to 'tidy up'
@JasperLoy This happens for example with some third-party tools that won't read every PDF I produce. I had one today: pgfpages for '4-up' handouts, PDF viewed fine but PDFTK won't read it and I needed to split it up.
But it was working fine a few minutes ago...
!!/texdef -t latex strip@prefix
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Here's the output from texdef:

@tohecz why that macro:-) ?
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Central Zone (Bangladesh) 434/8 * v North Zone (Bangladesh) 361/10
- East Zone (Bangladesh) 138/2 &  232/10 * v South Zone (Bangladesh) 248/10 &  248/10
- South Africa 347/8  v New Zealand 45/10 &  275/10 *
- Australia 342/6 * v Sri Lanka 294/10
- Dolphins 155/10  v Lions 248/10 &  115/2 *
- KwaZulu-Natal Inland 320/9  v Boland 222/10 &  32 *
- Easterns 97/10 &  138/10  v Northerns 137/6 &  99/10 *
- Gauteng 353/10  v Griqualand West 1 &  146/10 *
@DavidCarlisle wanted to check if it exists, but then I remembered (I hope I'm correct) that it doesn't return { with the correct catcode
@tohecz well as you see it doesn't return anything, it just gobbles everything up to >
@tohecz With \expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\macro you get the "replacement text" of the parameterless macro \macro. It is "stringified": all characters have category code 12, but spaces have catcode 10.
@egreg This is what I meant, @David
@tohecz Yes I knew that's what you meant but I was being stubbornly literal and @egreg was being stubbornly helpful, it's the force of nature:-)
@DavidCarlisle :P
@tohecz You can "revert to normal" using \scantokens, but it's not necessary, because \macro will do just that. :)
@egreg yeah, the situation is that I have a macro \x expanding to two groups, like \x->{abc}{abc} and I need to test whether they are equal. But since I don't care about expandibility, \edef and \@(first|second)oftwo do their job well ;)
@tohecz \ifnum\expandafter\pdfstrcmp\x=0 will be true if the two braced groups are equal.
@egreg fuck! I mean, what?!
@egreg I was going to say that:(
@tohecz Maybe you don't want full expansion in the two braced groups?
@egreg Of course, one-level expansion would make a bit more sense, but it works well ;)
I already upvoted your answer -- in the revised version, it should become the accepted one. — lockstep 4 mins ago
anyways, I've just got the list of songs for Sunday service, I should go practice a bit ;)
!!/eightball Is TeX expansion easy to follow?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: yes.
@JosephWright Wow, this is beyond me bro!
Good morning everybody!
@tohecz Damn, I posted some non-sense here.
@unNaturhal morning?
!!/answer What time is it in São Paulo, Brazil?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: 12:15:17 pm BRST | Friday, January 4, 2013
@egreg thanks for the space, I always forget these.
!!/answer what is BRST time offset to GMT?
@DavidCarlisle Psmith, the TeX bot: 2:16:49 pm GMT | Friday, January 4, 2013
@DavidCarlisle OMG
@PauloCereda I fear Psmith failed the Turing test, and may not in fact be human.
@DavidCarlisle LOL
!!/answer Did you fail the Turing test?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm sorry, no answers.
@tohecz Morning, afternoon, it's the same! :p
!!/answer Do you like pizza?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Yes, I do. :: (based on the positive things I've heard from the humans who program me)
!!/texdef -t latex -p mleftright mleft
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Here's the output from texdef:

\protected macro:->\mathopen {}\mathclose \bgroup \edef \mleftright@GroupLevel {\the \numexpr \the \currentgrouplevel +1}\mleftright@OrgLeft
Noob question: it's possible to work on a latex project that uses code wrote in one or more files?
@unNaturhal Yes, you can include other .tex files.
@PauloCereda There's something other that I should know? Or I can add files somewhere in my document just like I do with, for example, PHP?
@unNaturhal if those are standalone latex documents then you will need the combine package
@unNaturhal If you put \input{foo} somewhere in your document, it will be as if the content of foo.tex was written in the place of the \input statement.
@Max I was thinking for example to split the document in smaller and more readable documents, that will work just "united"
@StephanLehmke For example, if I take the cod of my tikzpicture (ONLY that code) and put in an external file called, for example er.tex, and then include with \input{er} in the chapter 2, it will work?
you don't need that tikz has mechanisms for that already
@unNaturhal Yep. There are some environments which are slightly fragile in this respect, like tabular, so I suggest to put the environment into the file also and not just the content.
@StephanLehmke Ehm.. what does this mean?
@unNaturhal Well if you want to put a table into a separate file, better don't write \begin{tabular}{rcl}\input{foo}\end{tabular}, but put the \begin{tabular} etc. into the file as well.
@StephanLehmke Oh.. maybe I can figure the problem.. it's a matter of style? The code in the external file doesn't follow the stream of the other code in the main file?
@unNaturhal no. The main problem is with the strange way how TeX treats tables.
@unNaturhal No it's simply a technicality that there are situations where code of a certain structure is expected and \input just doesn't fit everywhere, especially the non-expandable LaTeX version.
@tohecz Oh :p luckily I'm not using tables
@StephanLehmke Ok, thank you :)
Yay! :)
I need to add the prefix, hold on.
@AdorableCreature I'm unhappy about this answer:
A: Prerequisites for using LaTeX efficiently

Adorable CreatureOne of the prerequisites is As you have to prepare a TeX input file to compile, you should have an ability to type with 10 fingers. Two-finger typists exponentially get bored and tired. More detailed explanation: A TeX input file is a plain text file consisting of contents and markup ...

@StephanLehmke I see it has a -1 now. =)
@StephanLehmke Could be read in binary :-)
Somehow she reminds me xport, really. The tone is the same. =)
Psmith, the TeX bot: David Carlisle once said: just need to stop people using all the rest of my packages now.
I think it's unhelpful as it stands, though not up to the threshold of flagging it. Still I'd grieve if one new user was driven away from TeX because they think they can't type fast enough.
Psmith, the TeX bot: David Carlisle once said: You've got to love "Annoy the hell out of the Unicode Technical Committee!" as a headline feature in a software release note.
@JasperLoy I downvoted it, but piling downvotes also is no solution.
I must ask her whether she is xport again...
xport seems to have vanished forever...
@StephanLehmke @tohecz Fantastic, \input{} it's working :)
@JasperLoy She's not
@JasperLoy Yes
@PauloCereda You absolutely need to add "the wise" or something like this in front...
@JosephWright HAHAHA, you aren't supposed to say! =)
But there are striking similarities between the two of them.
@JasperLoy It's an observation: I've not revealed anything I think
@JosephWright Now whatever secret info you can see, I want to add that people can change location and email, so you can't really be totally sure.
@JasperLoy I can see IP addresses :-)
@JosephWright Yes, hence I said location.
@JasperLoy Would be tricky to spoof all of your login IPs
@tohecz You could use this \protected@strcmp command:

@JosephWright What I mean is, some people move to other countries for some time to do some stuff, like work, studies, etc...
@StephanLehmke ooh you mean "The wise David Carlisle once said".
@JasperLoy Yes, but certain patterns tend to show up
@tohecz This will compare only the "detokenized" strings, so it's safe against macros that don't survive \edef
@egreg ok, whatever :p
@tohecz And is usable with XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
Psmith, the TeX bot: The wise David Carlisle once said: excuses excuses
@egreg now this might be an argument
@tohecz Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command paulo does not exist.
Yet. :P
@PauloCereda doesn't work :-/
@PauloCereda Booh :-(
@StephanLehmke :)
@PauloCereda we will be really getting more starred messages containing starred messages? And how large is the stack of this?
@tohecz starception. :)
@tohecz I already got 5 stars for two bikini messages.
@PauloCereda StarOverflow
@PauloCereda There must be a way to get the attention of TPTB ;-)
@tohecz :P
@tohecz But it doesn't seem necessary in your application. :)
@JasperLoy I'm already Outspoken, and I don't shout it out every day :-/
@StephanLehmke We will become part of CHAOS.
@egreg and now you refer to what?
@tohecz To the \protected@pdfstrcmp command.
Anyway, xport once had a blog but it is deleted...
@JasperLoy Oh, shame
@JosephWright I also once had a blog but also deleted, where I wrote some of my secrets there. =)
@tohecz A relative of mine wants to get an ERASMUS Fellowship in Prague (for medicine masters). Any legal way to further that? Any tips what to write in the application?
Psmith, the TeX bot: The wise David Carlisle once said: egreg's after my green ticks again. I spot the tactic of answering the question the OP should have asked rather than the one asked. (Not to mention making an answer that is 100 times longer than the accepted one.)
There is a way to save a tikz picture in.. png or jpg?
@PauloCereda This is a very nice quote. :)
@egreg :)
@unNaturhal Please don't. Converting vector to bitmap is always a quality reduction (and most of the time a space enlargement).
Psmith, the TeX bot: The wise David Carlisle once said: LaTeX can place images with pixel accuracy it just prefers to let them drift to the end of the document to give people something to talk about.
We should write a Tugboat article featuring David's quotes.
@JasperLoy AdorableCreature is GarbageCollector, see tex.stackexchange.com/a/74177/86
@AndrewStacey THanks for telling me but I knew that 9000 years ago! I even emailed with her...
@StephanLehmke The problem is that I have a problem (sorry) unsolvable with tikz..
@unNaturhal Still AFAIK it's easy to save the pictures as PDF, and then you can work from that.
@StephanLehmke I can't edit a pdf with Paint :P
@StephanLehmke It was better also if I can save it in bmp.. don't care the format, I need just that it is editable with a image manipulation software
@unNaturhal But with a dozen vector drawing programs.
Psmith, the TeX bot: The wise David Carlisle once said: I fear Psmith failed the Turing test, and may not in fact be human.
@unNaturhal standalone class, with convert option:
Run with pdflatex -shell-escape
@egreg Powered by ImageMagick's convert. :)
@StephanLehmke Right..
@JasperLoy You were asking if she (if she is a she) was xport. I figured it was obvious that xport and GarbageCollector weren't the same person.
@egreg Oh.. give me a minute to try it
@AndrewStacey Haha, not obvious to me.
@JasperLoy Linguistically and stylistically very different.
@unNaturhal Please! Reconsider! There is still time! ;-)
haha, 199 rep today, that would be an unfortunate score.
@StephanLehmke Hahaha :) If I could solve the problem from code I assure you that I will make it :/
@egreg Error :(
@unNaturhal What error?
   ! Package xkeyval Error: `quality' undefined in families `standalone.cls/conver

    See the xkeyval package documentation for explanation.
    Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

    l.470 ...ter{\csname [email protected]\endcsname}

@unNaturhal Remove quality=90
@egreg Again..
Class standalone Warning: Conversion failed! Please ensure that shell escape
(standalone)              is enabled (e.g. use '-shell-escape').

) (./converter.aux)
! Undefined control sequence.
l.3 \usetikzlibrary
? ^Z
@unNaturhal Well, it says to use -shell-escape, doesn't it?
@egreg I'm doing.. but maybe I have to add the packages..
@unNaturhal Are you running pdflatex from a terminal?
@egreg Yes..
I just set my compiler to use shell-escape all the time so no need to bother when to use and when not, I don't see any danger in doing that.
@unNaturhal What command line?
@JasperLoy \immediate\write18{rm -fr /}?
@PauloCereda ???????????????????????????????????????????/
@egreg cmd in windows (now the error is that it can't find the tikz-er2.sty file.. but it is in the same directory ._.)
Psmith, the TeX bot: The wise David Carlisle once said: If I stay up for 4 more minutes will I see flying reindeer?
@egreg Oh! Well, that would be very unlucky!
@DavidCarlisle Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command egreg does not exist.
@JasperLoy Psmith, the TeX bot: I'm deeply sorry, old chap, but the command all does not exist.
I don't know what is going on, I am just pretending to know what you guys are playing.
@JasperLoy But that is exactly why the system is in place shell escape means that is not safe to just run files copied from the internet through latex, you are running untrusted code with your full permissions, you really don't want that to be the default behaviour.
@DavidCarlisle One for you from Ulrike
Q: xcolor and everycr-Problem

Ulrike FischerI'm trying to insert some \noalign-code in every row of a tabular by using colortbl and \everycr or \CT@everycr. In most cases it works fine, but not if there is a \rowcolors-command (from xcolor) after my command: \rowcolors uses this code: \CT@everycr{\@rowc@lors\the\everycr} This doesn't e...

@PauloCereda Another user in search of an arara: tex.stackexchange.com/q/89330/86
@egreg clearly any bug must be in the xcolor bit not in array, colortbl or color:-)
@DavidCarlisle That's obvious!
Does anyone read my comments :-( tex.stackexchange.com/questions/89330/…
Yay, @BrunoLeFloch is about
@JosephWright stealing my examples, he is:-)
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
@JosephWright so do we/you have control over the syntax highlighting? @BrunoLeFoch claims that the L3 version is easier to read but the syntax highlighting messing up the L3 command names doesn't help tex.stackexchange.com/questions/89304/…
@DavidCarlisle That I know of, there is no lexer to do the job, so we are stuck
@JosephWright so what does do the job? Is it just buried in the sx internal coding?
@DavidCarlisle Yes
@DavidCarlisle It might be Google-powered, I'm not sure
@JosephWright It should treat _ and : differently when between \ExplSyntaxOn and \ExplSyntaxOff. Uhm.
@DavidCarlisle There is something somewhere explaining the syntax options
@egreg Well, yes. I believe @PauloCereda has a plan for that!
@JosephWright And changed his image (or how it's called).
Do someone knows if there is a way, in tikz-er2, to create a recursive relationship?..
@egreg It's all Leslie's fault
@JosephWright It turns out it's all @MartinSharrer's fault code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/source/browse/trunk/src/…
@egreg I edited @Bruno's answer to turn off highlighting in that section
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