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@DavidCarlisle Haha, I cannot find \uglyfrak in the documentation.
Morning all
Frank's been reading my blog and asking for edits in old posts :)
@JosephWright Historical revisionism. :P
2 hours later…
@JosephWright oh no
1 hour later…
@JosephWright do you like my "not Joseph's fault" siunitx answer?
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle probably more than my "it's beamer fault" answer ;-)
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Hello, can anyone here tell me how to do this:
% Rewrite \textborn for libertinus
but for the command \textasteriskcentered
@JosephWright not sure if your magic powers mean you saw this ping? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/730794/…
@PabloGonzálezL ?
Does OverLeaf have problems with compiling multiple figures from the ```shapes.multipart``` library in tikz? Here's my code:

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.multipart, positioning}


\node[circle split, draw] (a)
Here's some text
Here's some more text
\node[rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3, draw, below=of a]
Here's some text
Here's some more text
Here's some even more text
@DavidCarlisle I would like to redeclare \textasteriskcentered using code similar to that shown above for \textborn... is it possible? (I took the code from an answer from @egreg)
@Atex There are Q&A sites for latex. If you'd ask there, other people with the same problem would be able to benefit from whatever answers you might get.
@Atex overleaf is a standard texlive installation so whatever you are asking you are asking about a texlive 2024 release from earlier in teh year, not about overleaf in particular
@PabloGonzálezL shockingly unreliable source of information
@samcarter You're absolutely right. I kind of use this forum to evaluate whether the answers I'd receive are worth spreading, however, because making a question does require way more effort than commenting in here, especially if it's just a small issue. It did compile after I closed Overleaf and re-opened it, though. I still have problems compiling in my main tikz document (where I explain tikz features for myself in my own way), but I suspect it's because adding this library was the last straw..
... and the Overleaf Editor perhaps can't render anymore.
@Atex you are using the editor in the "visual editor" view? that seems brave with tikz code, I'd always use the "code editor" view
@Atex which error was reported?
@PauloCereda Error: run out of orange sauce
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PabloGonzálezL probably you should make a test file, I can't understand the fontext of the fragment or what you weant textasteriskcentered to do. doesn't textasteriskcentered work already?
@DavidCarlisle Heheh...mmm...can I do this with fontspec and have the symbol taken from latin-modern.otf?
@Atex The code is just posted took only a few seconds to compile and it worked for me
And no error or warning was issued
@PabloGonzálezL yes just ignore all the TS1 encoding stuff and switch fonts to lm then use (assuming you want U+2217)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, the problem is that \textasteriskcentered is too small when using libertinus.otf and I would like it to take it from latin-moder.otf (using lualatex)
@PabloGonzálezL yes see previous comment (or use the same font and use \large or use a bigger * from unicode
@DavidCarlisle OK, I understand, with that I can get by...thanks a lot :D
Now it's time to bother @JosephWright (let's see if the magic ping works)
@JosephWright github.com/latex3/latex3/blob/… missing ) at end
@JosephWright In interface3 page 229 there are two identical "TEXhackers notes"




AA * BB ∗ CC {\Large∗} DD ✱ EE

AA \lm* BB \lm∗ CC {\Large\lm∗} DD \lm✱ EE

@PabloGonzálezL ^^
@PabloGonzálezL texlive doesn't seem to have a libertinus.otf but I assume the above is the same
@DavidCarlisle Great, I get the idea...for the symbols I'm missing, for example checkmark, albatross is the right tool to find the font?
@PabloGonzálezL assuming you are not using cygwin, @PauloCereda knows that albatross turns your laptop into a room heater on cygwin.
@DavidCarlisle hehehe...but who uses cygwin if you have win3.1 with DOS :D
@DavidCarlisle ooh TeX-powered heating
@Skillmon I am not a fan of these bundles, but since it's vim-related, I thought worthy sharing: astronvim.com :)
@PauloCereda Use a proper editor and such bundles are not needed
@PabloGonzálezL Fixed
@JosephWright you got a tick (in another place)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle I use a 50/50 split view. Left side for the code, right side for the output. I display it as such because I'm not good enough to know exactly how it'll look if I can only see the code
But is that inconvenient? And why is the overleaf editor so bad at rendering more complex code?
@Atex Well they are trying to preview things - so have to implement them
@PauloCereda Yes, this 1 did end up working again after closing Overleaf and opening it again. The problem still continued with my "personal documentation" of the tikz package, however. That's also a significantly bigger document with around 500+ lines of code, approximately 9 pages and mainly displaying lots of different tikz features I've been experiencing with and trying to understand. Thus, lots of libraries have been loaded as well. I don't know if I can share the whole document here...
... but I'll upload a picture of the error codes here:
If I expand the raw log, it's a long line of lots of code
@JosephWright but you also preview your code when compiling locally on your computer?
@Atex @DavidCarlisle's message earlier suggests you are using the visual editor, which uses a preview that Overleaf create - I just edit in TeXworks and compile PDFs
@JosephWright ooooh, so in TeXworks you don't preview the document at all? So you just write the code, hope everything is aligned so that when you download the pdf, it looks correct? And yes, I do use the visual editor. I'm on Overleaf
@Atex No, there's no 'download' - I run LaTeX on my own system, so I have a PDF based on my code whenever I run it
@JosephWright I have no idea if my system is powerful enough to do so. Have a feeling my laptop will run hot if I attempt so, however
@Atex LaTeX was written in the 1980s originally - you definitely have a powerful enough computer :)
Btw I just removed the 1 part in my document triggering the compilation error... strange that it compiles in less than 10 seconds without it, but when I add that 1 extra command, Overleaf's compilation timer runs out and it can't render it:/
@Atex Overleaf has a timeout limit based on the plan you have (20 secs for the free plan: overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Overleaf_plan_limits). There are some hints on how to avoid/mitigate long compilations: overleaf.com/learn/how-to/… But depending on the document, maybe it's best to externalise TikZ images to their own documents and include only the PDF's in the final document.
@Atex it depends on the "extra" command. :)
@PabloGonzálezL Yup, because they apply to different funcitons
@JosephWright That's comforting to hear! The problem is that we also have group work at my University, and so the share feature of Overleaf proves useful
@Atex Sure - but for longer docs you could compile locally and use e.g. GitHub to do the collaborative editing
@JosephWright or share files between emails. What could possibly go wrong? :)
Or edit in bits - e.g. for a thesis use \includeonly, and do a local compile for the final version only (just did that for a PhD student)
@JosephWright: good old days when @DavidCarlisle had a backdoor at the Cambridge CTAN host. :)
@PauloCereda That was Robin really
@JosephWright Ah yes <3
Oh wow, these suggestions sound like they require some familiarity with other programs, too, and place lots of trust on one's ability to check and ensure everything is displayed correctly. Sounds like it'll require some extra time and effort.
If I could somehow solve this solely using Overleaf, it'd be greatly appreciated!
@Atex We'll need details of what is causing the issue - and we'll try but there is a time limit on Overleaf, so if you have a complex situation or long doc, it may noit help
yeah, I have a feeling the only "safe" solution would be for me to spread my tikz learning document into 2 documents. The issue is when I add a ```[split circle] \nodepart{lower} 21``` to the node displaying 20 in this tree:

every node/.style={circle, fill=black!20},
level distance=1cm,
level 1/.style={sibling distance=5.5cm},
level 2/.style={sibling distance=3cm},
level 3/.style={sibling distance=1.5cm}
\node (a) {1}
child { node{2}
child { node{4}
child { node{8} }
@JosephWright btw note you'll need the shapes.multipart library in order to compile it with the split circle. Keep in mind this is also a part of an 8 page long document purely on tikz
@Atex you didn't answer my question though, the right hand side is the pdf, the left hand side has two tabs the normal "code view" where you see the tex code, or a "visual editor" view where the code is interpreted more like a wiki but that is really for things like \section you can't expect tikz code do have a reasonable rendering in that style
@Atex that's not a tex error, that is a commercial error you need to pay if you want to use their server
@Atex latex ran quite well on an IBM PC running msdos on 640K of memory. Your machine is probably more powerful than that.
@PauloCereda you mean there are security issues in having a world-accessible NFS mount point?
@DavidCarlisle no security issues, don't worry :)
@PauloCereda I do recall Robin being grumpy one day when I thought I'd try answering a comp.text.tex question by running grep -r over that mount, I think I stressed the UK's academic network at the time:-)
@DavidCarlisle oh no :)
@DavidCarlisle good days indeed <3
@PauloCereda looks way too flashy for my taste, and the comment font is pretty ugly, imho (well, it could be pleasing, but not in my code!) :) But thanks for sharing nonetheless, maybe I'll take a deeper look just to get a few ideas of plugins I don't know, yet. There are a few things I'd love to add to my VIM, but I just don't get myself to tinker with my config again to make that happen.
@Skillmon Agreed on all your points, mr. rabbit. :) I got interested in the project for the same reason: I want to learn about new plugins. :)
@Atex \newcommand\foo{\foo}\foo` is such a simple extra command that can make this happen :)
@DavidCarlisle there are such bundles for your bloated OS as well, the reason why you don't think they're necessary in the first place is just because of all the bloat that comes with your "editor" :P
ctan.org ...??
I don't know if it's something with my internet provider or my country...but for over a month now I've been having problems accessing ctan from time to time :(
@PabloGonzálezL Do you get any kind of error?
@samcarter Yes, sometimes it loads, other times it doesn't... sometimes it gives me broken (fake) links... it's like the loading time is longer than expected... and I'm thinking it's the browser that has something wrong
@PabloGonzálezL works for me
@DavidCarlisle Grr..now it's online again so I can upload it...mmm...surely it's something on my side
@PabloGonzálezL you could thank me for fixing it
@DavidCarlisle Just tell me where to click so your points go up.
@PauloCereda ok, looked through stuff a bit and realised I should probably free up some time to recreate my entire NVIM setup... :)
@PauloCereda Cwac! curiosity only: why does arara install fonts into the doc tree?
@vimgurus is it possible to configure vim to prompt for reloading if the file associated with an active buffer changes on disk? failing that, is there at least an easy way to reload the file? right now, I have to switch to another buffer and back or suspend vim and then fg it.
@cfr cwac! We do? :) I don't know, maybe it's because our HTML to PDF thingy requires the fonts and it got included? One for @TeXnician :)
@Skillmon oh no :)
@Skillmon what's NVIM?
@cfr NeoVim.
@Skillmon oh, is that what you use?
@cfr yes, both @PauloCereda and I do.
@Skillmon <3
@cfr I admit having the same config for both vim and nvim. :)
@PauloCereda you use both?
@cfr it's a fork of VIM. The ex commands are all compatible and it supports vimscript, but you can also use Lua to configure it and write plugins.
@Skillmon well, everything has its downsides.
@cfr I do. I like to experiment. :)
@Skillmon it doesn't run in a terminal, though?
@PauloCereda so do I, though I have a few things hidden behind a if has("nvim")
@cfr no, it does.
@Skillmon oh, maybe I should look at it again. I thought it was a gui thing.
apparently, I didn't look very carefully.
then again, I have enough trouble with vim.
@cfr @Skillmon there's neovide.dev which is a wrapper for nvim :)
@PauloCereda (well, technically I have a source ~/.vimrc at the start of my init.vim and set the nvim specifics afterwards)
@Skillmon ooh clever, I should try this
@PauloCereda and there's nvim-qt (I once tried using Neovide on my dayjob Windows box, but failed miserably to customise the font, so dropped it)
I should really do something about kde first, though.
@PauloCereda the only places where I really use if has("nvim") is in my Plug-section (funny that you're using that as well)
@Skillmon the only reason I tried was because of the cool effect when you move your cursor :)
@Skillmon <3
And off to doing the laundry, until later!
@Skillmon see ya, mr. rabbit!
@PauloCereda thanks! I don't know what most of it does, though.
@PauloCereda do you know if overleaf plans to support perl or python extraction for memoize? I think the TeX method works, but it's rather last-resort.
@cfr it's the theme I use + some cool plugins, like rainbow delimiters :)
@cfr I will take a closer look and report back!
@PauloCereda rainbow delimiters?
@cfr Yep!
@cfr ^^ :D
@PauloCereda do you use arara with vimtex by any chance? I can't figure how how to configure it properly.
@PauloCereda ooh, that's nice, actually.
@cfr no, unfortunately. It's in my TODO list though. Will investigate too...
@cfr visual clues are always welcome. :)
@PauloCereda oh, fair enough.
@PauloCereda exactly. can you apply it per filetype? not sure I would want it for lua right now, but would be great for tex.
@cfr I usually have it turned off for all files and occasionally :RainbowToggle it
only I don't actually know how to install plugins ...
But yes, you can apply per file type!
@cfr I use vim-plug which is a minimalist plugin manager for vim: github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
@PauloCereda just colouring in lua currently tells me I'm getting syntax wrong.
@cfr cool! :)
@PauloCereda thanks. I think I saw that in your config right at the beginning.
@cfr Yes, those lines with Plug <github username/repo>are plugins available as GitHub repos. When you :PlugInstall or :PlugUpdate, it simply git pulls everything into a specific folder (default: '~/.vim/plugged') and loads them.
@DavidCarlisle ^^ wise message from the cow :)
@cfr what does it need exactly? I don't see python but \input{|perl --version} produces
@DavidCarlisle it needs an additional perl or python library. version isn't the issue.
well, for python it would also need python.
what does the | do in \input?
@DavidCarlisle I didn't know you could do that.
@cfr yes after posting I remembered I had to install something to get it to work, what;s it doing that needs such a library-packed perl install? couldn't the perl code be written assuming a more basic installation (I haven't looked at the code at all)
@cfr it's like \write18 but directly sticks sdout from the command into TeX's input buffer, so that typesets the output of perl --version rather than using \write18 redirecting it it a file to be \input later
so for python, I have python-pdfrw installed. for perl, it needs PDF::API2 (perl-pdf-api2).
@DavidCarlisle ah, thanks.
@PauloCereda ooh:
@DavidCarlisle it uses them to extract pages from the pdf.
@DavidCarlisle at least, that's what it says in the docs.
@cfr It could probably use lua....
@Skillmon you've been taking art lessons from @DavidCarlisle.
@Skillmon awwwwww <3
@DavidCarlisle could it do it in a way that would convince karl to allow it on the restricted list?
@cfr possibly the new extractbb (which is a texlua script) is allowed (as was the old one, which was dvipdfmx) so a texlua script using its pdfe library to do whatever needs doing might be allowed (but without looking in detail I don't know if texlua's pdfe library is powerful enough)
@DavidCarlisle ah ...
lua query: what does assert do in e.g.
  local attr = lfs.attributes (f)
  assert (type(attr) == "table")
surely attr either is a table or it isn't?
@cfr I think it could be nil rather than a table, and the assert would throw an error in that case

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