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@Skillmon my neovide works with Inconsolata quite well (I have a script that opens a new instance per virtual desktop and, if an instance exists, adds the file to a tab... quite handy). I tried Iosevka, but that font basically kills a lot of things (lualatex, for one, and everything that has a "font" menu which becomes a "Iosevka" menu with some other font scattered inside ;-))
@DavidCarlisle thanks.
@Rmano for me it didn't change the fontsizes and the default was way too big for me. Whenever I tried loading a font with the fontsize attribute set it threw an error that it couldn't find the font.
normal = ["Inconsolata"] # Will use the bundled Fira Code Nerd Font by default
size = 11
@Skillmon I have this in the config.toml of neovide and it seems to work...
Bus arriving, off line for a while...
@cfr I was thinking about why unpack() isn't listed as public
@cfr It's the same for all 'main' functions (ones that implement a target for l3build): as you can always call() them, it seemed redundant to have both the public target and a public Lua interface
@cfr But we are not going to change the names of the Lua interfaces, so I can document some or all of them
Picking off a few siunitx bugs - hopefully a fix release by Monday
@JosephWright oh no, bugs
@PauloCereda do ducks eat bugs, btw?
@Skillmon I retire the neovide thing, it seems to happily ignore any config...
But then saying set guifont=Inconsolata:h20 works from inside neovide.
@Rmano I prefer chocolate. :)
@Rmano That's one of the reasons I ditched neovide too. I was only for the cool cursor effect, but it wasn't worth it...
@Rmano wow, Inconsolata! Haven't used that font in years! Which font do you use, mr. squirrel? I use JetBrains Mono (the Nerd Font version).
@Rmano so you get the same problems? For me it didn't straight up ignore the config.toml but threw errors, iirc.
@PauloCereda Pringles?
@Rmano Or did I get errors from that because it didn't find the font? I remember that changing the font was a pain and didn't really work and I was annoyed and ditched it.
@Skillmon At the end, I put the set guifont in the init file, and it was done. There it works (using the trick of set guifont=* to see how you have to write it exactly).
@PauloCereda Inconsolata or Noto Sans Mono Condensed, depending on the computer.... will try that Jet Brains
@Skillmon ooh that too. :)
@Rmano I really enjoy JetBrains Mono, I think it's worth trying. Also Cascadia from MS. :)
@DavidCarlisle @egreg I knew someone using \imath for the imaginary unit because "that's what it is for, isn't it? Why else would it be called mathematical i?". I tried to explain that \imath is just the math version of \i but to no avail... so yes, I know of at least a couple of publications with that notation :-)
@campa they could just use 1 as it's easier to type:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, who cares about \dots anyways?
@mickep Oh my, I misread the sentence as who cares about \idiots :)
@campa At least it's italic shape… ;-)
@PauloCereda who cares about ducks anyways?
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda Oh no!
3 hours later…
@JosephWright that was actually what I expected you to say originally. but call() isn't equivalent to calling the target directly, so documenting the latter wouldn't be redundant. or am I missing something?
@JosephWright call({sourcefiledir},"unpack") doesn't work where I need unpack() ... I thought I figured out why, but I can't now remember.
what do I need to do besides setting typesetdeps to make files from another module available during typesetting?
@PauloCereda chocolate bugs, maybe?
@PauloCereda The first good reason for vim I've seen so far :P
@samcarter ooh :)
@cfr Should just be that
@JosephWright what if the dependency is a font package?
@cfr WEll as you've found, we didn't allow for that :)
@cfr I guess I need to make sure that works :)
@JosephWright require{jawright}
@JosephWright probably I should add the .map to the .dtx at least ...
@JosephWright but I think it does not find the .fds etc. actually, I do not think l3build can do much here. (and I can't fix it in my .lua script because that isn't read at all.)
@JosephWright I especially need unpack() as I can't (apparently) use call() without reconfiguring things. buildinit() is just a hacked copy of checkinit(), but fails badly if call() is substituted. or I am just using it wrongly?
function buildinit ()
  -- l3build never cleans this by default?
  dep_install (builddeps)
  -- is this a appropriate? better not?
  for i,j in ipairs(filelist(localdir)) do
  print("Unpacking ...\n")
  -- direct usage is legitimate ...
  -- chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/66617079#66617079
  local errorlevel = unpack()
  if errorlevel ~= 0 then
    gwall("Unpacking ",module,errorlevel)
    return nifergwall
@cfr haven't really been following this but can't you call whatever lua you want (eg from the docinit_hook?
@DavidCarlisle te question was more whether I was supposed to need to do that. that is, I know l3build doesn't work out-of-the-box for a font package, but this isn't a font package. it just has a dependency on one for typesetting. maybe I should just make that vanish ....
@DavidCarlisle I guess I could avoid changing the .dtx and just manipulate the options to pdftex. and copy stuff in the doc_init() hook.
@cfr do you need a manual-install development version of the font package rather than just arrange that you pull in the texlive version in your initial tl install?
@DavidCarlisle preferably. I don't really want cfr-lm installed into texmf-dist on github.
@cfr OK, I probably shouldn't ask, but why not?
@DavidCarlisle because then I can be sure I'm not relying on installed files when I build cfr-lm. because I don't trust my code.
@PauloCereda yes, I quite like JetBrains --- but I lost about 1 hour removing the <censored> ligatures from neovide... I have to find a version of the font with the darn thing removed.
@PauloCereda Ohhh...nice :D
@DavidCarlisle A question, there are three list parameters that I know what they do but I have never used: \@beginparpenalty, \@itempenalty and \@endparpenalty...in general terms and thinking about simple document users...is it necessary to have access to these parameters?
@DavidCarlisle I ask only because enumitem provides keys for this and I may need to add it to enumext (I intend to have an update cycle close to easybook :)
...before realizing that there is a NL (meaning No Ligatures) version. GRRRRRRR
@PabloGonzálezL if you want to prevent a page break between items you might want to set @itempenalty to 10000 for examaple, but whether you shpuld want tp dp that in !simple documemts! I can't really say
@PabloGonzálezL beginparpenalty is quite useful. tex.stackexchange.com/q/2644/2388
@DavidCarlisle your keyboard got crazy ;-)
@UlrikeFischer yes I noticed that. I'll blame the keyboard
@Rmano dutch people don't like ligatures
@DavidCarlisle That is my position, and I have rarely seen those parameters in a document (yes in .sty or .cls)
@UlrikeFischer Thanks, I see your point...should it be set by levels or is it enough to place it for the first level (and not in the nested ones)?
@PabloGonzálezL but then same is true of almost all keys, it's convenient to kave a kv interface to styling the list but really in most cases you should do that in the class and use basic markup in the docuemnt
@PabloGonzálezL I rarely need that globally. Normally I used that for one list if the previous sentence count as a "list heading".
@DavidCarlisle Yes I get the point, I assume it is set to {arg two} in the list environment? (if I'm right, I don't want to read enumitem.sty again :)
@UlrikeFischer Ha, then it is enough to add the keys for the first level of the environment...although I still have a doubt about what happens with the nested levels.
@Rmano oh no
@Rmano oopsie
@PabloGonzálezL if you want to provide a replacement for enumitem - and I'm not suggesting you should, I just don't know - then people use enumitem in classes and packages and not just at the document level.
@PauloCereda sounds like a horror font.
@PauloCereda I use Fira Code, previously I was using Inconsolata as well.
@cfr oh no
@Skillmon cool!
@cfr I am by no means trying to provide a replacement for enumitem, my package is not up to that and I don't expect it to be used beyond the document level. I've only kept the enumitem key names because they are familiar to me and the behavior is almost the same...but I clearly have things that are not TeXpert friendly like removing \itemindent and using skip_horizontal as a replacement (questionable but it gets the job done)
@PabloGonzálezL well and good, then.
@PauloCereda good for Halloween, though. JetBrains Mono + halloweenmath?
@Skillmon I'm very boring. I think I'm still using sourcecodepro.
I lost a tick to an answer with a score of -2 :(.
@DavidCarlisle can I just install the development version with l3build install? that is, should I be able to?
@cfr yes but after that depending on your path setup you might need to use texlua path/to/l3build.lua as the default path will pick up the default version, @JosephWright will no doubt be able to say the recommended incantation
@DavidCarlisle thanks, though I think we're talking about different things ;).
@cfr I thought you were asking about installing a development version of l3build, but perhaps not
@DavidCarlisle I figured that out. I don't suppose I was very clear.
actually, the default path doesn't currently pick up l3build at all ;).
@DavidCarlisle I was trying to do l3build install cfr-lm but I give up.
unless @JosephWright can suggest something.
@cfr That user does astonishing decisions about ticks.
@cfr that should have installed everything under ~/texmf or whatever your equivalent is
@DavidCarlisle yes, well. I know why it doesn't but I don't know how to fix it.
@DavidCarlisle can I get the name of the current target? then I could do something different for install.
@egreg I wasn't sure why they didn't accept their own answer earlier.
that is, if that's what they were going to do.
@cfr if options["target"] == "check" .. (I think, just copied a line from l3build.lua :-)
@DavidCarlisle oh, thanks. I thought options was for option-like options. I didn't think it included the target.

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