@gusbrs Providing .cfg support means that is 'hidden' in a document: if the user has to load something explicitly, they know they are responsible for it
@JosephWright I'm principally done with (most) of the work on expkv and could release it. But just today I thought "Why not make the planned expansion control even more concise" and now I'm somewhat unsure whether I should release the current plans or rework stuff to get it shorter (well, it'd be just expansion control has to be started with a specific prefix or not, so either exp|o: foo = bar to expand the value once or only o: foo = bar).
@JosephWright well, there are (to my knowledge) currently three packages that support things like this: pgfkeys (with /.expand once), options (also with /.expand once), and yax (full expansion with a prefix e:). So in the "prefix"-land the only other package also uses no long flag. The issue I have with it is, that I have to implement it backwards compatible. That's no issue in the case of setting defined keys (just check the key is defined, otherwise search for expansion), (1/2)
but in \ekvparse (equivalent to \keyval_parse:nnn) things are obviously more complicated and using the less-likely input is bound to less likely introduce backwards incompatibility. (2/2)
@JosephWright and "with a compatibility layer" is something I'd like to avoid. I took a quick look and all the packages which are currently using \ekvparse are mine and in those the rule I'm currently thinking of (the colon has to be followed by additional tokens) will work. There is also semantex which can be configured to use \ekvparse internally but doesn't by default, and that one doesn't use colons in key names as far as I saw.
watch out Tikz, there is a new open source package which one can program in to generate graphics and animations using python. Much easier code to read and it is OOP also. manim
@Nasser It does look quite interesting depending on your needs. But for most people the direct integration into a document is a big plus for using TikZ.
@mickep I am not that familiar with manim as I found about it myself 2 days ago only, but there is a way to save images based on this. It also uses Latex for math which is good.
HI, I was surprised to find out that Frank Mittelbach does not have a Wikipedia page. Does anyone here have a good reference with some "CV milestones" that I can use to create a Wiki page for him?
(or I am not able to find the Wiki page, which is also an option)