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@percusse Matlab!
@N3buchadnezzar What about it?
MEh, matlab refuses to make an cell of double arrays.
@N3buchadnezzar that's not too informative put your code here (or maybe another chat room) and I'll have a look hopefully when I wake up :)
I'm kind of wasted now heh
Need to convert the rows containing numbers to double, not cells.
@N3buchadnezzar You mean in the same struct?
Can't you just read and use cell2mat?
I tried hmmm
>> Realfag.Blandevann(1,3) = cell2mat(Realfag.Blandevann(1,3))
Conversion to cell from double is not possible.
@N3buchadnezzar I think you need to use squezze first somehow. But I think your struct is not that simple so it tries other things. I really need to sleep now,sorry :)
Np, me too ;)
Feel free to paste a simple struct somewhere and I'll have a look whenever I have the chance.
Good night!!
@percusse Good night, I can show you another day ;)
@egreg You recently had a nice answer (witch pics!) concerning space before/after align, compared to space before/after equation. I just don't find it anymore. Do you remember where that was? ( I tried to find that in the answer section of your profile, but, you know ...)
2 hours later…
Wow - you learn new unicode characters every day: đŸ’©
2 hours later…
emspace between sentences, right?
3 hours later…
Does anyone know if anything has changed regarding this in the past couple years?
Q: Problem copying text from pdf - spaces being stripped

WesleiI have the following minimal working example: \documentclass{book} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} é canção \end{document} I need to use the utf8 argument in order to have special characters in a simpler way and I need the T1 argument in order to copy ...

A first screenshot of a very preliminary version of my logalyzer package. Only handling assignments so far.
user image
@StephanLehmke Oh my! This is brilliant!
@StephanLehmke Looks nice: I assume you set \tracing.. everything in the .tex file for this
OMG those flags.
@JosephWright Exactly. The package will read the finished log file verbatim and pick up key words from it.
@StephanLehmke Makes sense: I guess the challenge is that 'pick up keywords' part, for example if \escapechar=-1
@JosephWright I'm not aiming at being waterproof in all situations. It's "just" a pretty printer after all, so the log itself is still there. Wherever the parser fails to pick up some information from it, you can still read the log. Of course a lot of things can be extended, but at the moment, my agenda consists more of visualizing control flow (macro expansion, group and if nesting), folding, reconstructing boxes, visualizing paragraph breaking etc.
For arara 4.0, we could add a report generation, featuring @Stephan's package. :)
@StephanLehmke Veeerrrrry nice!
QED ---> ∎
@kan QED -> ◙
@kan Somebody uses a thin tombstone (Halmos, who initiated the usage, for instance), somebody a square one; AMS prefers a hollow one. I follow AMS, generally, but in some cases I experimented starting a proof with a triangle pointing right and ending it with a triangle pointing left.
@egreg Andrew uses a duck. :)
@egreg You recently had a nice answer (witch pics!) concerning space before/after align, compared to space before/after equation. I just don't find it anymore. Do you remember where that was? ( I tried to find that in the answer section of your profile, but, you know ...)
@mafp I know. :) It's difficult also for me! Sometimes a question is bumped up by an edit and I tell myself "this question seems interesting", just to see I already answered it. :) I'll try looking for it.
@mafp But it's exactly lunch time! I'll be back soon.
@PauloCereda quack.
@tohecz <3
@AlanMunn: g1.globo.com/educacao/noticia/2012/12/… God be praised.
Somebody is trying hard to make a living by selling his code on this site!
@mafp Is it this one?
A: Difference between (split, align) and (gather, aligned)?

egregFor the example alignment the following are equivalent; actually, the correct outer environment to use is equation, as the following code will show; using split or aligned for the inner environment in this case doesn't matter. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath,lipsum,geometry} \geometr...

@PauloCereda chm chm ... QUACK!!!
@PauloCereda But it's only a three year delay. You'll have to change sooner or later. :)
@AlanMunn Hopefully we will have a revolution in which this madness will be stopped. :)
I don't think that this question should have been closed as a duplicate. Certainly the end result is the same, and the titles are identical, but the issues seem to be totally different.
Q: drawing a line the width of the text using tikz

A.Ellett Possible Duplicate: A line of length \textwidth in TikZ I'm trying to learn tikz. In this MWE all I'm trying to do it to draw a line the width of \linewidth. I'm able to do this with a rule; I'm able to do this in pstricks. But when I try this with tikz the line comes out too short;...

Happy birthday, Stan Lee! :)
@unNaturhal Aloha.
@PauloCereda Do you also know hawaiian language? :)
@unNaturhal I only know Aloha. :)
@PauloCereda Me too xD
@egreg Exactly! Thanks.
1 hour later…
Brazil's internet steering committee will block port 25 from Jan 1st on.
@N3buchadnezzar Evenin'
@N3buchadnezzar Yo.
I'm playing Scribblenauts while my test suite is running. :)
@PauloCereda You can use dead babies as food in Scribblenauts.
@N3buchadnezzar o.O
@TorbjĂžrnT. Got time to look at something quick ?
Does anybody run TextMate?
@Werner A long time ago, when I started using Mac. :)
@PauloCereda There's a question on Superuser regarding the use of --shell-escape, and the user is running TextMate on a Mac:
Q: Error with TextMate 2, LaTeX, --shell-escape and gnuplot in 10.8.2

ManuelI have had TM 1.X since a long time ago, but a week ago I updated my system to Mountain Lion 10.8.2 and installed TM2. The problem is that I write with LaTeX, and sometimes I use gnuplot for the graphs (I installed gnuplot with macports). But now it doesn't work because the --shell-escape doesn'...

I know that in TeXnicCenter, I'm able to adjust the building of the document with extra parameters for pdflatex. TextMate would be able to do the same, but I'm not sure about the interface.
The entry for Text Mate LaTeX Editors/IDEs:
A: LaTeX Editors/IDEs

Alain MatthesTextMate Available for: Mac Commercial With OS X I use TextMate with MacTeX. Now I don't want to change OS X for Linux only because I work with TextMate. It's powerful like vim and emacs. It's not free 45 euros. You can do all what you want and you can use and define snippets, macros, comman...

shows that you can select the build-style from a menu.
I would assume it's set under Preferences?
@PauloCereda This is helpful.
% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
Percusse should be awake soon, sober up and be a man
Sorry, dinner was ready.
Why do you have to convert it? If you use braces for the indexing, you get the double.
>> class(Realfag.Blandevann(1,3))

ans =


>> class(Realfag.Blandevann{1,3})

ans =

@TorbjĂžrnT. Using Realfag.Blandevann{:,3} Does not give me a list though
It gives me ans = a1, ans = a2 , ...
In order to obtain a list I have to do cell2mat(Realfag.Blandevann(:,3))
@N3buchadnezzar Add brackets: [Realfag.Blandevann{:,3}]
ans =
[ 9]
[ 0]
@N3buchadnezzar If I do x = [Realfag.Blandevann{:,3}];, then x becomes a 1x12 double. Is that not case for you?
(Planning a party for new years eve?)
@TorbjĂžrnT. That is not the case for me, I get a list of cells
Q: Manual font installation

SperavirFrequently there are questions about, how to manually install a font, what very often means “Type1 font”. So I thought, we should write a general answer about the several aspects to regard. Beside the usual approach for manual installation of packages it seems, that for fonts further steps are n...

I guess CW contributions very welcome
@N3buchadnezzar Curly braces, not parenthesis.
Yeah Ok fine. But then x = [Realfag.Blandevann{:,3}]' and x = cell2mat(Realfag.Blandevann(:,3))
does the very same thing.
@N3buchadnezzar Well, yes. Sorry, I didn't notice your message where you wrote In order to obtain a list ... I probably don't even understand what the problem is (being slow as usual), so a clarification would help.
The problem is tht I can not directly write an array containing strings and doubles
It always contains cells.
I know I can convert them later, but this script/thingy I am working on is not just for me. And it would be very helpeful if the array could contain strings and doubles, no cells.
@N3buchadnezzar How about reorganizing the data? Instead of having a single 12x5 cell array with both text and numbers, have a struct with five variables.
Thats what I have ^^
*feels somewhat foolish* Indeed, `Kjeller`.

As far as I know, you can't have an array with both strings and doubles, unless it's a cell array, where each cell can have a different data type. So you would have to convert it at some point, or use a struct instead.

Probably not the answer you wanted, but I'm afraid it's all I can offer.
That is Okay
Thanks @Werner
@tohecz :) I've struggled with that too much before, and tested it out on the Formatting Sand-Box until I figured it out...
@Werner Yeah. I just saw that you re-edited the suggested edit on the table hline answer. I rejected it at first because I thought that in recent answers, it's preferred for the OP to make the edits himself
@tohecz I usually leave suggested edits to high-rep users' posts for them to deal with it themselves. Since high-rep users are around often enough, they'll have the best idea of whether a suggested edit should be rejected/accepted.
@Werner yeah, but it can happen that many users approve it, so I prefer to reject it.
!!/texdef -t latex -p amsmath qedhere
@tohecz oops let me start the bot.
@PauloCereda 'tis ok, the cmd is more complicated
!!/eightball ack?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: cannot predict now.
It's on.
@JosephWright How do you hyphenate "mathematics" in UK English?
@egreg No idea :-)
@JosephWright No dictionary at hand? It's for a question on the site.
@egreg Dictionary I have does not mention hyphenation
@All_TeX_Live_users Could at least one of you be so kind and add specific information to Manual font installation? That was the main reason, why I made it CW. But also for the other parts some review would be good, I think.
@JosephWright Barbara is dubious about "math-em-at-ics" that is given by TeX with British hyphenation patterns.
@Werner American
@Werner That's for Am English
@JosephWright What?!
@Werner For UK English you need either Collins or Oxford
@JosephWright Would Longman do? It says "math-e-mat-ics"
@egreg Not really familiar with that one
@JosephWright Hmm, it gives "rec-ord" for the noun and "re-cord" for the verb. It may have chosen AmEn rules.
@PauloCereda And the reason is?
@Speravir Trying to fight spammers, perhaps.
@egreg I guess so. But it this (don’t know the right English word) appropriate/reasonable? I don’t think so, it does not help for spam, spam, spam e-mail from senders outside of Brazil for receivers in Brazil sent over mail servers outside of Brazil.
@Speravir No idea.
@Speravir egreg's is right, that's the reason the committee is coming for SMTPS instead of SMTP.
@PauloCereda But SMTPS is possible also on port 25 
 If they would forbid anonymous SMTP for Brazilian providers I could follow.
@Speravir You can, but you shouldn't. :) Some ports are reserved for a purpose. The idea of using SMTP with TLS is that you should authenticate before sending messages. I agree that this does not avoid spams, but you can reduce some practices like zombie networks.
@PauloCereda Is Brazil a big source of such botnets?
@Speravir I'm afraid so. :( In fact, we are a big source of a lot of bad things.
@PauloCereda This would explain the intention.
@Speravir Yes. It was an unusual decision though.
!!/eightball ack?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: cannot predict now.
@PauloCereda Where BTW comes the notation “eightball” from in respective to the use by Mr. Psmith?
!!/eightball Most precious oracle, is "eightball" your real name?
@egreg ;-)
"Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: * users with less than 125 reputation can only post questions every 5 minutes; try again later."
@Speravir The oracle is asleep.
@egreg seems so, even his landlord seems to be absent.
@tohecz I don't know; I've little practice with submitting questions. ;-)
@egreg Oh, I didn’t notice that @Paulo ecaped from this room.
@egreg lol, well, I decided to spam GD.SE with typography questions ;)
@tohecz Actually they should change their name in my opinion.
@Speravir well, let's see the future of the site, it is of acceptable size and traffic to graduate
@Speravir and once the scope of the site settles down, the name is not so relevant
@JosephWright: Out of curiosity, do moderators still see deleted comments (just like 10K+ users see deleted posts)?
@tohecz Hmm, for new users is it harder to find.
@Werner We can do
@Speravir yeah, I know. But as soon as the site settles down, we can point to it here by some nice ad ;)
@JosephWright The reason I'm asking is because I frequently flag obsolete comments, after deleting my own. It would not make a lot of sense looking at a partial comment-conversation without knowing what has happened...
@Werner We can pull up a table showing the comments and associated info, so can get the thread even if some parts are missing
@tohecz “Graphicdesign.SE deserves death – long live Typography.SE!” – This kind of advertisement? ;-)
@Speravir not really ;p More like:
"Did you know that GraphicDesign.SE welcomes questions about typography?"
@JosephWright Aah, that’s interesting! In some flagging info I wrote “Of course, I could delete my comments, but I wanted to keep the context.” So this was quite pointless (?).
@Speravir Well, it's a bit easier if the context is still there, but it's not a big issue either way
@tohecz Yes, I knew already.
@Speravir so did I for a while, however, my past experience wasn't so positive IIRC
@tohecz I meant I knew, what kind of ads you thought of.
@Speravir oh ok
Any good English speaker here? What does this mean please: Challenge breeds ingenuity
@tohecz When you're faced with a challenge - something difficult - it requires some ingenuity - creative thinking - to overcome this challenge or "obstacle." (Otherwise it would not be a challenge, right?) If this ingenuity does not come naturally, struggling with the challenge usually breeds - produces - some mental ability to deal with the problem.
@tohecz I did forget to mention, that I agree with you.

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