@EmanueleNardi Do it. Create a mode, if you want. But don't expect it to be the utterly perfect everyone-will-want-to-use-it mode. It won't be. But people will use it, and will like it, if it works for them. And you will learn in the process, which is never a bad outcome. I have used VS Code, but like @DavidCarlisle, not really for LaTex, mostly because I couldn't find a LaTex mode I liked (decent syntax highlighting, doesn't get in my way when I try to do something).
While experimenting with the mathbbol package mentioned in this post tex.stackexchange.com/a/669518 I discovered a typo in the package: \bbepsilon is misspelled as \bbespilon. Given the package's age, is it worth fixing?
@LaTeXereXeTaL If people are still using it to answer questions, I'd think it is worth fixing. how easily it can be fixed, I have no idea. but the latex people probably know.
@gusbrs do people even remember these days what auc in auctex stands for? I've never minded the coloring in auctex. But I also dont like excessive coloring.
@Skillmon that was my attempt to save somebody the trouble of answering ;).
@Skillmon albatross appears to produce a mixture of linux and ... er, mac ... endings. but I imagine it is really something else. (like @PauloCereda's spinning animation.)
@cfr I understand that it is meant to check the syntax of exlp3 code. I also tested it on two package files and it only gave back "line too long" warnings ... (which is probably right, I did not check)
I think it checks the code for expl3 parts and only processes these, so it should not really matter whether your file contains only expl3 code or a mix.
@daleif I've been corrected on the proper casing of AUCTeX by Arash on those grounds in the past. So I'd say some people do. ;-) Regarding coloring, same here, in general the defaults are too much for me already, if I tweak something it is usually to tone it down.
@daleif Yes, I know. I've known ever since Arash told me. ;-) But now I'm in doubt of why you asked that. I thought you were telling not to mind the casing, as I did. But since you are telling me what it means now, I suppose it was something else?...
I discovered that I don't really adhere to the syntax suggestions ... lines exceed 80 chars and I also typically place the opening curly brace in the same line, not a new line. But, at least I am consistent =D
@cfr As far as I can tell it's just correcting the spelling of "epsilon" in one file (mathbbol.sty).
@cfr This post shows the misspelling but doesn't actually point it out as a misspelling. I wonder how it has gone for so long without being fixed. Am I missing something? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/722927/…
Does anybody know: Why does W|A give me the result only as word, not as number? ---------> https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=5000000-binom%2849-1%2C5%29-binom%2849-2%2C6-1%29-binom%2849-3%2C6-1%29
@daleif I got that. It just so happens that I learned it probably because I pestered AUCTeX devs enough that I got "educated" on the casing thing. But, yes, we already agree for some time but for some reason we are still running in circles. Thus: "nevermind". :-)
@JasperHabicht it seems to also check non-expl3 sections for expl3. it gave me large numbers of warnings about too-long lines, yes. but it also reported 4 alleged uses of expl3 syntax in non-expl3 as errors. I just wondered if it was expected to do that. as far as I can tell, it just doesn't like _ in maths?
@DavidCarlisle albatross. or, rather, not albatross.
@LaTeXereXeTaL email ctan and/or the texlive mailing list. ctan sometimes have alternative ways of getting in touch with people. or somebody on the mailing list may have contact details.
@DavidCarlisle vegans should be able to use unicode, too!
@DavidCarlisle Thank you. I searched and couldn't find anything more recent than the address I had. This one has not bounced yet so maybe it got through.
@cfr I'll try that if the address David found doesn't work.