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@PauloCereda Diolch an y post! <3 we've had a great summer for ducks - almost every day it rained here and lots of days did nothing else. less good for picnics ... but brilliant for ducks.
7 hours later…
I know this makes me look idiotic, but what is 'continuous integration'? presumably not the cool new integration rebellious young mathematicians prefer to Lebesgue?
@cfr Things like GitHub Actions, where the idea is that every time you push code, it gets built and can be used in some 'pre-release' scenario
@cfr Idea is you don't wait to test for a release, you do as much as possible after every change - all quite doable with VM-based testing
@JosephWright oh, I read about that but not in relation to tex or gh actions and I didn't know it was called that. (also, it was very abstract-this-is-the-idea and I didn't manage to connect it to anything).
@JosephWright well, I do know what that acronym means, even if I don't know anything about them. I did use one once, but it didn't work very well and we ended up back on overleaf.
@JosephWright I don't know how to ask the next question.
@JosephWright thanks.
@JosephWright and I'm very sorry if I was rude.
I finally got my test to fail! \lnot xy = yx
@JosephWright may I ask what the result directory is for? I never seem to have anything in it? whereas I have an enormous number of files in local and test?
is there a windows version of mac's open or linux's xdg-open? my code got edited with a mac-specific command. I can add something for linux. but I've no idea on windows.
@cfr What is "the cool new integration rebellious young..."?
@mickep not a thing according to the chemist I asked :(.
@cfr Oh ok, I wondered if I had missed something about integrals.
2 hours later…
In LaTeX with documentclasses article, report and book the top margin is 1in+\topmargim+\voffset(+\headheight+\headsep). If a horizontal rule of zero height and zero depth is drawn whose vertical distance from the paper's top border equals the top-margin, then the baseline of the horizontal box holding first line of text usually has a distance of \topskip from that horizontal rule.
However, the height of that box might exceede \topskip. What happens in this case? Does the box stick into the top-margin? Does the \lineskiplimit-\lineskip-mechanism apply?
@cfr yaaaaaay! <3 we hwyadens are very good at secret mail. :)
@UlrichDiez latex doesn't do anything special here so if I understand you correctly you'd get \lineskip, yes
@UlrichDiez except you won't get \topskip spacing before the first paragraph anyway will you, after a rule, it would be normal \baselineskip calculation as the vertical list isn't empty?
2 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle I expressed the matter in a very misleading way. My mentioning of "rule" was intended to describe the location, not the act of having TeX carry out \hrule or \vrule.
@UlrichDiez but I was wrong you don't get \lineskip you just get \topskip glue of 0 if the first box has larger than \topskip height:


@mickep sorry ;). I would not be the person to know if you had.
3 hours later…
@cfr thanks, no worries
TikZ has a library called "perspective" that renders 3D scenes to the 2d canvas in perspective (so that objects far away from the viewer appear smaller).
I am interested in understanding the geometrical calculations behind perspective drawings, and I want to implement this projection in another programming language.

So I looked at the library's code, which is not long, but because I don't have any knowledge in core-pgf macros, I have a few missing links. I am not sure what the library does to the x, y and z coordinates of the point I am plotting in it.
@tush As an alternative, looking at personal.math.ubc.ca/~cass/graphics/manual could be an option. I think things are pretty well described there.
Thanks. I once read a few chapters from this book. Perhaps I should read again it more carefully again.
Either way I would like to understand the math in the perspective library I.
@mickep shame, though. I never really got to grips with lebesgue.

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