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> Towards the end of 2022 the author of the three elegant* classes told us: “I created these templates in 2013 mainly for Chinese font settings along with some other settings.” As of now, the “ctex package is good enough for Chinese settings”, and the ctexart and ctexbook classes should be used as starting points for Chinese documents.

He feels that he no longer has the time to maintain these packages well, so prefers to retract them before they get outdated and buggy. We have therefore agreed to move these packages to CTAN's /obsolete branch (see new URLs below).
Important information about the 'elegant...' classes
We are going to see a lot of questions about this, I suspect
5 hours later…
@PauloCereda Er, can you see the really secret ones? ;)
we ducks are very good at keeping secrets @JosephWright @UlrikeFischer @DavidCarlisle ^^
@JosephWright ooh a super secret
@PauloCereda See Skype
@JosephWright ooh
Is there a STIX bullet that's the same size as the asterisk? \smblkcircle and \bullet are much smaller.
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda ducky secrets...
Will tlc3 be compiled with pdftex or some other engine? And when is it appearing?
@mickep the main compilation has been done with pdftex, but lots of the examples use lualatex.
@UlrikeFischer ah, I see, thanks
@JosephWright I received a request to add support to a user configuration file and was about to do it. Except that I stumbled a little with catcodes, so I thought I'd look at what siunitx does, and noticed that you removed support for siunitx.cfg which the package used to have. Why did you remove this feature? (Just trying to grasp the potential problems of the feature, I presume you had some reason to do so).
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda There was also an update to tex.stackexchange.com/posts/612586/revisions
4 hours later…
@gusbrs @JosephWright would need to speak for siunitx but cfg files in general always end up leading to hard to trace incompatibilities where a document does one thing on one site and something else on another due to a long forgotten cfg file on the path
@DavidCarlisle Exactly
@gusbrs The problem was that they allow per-machine setup that then breaks portability: I decided that overall it's better if you want a 'local' config to create it yourself, and have it explicit in your document sources
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle I get that. And I personally do (almost) every document of mine to be a self-contained repo. That's a good point. But isn't it behavioral in the end? Whether you support it or not, if the user wants, they will break portability. It's just a little more convenient if you do. (And a search at TL tree shows plenty of packages support it).
@gusbrs yes but almost all latex is like that you can try to push conventions and good practice, in the end the user can do \def... and cut across all the rules, but in practice, most don't. latex2e added cfg such as fonttext.cfg the code still supports them but people are strongly encouraged not to use them and just use the default fonttext.ltx learning from experience:-)
@DavidCarlisle I think that's the advice I wanted to listen to. I had this task in my todo for quite some time and, though simple, I kept postponing it. I'll still put some thought to it (there are pros), but I think I have a clearer picture of the cons, which is what I asked for.
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright Thank you both very much!

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