« first day (706 days earlier)      last day (4523 days later) » 

@AlanMunn So he is involved with Chomsky and Finkelstein quite a lot I see. wow.
@AlanMunn Ah, ok. That makes sense. We did base computer code off of work by linguists.
@doncherry Another Canadian?
@Canageek Me? No, I'm German, but I'm currently at UMass Amherst for a year :)
@doncherry Ah, there is a famous Canadian hockey commentator with your name
@ℝaphink Do you know much about using titlepages with scrartcl?
I noticed you had typeset that book with a custom title page
We need Belgians. <3
@Gnintendo: Yes I did
I don't know much about it. I just used the titlepage environment, that's all
@Canageek I picked my psedonym after the jazz trumpeter though .. but that was a loong time ago. I'm not actually a big fan of him, but I liked the name. And it stuck.
@ℝaphink I'm having trouble making a twoside-friendly titlepage
why that?
@ℝaphink Will you take a look at how I'm doing it now? I couldn't seem to get the titlepage environment to do anything useful...
I don't see a titlepage environment in your code.
is that the lines between 114 and 126?
114 and 129
what is the problem exactly?
I couldn't see any benefit to using the titlepage evironment
@doncherry I don't really like the commentaor, so I'll ready accept that ^^
it didn't seem to be helping me at all
Is there a way I could have done that in the titlepage environment that still makes the document play nice when I compile it with twopage?
eg, inserts a blank page where it should
also, does proper page numbering
for page numbering, put it in the frontmatter
@Gnintendo There are a zillion questions on that
and then \mainmatter and \backmatter
@Canageek And he coached the Boston Bruins for 5 years in the 70s.
this resets the page counters
and the title should be in the frontmatter imo
@ℝaphink undefined control sequence
do I need to load a package?
@percusse There's a lot of us involved with Chomsky in one way or another. These days he's not doing too much linguistics though.
@Gnintendo \frontmatter etc. is typically defined in book-like classes I think.
@Gnintendo you're using scrartcl right? I think you should use scrbook, since you're typesetting a book, not an article.
@AlanMunn I actually heard Chomsky speak at UMass last week :) It was all about politics though, no linguistics. Nonetheless, interesting stuff!
@ℝaphink Should it be shifting the text in the titlepage when it's a twosided document? Is that unintentional?
@AlanMunn I was born in '88....
shifting? to the right?
that seems normal to me since twosided documents have an internal margin
@AlanMunn I know him as the guy with the ugly ties, loud commentary, and more recently, political statements about "commie pinkos"
@ℝaphink No, that's the weird thing, it shifts the titlepage to the left...
@Gnintendo, note that titlepage is not for typesetting a book cover, for a title page, which is inside the book.
Oh and "Wimps and Europeans", though I think he apologized for that one, and changed his views after a number of hockey players called him on it.
@Gnintendo: are you using scrbook?
OK, I want to reach 1000 within this month. :)
@ℝaphink Every time I try to do anything twosided everything gets all jacked up
try it yourself to see if you can come up with anything?
it's driving me crazy :(
@ℝaphink No, not ß or special characters. The Specimen.pdf talks about (OpenType-)Features (Section 2), and the first paragraph is: "Locals: German prevents f-ligatures that are usually not allowed ..."
ah ok
you mean cv01?
I don't see the word "locals" in the specimen file
@KannappanSampath C'mon! It takes four or five days to get 1000 rep points. ;-)
ah sorry, just found it
Yes, it's in smallcaps, so not searchable
@Qrrbrbirlbel: Have you tried setting the language with babel?
I could not find any reference how to set it with fontspec.
@egreg I am a newbie, you see. I'll have practically learn new to answer anything. :-)
Does someone listen to music while doing math?
@ℝaphink Hm, not before loading fontspec, I'll test.
@KannappanSampath I do.
@KannappanSampath When I joined TeX.sx, I was wondering if I could get 200 rep until the end of the year. :)
or maybe setting Language in fontspec
see page 24 of the fontspec manual
@KannappanSampath I sometimes listen to math while playing music. :)
0123456789} \\
@egreg Hmm, great. Classical Western Music?
should work also in \setmainfont
@PauloCereda Who sings math, Paulo? ;)
It is Language, you are right!
I tried Local=German, RawFeature=+germ and such thinks ...
@KannappanSampath radioswissclassic.ch
Read The Fabulous Manual :-)
@Gnintendo: Just built it, it doesn't shock me
@KannappanSampath The Universe. :) La mathematica è l'alfabeto in cui Dio à scritto l'Universo. :)
Well, I have before, but didn't think of it, when it says "Locals"
@egreg Great Music. I am listening to it on the Web. :)
From the Scottish Highlands
@KannappanSampath Not my favorite. Boccherini is better. The next is Donizetti: I'll switch to some other channel. But in general the program suits me.
We could ask for radio.tex.stackexchange.com in Meta. :)
We could also come up with a podcast series in our blog. :)
@Gnintendo do you see any benefit to use \section rather than \vskip10pt \textbf{....} \section is just defined to do some spacing and font choice but using the structural commands in the document and defining the formatting in a separate class is a win in the end
@Paulo Upvoted the proposal.... :)
@KannappanSampath Oh no! :)
@Kannappan: we could also have playlists. :) Think of egreg's epic playlist. :)
@PauloCereda :-)
I wonder how I should cite an electronic edition of a book, since there are no page numbers...
@DavidCarlisle It fills out the table of contents for me?
@Gnintendo yes but again that's only one line of code. But the general point is that if you keep all formatting instructions as far as possible outside \begin{document} \end{document} you'll be happier.
@DavidCarlisle \emph{I am a formatting instruction}
@DavidCarlisle What if I want special formatting on chapter headers or something?
@Canageek no it's not it marks emphasis, it might SHOUT AT YOU in an audio book rendering
@Canageek well you always want special formatting for chapter headings (and title pages) that's my point.
also @ℝaphink What does your build look like?
@DavidCarlisle Ah,you are saying everything should be in a macro?
Quiz time; what is an odd example of something internet enabled?
@Canageek details details:-) In latex more or less everything is a macro, but that's just the implementation technology. The input syntax might be xml being converted to html via perl, the same principles of separation of structure and formatting apply.
@DavidCarlisle I see.
@Canageek you can argue separation is good in principle but more pragmatically if you have explicit spacing and fonts mid-document it is much harder for a publisher to reformat your masterpiece for a journal at a different page size, or for an audio book or for braille or ...
@DavidCarlisle I can see that. So what is your stance on stuff like fidding with the page to fix orphans?
@Canageek Frank has some nice notes somewhere on how he tweaked the latex companion, the whole book was done at a fairly logical level, but in the end game Frank checked every page tweaking orphans adding \enlargethispage to squeeze a line in here and there or whatever,
but these are done with special removal/redefinable markup that could be redefined/removed and get back to a logical state should the book ever need to be published in a different format where those manually tuned breaks dont help
@Canageek Yes, the elders must educate the young on their heritage, even if it's about blowhard ex-coaches with dubious politics. :)
@Alan: you got mail. :) (you are probably used to the "woosh" sound Apple Mail does, I always get scared.)
@PauloCereda I have a large amount of eclectic music to contribute, though I'm not sure anyone else likes Abney Park, Judith de los Santos, A Miracle of Sound, Power Metal or smooth jazz covers of Star Trek songs
@Canageek It's a good playlist! :)
Duplicate or not? (Question is about ConTeXt, answers to possible "original" question involve e-TeX/TeX.)
Q: Suppressing pagebreaks within paragraphs

SevenSidedDieThe style spec for a document requires that pagebreaks come between paragraphs or list items, so paragraphs are never split across pages. (The content is specced so that paragraphs are always short enough for this to be sane.) How do I accomplish this? I looked into \penalty, which is mentioned ...

Huh, I did not expect to see someone I know from RPG.SX here!
How do you debug a problem on TeX Live 2010? Easy: use a TeX Live 2010 distribution. :)
@egreg :)
@lockstep Would a MWE written on one of them work on the other?
@PauloCereda I can't go back in time further; were I in my office, I could run up to the 2008 version.
@egreg Debian is still on TeX Live 2010, right? So Ubuntu would be as well.
535 questions with no updated answers.
@Canageek At least my "pure TeX" answer should work with ConTeXt, and I asssume e-TeX should work too.
@Canageek Wrong. :) It's 2009. :(
@egreg Yikes.
That causes all sorts of Beamer problems.
@egreg I could give you the DVD that comes with the Companion. :) I guess it's TL2007. :)
@Canageek But the next release of Ubuntu should have 2012
@egreg .....only 2 years behind I guess.
@PauloCereda I don't know whether the binaries run on my machine.
@Canageek Sorry, I mistyped: 2012
@egreg virtual machine time.
@egreg Ah, ok
@Canageek Before 2010 they're on their own. :)
@egreg We could always compile from sources. :)
So, friends, are we ready for "Answer the unanswered"? :)
@KannappanSampath In a few minutes. :)
@PauloCereda Just got rep cap: I'm ready. :)
@KannappanSampath Indeed
@egreg :)
Damn you GFWL!!!
ahem, yes let's answer some stuff
I would like to contribute this time. :)
@percusse GFWL?
@Canageek Games for Xbox, I believe (Google says it).
Games for Windows Live
@percusse Oh! Worse than I thought. :)
I just wanted to have a couple of hours wasted on a game but no. I have to install 23 microsoft software and of course they are broken.
@percusse That is the game. ;-)
@egreg I was wondering, but I didn't realize there were other gamers here.
@egreg Seems like it. If only I've seen that it requires stuff from M$. I could have saved that 10 Euros.
@percusse You could go for XBLA.
@PauloCereda I don't have the chance to play games any more but wanted to have some :) The user forums are packed with angry customers but MS simply doesn't care.
No example nor news since March: too localized
Q: Why does \movieref not work under XeLaTeX?

Igor KotelnikovI have a long-standing problem with the button produced by the \movieref command from movie15 package. Briefly saying, it does not work at all if my document is compiled with XeLaTeX whereas the button operates as described in the movie15 manual if my document is compiled with pdflatex. Note that...

Too Localised (No response from OP and unable to reproduce the problem... But, there are a couple of helpful comments):
Q: Numbering of chapters and sections

user19495I am writing my master thesis. I just started working on LaTeX. I am writing the first chapter. I used \chapter{Introduction}, but when I make a section using \section{abcd}, the section number is 0.2 even though the chapter number is 1. I want the section numbers to be "chapter number"."Section...

Welcome to Answer the Unanswered: we start with 535 open questions
oh and velcomez to teh Answer the Unanswered sezzion!
@JosephWright <3
For newcomers: TL = Too Localized, OT = Off Topic, NARQ = Not A Real Question, NC = Not Constructive
@KannappanSampath We use to wait at least some weeks in these cases
@egreg Oh, OK. Sure thing. :)
@egreg I think the problem is general, so I'm not sure
@KannappanSampath Still looks as if it's going to be closed in the next session.
What is the oldest open question?
@JosephWright I think we should close it. media9 is the natural path. :)
@Canageek Seems to be tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12346/…, but I'm not 100%
Upvotes for that answer please... The third and last question of the OP seems to be unanswered but I guess it would be possible to do with minipage:
Q: Latex, left indent numcases

AlexI have this simple equation (representation a dynamic programming recursion): \begin{numcases} {Opt\left(P, i, \ell \right)=min } \nonumber (1)\hspace{0.5 mm} Opt(P,i+1,\ell) + M(\ell,g)\label{eq:1}\hspace*{-10em} & \\ \nonumber (2)\hspace{0.5 mm} \min_{g \in L(v_{i+1})}\{Opt(P,i+1,g) + M(\...

This, in the end, seems a feature request for TeX4ht (NARQ)
Q: htlatex puts images for math formula in the wrong place if imgdir option used

mvalleI'm creating html from LaTex using the command htlatex ebook "html,info,imgdir:img/" All images are in the subdirectory img/ and this works perfectly. However I have a footnote containing a formula: può calcolare come somma di una serie infinita\footnote{$\frac{\pi}{4}=1-\frac{1} {3}+\frac{1}{5}...

@egreg So Off-topic instead?
Too localized:
Q: Making the 2nd figure to be in middle in case of subfigure

JudyI have two figures, by using the subfigure package I am making them next to each other. The second figure is small so I want to either keep in center or top. Now by default it's keeping the figure to the bottom. Both figures are at the top of the page, but second one is leveled bottom with respe...

@AlanMunn You could supply an answer here
Q: Lualatex and Syriac (initial, middle and final letters)

holstenI have heard that it is possible to typeset Arabic texts with Lualatex, so I assume that it is also possible to typeset Syriac texts with LuaLatex. But when I run the following example, the output is not like it should be: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{fontspec} \newfontfamily\syriacfont...

@lockstep Couldn't you accomplish the same thing by using the sidecap package, with the undocumanted position option, and putting the second figure into the caption?
Too Localised (based on OP's Last Comment):
Q: Numbers in Devanagari

RLOAFirst question Although the manual mentions that simple numbers would create Devanagari digits, somehow it is not working for me. The way I use it in .dn file is: {\dn || 1-23||\\} Then passing .dn file through pre-processor generates the corresponding section in .tex file as: {dn .. \rn{1}...

@KannappanSampath Indeed. @JosephWright: can you close it? :)
@JosephWright Do you want to answer this, as @PeterGrill suggests? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/18658/…
@TorbjørnT. It's not really a proper answer, just an observation
@Canageek Not sure. Feel free to write an answer.
@JosephWright How about closing it as "too localized", then?
No response from the OP since July, too localised, \methinks:
Q: beamer over miktex 2.9 is not working with math environment

Robert RodriguezI have this problem where I can't built slide documents with beamer every time I include a math environment as simple as $\mu = A$. The log file posts this message at the end: !pdfTeX error: miktex-pdftex.exe (file mathkerncmssi10): Font mathkerncmssi10 a t 657 not found ==> Fatal error occu...

@KannappanSampath Yup
@lockstep Testing.
The answer is there in a comment. But, I think, a more comprehensive answer is likely to help future visitors:
Q: Malayalam package

MaclinSorry if I am repeating, but I do not seem to see my post here. Does anybody know of a Malayalam language package. I am working on a Mac running Leopard.

@lockstep Have it showing something close on screen, but I get an error about an extra } in the caption.
@KannappanSampath Very broad: NARQ?
Too localized:
Q: How align columns in a tabular environment?

Manuel SelvaI want to align the source .tex file in order to reflect final table. Here is the result of calling align-current on my tabular's content. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline & {\em Execution Time (second)} \\ \hline MPEG & 123234 \\ ...

Just one vote for the answer here:
Q: Horizontal character width scaling

skylarI'm interested in saving space by scaling all characters in a passage of text to, say 95% of their normal horizontal character widths. In Microsoft Word this is done with the Scale field under the Character Spacing tab in the Font formatting dialogue (see the figure). Is it possible to accomp...

@JosephWright Hmm, not sure, but looks genuine to me. May be: a pointer to egreg's article about LaTeX's babel where he talks about using other languages may be a pointer in the right direction.
@egreg Sorry, second vote. ;-)
@lockstep Wasted one. :)
@KannappanSampath True, but as it stands its awfully vague
@KannappanSampath You can try and supply an answer. Indic languages in LaTeX have always been a pain; but with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX there's much of an improvement.
@JosephWright My thoughts exactly.
Well, OK, if you guys concur, it's too broad, we can close the question. :)
@egreg I will do so, if you guys don't want to close... I am not an expert, but I'll make an humble attempt.
Is this answerable ?
Q: Modify flip beamer theme

ThanosRecently I came across flip beamer theme. You can find it here I didn't like the current frame/total frames page numbering style so I added in the .tex file the following lines \newcommand*\oldmacro{}% \let\oldmacro\insertshorttitle% \renewcommand*\insertshorttitle{% \oldmacro\hfill% \insertfra...

TL (see last comment):
Q: png terminal in gnuplot finds fonts but not symbols (like greek letters)

AliceI would like to make some png figures with gnuplot because I can tex them quickly into a draft and they are much smaller than the similar eps or pdf figures (and so don't freeze my tex environment). However I am having trouble getting greek letters to come out in the png terminal. Otherwise the...

Too localized:
Q: XeLaTeX and BiBLaTeX won't play nice when using TeXworks on Windows XP

SpeldosaI've imported a tex file that works splendid on Mac OS X with TeXShop to TeXworks on a Windows XP machine (using the latest MiKTeX version). In it, I use the following commands \usepackage[backend=biber]{biblatex} and \addbibresource{MyLibrary.bib}. However, when I run XeLaTeX I get the followin...

@TorbjørnT. Closed
@lockstep Closed
Hello, and sorry for being late, you know, in France you're not IN if you're not late everywhere!
No new info -- too localized:
Q: References to figures are incorrect

meneerI am writing a paper with some figures in it. I have set these figures up with the figure enviroment with a caption inside it. Right next to the caption I put a \label{bla} command. In the text I want to refer to the label via \ref{bla}. But this does not work correctly. In my pdf I get Figure 1 ...

@tohecz You are fashinably late.
@tohecz Hi Tom! You are on time. :)
@KannappanSampath Answer and ask for upvotes :-)
@JosephWright Heh :)
TL (see "answer" by Lev Bishop):
Q: automatic truncate author list in revtex4-1

phlinjoyI have a problem about using revtex4-1. This version does not automatically truncate long author lists anymore. So I followed the instruction I found here, I made an new .bst file through makebst and use \bibliographystyle{mybstfile}. But I got a strange result as shown in the fig. below: ...

@lockstep Done
TL: no news for several months
Q: Imported PDF figure special character problem

BryanI am importing a PDF figure using \includegraphics. This PDF figure contains a greek sigma and a greek Delta capital. In my PDF output, the sigma is output correctly, however instead of a capital delta, an ø is shown. This is both the case when using pdflatex and xetex. How can this be fixed?

This link is exactly what's in the comment. How bad a searcher I am . ((
Q: Xetex compiling not working

kasmanitI am running Opensuse 12.4, with kde 4.8.5. I try to compile a tex file using xelatex, but it always give me this output: restricted \write18 enabled. (Fatal format file error; I'm stymied) I don't know what to do, Thank you,

vote please:
A: Classic Thesis & Microtype

toheczYes, classicthesis loads microtype with the option pdfspacing. You can change the options by issuing \PassOptionsToPackage{<options>}{microtype} before \usepackage{classicthesis}

@lockstep after 3 weeks I would say so. Plus I'd commentate the answer
@lockstep Yup
@tohecz Answer flagged as "not an answer".
@lockstep Found the answer, but the TeX is a bit beyond me. Page 53 of the subfig manual talks about how to top-align things.
This is OT, I believe: it deals with a piece of software that uses itself TeX, but this doesn't seem a TeX problem at all.
Q: Can't get to work LaTeX on Anki (a software for memorizing)

TaKUMA7To memorize some equations, I tried using Anki software, which is officially support LaTeX, but it just didn't work. Here you can find what Anki is like : http://ankisrs.net/ and, here is something they say about LaTeX supporting -> http://ankisrs.net/docs/AddItems.html#_advanced_latex saying ...

@egreg Please cast a closing vote -- makes it easier to find pending-to-close questions with the "Review" tools.
Q: ! LaTeX Error: File "adjustbox.sty" not found

eualinHow to fix the following problem: ! LaTeX Error: File `adjustbox.sty' not found. I am using the TeXworks editor and I run Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Simple Working Example: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{setspace} \spacing{1.5} % \raggedright \usepackage[margin=1.3in]{geometry} \...

Q: Algorithm package and extra white space

redrubiaI am using the algorithm package and I seem to have a lot of whitespace created when placing an algorithm. \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage[ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e} \begin{algorithm}[H] \SetAlgoLined \end{algorithm} The whitespace occurs by the use of a H. If it can't fit on the previ...

@lockstep Both done
Q: Adjusting the framerate with the `animate` package

CharlieI am using the animate package to produce a slide deck with beamer and having issues adjusting the framerate. I have experienced the following issues and I suspect that the problem lies with Adobe Reader but I'd like to know if anyone has experienced anything similar: If the pdf slide deck is ...

What is your opinion on this one? It seems to me that we cannot do much better than what Stephen offered in the comments:
Q: Force all floats to the end of the document without using endfloat, compatible with htlatex

user946850What is the easiest way to have all floats forcibly appear at the end of the document? The solution should work with htlatex, the floats should appear at the end of the HTML document in this case. (The original question, Force all floats to the end of the document without using endfloat, didn't h...

@JosephWright definitely
So: should we summarize it in a CW answer?
@tohecz Sounds good
Q: Problem with the PDF document generation

user16841I'm sorry I know that my message is more cryptic than the error itself but how can I generate a simple model of a code that is one hundred pages long? Concerning the warning in the message log, it says: Couldn't find input index file C:\Users\sarah\Desktop\folder\report nor C:\Users\sarah\Des...

Q: EES doesn't build PDF when I use alternative packages in my paper during submission process

robabeI've used some packages like mathptmx,subfigure,multirow and others in my tex file to prepare a paper for Elsevier. It works fine in my pc and pdf file is perfect but EES couldn't make the pdf out of my tex file even when I uploaded all needed packages. It just produces some errors that I couldn'...

@JosephWright ok, please vote ;) tex.stackexchange.com/questions/69440/…
Folks, I wrote up some stub: here on Malayalam TeXing...
Albeit I'm really interested in this (bothers me as well), I'm not sure if this is not off-topic:
Q: aspell - special characters and math mode

Raul Laasner1) How can I make aspell cope with words containing special characters like "F\"orster" or "\AA ngstrom"? I can't simply add these to the dictionary. 2) How can I make aspell skip math mode? For example, in $a^bc$ it offers to replace 'bc'.

Q: void variable latex mode map (emacs)

DualinityI messed up bigtime: My Auctex is not loading anymore, neither the keybindings. I was trying to organize files, but in the process the only thing that didn't work, which is huge, is Auctex. I moved all my .emacs.d (and extensions) to a different folder, and after I found auctex not to be working...

@tohecz Could well be: other views?
@JosephWright Seems so.
@JosephWright My point is: would it get better attention on SO / SU ?
@JosephWright agree
@tohecz Probably not, I'm afraid
@JosephWright then I would leave it here, because it is about TeX and it is a damn good question
@tohecz Bounty?
Is this question not a "not a real question" or "too localised":
Q: Using Glossary in Latexian (editor)

Nico LiuI am using Latexian for OS X. But I can't get the Glossary working. I followed the steps on http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Glossary, but I don't see a Glossary. Can someone help me?

Any Mac user who wants to upvote one of the answers to this one?
Q: is LaTex scriptable through AppleScript and to what extent?

Jonathan T. AllenBefore I go full into this software and explore it thoroughly, I have some questions that need to be answered. How far can I automate or script LaTex using AppleScript? I am choosing applescript because of its Human-Language syntax and native intent on the Mac platform, integrating applications...

@KannappanSampath Yup
@JosephWright exactly my thought!
will you bounty it or should I?
@egreg Shouldn't your comment be an answer here:
Q: submitting to arxiv with garamond

donkey kongWhen I read this http://arxiv.org/help/faq/freefonts I assumed I could just use the mathdesign package with the urw-garamond option and it would work. Unfortunately this is not the case - silly me. Is there a way to make it work?

TL (no response at all)
Q: Problem Installing APA6

Simon KissHi there: I'm running MacTex 2011 on a Mac OS 10.6. I tried to install APA 6 and came across precisely this problem in How do I write a paper using APA6 format? Running pdftex on the apa6.dtx file generates the .cls file I need and so far it seems to be working, but I'd like to make sure that I'm...

No new info -- TL:
Q: Pdfpages \include pdf adds number to lower left corner

JessieI'm brand new to Latex, so bear with me. I'm trying to include a pdf using the pdfpages package and rotate, resize, and crop it. When I do this, a number always shows up in the lower left corner of the pdf, and I've notied that the number changes when I change the angle/scale/cropping. Here's my ...

What's this question asking?
Q: What will replace the .bib file?

SeamusThe .bib file feels like a bit of a hacked together kludge. I mean, it works, but it ain't pretty, and it has some odd limitations. It feels like a replacement, built from the ground up to make the most of the power of biber and biblatex would be an obvious move. Put the question a different, pe...

@KannappanSampath that is NC from the very beginning
@tohecz My thought too, more like NARQ.
No response to comments, TL:
Q: Latex, remove blanks between sections in a chapter

user11401I am writing thesis with 10 chapters, each of them has multiple sections. In Latex, I put each section in a separate file. But, there are blank spaces between sections in each chapter in the pdf file. how to remove the blank meanwhile still keeping each section in separate .tex file ? Any ...

@tohecz What does "NC" mean?
is there a slipsum package? or something like that
@GonzaloMedina "not constructive"

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